
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Conversations With God Book 2

Every event is an Act of God.
  • No one comes to you by accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random. Life is not a product of chance.
  • Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes. Larger planetary experiences and developments are the result of group consciousness. Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness. The choice is always yours.
  • Feelings are the language of the soul. And your soul is your truth. 
  • Nothing is more natural than love. If you act lovingly, you will be acting naturally. If you react fearfully, resentfully, angrily, you may be acting normally, but you will never be acting naturally.
  • Negativity is never a sign of ultimate truth, even if it seems like your truth at the moment. It may arise out of an unhealed part of you.
  • A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.
  • If you “see” a future event or experience you do not like, don’t choose it! Choose again! Select another! Change or alter your behavior so as to avoid the undesired outcome.
  • Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
  • It is a great time-saver to be out of your mind. Decisions are reached quickly, choices are activated rapidly, because your soul creates out of present experience only, without review, analysis, and criticism of past encounters.
  • The soul understands what the mind cannot conceive.
  • At the moment of your death you will realize the greatest freedom, the greatest peace, the greatest joy, and the greatest love you have ever known.
  • Understand that death is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy. It is not a closing down, but an opening up.
Whole Life Experience
When the pain is “ours,” not just “yours,” 
When the joy is “ours,” not just “mine,”
When the whole life experience is Ours, then it is at last truly that—a Whole Life experience.

Your Will is My will
What you wish is My command. Remember, My cherished one, your desires are My desires. Your will is My Will.
  • Your will is my will. First, because I know it. Second, because I accept it Third, because I praise it. Fourth, because I love it. Fifth, because I own it and call it My Own.
  • Now for My Will to be yours, you would have to do the same. First, you would have to know it. Second, you would have to accept it. Third, you would have to praise it. Fourth, you would have to love it Finally, you would have to call it your own.
Time & Space
  • Within the Isness is where your experience—and your greatest secret—lies. You can move in consciousness within the Isness to any “time” or “place” you choose.
  • There is no time. All things exist simultaneously. All events occur at once.
  • We see that it is not time which “passes,” but objects which pass through (earth,moon,..) and move around in, a static field which you call space. “Time” is simply your way of counting movements!
Multi-Dimensional Being
  • You can live the “same life” over and over again, in different ways—as i’ve just explained. 
  • And you can also live different lives at different “times” on the Continuum. 
  • Thus, all the while you’re being you, here, now—you can also be, and have been— other “selves” in other “times” and “places.”
  • This process of creation and recreation is ongoing, never ending, and multi-layered. It is all happening “right now” and on many levels. 
  • In your linear reality you see the experience as one of Past, Present, and Future.  You imagine yourself to have one life, or perhaps many, but surely only one at a time. 
  • But what if there were no “time”? Then you’d be having all your “lives” at once!
Now Moment
  • Use your Now Moment for the Highest Purpose—the creation and the expression of Who You Really Are.
  • Everyone is creating everything now being experienced— which is another way of saying that I am creating everything now being experienced, for I am everyone. 
  • It is all contained in a single truth: THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US.
  • Invisible “energy” is the “space” which holds “matter together.”
  • In the beginning, pure energy—Me!—vibrated, oscillated, so fast as to form matter—-all the matter of the universe! You, too, can perform the same feat. In fact, you do, every day. Your thoughts are pure vibration—and they can and do create physical matter!
  • Not in physical form. But you will always exist. You cannot not exist. You are that which Is.
  • “For everything there is a season; and a time for every Purpose under Heaven.” Wise is the one who understands this. Clever is the one who uses it.
Male - Female
  • Women are more able to “go with the flow” than men. Men want to push, pull, resist, direct the flow. Women experience it—then mold with it to produce harmony.
  • A woman hears the melody of flowers in the wind. She sees the beauty of the Unseen. She feels the tugs and pulls and urges of life. She knows when it is time to run, and time to rest; time to laugh and time to cry; time to hold on and time to let go.
  • Most women leave their bodies gracefully. Most men fight the departure. Women treat their bodies more gracefully when they are in them, too. Men treat their bodies horribly. That is the same way they treat life.
  • Yet it has been said that being a man is your testing ground, or your probation. When you have been a man long enough—when you have suffered enough through your own foolishness; when you have inflicted enough pain through the calamities of your own creation; when you have hurt others enough to stop your own behaviors— to replace aggression with reason, contempt with compassion, always-winning with no-one-losing—then you may become a woman.
  • When you have learned that might is not “right”; that strength is not power over, but power with; that absolute power demands of others absolutely nothing; when you understand these things, then you may deserve to wear a woman’s body—for you will at last have understood her Essence.
  • There is male and female in each of you. Express and experience that aspect of you which it pleases you to express and experience. Yet know that it is all open to each of you.
Things to Desire
Love, love the things you desire—for your love of them draws them to you.
  • Yet do not choose sex instead of love, but as a celebration of it.
  • And do not choose power over, but power with. 
  • And do not choose fame as an end in itself, but as a means to a larger end. 
  • And do not choose success at the expense of others, but as a tool with which to assist others. 
  • And do not choose winning at any cost, but winning that costs others nothing, and even brings them gain as well.
How may we best express this thing called sexual energy?
Lovingly. Openly.
Playfully. Joyfully.
Outrageously. Passionately. Sacredly. Romantically.
Humorously. Spontaneously. Touchingly. Creatively. Unabashedly. Sensually.
And, of course, Frequently.

