
Wednesday 23 January 2013


‎"I have never been a serious person.... I am not serious at all because existence is not serious. It is so playful, so full of song and so full of music and so full of subtle laughter. It has no purpose; it is not business-like. It is pure joy, sheer dance, out of overflowing energy." 

- Osho

If you want a loving relationship then you should forget all power politics. You can be just a friend, neither trying to dominate the other nor being dominated by the other. It is possible only if you have a certain meditativeness in your life. Otherwise, it is not possible.

Zen comes closer to science than any other religion for the simple reason that it does not require any faith. It requires of you only an intense inquiry into yourself, a deepening of consciousness, not concentration a settling, a relaxing of consciousness, so that you can find your own source. That very source is the source of the whole existence

SPIRITUALITY IS REBELLION; RELIGIOUSNESS IS ORTHODOXY. Spirituality is individuality; religiousness is just remaining part of the crowd psychology. Religiousness keeps you a sheep, and spirituality is a lion's roar.

Laughter is spiritual health. And laughter is very unburdening. While you laugh, you can put your mind aside very easily. For a man who cannot laugh the doors of the Buddha are closed. To me, laughter is one of the greatest values. No religion has ever thought about it. They have always been insisting on seriousness, and because of their insistence the whole world is psychologically sick.
- Osho

A woman has perfect qualities to become a disciple. Surrender is easy for her. It is natural, part of the feminine being. Surrender is easy; surrender comes easily. A woman becomes a good disciple. And you will always find: wherever you will find four disciples, three will be women. This will be the proportion all over the world. Mahavir had forty thousand sannyasins — thirty thousand were women. The same proportion with Buddha. You go in any church, any temple and just count — you will always find the proportion three to one. In fact all the religions are supported, fed, by women; but they are disciples. 
- Osho

This is the whole secret of non-attachment: live in the world, but don't be of the world. Love people, but don't create attachments. Reflect people, reflect the beauties of the world -- and there are so many. But don't cling. The clinging mind loses its mirrorhood. And mirrorhood is Buddhahood. To keep that quality of mirroring continuously fresh is to remain young, is to remain pure, is to remain innocent. Know, but don't create knowledge. Love, but don't create desire. Live, live beautifully, live utterly, abandon yourself in the moment. But don't look back. This is the art of non-attachment.
- Osho

The act must be total. By total action means, once you have done your thing you are finished with it; there is nothing more to be done about it. And if something remains to be done, even if you have to wait in expectancy for its result, then the act is not total. Your act is complete in itself when you don’t look forward to some reward, some recognition or even appreciation.

Life is a mystery, and there is nothing to explain — because everything is just open, it is just in front of you. Encounter it! Meet it! Be courageous! That is the whole standpoint of Zen.


Zen is a kind of unlearning. It teaches you how to drop that which you have learned, how to become unskillful again, how to become a child again, how to start existing without mind again, how to be here without any mind.

- Osho

Only a few people die blissfully. And when death becomes a bliss, it is a samadhi. When death is a relaxation... real relaxation, deep inside you surrender, you welcome. You have known life, now you want to know death also. You have lived life, you have enjoyed it. A great trust has arisen in you about life -- and you know death is the culmination of life, the crescendo. It must be beautiful! When the whole journey has been beautiful, why not the goal? There is no reason to be afraid. When the whole journey has been such a tremendous joy, why not the end? It is the culmination. You have come home. You welcome, you are ready to embrace death. You relax; you simply slip into death.

This is the Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be. Have a rest and be ordinary and be natural.

‎"After a hundred years people will be perfectly able to understand why I was misunderstood - because I am the beginning of the mystical, the irrational. I am a discontinuity with the past. The past cannot understand me; only the future will understand."

- Osho

Thoughts can create such a barrier that even if you are standing before a beautiful flower, you will not be able to see it. Your eyes are covered with layers of thought. To experience the beauty of the flower you have to be in a state of meditation, not in a state of mentation. You have to be silent, utterly silent, not even a flicker of thought – and the beauty explodes, reaches to you from all directions. You are drowned in the beauty of a sunrise, of a starry night, of beautiful trees.

