
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Pancha Bhuta Aradhana

Pancha Bhuta Aradhana creates a powerful possibility where you can integrate your system and allow the five elements in your body to bind much better.

From one body to another, how well integrated these five elements are, determines almost everything about that person. If this body has to become a stepping stone for a bigger possibility, it is very important that the system is properly integrated. The air that you breathe, the water that you drink, the food that you eat, the land that you walk upon and the fire of life in the form of the life force, these are the ingredients with which your physical self is made. If you keep these controlled, vibrant, and focused, health, wellbeing and success in the world are assured. It is my endeavor to create various devices which will allow people to make this happen for themselves in such a way that the very way you exist is a Pancha Bhuta Aradhana.
- Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


Start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it!

Thoughts become things.

Whatever you can imagine is waiting for you, fully created in the invisible, and the way to make it visible is to harness the force of love by imagining and feeling what you love.

Life is not about negative circumstances that happen to you, it's about what you do with the golden opportunities hidden within!

Life isn’t happening to you; life is responding to you. Life is your call! Every area of your life is your call. You are the creator of your life. You are the writer of your life story. You are the director of your life movie. You decide what your life will be – by what you give out.

Every day is an opportunity for a new life. Every day you stand at the tipping point of your life. And on any one day you can change the future – through the way that you feel.

When you fall in love with life, every limitation disappears. You break the limitations on money, health, happiness, and the limits of joy in your relationships.

Fall in love with life, unleash the power within you, and you will become unlimited and invincible!”

There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstances of your life can change! 

Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want

The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake. 

Remember, if you are criticising, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful. 

Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.

Gratitude is the great multiplier, so say thank you for your health every single day.

It only takes a few minutes in the morning to use gratitude to Have A Magical Day by giving thanks for the events in your day ahead of time, but this one practice alone will change the way your entire day unfolds.

Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity, and leads to miraculous cures.

Create a Vision Board... pictures of what you want to attract... every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants.

See the things that you want as already yours.

Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.

Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.

Neville recommends at the end of every day, before you go to sleep, to think through the events of the day. If any events or moments did not go the way you wanted, replay them in your mind in a way that thrills you. As you recreate those events in your mind exactly as you want, you are cleaning up your frequency from the day and you are emitting a new signal and frequency for tomorrow. You have intentionally created new picture for your future. It is never too late to change the pictures.

The most powerful time to reprogram the subconscious mind is when you’re falling asleep at night. When you’re in that very sleepy state of being half asleep and half awake, plant the thought that you can do anything and you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Your aim is to make that “believing in yourself” thought your last thought

Make a written list of everything you love.

Turn away from the things you don't love and don't give them any feeling, because they are fine as they are but they have no place in your life.

Absolutely everything you experience in your life is a result of what you have given in your thoughts and feelings, whether you realize you have given them or not.

What you feel about another person, what you think or say about another person, what you do to another person – you do to you. Give judgment and criticism and you give it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself.

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source - you.

We often get distracted with this thing called our body and our physical being. That just holds your spirit. And your spirit is so big it fills a room. You are eternal life. You are God manifested in human form, made to perfection.

The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want.

No matter what challenging situation you may find yourself in, imagine the best outcome of it and feel it! When you do, you will change the circumstances, and you will change the situation into what you want!

Spend seven minutes each day imagining and feeling what you want, do it until you know your desire belongs to you, as you know your name belongs to you.

It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher
- Joe Vitale, The Secret

There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love. The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit.  If you could wrqp every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed. 

- Rhonda Byrne 

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Dissolving Your Ego

During the practice of yoga asana you realise how rigid you are physically. It takes a little more awareness for you to know the rigidity in your mind and emotions. Somebody who is very rigid in his thoughts and emotions believes that he is perfect because he does not allow room for any other way of looking, thinking or feeling. When you meet this man, you think he is pig-headed, but he thinks he is perfect. Similarly, there can be rigidity in the energy level too. For someone whose energy is very fluid, on the very first day of the simplest yoga kriya, his energy will start moving and transforming, whereas for another person, even after practicing it for a long time, nothing seems to happen. This simply depends on how malleable the energies are. Rigidity in all these dimensions isn't really separate for they are all interconnected. The rigidity in one dimension manifests itself in the other dimensions.

On Patanjali's path, yoga is a system where it doesn't matter what kind of a fool you are, what level of unawareness you're in, what kind of karmic bondages you have; there is still a way for you. If you are willing to at least bend your body then you will have already broken one karma. If your forehead touches your knee, then you have broken a physical karma. This is not a joke; it's quite an achievement for a person who has never done it before. This simple limitation would have increased with the passage of time. Even the little flexibility that's there in you today will reduce with the passing of time. A day will come when you're totally rigid, both physically and mentally.

