
Thursday 28 March 2013

Do you believe in the second coming of Christ?

Do you believe in the second coming of Christ? 


CHRIST IS NOT A PERSON, CHRIST IS A STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. There have been Christs before Jesus, there have been Christs after Jesus. JESUS IS ONLY ONE OF THE CHRISTS. Buddha is a Christ, Mahavir is a Christ, Lu-tsu is a Christ, Zarathustra is a Christ. CHRIST SIMPLY MEANS THE ULTIMATE STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS; it is equivalent to Buddha.

BUDDHA IS NOT THE NAME OF ANY PERSON, IT IS A HAPPENING. So is Christ -- it is not Jesus' name! His name was Jesus. One day Jesus disappeared and the Christ-consciousness descended in him. He was no more the ego, he became the vehicle of the whole. He could say, "I and my Father in heaven are one." This is Christ-consciousness; it has nothing to do with Jesus.

IF YOU ARE WAITING FOR JESUS' SECOND COMING, THEN YOU ARE WAITING IN VAIN; but if you are waiting for Christ's coming, Christ has  been always coming. CHRIST IS IN FRONT OF YOU, YOU ARE LISTENING TO HIM -- not to Jesus, certainly; not to Gautama Siddhartha, certainly. But you are facing a Buddha, just as you are facing a Christ....

DON'T THINK THAT CHRIST AND JESUS ARE SYNONYMOUS. That's where lies the error in two thousand years of the Christian Church. MANY have come in this time -- this has been a long period -- many have come out of the Christian fold, and few have come even in the Christian fold itself. Meister Eckhart was a Christ, so was Jakob Boehme, so was Saint Francis. These were in the same fold, but still Christianity missed them, because THEY WERE WAITING FOR JESUS -- THE SAME BODY, THE SAME FORM.

That is utter nonsense. It is not going to happen again. JESUS CANNOT BE REPEATED.

TO REPEAT JESUS, YOU WILL HAVE TO REPEAT THE WHOLE HISTORY THAT PRECEDED JESUS -- and that is impossible. Jesus cannot be repeated -- because for Jesus to be here you will need Mariam, you will need Joseph the Carpenter, you will need the whole two-thousand-year-old world of Jerusalem. You will need Herod the king, and Pontius Pilate the governor general. You will need the whole structure -- because Jesus came as part of it.

NO, JESUS CANNOT BE REPEATED; THERE IS NO WAY. But Christ can descend, Christ can descend in anybody.

WHEN JOHN THE BAPTIST BAPTIZED JESUS in the River Jordan, the story says A GREAT WHITE DOVE CAME FROM HEAVEN, out of the blue -- nobody had seen such whiteness, such purity -- and he descended into Jesus and disappeared into Jesus.

THIS IS JUST SYMBOLIC. This is symbolic of Christhood: Jesus became enlightened -- something of the beyond... As Master Lu-tsu would like to say, "Heaven penetrated the earth."

THESE ARE JUST SYMBOLS, METAPHORS: a white dove descending from heaven, entering into Jesus and disappearing. And since that moment, Jesus is no longer Jesus -- he is Christ. The same happened to Buddha under the bodhi tree: something descended in him; and after that he was not Gautama Siddhartha -- he was the Buddha.

DON'T WAIT FOR JESUS' COMING. And if you wait for Jesus' coming, you will be wasting your time, HE IS NOT GOING TO COME, HE CANNOT COME.  But if you are waiting for Christ's coming, then there is no need to wait. CHRIST IS ALREADY HERE.

And those who have waited for Christ -- not for the particular form, but the consciousness, the essence of it -- they have always found Christ somewhere or other. THOUSANDS OF MASTERS HAVE EXISTED IN THE SAME CONSCIOUSNESS....

Christ is the Western equivalent of Buddha, the Awakened One, the Blessed One. That is actually the meaning of Christ. The meaning of Bhagwan is the meaning of Christ -- the Blessed One.

The Secret of Secrets

1 comment:

  1. It is the deepest truth of everything but the ego cant see boyond its own veils.God definitely is not a person he is rather presence or spirit but has no problem in manifesting himself through human form thus making their will the same with his own.this is indeed the greatest paradox underling every spiritual tradition.but unless one gets existential glimpses of it can never be certain of it because what ordinarly think of God is nothing but the projection of our minds but god can not be thought of it can only experienced in the very depth of our hearts and remember the heart is not a thinking faculty rather it is feeling or let us be seekers of gods presence instead of his anthropomorphic image because this father figure has been the cause of untold misery!


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