
Friday 22 March 2013

Grace comes if your Meditation goes Deep

Beloved Osho,
You often talk to us about grace. 
It seems to be such a beautiful word but my understanding of its meaning feels limited. I know that it is something you have. 
Could you speak some more about it?

Deva Anupo,
GRACE IS ONE OF THE GREAT MYSTERIES OF LIFE. It is not something physical, not psychological, but something spiritual. It is not within your power to create it. Any created grace will be false, phony.

GRACE COMES AS A FLOWERING OF YOUR BEING. The moment your meditation reaches to the deepest core, to the very center of the cyclone, a tremendous silence, peace and blissfulness arise within you. Grace is the total effect of all these qualities: SILENCE, PEACE, LOVE, COMPASSION, BLISSFULNESS, ECSTASY. When these things arise in you, their flame, their fire starts radiating from your physical body. They are so much they start overflowing.

THAT OVERFLOWING OF YOUR INNER ECSTASY is what can be defined as grace.

So it is possible a man or a woman may not be beautiful physically, but WHEN GRACE ARISES their physical beauty or their physical absence of beauty is completely changed. Whatever their physique is, is overwhelmed by something inner which is far more powerful.

It is just like a lamp: the flame is inside; what you see outside the glass of the lamp is the radiation. The glass may be beautiful; the glass may not be very beautiful. The glass may be made of crystal; the glass may be made in India. ONCE THE INNER FLAME IS LIT, YOU DON'T SEE THE GLASS, YOU SEE THE LIGHT. When the inner flame is not lit, you will see the glass -- because there is nothing else to see. And then you will differentiate between a beautiful man and an ugly man, a beautiful woman or a homely woman. Just to avoid the word 'ugly' they have found a beautiful word, 'homely'.

But these distinctions remain only if the inner light is still dormant. ONCE THE INNER LIGHT COMES RADIATING THROUGH THE BODY, YOU DON'T SEE THE BODY, you see a beautiful radiance, a beautiful aura surrounding the person. That is grace.

Grace transforms your physical body completely -- because nobody can see now exactly what your physical body is. THE GRACE IS SO STUNNING, EVERY GESTURE BECOMES SO BEAUTIFUL. Your eyes radiate a totally new silence. They open to such great depths that they become almost unfathomable. Your words are not just language, something more is added to them. A fragrance, a beauty, a music, even your prose sounds like poetry. Ordinary words start having an extraordinary effect -- because your inner experience gives them authority.

Before, they were empty, just used cartridges, they had nothing in them. Now they are still the same words; the container is the same, but the content is a new addition to it. NOW THE CONTENT RADIATES THROUGH THE WORDS, and you can see it in many ways.

Gautam Buddha was born on the boundary line of India and Nepal. Now Nepalese are not known for much beauty. They are part of the Mongolian race. Their size is small, their faces don't show the beauty that you will find in Kashmir. But Gautam Buddha's statues are in a way not factual.

I don't believe that such a beautiful man was born on the border of India and Nepal. I have been over the whole territory of Nepal, and I have never come across anything resembling this beauty. Perhaps Gautam Buddha was also just an ordinary Nepalese, but why have the statues been made so beautiful? THE ARTISTS, THE SCULPTORS WERE NOT SEEING ONLY THE PHYSICAL FRAME OF GAUTAM BUDDHA, they were also seeing a tremendously powerful aura around him that was making him so beautiful. And it would have been wrong to make his statues as he would have looked before enlightenment. So those statues are all made after his enlightenment.

Almost the same has happened with Jesus. There has been an inscription found in the rocks near Galilee that describes JESUS CHRIST AS AN UGLY MAN, EXTRAORDINARILY UGLY. If you had seen him, he was repulsive. His height in that inscription is only four feet five inches, and on top of it all, he is described as a hunchback. Now you cannot call such a man beautiful. But all the statues and the descriptions by the disciples in the gospels do not mention that he was a pygmy, four feet five inches high, that he was ugly and repulsive, that he was a hunchback. They describe him as poetically, as aesthetically as possible.

And I am absolutely certain that they are not making it up. It is not their desire to present Jesus Christ their master to the world as beautiful. THEY HAVE SEEN HIS BEAUTY, but that beauty is not the ordinary beauty; THAT BEAUTY IS OF GRACE.

From the other side also you can see that you can sometimes find very beautiful people, physically -- if you look they are tremendously beautiful -- but if you are living close enough to them, you will find their ugliness starts coming out of their physical structure. Their physical structure may be like Cleopatra, but CLEOPATRA TO ME WAS NOT A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. She may have had the form of a beautiful body, but her intentions and
her state of consciousness were very ugly. She cannot have any grace; she was selling her body to anybody, just to remain the queen of Egypt. She was not using the army to fight, she was using her own body. And great generals like Anthony were caught into her trap. She was using her beauty for ugly ends. SHE COULD NOT HAVE GRACE.