Tantric Sex
  • Give yourself abundant pleasure, and you will have abundant pleasure to give others. The masters of Tantric sex know this. That’s why they encourage masturbation, which some of you actually call a sin.
  • Tantric lovers, therefore, often self-pleasure before they pleasure each other. This is frequently done in the presence of each other, and usually with the encouragement and help and loving guidance of each other. Then, when initial hungers have been satisfied, the deeper thirst of the two—the thirst for ecstasy through prolonged union —can be gloriously satisfied.
  • The mutual self-pleasuring is all part of the joyfulness, the playfulness, the lovingness of sexuality fully expressed. It is one of several parts. The experience you call coitus, or intercourse, might come at the end of a 2-hour encounter of love. Or it might not. For most of you it is very nearly the only point of a 20-minute exercise. That is, 20 minutes if you’re lucky!
Is there such a thing as “too much” sex?
  • No. Of course not. But there is such a thing as too much of a need for sex. I suggest this: Enjoy everything. Need nothing.
  • The sexually active are no less qualified for enlightenment, no less spiritually evolved, than the sexually inactive.
  • Whether it’s loveless sex or loveless spaghetti and meat balls, if you’ve prepared the feast and are consuming it without love, you’re missing the most extraordinary part of the experience.
  • Likewise, if you give yourself the pleasure of power, you have more power to share with others. The same is true of fame, wealth, glory, success, or anything else which makes you feel good.
  • Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others. Spirituality urges you to seek your own.
  • “Feeling good” is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was truth, that your last word was wisdom, that your last action was love.
  • Self-denial is self-destruction.
Energy Field
  • The Matrix—the combined current energy field within any given parameter—is a powerful vibe. It can directly impact, affect, and create physical objects and events.
  • The closer you are, the more intense the energy. The further away, the more subtle. Yet you are never totally disconnected from anything.
  • When many people are thinking the same thing, there is a very high likelihood their thoughts will form a Reality.
  • If you love another, you will not do anything that you believe could or would hurt that person. If there is any question or doubt, you will wait until you can get to clarity on the matter.
Highest Betrayal
  • Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is Betrayal nonetheless. It is the Highest Betrayal.
  • The Highest Choice is not always the choice which seems to serve another.
Greatest Freedom & Greatest Growth 
  • It is only through the exercise of the greatest freedom that the greatest growth is achieved—or even possible. 
  • If all you are doing is following someone else’s rules, then you have not grown, you have obeyed.
Even the mind is forgotten after age 30. 
  • No one reads anymore. No one writes. 
  • No one teaches. No one learns. 
  • The mind is forgotten. It is not nourished. It is not expanded. 
  • No new input. The minimum output required. 
  • The mind is not fed. It is not awakened. It is lulled, dulled. 
  • You do everything you can to disengage it. Television, movies, pulp paper-backs. Whatever you do, don’t think, don’t think, don’t think!

