
Sunday 21 April 2013

Creative Visualization Affirmations

Abundance & Prosperity: 
  • I find prosperity in simplicity.
  • This is an abundant universe and there is plenty for all of us.
  • Abundance is my true state of being. I am now ready to accept it fully and joyously.
  • God is the unfailing, unlimited source of all my supply.
  • I deserve to be prosperous and happy. I am now prosperous and happy!
  • The more I prosper, the more I have to share with everyone else.
  • I’m ready now to accept all the joy and prosperity life has to offer me.
  • The world is now becoming an abundant place for everyone.
  • Financial success is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
  • I am now enjoying financial prosperity!
  • Life is meant to be fun and I’m now willing to enjoy it!
  • I am rich in consciousness and manifestation.
  • I now have plenty of money for my own personal needs and the needs of my family.
  • I now have a satisfying income of $ ______ per month.
  • I feel deeply satisfied with my financial situation.
  • I feel rich, well, and happy.
Accepting Ourselves:
  • I accept myself completely here and now.
  • I love myself completely as I am, and I’m getting better all the time.
  • I accept all my feelings as part of myself.
  • I’m beautiful and loveable however I’m feeling.
  • None of my feelings are negative. They are all important parts of who I am.
  • I am now willing to experience all my feelings.
  • It’s good to express my feelings. I now give myself permission to express my feelings.
  • I love myself when I express my feelings.
Feeling Good:
  • It’s okay for me to have fun and enjoy myself, and I do!
  • I like to do things that make me feel good.
  • I am deeply relaxed and centered.
  • I now feel deep inner peace and serenity.
  • I’m glad I was born and I love being alive.
Going with the flow:
  • The universe is unfolding perfectly.
  • I don’t have to hang on.
  • I can relax and let go.
  • I can go with the flow.
  • I always have everything I need.
  • I have all the love I need within my own heart.
  • I am a lovable and loving person.
  • I am whole in myself.
  • Divine love is guiding me and I am always taken care of.
  • The universe always provides.
  • I am loving and healing myself on all levels — spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.
  • I can get my needs met without getting sick.
  • I am learning to take good care of myself.
  • I love and accept my body completely.
  • I am good to my body, and my body is good to me.
  • I deserve to be healthy and feel good.
  • I have now released all patterns of illness. I’m free and healthy!
  • My body is balanced, in perfect harmony with the earth and the universe.
  • I am energetic and full of vitality.
  • I give thanks for ever-increasing health, beauty, and vitality.
  • It’s natural to feel good.
  • I love and accept myself completely as I am.
  • I don’t have to try to please anyone else. I like myself and that’s what counts.
  • I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of other people.
  • I express myself freely, fully, and easily.
  • I am a powerful, loving, and creative being.
  • My relationships are mirrors that show me myself.
  • I am now learning from all my relationships.
  • My relationships are helping me to heal and love myself.
  • I am strong, vulnerable, and loving in my relationships.
  • I deserve love and sexual pleasure.
  • I am now ready to accept a happy, fulfilling relationship.
  • I am now ready for my relationships to work.
  • I love myself and I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.
  • I am now attracting exactly the kind of relationship I want.
  • I am now divinely irresistible to my perfect mate.
  • All difficulties between me and _____________ are now being healed.
  • The more I love myself the more I love ___________.
  • I love ____________ and ____________ loves me.
Opening Creativity:
  • I am now an open channel for creative energy.
  • Creative ideas and inspiration are coming to me every day.
  • I am the creator of my life.
  • I am now creating my life exactly as I want it.
Divine Love and Guidance:
  • Divine love is doing its perfect work in this situation now for the good of all concerned.
  • Divine love and light are working through me now.
  • Divine love goes before me and prepares the way.
  • God is showing me the way now.
  • My inner wisdom is guiding me now.
  • I am now being guided to the perfect solution to this problem.
  • The light within me is creating miracles in my body, mind, and affairs, here and now.
-Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization

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