You will come closer and closer to perfection, but you will never be perfect. Perfection is not the way of Existence. Growth is the way.

Man's search is basically to be one with existence - separation hurts. In our other loving relationships, in small measures we are searching for the same unity. In love with a woman, in love with a man, in love with a friend, in love with some creative activity - dance, music, poetry - we are trying to have a certain synchronicity with  existence.

Becoming knowledgeable is not becoming a buddha, but becoming an innocent child, reaching to the sources playfully without any seriousness, joyously and cheerfully, dancing... Take your energy to the very source and remain there just for a few moments, and you will be filled with a new experience which goes on growing every day.
- Osho

Life should be simple, not complex. Life should be based on needs, not on desires. Needs are perfectly okay: you need food, you need clothes, you need a shelter, you need love, you need relationship. Perfectly good, nothing wrong in it. Needs can be fulfilled; desires are basically unfulfillable. Desires create complexity. They create complexity because they can never be fulfilled. You go on and on working hard for them, and they remain unfulfilled, and you remain empty.

Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence is celebrating. These trees are not serious, these birds are not serious. The rivers and the oceans are wild, and everywhere there is fun, everywhere there is joy and delight. Watch existence, listen to the existence and become part of it.
- Osho

If you ask the feminine part it will not give you any logic, it will simply say ‘No, don’t take it’ — just as all women do. They don’t argue, they simply conclude. Argument is not feminine, the process of argument is not appealing to them. They simply jump to a conclusion. They conclude. Intuition is conclusive, reason goes into the details of it, thinks for and against, then decides after a long process of thinking. But the intuitive part simply says yes and no.

- Osho 

Sympathy is not compassion; it is just the opposite. Sympathy is a kind of exploitation of the other person. When you sympathize with somebody, you are higher, better, and the other is lower, falling, degraded. Your ego gets immense satisfaction out of sympathy.

This word “compassion” is composed of passion. To be compassionate means to be in love. Compassion is just a dimension of love. Passion is hasty, hectic, a little violent. Compassion is gentle, nice, understanding — but it is passion after all.

- Osho

Truth is simple;
hence innocence is needed, not knowledge.
Hence a pure heart is needed, not a mind full of information.
Hence love is needed, not logic.Truth is simple. 

- Osho

The greatest poverty of all is the absence of love.

Life is its own purpose; it is not a means to some end, it is an end unto itself. The bird on the wing, the rose in the wind, the sun rising in the morning, the stars in the night, a man falling in love with a woman, a child playing on the street...there is no purpose. Life simply enjoying itself, delighting in itself. Energy overflowing, dancing, for no purpose at all.
- Osho

A very common question in the Zen tradition. One naturally wants to know who was the teacher of the buddhas.

The reality is that a buddha never has a teacher or a teaching. He comes in contact with masters, not with teachers. And to be in contact with masters does not mean learning anything. That very exposure to the masters awakens the flame inside him and suddenly he finds the buddha within.

It is a catalytic transformation. Nothing is said, nothing is heard, and in the silent presence of a master people suddenly realize their buddhahood.

- Osho

I accept the total life as it is. From sex to samadhi, all has to be accepted. This is the great resolution of sannyas: all has to be resolved, all has to be absorbed, transformed; no rejection, no denial, no suppression, no condemnation, no evaluation either. Man as he is, is divine. With all his darkness, with all his errors, with all his mistakes, he is tremendously beautiful. 

Hell and heaven are within you, both gates are within you. When you are behaving unconsciously there is the gate of hell; when you become alert and conscious, there is the gate of heaven. 
- Osho

Only a person who has enjoyed his life becomes capable of enjoying his death. And if you are capable of enjoying your death, you have defeated death. Then there is no more birth for you and no more death for you -- you have learnt the lesson. 