This is happening to everybody. Look at your own life; see how flexible you were at the age of ten or twelve, both physically and mentally. At the age of twenty, that flexibility is lesser and by thirty, most of it has gone. Not only physical rigidity, but mental rigidity too sets in very severely as you progress; it's not progression, it is regression. They are not growing; they are going backwards. Unfortunately even with the little assets they have, they don't grow; they just go backwards. Whatever advantage you were born with, you haven't enhanced it; you have only taken it backwards. The path is actually very simple, but because of your personality it has become extremely complicated. The  complexities that one encounters on the spiritual path are not because of the path. The complexities are only there because of the mess that is your mind. Nothing moves within you. You become rigid, as if rigor mortis has set in. You need the Master's grace to quell the madness of your mind.

If you allow the Master's grace, then the path is very simple, as the path is the destination. If you simply sit here now, everything will pulsate with the existence. You have kept your energies suppressed to such an extent that the mind has become so oppressive that it suppresses life to the point where nothing moves except what is needed to support the ego. Your energies are moving only to the extent that is convenient for your ego. A little more energy and the ego will burst. The moment energy rises within you everything dissolves. The ego knows this very well. That is why it has kept it suppressed. If you don't have any energy, then again the ego will become very weak. When all energy is cut off, the ego will feel very weak and it doesn't like that. 

So it just allows that amount of energy, which supports and feeds it well. If the energy becomes too much, the ego will be shattered. If kundalini begins to rise, everything will be shattered and nothing will be left. You will be just a force merging with everything around you. You won't have a will of your own anymore. Since you are not willing to surrender your will, we are prodding you through this sadhana to provoke your energies. That is why the path of asana and kriya. Since you are not able to do it by yourself, just activate creation itself in a certain way. If it begins to move, it settles everything. It is like a flood; your centuries-old world is wiped away in only a few hours of fury. So your sadhana is not about getting somewhere. It is just a way, a method to unleash a flood so ennormous that it wipes away your petty creations and leaves you as the Creator intended you to be.
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

If there is love in your heart, it will guide you through your life. Love has its own intelligence.
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

“Being together is the beginning, Working together is the middle, Dissolving together is the ultimate" 
- Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

A spiritual person and a materialistic person are both seeking the same infinite. One is seeking it consciously, the other one uncounciously.
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

A Situation becomes stressful only when you compulsively react to it.
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

What I have to offer is not in my words. Allow yourself to be drenched in my presence and you will be overwhelmed with blissfulness.
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

“Once you cross the limitations of the actual physicality and the logical mind, time is not an issue.” 
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Yoga means cultivating your energy in such a way that gradually breaks the physical limitations and elevates you to the highest level of awareness, the flowering of the human potential.

“Time is always a relative experience. As your energies get more intense, you will see time just flies faster and faster.” 
-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Monday 25 February 2013

Sanskrit Mantras

om saha nāvavatu
saha nau bhunaktu
saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai
tejasvināvadhītamastu mā vidviṣāvahai
oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih

Om, Lead us from Unreality (of Transitory Existence) to the Reality (of Self),
Lead us from the Darkness (of Ignorance) to the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge),
Lead us from the Fear of Death to the Knowledge of Immortality.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Dhyaana-Muulam Gurur-Muurtih
Puujaa-Muulam Gurur-Padam
Mantra-Muulam Gurur-Vaakyam
Mokssa-Muulam Guruur-Krpaa 

The Root of Meditation is the Form of the Guru,
The Root of Worship is the Feet of the Guru,
The Root of Mantra is the Word of the Guru,
The Root of Liberation is the Grace of the Guru.

Kayena vacha manasendriyairva
Buddhyatmana va prakrite swabhavath
Karoomi yadyad sakalam parasmai
Narayanayeti samarpayami

Whatever I do with my mind, body, speech or with other senses of my body, Or with my intellect or with my innate natural tendencies, I offer everything to Narayana

Vasudeva sutam Devam
Kamsa Chanoora mardhanam
Devaki paramanandam
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum

I salute to the God Krishna who is the Son of Vasudeva,
Who killed Kamsa and Chanoora,
Who is the source of Bliss to His mother Devaki
And who is the Teacher of the Universe.

Karpuura-Gauram Karunna-Avataaram
Samsaara-Saaram Bhujage[a-I]ndra-Haaram
Sadaa-Vasantam Hrdaya-Aravinde
Bhavam Bhavaanii-Sahitam Namaami 

Pure White like Camphor, an Incarnation of Compassion,
The Essence of Worldly Existence, Whose Garland is the King of Serpents,
Always Dwelling inside the Lotus of the Heart.
I Bow to Shiva and Shakti Together.

