
Wednesday 24 April 2013

What is Life?

Actually, everything that exists is “life.” Even a creature which we normally term “dead” is alive. The process of dissolution creates life of its own!

Everything that is vibrates. Everything consists of molecules in constant motion. They are composed of even smaller particles known as “atoms.” An atom is like a miniature solar system. The nucleus of the atom represents the Sun in our own solar system. Around this “sun” rotate electrons in much the same way as our solar-system planets revolve around our Sun. As in the Solar-system, the atom unit is mostly empty space!

We will use “molecules” instead of atoms, neutrons, protons, etc., because this is a Course on Metaphysics, not a course of Chemistry or Physics. Man is a mass of rapidly rotating molecules. Man appears to be solid; it is not easy to push a finger through flesh and bone. Yet this solidity is an illusion forced upon us because we too are Mankind. 

Consider a creature of infinite smallness who can stand at a distance from a human body and look at it. The creature would see whirling suns, spiral nebulae, and streams akin to the Milky Way. In the soft parts of the body — the flesh — the molecules would be widely dispersed. In the hard substances, the bones, the molecules would be dense, bunched together and giving the appearance of a great cluster of stars.

Imagine You are on your own mountain-top, You are alone, far from the lights of any city which, reflecting into the night sky, causes refraction from suspended moisture-drops and makes the heavens appear dim . . . above you the stars shine clear and brilliant. Great galaxies stretch before you. Across the heavens the band known as the Milky Way appears as a vast and smoky trail. Stars, worlds, planets. Molecules. So would the microscopic creature see YOU!

Man is composed of molecules in motion. That motion generates a form of electricity which, uniting with the “electricity” delivered by the Overself, gives sentient Life. 

You put this battery in your flashlamp and when you operate the switch you get a light. Do you know why? Under certain conditions metals and carbon and chemicals react together chemically in order to produce something which we call electricity. The brain generates electricity of its own! Within the human body there are traces of metals, even metals such as zinc, and of course we must remember that the human body has the carbon molecule as its basis.

The brain is, of course, a form of receiving station for the messages  which are transmitted by the Overself, and the human brain in its turn can transmit messages, such as lessons learned, experiences gained, etc., to the Overself. These messages are conveyed by means of the “Silver Cord,” a mass of high velocity molecules which vibrate and rotate at an extremely divergent range of frequencies, and connects the human body and the human Overself. This Silver Cord connects us to our Overself in much the same way as the umbilical cord connects a baby to its mother.

The body here on Earth is something like a vehicle operating by remote control. The driver is the Overself. The human body may be likened very very roughly to that, for the Overself which cannot come down to the Earth to gain experiences sends down this body which is US on Earth. Everything that we experience, everything that we do or think or hear travels upwards to be stored in the memory of the Overself.

Everything we do is known to the Overself. People strive to become spiritual if they are on “the right Path.” it is so essential to adhere to the old Buddhist formula which exhorts one to “return good for evil and to fear no man, and to fear no man's deed, for in returning good for evil, and giving good at all times, we progress upwards and never downwards.”
-Lobsang Rampa, You Forever

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