It’s time to make friends with your mind again. 
  • Be a companion to it—it’s felt so alone. 
  • Be a nourisher of it—it’s been so starved. 
  • If you knew of what your mind is capable, you would never cease to partake of its wonders—and its powers.
Is your soul as lonely as your mind? 
Is it even more neglected? 
  • And when was the last time you felt your soul being expressed? When was the last time you cried with joy? 
  • Wrote poetry? 
  • Made music? 
  • Danced in the rain? 
  • Baked a pie? 
  • Painted anything? 
  • Fixed something that was broken? 
  • Kissed a baby? 
  • Held a cat to your face? 
  • Hiked up a hill? 
  • Swam naked? 
  • Walked at sunrise? 
  • Played the harmonica? 
  • Talked ’til dawn? 
  • Made love for hours… on a beach, in the woods? 
  • Communed with nature? 
  • Searched for God?
  • When was the last time you sat alone with the silence, travelling to the deepest part of your being? 
  • When was the last time you said hello to your soul?
You are three-part beings, and most people experience themselves as a body. 
  • When you live as a single-faceted creature, you become deeply mired in matters of the body: Money. Sex. Power. Possessions. Physical stimulations and satisfactions. Security. Fame. Financial gain.
  • When you live as a dual-faceted creature, you broaden your concerns to include matters of the mind. Companionship; creativity; stimulation of new thoughts, new ideas; creation of new goals, new challenges; personal growth.
  • When you live as a three-part being, you come at last into balance with yourself. Your concerns include matters of the soul: spiritual identity; life purpose; relationship to God; path of evolution; spiritual growth; ultimate destiny.
  • As you evolve into higher and higher states of consciousness, you bring into full realization every aspect of your being. 
  • Yet evolution does not mean dropping some aspects of Self in favor of others.
  • It simply means expanding focus; turning away from almost exclusive involvement with one aspect, toward genuine love and appreciation for all aspects.
  • No action which causes hurt to another leads to rapid evolution.
    No action involving another may be taken without the other’s agreement and Permission.
Treating Young Ones
  • First, treat them as spirits. 
  • They are spirits, entering a physical body. 
  • That is not an easy thing for a spirit to do; not an easy thing for a spirit to get used to. It is very confining, very limiting. So the child will cry out at suddenly being so limited. 
  • Hear this cry. Understand it. And give your children as much of a sense of “unlimitedness” as you possibly can.
  • Next, introduce them to the world you have created with gentleness and care. Be full of care—that is to say, be careful—of what you put into their memory storage units. 
  • Children remember everything they see, everything they experience. Why do you spank your children the moment they exit the womb? Do you really imagine this is the only way to get their engines going? Why do you take your babies away from their mothers minutes after they have been separated from the only life-form they have known in all of their present existence? Will not the measuring and the weighing and the prodding and the poking wait for just a moment while the newly born experience the safety and the comfort of that which has given it life?
Child Education
  • Wisdom is knowledge applied.
  • When you give your children knowledge, you are telling them what to think. That is, you are telling them what they are supposed to know, what you want them to understand is true.
  • When you give your children wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but, rather, how to get to their own truth.
  • Knowledge is lost. Wisdom is never forgotten.
  • You don’t want your young ones drawing their own conclusions.
  • You want them to come to the same conclusions you came to. Thus, you doom them to repeat the mistakes to which your conclusions led you.
  • You have not allowed your schools to teach that love is all there is. You have not allowed your schools to speak of a love which is unconditional.
Sex Education to Children 
  • Now in enlightened societies offspring are never discouraged, reprimanded, or “corrected” when they begin to find early delight in the nature of their very being. 
  • Nor is the sexuality of their parents—that is, the identity of their parents as sexual beings —particularly avoided or necessarily hidden. 
  • Naked bodies, whether of the parents or the children or their siblings, are seen and treated as being totally natural, totally wonderful, and totally okay—not as things of which to be ashamed.
  • When your children begin to embrace their own sexual feelings, curiosities and urges, cause them to connect this new and expanding experience of themselves with an inner sense of joy and celebration, not guilt and shame. And for heaven sake, stop hiding your bodies from your children.
  • In societies where sexuality is openly spoken of, freely discussed, joyously explained and experienced, there is virtually no sexual crime, only a tiny number of births which occur when they are not expected, and no “illegitimate” or unwanted births. In highly evolved societies, all births are blessings, and all mothers and all children have their welfare looked after. Indeed, the society would have it no other way.
  • You will not allow your offspring to be taught to celebrate themselves and their bodies, their humanness and their wondrous sexual selves. And you will not allow your children to know that they are, first and foremost, spiritual beings inhabiting a body. Nor do you treat your children as spirits coming into bodies.
  • Needing someone is the fastest way to kill a relationship.
  • The greatest gift you can give someone is the strength and the power not to need you, to need you for nothing.
Hearing  Your Children
  • You certainly don’t want to encourage them in the classroom to start critically thinking about the facts you are giving them. Just get it, you say to them. 
  • Don’t come in here and tell us we’ve been doing it wrong. Just get that we’ve been doing it right. That’s how you educate your children. That’s what you’ve been calling education.
Your Young People
  • It is not your young people who are destroying the rain forests. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are depleting your ozone layer. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are exploiting the poor in sweat shops all over the world. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are taxing you to death, then using the money for war and machines of war. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are ignoring the problems of the weak and the downtrodden, letting hundreds of people die of starvation every day on a planet with more than enough to feed everybody. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are engaging in the politics of deception and manipulation. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who are sexually repressed, ashamed and embarrassed about their own bodies and passing on this shame and embarrassment to their offspring. They are asking you to stop it. 
  • It is not your young people who have set up a value system which says that “might is right” and a world which solves problems with violence. They are asking you to stop it. 
Nay, they are not asking you… they are begging you.