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

"We meditate upon the spiritual effulgence of that adorable supreme divine reality
Who is the source of the physical, the astral and the heavenly spheres of existence.
May that supreme divine being enlighten our intellect, so that we may realise the supreme truth."

Syllable Translation
Om: Para Brahman
Bhur: The Physical plane
Bhuvah: The Astral plane
Svaha: The Celestial plane
Tat: Ultimate Reality
Savitur: The Source of All
Varenyam: Fit to be worshiped
Bhargo: The Spiritual effulgence
Devasya: Divine Reality
Dhimahi: We meditate
Dhiyo: Intellect
Yo: Which
Nah: Our
Prachodayat: Enlighten

"Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun, the god-head who illuminates all, who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings aright in our progress toward his holy seat."
- Sir William Jones

"Unveil, O Thou who givest sustenance to the Universe, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, that face of the True Sun now hidden by a vase of golden light, that we may see the truth and do our whole duty on our journey to thy sacred seat."
- William Quan Judge

"We meditate on the worshipable power and glory of Him who has created the earth, the nether world and the heavens (i.e. the universe), and who directs our understanding."
- Sivanath Sastri 

"We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds."
Swami Vivekananda

"We meditate on the effulgent glory of the divine Light; may he inspire our understanding."
"We meditate on the adorable glory of the radiant sun; may he inspire our intelligence."
- S. Radhakrishna

Bhagavad-Geeta Dhyana Shloka

pārthāya pratibodhitāḿ bhagavatā nārāyaṇena svayaḿ
vyāsena grathitāḿ purāṇa-muninā madhye mahābhārate
advaitāmṛta-varṣiṇīḿ bhagavatīm aṣṭādaśādhyāyinīḿ
amba tvām anusandadhāmi bhagavad-gīte bhava-dveṣiṇīm

O Bhagavad-gita, thou hast been instructed to Arjuna, the son of Prtha by the Lord Himself and afterwards thee were included within the Mahabharata by the ancient sageVyasa.  Thy eighteen divine chapters are a shower of the immortal nectar of the wisdom of the Absolute.  O mother, destroyer of man's rebirth into the darkness of this mortal world, upon thee I meditate.

namo'stu te vyāsa viśāla-buddhe
yena tvayā bhārata-taila-pūrṇaḥ
prajvalito jñānamayaḥ pradīpaḥ

Obeisances to thee, O Vyasa, thou art of mighty intellect, and thine eyes are large as the petals of the full-blown lotus.  It was by thee that the oil-filled lamp of knowledge of the Mahabharata was lit.

jñāna-mudrāya kṛṣṇāya
gītāmṛta-duhe namaḥ

I offer obeisances unto Lord Krsna, the refuge of ocean-born Laksmi and all who take refuge at His lotus feet. His one hand holds a staff for driving cows, and the other hand is raised, the thumb touching the tip of the forefinger, indicating divine knowledge.  He is the milker of the immortal nectar of the Bhagavad-gita.

sarvopaniṣado gāvo
dogdhā gopāla-nandanaḥ
pārtho vatsaḥ sudhīr bhoktā
dugdhaḿ gītāmṛtaḿ mahat

The Upanisads are as a herd of cows, Lord Krsna, son of a cowherd, is their mother, Arjuna is the calf, the supreme nectar of the Gita is the milk, and the wise man of purified intellect is the drinker.

vasudeva-sutaḿ devaḿ
kṛṣṇaḿ vande jagad-gurum

I offer my obeisances to Lord Krsna, the beloved son of Vasudeva, destroyer of the demons Kamsa and Canura, the supreme bliss of Mother Devaki and the spiritual master of the universe.

bhīṣma-droṇa-taṭā jayadratha-jalā gāndhārī-nīlotpalā
śalya-grāhavatī kṛpeṇa vahinī karṇena velākula
aśvattāma-vikarṇa-ghora-makarā duryodhanāvartinī
sottīrṇā khalu pāṇḍavārṇava-nadī kaivartakaḥ keśvaḥ

Of the terrifying river of the battlefield of Kuruksetra over which the Pandavas victoriously crossed, Bhisma and Drona were it's high banks, Jayadratha was the river's water, the King of Gandhara, the blue water-lily: there were sharks such as salya, Krpa was the current, Karna, the mighty waves, Asvattham and Vikarna, the dreadful alligators, and Duryodhana, the very whirlpool, but Lord Krsna was the ferryman!

pārāśarya-vacaḥ sarojam amalaḿ gītārtha-gandhotkaṭaḿ
nānākhyānaka-keśaraḿ hari-kathā-sambodhanābodhitam
loke sajjana-ṣaṭpadair aharahaḥ pepīyamānaḿ mudā
bhūyād bhārata-paṅkajaḿ kalimala-pradhvaḿsanaḿ śreyase

