

  1. Story:Selfishness vs Servanthood
  2. Story:Lunch with God
  3. Story:Selective Listening
  4. Story:Sharpen the Axe
  5. Story:The Musk Deer
  6. Story:Honesty is the Best Policy
  7. Story:Nachiketa
  8. Story:Prince Hemachuda & Princess Hemalekha
  9. Story:Tolerance
  10. Story:Nothing Works
  11. Story:Nice Little Stories
  12. Story:Svetaketu
  13. Story:The Illusion of Reflection
  14. Story:Responsibility
  15. Story:Date with a Women
  16. Story:Remember to put the glass down
  17. Story:We are Sentience
  18. Story:Happiness Shared Doubles
  19. Story:Tumbaru And Narad
  20. Story:The 100th Monkey
  21. Story:Shiva, Parvati And The Bull
  22. Story:Take Care of Your Old Parents
  23. Story:God & Little Soul
  24. Story:Destiny
  25. Story:Treasure is within
  26. Story:Float but never Fight
  27. Story:Why do people in anger shout at each other?
  28. Story:Triple-Filter Test
  29. Story:Paradise is in your mind story
  30. Story:Alexander - The Three Wishes
  31. Story:Life Is The Coffee
  32. Story:The Carpenter
  33. Story:Love People; Use Things Not Vise-versa
  34. Story:The Powerful Vitamin F
  35. Story:Elephant Mindset
  36. Story:99 Club - Gold Coins
  37. Story:90/10 Principle
  38. Story:An Egg
  39. Story:The Honey of Ignorance
  40. Story:Miser inside a well
  41. Story:Saint in two villages
  42. Story:Lao Tzu's spiritual enlightenment
  43. Story:St.Francis Of Assisi's Death-Osho Story
  44. Story:Governing The World
  45. Story:Consciousness In Upanishads Story-Osho
  46. Story:Temper Control
  47. Story:A Blind Girl
  48. Story:Don’t judge people before you truly know them
  49. A Great Love
  50. Story:A Bitter Reality
  51. Story:One Year To Live
  52. Story:How To Get What I Want
  53. Story:Bank Account - Value of Time
  54. Story:Who I Am Makes a Difference - Blue Ribbons
  55. Story:Tasting Life
  56. Story:How poor are we?
  57. Story:Greeting Morals
  58. Story:The Three Questions
  59. Story:King and his four wives
  60. Story:Be the change you wish to see in the World
  61. Story:How to improve difficult relationships
  62. Story:Valuing Relationships
  63. Story:Creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
  64. Story:Don’t be Judgemental - A Heart Touching Story about Doctors
  65. Story:Parent's Love
  66. Story:Boy and Apple Tree
  67. Story:Everything happens for one's own good
  68. Story:Four kinds of Devotees - Relationship to God
  69. Story:Master's eyes
  70. Story:Idol & Picture Worship
  71. Story:All is Divine
  72. Story:The Great Shibi Chakravarti
  73. Story:The meaning of Pilgrimage
  74. Story:The Stone Cutter - More is not enough
  75. Story:Love & Care
  76. The Mother, Son and Fan
  77. The Sanayasin And The Boxer
  78. The Wise Woman And The Traveler
  79. Bhartruhari, Kind who became saint
  80. Compassionate teacher and disciple who was a thief
  81. Krishna, Balarama and a forest monster
  82. Why Me?
  83. The Benevolence Of Sant Eknath
  84. God Hides from Men
  85. Suffering and God's existence
  86. Mental Health
  87. How you use what you have
  88. Laughter vs Crying
  89. Infinite consciousness - this creation appears momentarily
  90. Turiya Consciousness
  91. A Man Died...
  92. The Empty Boat
  93. Life Partner

  1. Story:Will I get Mukti?
  2. Story:The Search - To walk on the path
  3. Story:The Pebbles and the Ghee
  4. Story:The Two Rings
  5. Story:The Buddha and The Scientist
  6. Story:The Abusive Brothers
  7. Story:The Mustard Seed
  8. Story:What are you?
  9. Story:Sandcastles
  10. Story:The Lamp
  11. Story:Does God exist?
  12. Story:The Impermanence of Beauty
  13. Spiritual Friendship

