
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Don't Believe in Reincarnation!

As far as I am concerned, NOT A SINGLE WORD FROM ME HAS TO BE BELIEVED, BUT TO BE EXPERIENCED. And I am giving you the method, how to experience it.

BECOME MORE MEDITATIVE. Reincarnation and God, heaven and hell, does not matter. What matters is your becoming alert. MEDITATION AWAKENS YOU, GIVES YOU EYES -- and then whatever you see, you cannot deny it.

AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, REINCARNATION IS A TRUTH -- because in existence nothing dies. Even the physicist will say, about the objective world, that nothing dies. You can destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- so much power science has given to chimpanzee politicians -- but you cannot destroy a single drop of water.

You cannot destroy. Physicists have become aware of this impossibility. WHATEVER YOU DO, ONLY THE FORM CHANGES. You destroy a single dewdrop, and there is hydrogen and oxygen; they were its components. You cannot destroy hydrogen or oxygen. If you try, then from molecules you come to atoms. If you destroy the atom, you come to electrons. We don't know right now if we can destroy the electron. Either you cannot destroy it -- it is the ultimate objective constituent of reality -- or if you can destroy it, then you will find something else. BUT NOTHING CAN BE DESTROYED IN THE OBJECTIVE WORLD.

THE SAME IS TRUE ABOUT THE WORLD OF CONSCIOUSNESS, OF LIFE. There is no death. DEATH IS ONLY A CHANGE from one form into another form, and ultimately from form to formlessness.

And that is the goal -- because EVERY FORM IS A KIND OF IMPRISONMENT. Unless you become formless, you cannot get rid of misery, jealousy, anger, hatred, greed, fear -- because these are concerned with your form.
BUT WHEN YOU ARE FORMLESS, THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN HARM YOU, there is nothing that you can lose any more, there is nothing that can be added to you. You have come to the ultimate realization.

Only Gautam Buddha has given the right word for this experience. In English it is difficult to translate it, because languages develop only after experience. It is just arbitrarily that I am calling it "enlightenment". But it is very arbitrary; it does not really give you the sense that Buddha's word gives. He calls it nirvana.

I can explain the word to you. NIRVANA MEANS CEASING TO BE. Strange... ceasing to be. I could have used that word, but that would make you afraid. Already people are so much afraid of me -- I, who have never done any harm to anybody.

NOT TO BE IS NIRVANA. That does not mean that you are no more; it simply means you are no more an entity, embodied. Yes, in that sense you are no more, but that is the way -- NOT TO BE IS THE WAY TO BE ALL. The dewdrop drops into the ocean. You can say it has died, but those who know will say it has become oceanic. Now it is the whole ocean.

EXISTENCE IS ALIVE AT EVERY STAGE. Nothing is dead. Even a stone -- which you think seems to be completely dead -- is not dead. So many living electrons are running so fast inside it that you cannot see them, but they are all living beings. Their bodies are so small that nobody has seen them; we don't even have any scientific instrument to see the electron, it is only guesswork. We can see the effect; hence we think there must be a cause. The cause has not been seen, only the effect has been seen. But the electron is as alive as you are.

The whole existence is synonymous with life.

Here nothing dies. Death is an impossibility.

Yes, things change from one form to another form till they become mature enough that they need not go to school again. Then they move into a formless life, then they become one with the ocean itself.

-Osho, From the False to the Truth

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