May the spotless lotus of the words of Vyasa that grows on the eternal waters of the words of Lord Hari, with its filaments of various tales of heroes and which is rightly endowed with the sweet fragrance of the explanations of the Bhagavad-gita, it's nectar beign quaffed with pleasure daily in this world by saintly persons who are compared to so many nectar-seeking bumble-bees and which destroys all the sins of the age of Kali - May this lotus of the Mahabharata bestow on us the highest good.

mūkaḿ karoti vācālaḿ
paṅguḿ laṅghāyate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaḿ vande

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, the transcendentally blissful husband of the goddess of fortune, whose mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables to lame to cross mountains.

yaḿ brahmā varuṇendra-rudra-marutaḥ stunvanti divyaiḥ stavair
vedaiḥ sāṅga-pada-kramopaniṣadair gāyanti yaḿ sāma-gāḥ
dhyānāvasthita-tad-gatena manasā paśyanti yaḿ yogino
yasyāntaḿ na viduḥ surāsura-gaṇā devāya tasmai namaḥ

Let all obeisances be unto the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra, the Maruts and all divine beings praise with the divine hymns of the Vedas and their supplementary parts such as the Upanisads, whom the followers of the Sama Veda glorify with song, whom great mystics see with their minds absorbed in perfect meditation and of whom all the hosts of demigods and demons know not the limitations.  To him the Supreme Lord, let there be all obeisances.    

- Adi Sankaracarya

Sunday 24 February 2013

Let Sharing be the Only Law

If you are loving you remain relaxed. If you are not loving you become tense. Tension means simply that there is some energy that needs to be shared. If you don't want to share it then it accumulates and becomes a headache. Always remember that the more you share, the more fresh energy will be flowing in you.

I was reading the life story of a poet. He says he used to live in a very old house, two hundred years old. It was in a very primitive condition -- no modern facilities, no electricity, no running water. The house had a beautiful well with very fresh water, very pure. 

When electricity came to the town they closed the well hoping that if some day it was needed it could be re-opened. After fifteen years, just out of curiosity, the man opened the well, just to see how it was. It was one of the most ancient wells in that locality and it had never been dry. When all the other wells were dry, the whole town had come to drink from this one. When he looked in, it was completely dry. He couldn't find an explanation so he asked the experts.

They said that if you don't go on carrying water out of the well, sooner or later it dries up because the small springs that feed it with water become closed. Then by and by the water evaporates leaving the well dry. Each day the well needs to share -- then it is always flowing, with new water always coming in.

The same is true for human energy also. Each man is a well of energy. Love means that you allow somebody to throw a bucket in you, to draw some energy from you. Don't be a miser about it, otherwise soon you will start feeling that you are drying up. Then you will become tense and a deadness will gather around you. You become more and more afraid of sharing, because you think that if you share you will become even drier. You are in a vicious circle.

The whole logic is wrong. Whenever you feel something tension-like is gathering, share. Catch hold of any stranger, because in fact all are strangers. Some strangers you have known for a few years, some for a few months, some a few days, some you have just come to know, but you are strangers. Even your husband with whom you have lived for years is a stranger. Two strangers living together by and by become familiar, that's all.

Run and share with anybody, but never be miserly. I have been watching (to a sannyasin); you are becoming a little miserly. And you can like yourself only when you love. In fact when somebody likes you, only then can you like yourself. Each relationship is a mirror; it reveals your identity to you. Each relationship brings you something of your inner heart which was unknown to you before. Man is such an infinity that thousands of relationships are needed -- the father, the mother, the brother, sister, husband, wife, friend.

Thousands of types of relationships are needed to reveal you from every corner, from every aspect of your being, so that you know all your faces. Even then, all that you know about yourself will be less than you are. It can never be more than you, and it can never be equal to you because you are such an infinity that all the mirrors of the world cannot exhaust you. Something will always remain elusive.

Share more, and let sharing be the only law. To be a miser is to be a sinner. That is my definition of being a sinner. Mm? We are here for such a short time; why be a miser? Share, and whatsoever you give, give wholeheartedly and much will come automatically. Not that you ask for it or demand it; it just comes. The whole of existence re-echoes you.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Transcending Karma

Karma is conditioning. Conditioning through experience and education. Let me delve a little deeper into what is meant by conditioning here. The human brain processes sensory information through four processes: cognition, recognition, sensation and reaction. For example, when the eye perceives a flower, the brain first cognizes that it is seeing something. Then from previous experience it identifies or recognizes it as a flower. This recognition then produces a sensation of pleasure or pain, pleasantness or unpleasantness based on the stimuli. Lastly, the brain reacts to the sensation and goes on to store the experience of the stimuli in a particular category based on the reaction. It then uses this reaction as a reference point for how to react to the same stimuli at a later date.