The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses. All effort is futile. You have to be yourself.

Once enlightened, your death is going to be the last death. In other words, only enlightened people die. The unenlightened … very difficult — they go on coming back, they never die. Only the enlightened person can afford death; the unenlightened cannot afford it, he is not yet ready. Life is a school, and unless you have learned the lesson you will have to come back again and again to the same class. Once you have learned the lesson, passed the examination, then even if you want to come back into the class you will find all doors are closed for you. You have to move higher, to a different level of being.
- Osho

You have lived within many other commitments and you found they all became imprisonments — but your own ego can become the imprisonment. When you surrender to a nobody he cannot imprison you, and the very danger of your own, ego becoming an imprisonment for you also disappears. When you surrender to me you are not really surrendering to me, because I am not here. And I’m not enjoying your surrender at all — whether you surrender or not makes no difference to me. In fact, when you surrender to me, you surrender yourself. You don’t surrender to me. You simply surrender your ego. I am just a device, an excuse. It will be difficult for you to go and surrender to the river, or to the sky, or to the stars — it will be very difficult and you will look a little ridiculous. So I pretend to be here just to help you so that you don’t feel ridiculous. You can put you r ego here. There is nobody to receive it and nobody to be happy about it, but it helps.

Always go with the river of life. Never try to go against the current, and never try to go faster than the river. Just move in absolute relaxation.
- Osho

Patanjali says sleep is just next to samadhi. A good sleep, a deep sleep, and samadhi, are different only in one sense: samadhi has awareness, sleep has no awareness. But awareness can happen in sleep. Don't make trouble for yourself, don't divide yourself. 
- Osho

Buddha used to say, ”Move on the path and remember that within no one is moving. Within, all is unmoving.” And this is how it is. Have you seen the wheels of a moving vehicle? The axle remains still, while the wheels move. In the same way the wheel of life moves, but the axle remains still. You are the axle.
- Osho

What is the difference between a real silence and a false silence? A false silence is always forced; through effort it is achieved. It is not spontaneous, it has not happened to you. You have made it happen. You are sitting silently and there is much inner turmoil. You suppress it and then you cannot laugh. You will become sad because laughter will be dangerous — if you laugh you will lose silence, because in laughter you cannot suppress. Laughter is against suppression. If you want to suppress you should not laugh; if you laugh everything will come out. The real will come out in laughter, and the unreal will be lost. So whenever you see a saint sad, know well the silence is false. He cannot laugh, he cannot enjoy, because he is afraid. If he laughs everything will be broken, the suppression will come out, and then he will not be able to suppress.
- Osho

Everything comes in its own time.
Everything comes when you are ripe.
Everything comes when you deserve it -- this is my experience.
- Osho

And that is the goal -- because EVERY FORM IS A KIND OF IMPRISONMENT. Unless you become formless, you cannot get rid of misery, jealousy, anger, hatred, greed, fear -- because these are concerned with your form.

BUT WHEN YOU ARE FORMLESS, THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN HARM YOU, there is nothing that you can lose any more, there is nothing that can be added to you. You have come to the ultimate realization.

1 comment:

  1. Is 'Bible' injurious to western countries ?
    Recently in America, A school Boy shot his mother,his school principal,and his classmates.
    These kind of "shoot-outs" happened Regularly.
    Killers have been taught by their 'church fathers' that " 'Devils' are the cause for our Troubles(problems)".
    the trouble makers appeared to be Like Devils for the Killers.
    Here in India,and Eastren countries,we believe that our 'Past Life-Karma' is the main cause for our Troubles.
    The 'Law of Karma' is still a new concept for the Americans.and They Don't Believe in 'Past Life' concept.
    In The opinion of 'Bakti siddhanta sarasvati Goswami ji' ,"Those who understands 'past life',Reincarnation with 'Law of Karma' Principle, will Automatically Develop better understanding of their Rligious 'Holly Books' ". without this understanding they will also Destroy their Religions for Ignorance.


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