
Monday 22 April 2013

Building Positive Self-Esteem

Steps For Building Positive Self-esteem
1. Develop a Mindset That Brings Happiness
  • Look for the positive in every person and in every situation.
  • Resolve to be happy.
  • Set your own standards judiciously.
  • Develop an immunity to negative criticism.
  • Learn to find pleasure in every little thing.
  • Remember all times are not the same. Ups and downs are part of life.
  • Make the best of every situation.
  • Keep yourself constructively occupied.
  • Help others less fortunate than yourself.
  • Learn to get over things. Don't brood.
  • Forgive yourself and others. Don't hold guilt or bear grudges.
2. Turn Scars into Stars 
Some of the best music was composed by Beethoven. What was his handicap? He was deaf. Some of the best poetry written on nature was written by Milton. What was his handicap? He was blind. One of the greatest world leaders was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. What was his handicap? He served from a wheelchair.

3. Do Something for Others Who Cannot Repay You in Cash or Kind
Dr. Karl Menninger, a world-renowned psychiatrist, was once asked, "What would you advise someone if you knew that person was going to have a nervous breakdown?" The audience expected Dr. Menninger to advise consulting a professional. But he didn't. He said, "I would advise that person to lock home, go to the other side of town, find someone in need and help that person. By doing that we get out of our own way." A lot of times we get in our own way, don't we?

4. Learn to Give and Receive Compliments
Don't miss out on any opportunity to give sincere compliments. Remember, the key word is sincerity. When others give you a compliment, accept it graciously and gracefully with two words, "Thank you." That is a sign of humility.

5. Accept responsibility
If the average life expectancy of a person is 75 years and if you are 40 years old, you have 365 days x 35 years, to live. Ask yourself this question: What are you going to do with this time? When we accept or add responsibility, we make ourselves more valuable. 

6. Set Goals
Well-defined goals give a person a sense of direction, a feeling of accomplishment when he reaches his goals. More important than goals is a sense of purpose and vision. It gives meaning and fulfillment to life.

7. Associate with People of High Moral Character
Associate yourself with people of good quality if you esteem your reputation for it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. -George Washington

8. Become Internally Driven, Not Externally Driven
No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Eleanor Roosevelt
  There is a story about an ancient Indian sage who was called ugly names by a passerby. The sage listened unperturbed till the man ran out of words. He asked the man, "If an offering is not accepted, who does it belong to?" The man replied, "It belongs to the person who offered it." The sage said, "I refuse to accept your offering," and walked away, leaving the man dazed. The sage was internally driven.

9. Learn Intelligent Ignorance
I'm looking for a lot of men with an infinite capacity for not knowing what cannot be done. - Henry Ford
Henry Ford gave this world the V8 engine. He did not have much formal education. In fact, he did not go to school beyond the age of 14. He was intelligent enough to know there had to be a V8 engine but he was ignorant and didn't know how to build it. So he asked all his highly qualified, educated people to build one. But they told him what could be done and what couldn't. According to them, a V8 was an impossibility. But Henry Ford insisted on having his V8. A few months later he asked his people if they had the V8 and they replied, "We know what can be done and we also know what cannot be done and V8 is an impossibility." This went on for many months and still Henry Ford said, "I want my V8." And shortly thereafter the same people produced his V8 engine.

10. Have patience
In China there is a bamboo tree which is planted, watered and fertilized for the first four years and nothing happens. There is no visible sign of growth. But sometime during the fifth year, the bamboo tree grows about 90 feet in six weeks. The question is: Did the bamboo tree grow in six weeks or did it take five years to grow even though there was no visible sign it was taking root in the ground? 
- Shiv Khera

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