A baby is born without any preconceived notions. As it begins to experience the world through its sensory faculties, cognition, recognition and sensation occur automatically in the human brain.These three processes are essential for the survival instinct to function and to protect the physical body. The fourth process, that of reaction, is part voluntary and part involuntary. Reaction begins as an involuntary function as we categorize experiences as "I like this", "I do not like this", "I love this", "I hate this" and so on and so forth. As this habit of reacting becomes more and more innate, we begin to confuse sensation with reaction. Sensation is a physical response that is essential to judge whether a stimuli is conducive to life or not. Reaction on the other hand is our response to that stimuli.

Constant categorization thus, creates in us a pre-conditioned response to situations and stimuli that follow a certain pattern. This building of a library of pre-conditioned or pre-determined responses is the accumulation of Karma. What it prevents one from doing is to see the uniqueness of each situation and it is this inability to see a situation free from the prejudice of a prior experience that creates a determinism in the way we lead our live. Karma.

As we grow older and more aware of our inner capabilities and of the control we have on ourselves, we have the option of not accumulating this Karma. By learning to experience and respond to every situation without the response becoming a rigid rule. Learn from the past but let it not be a determinant of your every future action. Situations may be similar but are never quiet the same. Making love to the same person twice is hardly the same experience is it? The path to Freedom then, lies in being able to see this uniqueness of every situation and every moment and giving oneself the knowledge of the various ways in which one can respond and the flexibility to respond differently each time.

-Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Veg Vs Non-Veg Digestion

How will they smell / taste... ?
Non-veg kept outside for 72 hrs 
Cooked non-veg kept outside for 52 hrs
Cooked veg kept outside for 22 hrs
Raw vegetables kept outside for 12 hrs
Fruits kept outside for 2-3 hrs

Does the food spoils fools in summer or in winter... ?
Its obviously summer right!

Similarly, food in our body at higher temperatures
Non-veg gets digested in 72 hrs 
Cooked non-veg gets digested in 52 hrs
Cooked veg gets digested in 22 hrs
Raw vegetables gets digested in 12 hrs
Fruits gets digested in 2-3 hrs

See the condition of each of these foods in our body during or after digestion. Depending on the amount of bacteria generated and stagnated.. one get lethargic.. 

So be mindful in choosing the right kind of food that your body asks for and not the food your tongue desires..

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Shankaran Pillai Jokes

Shankaran Pillai fell off the second floor and when he fell, he hurt himself. 
People gathered around him and asked, “Did the fall hurt you?” 
He said, “You idiots, it is not the fall, it is the stopping.” (Laughter).

What is Freedom?

Sadhguru says, “”I can do what I like”… is freedom and “I can only do what I like” is not freedom but bondage”

Bondage with Coffee:

If you are addicted to coffee and one fine day when you are about to sip your coffee someone takes it away from you and you scream, “Don’t I have the freedom to drink my cup of coffee?” Is this freedom or bondage? See for yourself…

Waking Up:

Let us say, you wake up regularly at 8 am and one day someone asks you to wake up at 7.30 am you would say, “No, I wake up only at 8 pm”…Is this freedom? Freedom means you can do anything you like. If you need to get up at 7 am you have to get up at 7 am and not say that 8 pm is my only time to get up  

Man’s Freedom:

Once Shankaran Pillai went to the bar with his friends and when the clock struck 8 pm, he put down his half-full glass and started walking towards the door.

All his friends were asking him to at least finish the glass and go, but he kept walking. His friends said, “We know why you are walking out, you are afraid of your wife. What are you? Are you a man or mouse?”

Shankaran Pillai turned back, kept his hands on his hips, stared at them and said, “I am the Man in my house, if I was a Mouse my wife would be afraid of me”  :)

He walked slowly thinking of what to say to his wife and when he reached home, his wife was waiting for him at the door steps with a roller-pin.

She shouted, “You fool, can’t you come on time before 8 pm, you have started drinking again…”. Shankaran Pillai went slowly and closer to her and took a sudden leap over her and started running inside the house.

He is a small and fragile guy, he had lots of hope that she could not catch her. He started running all over the house and went to the bedroom. He went under the bed and there he lied down with his hands at the back of the head.

His wife is a bit hefty so she can’t get under the bed. She said, “You fool come out of the bed, you coward…”.

Shankaran Pillai replied, “I am the Man of the House and I can lie down wherever I wish”  :)

This is his freedom and that is the same way how Man is behaving now…

Freedom is not living without rules but freedom is living by following rules 

- Excerpts from Sadhguru’s talks…

Monday 18 February 2013

Is Past Life Therapy Fake?

