
Monday 4 February 2013

Interesting Osho Quotes

Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become." 

Watch the waves in the ocean. The higher the wave goes, the deeper is the wake that follows it. One moment you are the wave, another moment you are the hollow wake that follows. Enjoy both -- dont get addicted to one. Dont say: I would always like to be on the peak. It is not possible. Simply see the fact: it is not possible. It has never happened and it will never happen. It is simply impossible -- not in the nature of things. Then what to do? Enjoy the peak while it lasts and then enjoy the valley when it comes. What is wrong with the valley? What is wrong with being low? It is a relaxation. A peak is an excitement, and nobody can exist continuously in an excitement.

If you take the responsibility for your life you can start changing it. Slow will be the change. Only in the course of time will you start moving into the world of light and crystallization. But once you are crystallized you will know what real revolution is. Then share your revolution with others; it has to go that way, from heart to heart.

Dead Principles
No dead principles can help, but only living consciousness. Be absolutely unprincipled and just follow life.

A Natural Phenomenon
Intelligence is a natural phenomenon -- just as breathing is, just as seeing is. Intelligence is the inner seeing; it is intuitive. It has nothing to do with intellect. Never confuse intellect with intelligence, they are polar opposites. Intellect is of the head; it is taught by others, it is imposed on you. You have to cultivate it. It is borrowed, it is something foreign, it is not inborn. But intelligence is inborn. It is your very being, your very nature.

Mind can never be intelligent -- only no-mind is intelligent. Only no-mind is original and radical. Only no-mind is revolutionary -- revolution in action. This mind gives you a sort of stupor. Burdened by the memories of the past, burdened by the projections of the future, you go on living - at the minimum. You dont live at the maximum. Your flame remains very dim. Once you start dropping thoughts, the dust that you have collected in the past, the flame arises -- clean, clear, alive, young. Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke. That is what awareness is.

More Innocent
Become more and more innocent, less knowledgeable and more childlike. Take life as fun because that's precisely what it is!

Drop the Fear
Drop the fear. Fear was taken up by you in your childhood, unconsciously. Now consciously drop it and be mature. Then the life can be a light which goes on deepening as you go on growing.

Real Revolution
To be alone in the only real revolution. To accept that you are alone is the greatest transformation that can happen to you.

The Mind
The mind exists in time, in fact the mind is time; it exists in the past and the future.  And remember, time consists of only two tenses, the past and the future. The present is not part of time, the present is part of eternity.

Time Stops 
If you are absolutely without mind, just pure consciousness, time stops completely, disappears, leaving no trace behind.

Inner Changes
You can go on changing the outer for lives and you will never be satisfied; something or other will remain to be changed. Unless the inner changes, the outer can never be perfect.

To Be Creative
To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.

Misery nourishes your ego. That's why you see so many miserable people in the world. The basic, central point is the ego.

Seriousness is a Sickness
Seriousness is a sickness. Your sense of humor makes you more human, more humble. The sense of humor -- according to me -- is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.

The Heart
The heart knows nothing of the past, nothing of the future. It knows only of the present. The heart has no time concept.

What is needed is not something in which you can forget your loneliness. What is needed is that you become aware of your aloneness -- which is a reality. And it is so beautiful to experience it, to feel it, because it is your freedom from the crowd, from the other. It is your freedom from the fear of being lonely.

The Ultimate Peak of Consciousness
The whole world is a cyclone. But once you have found the center, the cyclone disappears. This nothingness is the ultimate peak of consciousness.

Arrived Home
Any human being who is becoming independent of conditionings, of religions, scriptures, prophets and messiahs, has arrived home. He has found the treasure which was hidden in his own being.

A Sense of Humor
Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.

Remain in wonder if you want the mysteries to open up for you. Mysteries never open up for those who go on questioning. Questioners sooner or later end up in a library. Questioners sooner or later end up with scriptures, because scriptures are full of answers. And answers are dangerous, they kill your wonder.

All the Buddhas of all the ages have been telling you a very simple fact: Be! Don't try to become. Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained. Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.

Creative Power
Fill your heart with the creative power to accept the past, decorate the present and transform the future.

The Beauty of Facing Life
The beauty of facing life unprepared is tremendous. Then life has a newness, a youth; then life has a flow and freshness. Then life has so many surprises. And when life has so many surprises, boredom never settles in you.

Be Less of a Judge
Be less of a judge. And you will be surprised that when you become a witness and you don't judge yourself, you stop judging others too. And that makes you more human, more compassionate, more understanding.

The Heart
The heart is always right, if there's a question of choosing between the mind and the heart. Because mind is a creation of the society. It has been educated. You have been given it by the society, not by existence. The heart is unpolluted.

If mind wants to comprehend reality, it will have to come out of the past and the future. But coming out of the past and the future, it is no longer mind at all. Hence the insistence of all the great masters of the world that the door to reality is no-mind.

Inner Mystery
Know the whole world is nothing when it is compared to knowing your own inner mystery of life.

Doubt is the vestibule which we all must pass through before we can enter the temple of truth.

Truth cannot be defined, although it can certainly be experienced. But experience is not a definition. A definition is made by the mind, experience comes through participating. If somebody asks, "What is a dance?" how can you define it? But you can dance and you can know the inner feel of it. God is the ultimate dance.

Be Silent and Listen
All that you need is just to be silent and listen to existence. There is no need of any religion, there is no need of any God, there is no need of any priesthood, there is no need of any organization.

There is No Evil

There is no evil and there are no evil forces in the world. There are only people of awareness, and there are people who are fast asleep -- and sleep has no force. The whole energy is in the hands of the awakened people. And one awakened person can awaken the whole world. One lighted candle can make millions of candles lighted without losing it's light.

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