
Saturday 2 February 2013

Awareness - Gap Between Thoughts

Gautam Buddha, the founder of Zen, the founder of all great meditative techniques in the world, defines it in one word. Somebody asked him one day, ’Bhagwan, what is meditation? What is it all about?’ And Gautam Buddha said a single word, he said: HALT! That was his definition of meditation. He says, ’If it halts, it is meditation.’ The full sentence is: ’The mad mind does not halt. If it halts, it is meditation.’

’The mad mind does not halt. If it halts, it is meditation.’ Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness: Meditation is a state of non-emotional, non-sentimental, non-thinking awareness. When you are simply awakened, alert, attentive then you are just a pure awareness.

The Zen people have a special word for the entry, they call it HUA T’OU. This Chinese word means ante-thought, or ante-word. The mind, before it is stirred by a thought, is called HUA T’OU. Between two thoughts there is a gap, that gap is called HUA T’OU.

Watch. One thought passes on the screen of your mind – on the radar screen of your mind one thought passes like a cloud. First it is vague – it is coming, it is coming – then it is there suddenly on the screen. Then it is moving, then it has gone out of the screen, again it becomes vague and disappears... another thought comes. Between these two thoughts there is a gap – for a single moment or a split second the screen is without any thought.

That state of pure no-thought is called HUA T’OU – ante-words, ante-thought, before the mind is stirred. Because we are not alert inside, that’s why we go on missing it – otherwise meditation is happening each moment. You have just to see it happening, you have just to become aware what treasure you are carrying always within you. It is not that meditation has to be brought from somewhere else. The meditation is there, the seed is there. You have just to recognize it, nurture it, take care of it, and it starts growing.


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