Past Life Therapy Significance

Is Past Life Therapy Fake ? - Dr Hari Kumar

Saturday 16 February 2013


AUM symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire universe.
A stands for Creation
U stands for Preservation 
M stands for Destruction or dissolution
This is representative of the Trinity of God (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva)

Each of the Gods in the Trinity has a consort and each God is inseparable from his female part ( cosmic power or cosmic force )

Brahma has Saraswati as his consort, The goddess of knowledge.. 
Brahma needs Saraswati for Creation of this universe.

Vishnu has Lakshmi as his consort, the goddess of wealth, love, beauty and delight.. Vishnu needs Lakshmi for Preservation and maintenance of universe.

Shiva has Shakthi as his consort, the Goddess of power, destruction and transformation.. Shiva needs Shakthi for destruction or dissolution of the universe.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Joyous Feeling

Recently, a young man came to me and said, 'Swamiji, I love a girl and want to marry her. She is beautiful. She is also well educated. Her father is rich-enough. If I marry her, I will be happy!'

He had brought his girl friend along and she was waiting in the aisle. I asked him to bring her along.

'Why are you planning to marry him?" I asked the girl. 'My lover is highly cultured. He has good qualities and is very humorous. He is hardworking and sure to come up in life. So, he can keep me happy!' was her response.

Anyone viewing this couple superficially, would immediately declare, 'They are made for each other'! But I had my doubts. If they get married with their respective attitudes, they might not be happy.

Now I share with you a few thoughts that I expressed to them.

The man begs happiness from his girl friend, while the girl expects happiness from her boyfriend. When they get married to each other, what would be the result? How can one beggar running after happiness provide happiness to another beggar? Only beggary would increase.

My advice to married people is - do not think of how your partner makes you happy... instead think how you make your partner happy! Marriage works when we are givers of happiness and not beggars of happiness.

Take enticing items for an example. We are happy to receive them as gifts for ourselves. But isn't it much more joyous to offer gifts to others…that too, to one's beloved?

`Giving' opens up a higher centre; hence joyous feeling arises.
-Oh Mind Relax Please, Swami Sukhabodhananda

If both beg for happiness, only beggary increases... in a marriage. 
Marriage is a commitment to change each other's habits for better living.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Ladder of Love

Incremental growth in relation between husband and wife

Sex >   Love >   Friendliness       > Devotion    > Compassion
  V           V                 V                        V                      V
Lust > Caring > Non domination > Sacredness > Forgiveness

From the above, it can be seen that the centre of sex is lust. The centre of love is caring. The centre of friendliness is non-domination. The centre of devotion is sacredness. The centre of compassion is forgiveness.

The relationship between a husband and wife begins in lust. The next stage is caring -they feel for each other. The third stage is the friendship that blossoms between the two. In pure friendship, persons can remain in equality. They would not feel that one is inferior to the other. They would not plot to ruin each other. There is no domination of one over the other.

When friendship develops between the husband and wife, both of them would cherish their relationship as something sacred; they would protect the relationship!

The final stage in this relationship is compassion. The basis of compassion is forgiveness. Whether it is the husband or wife, it is but natural, mistakes do happen. Forgiving mistakes made by the other is the last and highest stage of the relationship. Only at this level, does a relationship become complete.

Can you transform your sexual relationship into a sacred relationship? In this process a spiritual intimacy will develop. If your relationship has forgiving quality, then you don't bug each other but lovingly hug each other. Only in this space, is a relationship fulfilling.
- Oh mind relax please, Swami Sukhabodhananda

Distinguish between the usefulness of Quality Time and Quantity Time. Understand the ladder of Love. Learn to see Elegance in what is and Express it.

A Shallow man is one who is full of oneself. Transform Sex into prayer.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Greatest things

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the world's ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Atiśa, as quoted in Perspectives on Mankind's Search for Meaning (2008) by Walter Taminang, p. 63

Friday 8 February 2013

Big Secret - Relationships

If you find their love for you is reducing, you know how you should ask!!
Then even if they stop loving you, they start loving you badly.
This is the big secret. Ask
This humility is the glue, that keeps our family, our society, our world together. Demand always destroys love. Right!!
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Thursday 7 February 2013

Story:Kingdom of heaven

A rich man, in order to be happy, went on searching for it, travelling to different countries. He was still not happy. He chased wine, women and other addictions ... but his heart was devoid of happiness.

Someone told him that there was happiness in a life of renunciation. So, he decided to try that too. He packed all his wealth, the treasure stored in his house, all diamonds, precious stones, gold......