Your young people have joined you in your behaviors. 

  • If they are violent, it is because you are violent. 
  • If they are materialistic, it is because you are materialistic.
  • If they are acting crazy, it is because you are acting crazy. 
  • If they are using sex manipulatively, irresponsibly, shamefully, it is because they see you doing the same. 
The only difference between young people and older people is that young people do what they do out in the open.

Older People
  • Older people hide their behaviors. 
  • Older people think that young people cannot see. Yet young people see everything. Nothing is hidden from them. 
  • Young people see the hypocrisy of their elders, and they try desperately to change it. Yet having tried and failed, they see no choice but to imitate it. In this they are wrong, yet they have never been taught differently. 
  • They have not been allowed to critically analyze what their elders have been doing. They have only been allowed to memorize it.
Education Curriculum
  • And why do you not allow your young ones to learn logic and critical thinking and problem solving and creation, using the tools of their own intuition and their deepest inner knowing, rather than the rules and the memorized systems and conclusions of a society which has already proven itself to be wholly unable to evolve by these methods, yet continues to use them?
  • Finally, teach concepts, not subjects.
Devise a new curriculum, and build it around three Core Concepts:
  • Awareness
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
I tell you this: Until you are willing to take responsibility for all of it, you cannot change any of it.
  • You cannot keep saying they did it, and they are doing it, and if only they would get it right! Remember and never forget this “We have met the enemy, and they is us “
  • So stop! Turn around! Sit down together and collect your thoughts. Create the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had about yourselves as a human race. Then, take the values and concepts which undergird such a vision and teach them in your schools.
  • Waldorf School - it is an example—one of several I could cite.
Why not courses such as…
  • Understanding Power
  • Peaceful Conflict Resolution
  • Elements of Loving Relationships
  • Personhood and Self Creation
  • Body, Mind and Spirit: How They Function
  • Engaging Creativity
  • Celebrating Self, Valuing Others
  • Joyous Sexual Expression
  • Fairness
  • Tolerance
  • Diversities and Similarities
  • Ethical Economics
  • Creative Consciousness and Mind Power
  • Awareness and Wakefulness
  • Honesty and Responsibility
  • Visibility and Transparency
  • Science and Spirituality
Place a goals oriented, skill-development-focused curriculum in public schools