So it is possible that a man or a woman may be physically beautiful, but if his inner being is full of darkness that darkness will show. THERE IS NO WAY FOR HER TO COVER THAT DARKNESS by any kind of makeup. In ordinary photographs, she will look beautiful. But in Russia one scientist photographer, Kirlian, has developed very sensitive films that also take the photograph of your aura. They not only take your physical frame, but the light that surrounds you, that surrounds every living being, even the trees. 

Even the leaves have an aura of their own. And that aura makes such a difference. IF A MAN HAS GRACE, HE WILL HAVE A TREMENDOUSLY BEAUTIFUL AURA, so stunning to the eyes that you will forget about his physical body whether it was beautiful or not.

Christians have not been able to explain the inscription and the discrepancy with the gospels -- because they don't seem to understand the law of grace. KIRLIAN is the first man as far as science is concerned who has changed the whole approach. He takes photographs of the aura; his photographs are not only of you, but the subtle light that is radiating from you.

THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALMOST NO AURA. Their bodies may be beautiful, but their personalities will be ugly. Their intentions and ambitions and their desires will be of a very low character....

THE GRACE IS YOUR AURA, and as your inner being becomes more silent, your aura becomes more radiant. And just as Kirlian's photography has been able to catch the aura which your ordinary eyes cannot see, a disciple in love and trust starts seeing things which an ordinary observer, outsider, will not be able to see. He starts seeing a grace; he starts hearing the music. He starts feeling a certain fragrance arising from the man, who is centered in his being, who is no more a personality but has become innocent individuality; whose connection is no longer with the society but existence itself.

His life is of love; he is love. That radiance of love and peace and silence is all part of his grace. That's why I said the word 'grace' has tremendous meaning -- because ALL THAT MEDITATION GIVES YOU CAN BE PUT TOGETHER IN ONE WORD, AND THAT IS 'GRACE'.

But don't create a desire for it. Don't long for it. IT COMES IF YOUR MEDITATION GOES DEEP. You cannot do anything with grace directly, YOU CAN ONLY WAIT. Your waiting has to become so deep, so trustful, that grace will come when the time comes. Just as the trees go on waiting for the spring -- when it comes, it comes. They are not running after spring; they are not making any speed. They are not creating any action movement: "Why does spring come only once a year... why not twice, and why does it not remain always?" The whole world is silently waiting. Except man, there is no impatience anywhere.

And impatience makes you ugly.

And impatience is a disturbance in your meditation. Learn to wait. BE PATIENT AND TRUST THAT EXISTENCE WILL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU ARE READY FOR. All that you have to do is to go on deeper in meditation, beyond mind into silence. No thoughts, no emotions, no moods, just a silent watchfulness and waiting for whatever existence finds you ready for.

GRACE COMES, BUT IT COMES WITHOUT A WHISPER. You suddenly find it. You feel it within. You feel it in your movements; you feel it in your sleep; you feel it in your speech -- everywhere you are engulfed. But the only thing that is needed on your part is a deep waitfulness. MEDITATION WILL CREATE WATCHFULNESS AND YOU HAVE TO LEARN THE ART OF WAITING.

PHILOSOPHICAL PHYLLIS said she has learned three discouraging things about men. ONE, they go to war and kill each other when, if only they would be patient, they would die a natural death. TWO, they climb trees and knock down apples when, if only they would be patient, the apples would fall to the ground. THREE, they pursue women when, if only they would be patient, women would pursue them.

ONE HAS TO LEARN THE ART OF WAITING and then millions of things will happen to you which never happen to impatient people.

A man fell out of a tenth-storey window. He's lying on the ground with a big crowd around him. A cop walks over and says, "What happened?" The guy says, "I don't know, I just got here." 

You have also just got here. BE A LITTLE PATIENT, and you will start experiencing things.

In a school in one of Chicago's poorer districts, a questionnaire was sent home with a girl pupil requesting information regarding the number of brothers and sisters, her father's occupation, et cetera. The next day she returned with a scrap of paper on which was written the following: 
There are eighteen children in my family. My father can also do plumbing and carpentry work.

JUST WAIT. People are engaged so much. Now think of that man: eighteen children and still he can do plumbing and carpentry work.

GIVE A LITTLE TIME TO YOURSELF, and in the end you will find that is the only time you have really lived. Even if you can just give one hour out of twenty-four hours to yourself, to your meditation, to your silence -- JUST BEING, NOT DOING ANYTHING, JUST WAITING AND LEARNING TO WAIT. In the end of your life you will be surprised that your twenty-three hours have gone to waste. Only that one hour, whatever you have gained in that one hour is still with you and is going with you; even death cannot take it away. 

JUST ONE HOUR can give you immense PEACE, SILENCE, BLISSFULNESS, and slowly slowly, the aura of GRACE will arise around you.

The Invitation
Ch #18: A good laugh is the greatest prayer
am in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

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