He took the bundle and placed it at the feet of a Yogi and said, 'Swamiji! I am placing all my wealth at your feet! I don't need them any more. I only seek peace of mind and happiness! Where is peace?' Saying thus, he fell at the feet of the Yogi in total surrender.

The Yogi did not seem to heed his words at all. He hurriedly opened the bundle and checked the contents. It was full of dazzling diamonds, glittering gold. On viewing these, the Yogi tied up the bundle and ran with it.

The rich man was extremely shocked. 'Oh, No! I have surrendered my wealth to a cheat, a pseudo Godman! What a blunder!' he thought. His sadness turned into anger and he went behind the Yogi in hot pursuit. The Yogi was unable to run fast. He went into all the lanes and by lanes, but finally reached the place from where he had started his run under the tree. The rich man also reached the same place, panting hard. Before he could utter a word, the Yogi said, 'Hey, did you get scared that I would abscond with your wealth? Here, take it! I have no need for it ... keep it for yourself!' and returned the bundle to him.

The rich man was very happy that he got back his 'lost' wealth. 'Here is peace', said the Yogi. The Yogi further added, 'You see, all this wealth was with you even before you came here. But you did not derive joy from them. It is the same wealth that is with you now ... but you have found a great joy in your heart! So where did the happiness come from-from wealth or from within you?'

It is clear from the story that joy and happiness are not outside us. They are within us! 

The Kingdom of heaven is within you, says the Bible.

Just like the rich man who went roaming around with the bundle of wealth, many of us do not realize this truth. That is the reason why we look up to others for our happiness.

When the boss appreciates our work, 'Good, you did a fine job!' we literally float. When he utters a word of criticism, all happiness deserts us! So we become like a football to be kicked by others.

A drunkard lay down in the street, fully intoxicated and senseless. His friend who happened to come by said to him jokingly, 'Hey, I had gone to your house. I found that your wife has become a widow. So go home quickly and console her!'

The drunkard was very upset. 'Oh, no! My wife has become a widow!' He began to cry. 'How can your wife become a widow when you are alive?' consoled a passer by. The drunkard answered, 'But my friend told me that my wife has become a widow. He is my close friend and how can I disbelieve him?' The drunkard continued to cry. Our sorrow is similar to that of the drunkard. Even though he experienced sorrow, it was illegitimate as it was born out of ignorance. In each of us, there is a drunkard. Many things which are not really true make us miserable. At other times, matters which are of no real significance, rob us of our happiness.
- Swami Sukhabodhananda

The kingdom of heaven is within you; do not get lost in the trivial aspects of life.

For every minute you're upset, you loose sixty seconds of joy.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Rabindranath Tagore

Long before you were born in this world, compassionately, God made sure that there was milk in both the breasts of your mother. He may well have created another world for you after your death! Who knows? So, have faith!
- Rabindranath Tagore

The Ant and Its Philosophy

This is a typical narration from what recently encountered. A person who met me said, 'I was born in Bombay, and am now settled in New York. I leave home at 7.30 a.m. for work and am back only at 8.30 p.m. I have to achieve my organisational goals and at the same time give quality time to my wife and family. I am tense and I don't know how to go about organising my life... and I find that my life is imbalanced.'

I said, 'The fact of life is, you are busy and have chosen to be in a busy city. It is your choice. Now add one more dimension to your choice in spite of this fact I will learn to be relaxed, balanced and make my relationship work beautifully. Life is like painting and not arithmetic. The painter chooses to create his own world through his art.' 

The person asked, 'What should I do, in spite of my busy schedule, to give quality time to my wife & family, still be relaxed and proactively go about reaching my organisational goals?'

I said, ‘You should observe an ant and learn to organise your life. Ants overcome life threatening obstacles in this vast world.'

'An ant?' he questioned.

If you observe an ant, you can learn a lot.
  • Whatever obstacles you place in front of an ant, it is so flexible that either it goes around it, under it or above it. Flexibility is a great quality in an ant.
  • An ant never quits and it is focused on its goal. It has the attitude of 'Winners never quit; Quitters never win.'
  • When it is summer, it plans for winter ---Tremendous planning ability.
  • When it is winter, it waits patiently for summer---Patience.
  • At any given point of time, it does all that is possible; it is holistic in whatever it does, however small it is, never invalidates its strengths Commitment to do its best.
  • It operates in a TEAM---Team is Together Empowering to Achieve More.
  • Ants have the humility to follow the Leader---Humility is Strength; not Weakness.
  • United they build an ant hill---an engineering feat---where even cooling effect is taken care of, inside an ant-hill, Team and Team Intelligence. Ants, while moving in a chain, have perfect coordination to send feedback to the ants following them about the path they are treading on. This communication chain has perfect networking--- Communication Chain.

