
Tuesday 19 January 2016

Story:Life Partner

Your life partner is your best friend today, tomorrow and always.
This story will help you to understand.
One day, during an evening class for adults, the psychology Teacher entered the class and told students, “Let’s all play a game!” “ What Game?”
The Teacher asked one of the students to volunteer.
A gentleman, femi came forward.
The Teacher asked him to write 30 names of most important people in his life on blackboard.
Femi wrote names of his family members, relatives, friends,
his colleagues and his neighbors.
The Teacher told him to erase 3 names that femi considered most unimportant.
Femi erased names of his colleagues.
The Teacher again told him to delete 5 more names. Femi erased his neighbor's names.
This went on until there were just four names left on the blackboard. These were names of his mother, father, wife and the only daughter...
The entire class became silent realizing that this wasn’t a game anymore for femi alone.
Now, The Teacher told him to delete two more names.
It was a very difficult choice for femi. He unwillingly deleted his parents names.
“Please delete one more” said the Teacher.
Femi became very nervous and with trembling hands and tears in his eyes he deleted his daughters name. Femi cried painfully...
The Teacher told femi to take his seat.
After a while Teacher asked "why your wife? The parents are the ones that nurtured you, and the daughter is the one you gave birth to ??? And you can always find another wife!!!"
Total silence in the class.
Everyone was curious to know his response.
Femi calmly and slowly said, “One day my parents will pass away before me.
My daughter may also leave me when she grows old, for her studies or business or marriage to live with her husband or whatever reason. The only one who will truly share her entire life with me, is my wife”.
All the students stood up and applauded him for sharing this truth of life.
This is true,your life partner is your best friend today, tomorrow and always.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Technique: Radiate Love

Practice Love. Sitting alone in your room, be loving. Radiate love. Fill the whole room with your love energy. Feel vibrating with a new frequency, feel swaying as if you are in the ocean of love. Create Vibrations of love energy around you. And you will start feeling immediately that something is happening – something in your aura is changing, something around your body is changing; a warmth is arising around your body ... a warmth like deep orgasm. You are becoming more alive. Something like sleep is disappearing. Something like awareness is arising. Sway into this ocean. Dance, sing, and let your whole room be filled with love.

In The beginning it feels very weird. When for the first time you can fill your room with love energy, your own energy, which goes on falling and re-bouncing on you and makes you so happy, one starts feeling, ‘Am I hypnotizing myself? Am I deluded? What is happening?’ – because you have always thought that love comes from somebody else. A mother is needed to love you, a father, a brother, a husband, a wife, a child – but somebody.

Love That depends on somebody is a poor love. Love that is created within you, love that you create out of your own being, is real energy. Then Move anywhere with that ocean surrounding you and you will feel that everybody who comes close to you is suddenly under a different kind of energy.

People Will look at you with more open eyes. You will be passing them and they will feel that a breeze of some unknown energy has passed them;they will feel fresher. Hold somebody’s hand and his whole body will start throbbing. Just be close to somebody and that man will start feeling very happy for no reason at all. You can watch it. Then You are becoming ready to share. Then find a lover, then find a right receptivity for you.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Story:The Empty Boat

A monk decides to meditate alone, away from his monastery. He takes his boat out to the middle of the lake, moors it there, closes his eyes and begins his meditation.

After a few hours of undisturbed silence, he suddenly feels the bump of another boat colliding with his own. With his eyes still closed, he senses his anger rising, and by the time he opens his eyes, he is ready to scream at the boatman who dared disturb his meditation.

But when he opens his eyes, he sees it’s an empty boat that had probably got untethered and floated to the middle of the lake.

At that moment, the monk achieves self-realization, and understands that the anger is within him; it merely needs the bump of an external object to provoke it out of him.

From then on, whenever he comes across someone who irritates him or provokes him to anger, he reminds himself, “The other person is merely an empty boat. The anger is within me.”

Story:How to Empty and Free Your Mind

A nice story of Adi Shankaracharya teaching his students how to empty and free their mind:
"Adi Sankara was walking through the market place with his disciples.
They saw a man dragging a cow by a rope.
Sankara told the man to wait and asked his disciples to surround them.
“I am going to teach you something” and continued...

“Tell me who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this man or the man is bound to the cow?"
The disciples said without hesitation “Of course the cow is bound to the man!. The man is the master. He is holding the rope. The cow has to follow him wherever he goes. The man is the master and the cow is the slave.”

“Now watch this”, said Sankara and took a pair of scissors from his bag and cut the rope.
The cow ran away from the master and the man ran after his cow. “Look, what is happening”, said Sankara
“Do you see who the Master is? The cow is not at all interested in this man. The cow in fact, is trying to escape from this man.
This is the case with our MIND.

Like the cow, all the non-sense that we carry inside is not interested in us. WE ARE INTERESTED IN IT, we are keeping it together somehow or the other. We are going crazy trying to keep it all together under our control.
The moment we lose interest in all the garbage filled in our head, and the moment we understand the futility of it, it will start to disappear. Like the cow, it will escape and disappear.”
Feeling Free and Relaxed is a Choice!!!

Monday 11 January 2016

Steve Jobs’ Last Words

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success.
However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.
At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.
In the darkness, I look at the green lights from the life supporting machines and hear the humming mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of god of death drawing closer…
Now I know, when we have accumulated sufficient wealth to last our lifetime, we should pursue other matters that are unrelated to wealth…
Should be something that is more important:
Perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps a dream from younger days
Non-stop pursuing of wealth will only turn a person into a twisted being, just like me.
God gave us the senses to let us feel the love in everyone’s heart, not the illusions brought about by wealth.
The wealth I have won in my life I cannot bring with me. What I can bring is only the memories precipitated by love.
That’s the true riches which will follow you, accompany you, giving you strength and light to go on.
Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands.
What is the most expensive bed in the world? Sick bed…
You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.
Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – Life.
When a person goes into the operating room, he will realize that there is one book that he has yet to finish reading – Book of Healthy Life.
Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when the curtain comes down.
Treasure Love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends.
Treat yourself well. Cherish others.