
Sunday 12 May 2013

Conversations With God Book 3

  • Most people believe if they "have" a thing (more time, money, love—whatever), then they can finally "do" a thing (write a book, take up a hobby, go on vacation, buy a home, undertake a relationship), which will allow them to "be" a thing (happy, peaceful, content, or in love).
  • In actuality, they are reversing the Be-Do-Have paradigm. the person who is "being" happy seems to have time to do everything that's really important, all the money that's needed, and enough love to last a lifetime.

Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another.
If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy.
If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper.
If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have more love in theirs.
Do this sincerely—not because you seek personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have that—and all the things you give away will come to you.
You teach what you have to learn.

Fear Vs Love
Everything expresses love, when the expression is in its highest form.
Fear and guilt, I say again, are your only enemies. Love and awareness are your true friends.
Fear only paralyzes, while consciousness mobilizes.

Natural Emotions 
You have imprisoned your five natural emotions, repressing them and turning them into very unnatural emotions, which have brought unhappiness, death, and destruction to your world.
  • Grief that is continually repressed becomes chronic depression, a very unnatural emotion.
  • Anger that is continually repressed becomes rage, a very unnatural emotion.
  • Envy that is continually repressed becomes jealousy, a very unnatural emotion.
  • Fear that is continually repressed becomes panic, a very unnatural emotion.
  • Love that is continually repressed becomes posses- siveness, a very unnatural emotion. 
If you're feeling grief, get over it; 
if you're feeling angry, stuff it; 
if you're feeling envious, be ashamed of it; 
if you're feeling fear, rise above it; 
if you're feeling love, control it, limit it, wait with it, run from it—do whatever you have to do to stop from expressing it, full out, right here, right now.
  • I forgive your mistakes. All of them. I forgive your misplaced passions. All of them. I forgive your erroneous notions, your misguided understandings, your hurtful actions, your selfish decisions. All of them.
  • In truth, I do not forgive you, and will not forgive you ever, for anything. I do not have to. There is nothing to forgive. But I can release you. And I hereby do. Now. Once again. 
  • You cannot hurt Me, nor can I be harmed in any way. For I am the Unharmable. And that which cannot, be harmed cannot, and would not, harm another. The same is true of you. And of all others—though all of you imagine that you can be, and have been, hurt and damaged and destroyed.
  • No matter how "good" you think things have been, they can be better. No matter how wonderful you think your theologies, your ideologies, your cosmologies, they can be full of even more wonder.
Act out of your knowingness
  • Act out your knowingness in every moment. Keep acting on what you know, rather than what the world of illusion is showing you. Stay with it, no matter how deceiving appearances are. This is what all masters have done, and do. They judge not by appearances, but act according to what they know.
Life - God
  • Once there was a Rock, filled with countless atoms, protons, neutrons, and subatomic particles of matter. These particles were racing around continually, in a pattern, each particle going from "here" to "there," and taking "time" to do so, yet going so fast that the Rock itself seemed to move not at all. It just was. There it lay, drinking in the sun, soaking up the rain, and moving not at all.
  • And so, you are like magic! You are moving and not moving at the same time."
  • Life is a series of minute, incredibly rapid movements. These movements do not affect at all the immobility and the Beingness of Everything That Is. Yet, just as with the atoms of the rock, it is the movement which is creating the stillness, right before your eyes.
  • I am the Unmoved Mover.
  • Yet even the macro reality to which you return is but a micro reality of an even larger macro reality, which is a smaller part of a larger reality still—and so on, and on, and on, forever and ever, and even forever more, world without end.
  • Life Even the total bliss of Oneness cannot be experienced as "total bliss" unless something less than total bliss exists. So, something less than the total bliss of total Oneness had to be—and continually has to be—created.
  • There is nothing depressing about the cycle of life, there is only joy. Simply joy and more joy.
  • Life is like a CD-ROM. All the possibilities exist and have already occurred. Now you get to select which one you choose to experience.
  • Seek to get in touch with the perfection of all things.
  • God cannot create anything imperfect. If you think that God can create anything imperfect, then you know nothing of God.
  • Condemn not that which you call the lower, basic, animal instincts of man, yet bless them, honoring them as the path through which, and by which, you find your way back home.
  • For all of life is S.E.X.—Synergistic Energy exchange.
Loved ones
  • Loved ones are never far from you, never more than a thought away, and will always be there if you need them, ready with counsel or comfort or advice.
  • Your time with each person would be glorified if you thought it was your last time with that person. Your experience of each moment would be enhanced beyond measure if you thought it was the last such moment.
  • Nothing is painful which you understand is not real.
  • You can even enjoy death! You can even enjoy someone else's death.
  • Death is never an end, but always a beginning. A death is a door opening, not a door closing.
  • Impermanence is the only truth.
  • Nothing is permanent. All is changing. In every instant. In every moment.
  • You are not the illusion, but the creator of it. You are in this world, but not of it.
  • Always remember, you are not the flower, nor are you even the fruit. You are the tree. And your roots are deep, embedded in Me. I am the soil from which you have sprung, and both your blossoms and your fruit will return to Me, creating more rich soil. Thus, life begets life, and cannot know death, ever.
  • The biological imperative is not to create more life, but to experience more life—and to experience that life as it really is: a manifestation of Oneness.
  • You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is. There is also stopping meditation. Walking meditation. Doing meditation. Sexual meditation.
  • Just stop everything for one moment, and smile.
  • Breathe. That is another tool. Breathe long and deep. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in the soft, sweet nothingness of life, so full of energy, so full of love. It is God's love you are breathing. Breathe deeply, and you can feel it. Breathe very, very deeply, and the love will make you cry. For joy.
  • That which you are "in the presence of" becomes the Gift. These are the true "presents" of life.
I love you always — all ways.
View other Topics from Conversations With God Book 3

After Life

Time And Creation

Highly Evoloved Beings

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