'Can you organise and balance your life like an ant?’ was my advise. I elaborated further saying we can ask these questions by comparing an ant's qualities:
  • Flexibility: Are you flexible in giving quality time to your family? Can you appreciate your wife in a way that is life nourishing? Can you see flexibility is the mother of creativity?
  • Planning: In summer, when everything is going well, are you planning for winter? Or are you lost in your joy? 
  • Patience: In winter, during difficult days, are you wise enough to develop the quality of patience and have an understanding of the seasonal changes?
  • Enjoy each moment: Can you consider every incident as joyous and totally rejoice in the present rather than desiring that one or some of your joyous moments be permanent?
  • Commitment: Are you giving your best to the present moment? Are you allowing yourself to better your best and make it a habit to be fully involved in everything?
  • TEAM: Can you drop the 'I' in you and operate from 'WE' and make your family a team?
  • Humility: Can you be humble to follow the rules of life rather than treat rules as binding forces? Can discipline become a harnessing force?
  • Networking ability: Can you meticulously network with people in accomplishing higher tasks?

By following this philosophy, let the results speak. Have you created a successful ant hill?
Oh, Mind Relax Please! And allow relaxation to create balance and peace thus making your struggles sacred.

Life is like Painting and not Arithmetic. Create your world of Joy.

Follow the wisdom of the Ants.

What the human mind can conceive, believe and dare, it can surely accomplish.

Our struggles have a cosmic purpose.
-Oh Mind Relax Please, Swami Sukhabodhananda

Swami Sukhabodhananda

Let us strengthen our strengths and weaken our weaknesses
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

More than being goal oriented, be source oriented.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Happiness is not sumething you can achieve by your hands, but what you can carry in your heart. Keep your happiness circulating in each moment of your life.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Losing is victory postponed.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

World will forgive failures, but will not forgive people who have not utilised the opportunities.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Let your love guide you and not fear. Love will show you the way.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Power of Love is God. Love for Power is Ego.
Love recognises opportunities and does not wait for its introduction
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Surrender to the Cosmic plan; do not be a victim to your agenda.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Make your struggles sacred. Greatness lies not in being strong but in the right use of sacred strength
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Many things are beyond our comprehension. Life is not a problem, but a mystery.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Hug each moment of your life and nourish your connection to the universe.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Don't work for Workship; Work can be Worship.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Faith does not crave for miracles. But it often happens miraculously.
Faith does not move mountains. But gives the power to climb one.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

We are Victims of our Limiting Logic. Create the Energy of Rejoicing in what you have rather than Complaining about what you do not have
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

The highest knowledge is the knowledge of happiness.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

If you are tense you are wrong. If you are joyful you are right.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Knowledge is often a mask we wear to hide our ignorance.
Let us open wide the windows of wisdom.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

The quality of your life is the quality of your communication to yourself.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

In Hindu tradition, people break coconuts in front of God to symbolize breaking of ego. While breaking the coconut, we indirectly signify to ourselves, 'Oh, God! I am breaking the ego –‘I’ in front of you!' Just as sweet water comes out of the broken coconut, so does joy emerge when ego is surrendered!
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Attitude of ego-lessness creates altitude of joy
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Plan for the future. Learn from the past. Enjoy the present.
Some work for fun, but for the wise work is fun!
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

The ability to enjoy everything is a quality of an awakened consciousness. Your commitment to enjoy should be above your likes and dislikes.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

A shallow man is one who is full of oneself.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

God has given us two ears and one mouth - Listen more and talk less - Mark Twain
You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

We create maps and want people to fit into our maps.
We are experts in justifying our follies.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda 

Process Oriented Management; Continuous improvement; Do your duty without worrying only on the results-the result is interwoven in the very act itself
-Bhagavad Gita

Opportunity is 'Now Here' or 'No where'!
Ability is the Alertness to cash in on the opportunity
- Swami Sukhabodhananda

Do not consider the problem as a punishment. You will definitely
suffer. Take it as a challenge, you will feel energized!

- Swami Sukhabodhananda

'I was hungry, you offered food; I was thirsty you offered water; I was sick, you offered help; I was in prison, you visited me; I was unclad, you gave me clothing. So, today I say unto you, whatever you do unto the least of your brethren, you do that for me!'
-Jesus Christ

Reactive Mind is Hell; Responsive Mind is Heaven

The Ability to Respond is Responsibility

- Swami Sukhabodhananda

Comparing ourselves, to a neighbour's possessions or a relative's new acquisition, blinds many of us from seeing wonderful happenings in our own lives. Mental dieting of Egoistic 'I', awakens the Divine 'Eye'
- Swami Sukhabodhananda