Political Observation
  • One world Government
  • Government is the human attempt to mandate goodness and ensure fairness. Yet there is only one place where goodness is born, and that is in the human heart. There is only one place where fairness can be conceptualized, and that is in the human mind. There is only one place where love can be experienced truly, and that is in the human soul. Because the human soul is love.
  • An awareness of Oneness and a consciousness of Love.
  • Love breeds tolerance, tolerance breeds peace.
  • The fastest way to get to a place of love and concern for all humankind is to see all humankind as your family.
Most, if not all, of the world’s problems and conflicts, and of your problems and conflicts as individuals, would be solved and resolved if you would, as a society:
1. Abandon the concept of Separation.
2. Adopt the concept of Visibility.
  • In enlightened societies there are no secrets. 
  • Everyone knows what everyone else has, what everyone else earns, what everyone else pays in wages and taxes and benefits, what every other corporation charges and buys and sells and for how much and for what profit and everything. EVERYTHING.
  • Do you know why this is possible only in enlightened societies? Because no one in enlightened societies is willing to get anything, or have anything, at someone else’s expense.
  • Remember when you talk about equality that we’re meaning equal opportunity, not equality in fact. Actual “equality” will never be achieved, and be grateful that is so.
  • When you learn to give unconditionally (which is to say, love unconditionally), then will you learn to receive unconditionally.
  • Reducing your spending on weapons of war and preparations for war; That is, offensive and defensive weapons of mass destruction.
  • Take the $1,000,000,000,000 a year spent annually worldwide for military purposes and shift that to humanitarian purposes.
World Peace
  • Let each person find peace within. When you find peace within, you also find that you can do without. This means simply that you no longer need the things of your outside world. 
  • “Not needing” is a great freedom. It frees you, first, from fear: fear that there is something you won’t have; fear that there is something you have that you will lose; and fear that without a certain thing, you won’t be happy.
  • Secondly, “not needing” frees you from anger. Anger is fear announced. When you have nothing to fear, you have nothing over which to be angry.
  • You are not angry when someone is unkind, because you have no need for them to be kind. 
  • You have no anger when someone is unloving, because you have no need for them to love you. 
  • You have no anger when someone is cruel, or hurtful, or seeks to damage you, for you have no need for them to behave any other way, and you are clear that you cannot be damaged.
  • You do not even have anger should someone seek to take your life, because you do not fear death. 
  • When fear is taken from you, all else can be taken from you and you will not be angry.
Inner Peace
  • When you find Inner Peace, neither the presence nor the absence of any person, place or thing, condition, circumstance, or situation can be the Creator of your state of mind or the cause of your experience of being.
No one is “disadvantaged
  • At a very high metaphysical level, no one is “disadvantaged,” for each soul creates for itself the exact people, events, and circumstances needed to accomplish what It wishes to accomplish.
  • You are seeking to be and to experience Who You Really Are—and to create that. You are creating yourself anew in every moment of Now.
  • When you come across a person who appears, in relative terms as observed within your world, to be disadvantaged, Your first question, always, must be: What do I want here?—not: What does the other person want here?
  • Jesus knew that if he gave people the help they asked for, rather than merely the help he wanted to give, that he was empowering them at the level at which they were ready to receive empowerment.
Sufficient resources 
I have placed more than sufficient resources on your planet to ensure adequate supplies for all. 
  • How can it be that thousands starve to death each year? 
  • That hundreds go homeless? 
  • That millions cry out for simple dignity?
The challenge is not to make everyone equal, but to give everyone at least the assurance of basic survival with dignity, so that each may then have the chance to choose what more they want from there.