  1. Mother and Baby Fish
  2. Story:Repeated Answer
  3. Story:The Parable of the Twins
  4. Story:The Burden
  5. Story:The Blind Men and Elephant
  6. Story:Nothing Exists
  7. Story:The Goose is out
  8. Story:The Fruit of Patience
  9. Story:Eat When You're Hungry
  10. Story:If You Love, Love Openly
  11. Story:Fear Of Earthquakes – A Zen Approach
  12. Story:Chasing Two Rabbits
  13. Story:It Will Pass
  14. Story:May be
  15. Story:No More Questions
  16. Story:Moving mind
  17. Story:Tea Or Iron
  18. Story:Compassion of Masters
  19. Bodhidharma - Mind
  20. Vast Emptiness
  21. Getting Hold of Emptiness
  22. Story:Liberation
  23. Story:Killing
  24. Moving to a New City
  25. Joshu Dog
  26. Full Awareness
  27. Stingy in teaching
  28. Inch Time Foot Gem
  29. Zen in Beggar's Life
  30. How tress and grass become enligtened
  31. The Sound of One hand Clapping
  32. The Dead Man's Answer
  33. The Stingy Artist
  34. Socrates in Marketplace
  35. Janaka Soham Mantra
  36. True Meaning of the Black Belt

  1. Story:What is Meditation?
  2. Become again innocent child
  3. Then have a Cup of Tea
  4. Socrates - The enquiry into death
  5. Story:Emporer's Dream
  6. Story:Alexander and Diogenes
  7. Story:Buddha's Disciple - Ananda's Feeling
  8. Story:The Game of Chess
  9. Story:Bodhidharma
  10. Story:Painting Bamboo
  11. Story:Goodness and Badness
  12. Story:Repeated Answer
  13. Story:Saint
  14. Story:Three laughing monks
  15. Story:Meera - Bhakta of Lord Krishna
  16. Story:Sage and Thief
  17. Story:Sound of one Hand Clapping
  18. Story:Tomorrow I will try again, God willing
  19. Story:Silent Your Thoughts
  20. Trust
  21. Story:Compassion
  22. Innocence is Divine
  23. Story:The Goose is out
  24. Story:Awareness
  25. Story:Jati Smaran
  26. Story:Responsibility
  27. Story:Compassion of Masters
  28. Patience
  29. Self-realized Consciousness - Samadhi State
  30. Celebration is an attitude
  31. The mind, its thoughts and identification
  32. Story:Inner Voice
  33. Yayati from Upanishads

  1. True Freedom and Enlightened Living

  1. Precious Nacklace
  2. Ribhu & Nidagha
  3. Dakshinamurthi
  4. King Sikidvaja & Queen Chudala

  1. What is Reality?

  1. Story:All for a single piece of loin-cloth
  2. Story:The prolonged dream that we call life
  3. Story:Enmeshed in Maya, Brahman weeps!
  4. Story:Egotism is ruinous
  5. Story:Such indeed is maya!
  6. Story:How a Guru taught his Disciple to see God
  7. Story:Three friends and the Tiger
  8. Story:Not until the illusion breaks
  9. Story:Fanaticism is another name for ignorance
  10. Story:How one can enter the mansion of god
  1. Story:Mullah Praying & Guru Nanak
  2. Story:The Astrologer, the King and the Minister

  1. Story:Monkey Consciousness
  2. Story:Initiation of Lahiri Mahasaya
  3. Story:Golden Nugget
  4. Story:Accusation
  5. Story:King's dream
  6. Story:Where does God Sit?
  7. Story:Janaka & Sukadeva
  8. Story:Hermit
  9. A man found god through his love for his wife
  10. Key to Deepen Meditation
  11. Rajarsi Janakananda

  1. Story:Two servants of a king
  2. Story:Lord Indra & his piggish thoughts
  3. Story:Universal Love (A Woman's loss of her Child)
  4. Story:The Cause of Bondage (How a Monkey is caught?)
  5. Story:Realizing Everything as God
  6. Story:Levitation
  7. Story:Vain Search (A Lost Needle)
  8. Story:Human Suffering - Boon in disguise
  9. Story:The story of a selfish and greedy man
  10. Story:Tulsi Das and his Wife - Transformation of Sensual Love
  11. Krishna's Oneness with Radha - True Feeling of Oneness
  12. The delusion of Duryodhana

  1. Nothing is in your control..Just Relax

  1. Story:What is Samadhi?
  2. Story:Be Good and See Good
  3. Story:Saints Vs Planets
  4. Story:A True Yogini
  5. Story:World is God
  6. Story:The Stone Cutter - More is not enough
  7. Story:Mind Control

  1. Story:Negative People
  2. Story:Luck favors those who help themselves
  3. Story:Become Internally Driven, Not Externally Driven
  4. Story:How would you like to be remembered?
  5. Story:The Midas Touch
  6. Story:Focus & Concentrate
  7. Story:Credibility
  8. Story:Have Patience
  9. Foundation for Success

  1. Story:Kingdom of Heaven
  2. Story:Back to The Source
  3. Story:I am going to win the competition
  4. Story:Just one more day

  1. Story:Three Stages of Wisdom
  2. Buddha's Path Is to Experience Reality

  1. Story:The Man And His Dog

  1. Padmapada - An epitome of Guru Bhakti

  1. How to empty and free your mind

  1. Words

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