
Thursday 16 May 2013

The Etheric Double: The Health Aura of Man

Pranamayakosha, or vehicle of Prana

Size of Etheric Double
Projects about one quarter of an inch beyond the skin.

Presence of Etheric Double
  • Persons who have lost a limb by amputation sometimes complain that they can feel pain at the extremities of the amputated limb, i.e., at the place where the limb used to be.
  • This is due to the fact that the etheric portion of the limb is not removed with the dense physical portion, but can still be seen in its place by clairvoyant sight
  • Jnanendriyas, “knowledge-senses” or sense-centres: eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin
  • Karmendriyas, “action senses,” or sense-centres: hands, feet, larynx, organs of generation and excretion.
Vitality Globule
  • Etheric body being constantly changed and replaced by fresh etheric particles, these being taken into the body along with the food eaten, with the air breathed, and with prana, in the form known as the Vitality Globule
  • The Chakrams are situated on the surface of the Double, that is about a quarter of an inch outside the skin of the body.
  • In developed people, on the other hand, the chakrams glow and pulsate, blazing with blinding brilliance like miniature suns. They vary in size from about two inches in diameter to about six inches.
Functions of Chakrams
1. Base of Spine
Astral Center: Seat of Kundalini. Kundalini goes to each Centre inturn and vivifies it.
Etheric Center: Seat of Kundalini. Kundalini goes to each Centre in turn and vividies it.

2. Navel
Astral Center: Feeling: general sensitiveness.
Etheric Center: Feeling astral influences.

3. Spleen
Astral Center: Vitalises Astral Body. Power to Travel consciously.
Etheric Center: Vitalises Physical Body. Memory of astral journeys.

4. Heart
Astral Center: Comprehension of Astral Vibrations and sympathise with, and so instinctively understand, the feelings of other astral entities.
Etheric Center: Consciousness of feelings of others

5. Throat
Astral Center: Hearing 
Etheric Center: Etheric and Astral hearing.

6. Between eyebrows
Astral Center: Sight 
Etheric Center: Clairvoyance. Magnification.

7. Top of head
Astral Center: Perfects and completes faculties 
Etheric Center: Continuity of consciousness - enables a man through it to leave the physical body in full  consciousness, and also to re-enter it without the usual break

  • The principal function of Kundalini in occult development is to pass through the etheric force centres and vivify these so that they bring through into the physical consciousness astral experiences. 
  • Thus The Voice of The Silence teaches that a vivification in this manner of the eyebrows centre enables one to hear the voice of the Master, that is, of the Ego or Higher Self. 
  • Merely to increase the circulation of Prana is sufficient to cure many minor diseases.
  • Headaches are usually caused by congestion, either of blood or of the vital fluid, sometimes called magnetism. A strong current directed by the healer through the head of the sufferer will wash away the congested matter and the headache will disappear.
  • One who sets himself deliberately to purify his dense body, at the same time automatically refines its etheric counterpart.
  • The Double being the connecting link between the brain and the higher consciousness, the forcible extrusion of it from the dense physical body by anasthetics necessarily produces anasthesia.
  • It is during the withdrawal of the double, as well as afterwards, that the whole of the man’s past life passes swiftly in review before the Ego, every forgotten nook and corner of the memory yielding up its secrets, picture by picture, event by event. In these few seconds the Ego lives over again his whole life, seeing his successes and failures, loves and hatreds.
  • As the days pass, the higher principles gradually disengage themselves from the double, and the latter then becomes in its turn an etheric corpse, which remains near the dense one, both disintegrating together.
Nature Sprits
  • The nature-spirits are intensely shy and distrustful of men: they object to the physical manations of the average man – of meat, tobacco, and alcohol; also to low selfish feelings, such as lust, anger, or depression. 
  • Strong, unselfish feelings of a lofty nature create the kind of atmosphere in which nature-spirits delight to bathe.
  • At baptism, in the Liberal Catholic Church, the priest makes the sign of the cross over the forehead, throat, heart and solar plexus of the child. This has the effect of opening up these etheric chakrams, so that they grow to, perhaps, the size of a crown piece, and begin to sparkle and whirl as they do in grown-up people.
- The Etheric Double: The Health Aura of Man, A.E.Powell

1 comment:

  1. I've been focusing on my skin health and aura lately, and the results are blowing me away! Clear, glowing skin isn't just about the surface – it's like my whole vibe has leveled up. Feeling amazing inside reflects on the outside, and I'm all about that positive energy and radiance now. It's a total game-changer! ✨🌿 #HealthySkinAura

    I've been focusing on my skin health and aura lately, and the results are blowing me away! Clear, glowing skin isn't just about the surface – it's like my whole vibe has leveled up. Feeling amazing inside reflects on the outside, and I'm all about that positive energy and radiance now. It's a total game-changer! ✨🌿 #HealthySkinAura
    face oil for dry skin


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