  • This is because soil needs time to reconstitute itself, and your corporate farmers have no time. They want land that is producing, producing, producing. So the age-old practice of alternating growing fields from season to season is being abandoned or shortened.
Law of Love
  • The test of whether you are helping or hurting: Are your fellow humans enlarged or reduced as a result of your help? Have you made them bigger or smaller? More able or less able?
  • Compassion never ends, love never stops, patience never runs out in God’s World. Only in the world of man is goodness limited. In My World, goodness is endless.
  • You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other.
  • Ultimate Truth: nothing exists in the universe that is separate from anything else. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the fabric of all of life.
  • Law of Love Love gives all and requires nothing.
  • If everyone in your race gave all, what would you require? The only reason you require anything is because someone else is holding back. Stop holding back!
Know that I am God
Need nothing. Desire everything. 
Choose what shows up. 
Feel your feelings. 
Cry your cries. 
Laugh your laughs. 
Honor your truth. 
Yet when all the emotion is done, be still and know that I am God.
Simply want nothing. Have preferences, but no needs.

How can I begin?

Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build, not to destroy.

Bring My people home.

  • By your shining example. Seek only Godliness. Speak only in truthfulness. Act only In love.
  • Live the Law of Love now and forevermore. Give everything, require nothing.
  • Avoid the mundane.
  • Do not accept the unacceptable. Teach all who seek to learn of Me.
  • Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love.
  • Use every moment to think the highest thought, say the highest word, do the highest deed. In this, glorify your Holy Self, and thus, too, glorify Me.
  • Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch.
  • Be peace. Feel and express in every moment your Divine Connection with the All, and with every person, place, and thing.
  • Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every man’s shoes, forgive every offense (including your own), heal every heart, honor every person’s truth, adore every person’s God, protect every person’s rights, preserve every person’s dignity, promote every person’s interests, provide every person’s needs, presume every person’s holiness, present every person’s greatest gifts, produce every person’s blessing, and pronounce every person’s future secure in the assured love of God.
  • Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.
  • Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for a boast.
  • Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention.
  • Speak gently, that all might know of Love.
  • Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide.
  • Speak candidly(honestly), so you cannot be mistaken.
  • Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth.
  • Speak respectfully, that no one be dishonored.
  • Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal.
  • Speak of Me with every utterance.
  • Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift!
  • Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another’s life if you cannot be a gift.
  • When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you.
  • Why else do you think a person has come to you?
  • I tell you this: every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In so doing, he gives a gift to you—the gift of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are.
Truth and God

  • Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence.
  • Your future is creatable. Create it as you want it.
  • Everything—everything—that ever was, is now, and ever will be exists right now. And so, all that is… IS. Yet all that IS is constantly changing, for life is an ongoing process of creation. Therefore, in a very real sense, That Which IS… IS NOT.
  • God’s greatest gift is the sharing of God’s power.
  • No matter what you make of Me, I cannot forget, and will always return to, My Purest Form. All the rest is a fiction. It is something you are making up.
  • You and I are One—both now and even forever-more. 
  • Go now, and make of your life a statement of this truth. Do it through the expression of your Love, eternal and unconditional, for all those whose lives you touch.
  • Be a bringer of the light. You are that. So be it.
-Conversations With God Book 2, Neale Donald Walsch

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