
Thursday 27 June 2013

50 Prosperity Classics

  • To obtain your desired outer results, you must first master the inner game of wealth.
  • You must daily practice the habit of putting your mind at rest, “going into the silence,” as it is  commonly called. This is a method of replacing a troubled thought with one of peace, a thought of weakness with one of strength.
  • What we visualize tends to come into being. Use this invisible but logical power to turn any desire into reality.
  • Mental conditioning is the foundation of wealth; once your goals are programmed in, success comes easily.
  • You are a powerful magnet, attracting into your life the equivalent of whatever you are strongly feeling or thinking about.
  • The key to manifesting your desires is to assume that your desire is already being experienced, that you already have it and are enjoying it. In this  way, you set up a level of vibration that can only attract its material equivalent.
  • Do you wish for kindness? Be kind. Do you ask for truth? Be true. What you give of yourself you find; Your world is a reflex of you.
  • Once the work is done on the mental plane, you can be assured your pictured good will manifest on the outer plane just as soon as the time, people and events have arranged themselves accordingly. If you transform your beliefs about spirituality and wealth, you can welcome great well being and prosperity into your life.
  • Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow. Work that is consciously chosen naturally expresses the interests and abilities of the worker, and in doing it, he or she becomes a confident and satisfied individual.
  • You will only become truly prosperous when you have disciplined your mind. Paradoxically, wealth (and happiness) comes most easily to those who forget themselves in their service to others.
  • You can’t move on to something better without having fulfilled what is expected of you in the current position.
  • “Shake off the delusion that you are being injured or oppressed by another,” Allen tells the reader, “you are only really injured by what is within you. 
  • There is no practice more degrading, debasing, and  soul destroying than that of self-pity.”
Wealthy People
  • Allen identifies three “money mountains”—investing, real estate, and marketing—from which the average person should, with just a little knowledge and effort, be able to obtain at least 10 streams of income that keep flowing in, in the process creating freedom from a single employer.
  • The wealth creator has a moral obligation to enrich the lives of others in whatever way they can.
  • Poor people see money simply as cash in their hands, to be used as soon as they get it. Rich people, in contrast, understand money primarily as seeds to be planted that will grow into “money trees.”
  • “Poverty is when large efforts produce small results. Wealth is when small efforts produce large results.”
  • You must “stop the leaks.” One leak is taxes. Wealthy people are not afraid to spend money on getting the best tax advice available.
  • They make sure that most of their purchases are planned. Generally, the longer the time frame before a purchase, the less you will pay (as oil magnate J. P. Getty put it, “I buy my straw hats in the fall”).

  1. They ask for and get discounts (“never pay retail”).
  2. They always get receipts, check them, and then once they get home put the receipts into a categorized file.
  3. They balance their accounts on a regular basis.

  • “Working for someone else, unless you own a piece of the profits, is not security. It’s just the illusion of security.”
  • The foundation of success in life is good health:
  • The possession of a perfect knowledge of your business is an absolute necessity in order to insure success
  • There are no shortcuts to wealth, aside from right vocation, good character, and perseverance—and don’t forget to advertise.
  • If you invest in stocks at all, put your money in a fund that automatically owns a little bit of every company listed. Over time, it is a sure and almost worry-free way to accumulate wealth.
  • Don’t invest in stocks, invest in the businesses behind them. 
  • “[Once] you have bought your stocks, get out of the casino and stay out.


  • The purpose of entrepreneurship is to deliver new satisfaction and value, and it is built on “unexpected successes” that are quickly capitalized on.
  • The entrepreneur is on the lookout for: “the unexpected”: an unexpected success, failure, or event (see below)  incongruities: between things as they ought or are said to be, and how they actually are  problems with an existing process for which no one has provided a solution changes in how an industry or market operates that take everyone by surprise  demographic (population) changes changes in “perception, mood or meaning”
  • Rich people think differently to the average person. Copy the way they think, and you will be ready to become rich yourself.
  • Building a fortune is one thing, but seeing it put to good use while you are alive is an even greater satisfaction.
  • Don’t focus too much on your present conditions, only on what you are on your way to becoming.
  • Private wealth in the form of foundations is a valuable “third force” in changing the world. They must get more rigorous about where their money is most efficiently and usefully deployed, tackling society’s most urgent problems, and they must set goals and benchmarks for their own performance.
  • The free market, not government, ensures protection of individual rights and standards of quality, and delivers extraordinary prosperity to those who seek it.
  • “Collaborators,” who coordinate efforts horizontally within and between companies; “synthesizers,” who integrate disparate areas of knowledge in innovative ways; “explainers,” who can explain complex matters to any audience; “personalizers,” who create value by providing the human touch to services and products; and “green people,” who have the knowledge and skills to fix environmental problems.
  • Only those who love what they do and provide unique value will really prosper.
  • Openness to innovation, adaptability, frugality, tenacity, patience, and hard work make all the difference to a nation’s success.
  • In your field of work, see what can be achieved by “setting the standard.” With a big, clear vision in place, you can make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.
  • If your business is to thrive, it will engage you in a process of constant personal development. For it to change, you have to change too.
  • Everyone who becomes wealthy in the modern world knows the power of leverage: using other people’s resources and technology to multiply the effect of what you do.
The three principles of an enlightened millionaire are:
  1. Do no harm—be ethical, honest, and seek win/win outcomes.
  2. Do much good—improve the lives of many; by enriching others you enrich yourself.
  3. Operate out of stewardship—create wealth so you can give it away; financial blessings are to be shared.
  • “No man becomes rich unless he enriches others.”
  • You need a team to obtain your dream. Success is not a solo project.
  • Having a top mentor is the quickest way to climb the millionaire mountain.
  • “You can rest assured that if you devote your time and attention to the highest advantage of others, the Universe will support you, always and in the nick of time.”
  • Finally, to get and retain customers, always offer something free: a report, diagnosis, CD, or book to everyone who registers with you. Don’t forget the law of prosperity: To get you must always first give.
  • Genuine prosperity is not won at the expense of the earth.
  • The more positive you think and feel in each moment, the more open is your connection to the Source, or provider of all things and all love.
  • “No one has ever been known to achieve permanent success without doing more than he was paid for.”
  • The basic law of prosperity is that to receive, you must first provide something of great value.
  • “A positive mental attitude (PMA) is the starting point of all riches, whether they be riches of a material nature or intangible riches.”
  • Having a dream and thinking big are the basic elements of all great enterprises and fortunes.
  • Before anything else, the fundamental purpose in starting any new enterprise is to create meaning. Start off catering to a small market, and if what you are doing is worthwhile, other opportunities will emerge.
  • It is better to have a reputation to risk than no business at all.
Tips on naming your enterprise:
  1. The name should start with a letter early in the alphabet, so you are always at the top of any list.
  2. Don’t have numbers in the name.
  3. Have a name with verb potential (e.g., “Xerox it,” “Google her”).
  4. Avoid trendiness (e.g., only lower-case letters).
  • To succeed in business, balance boldness and promotion with patience, caution, and flexibility.
  • Helping people who have no way of returning the favor is a means of thanking the universe for the many gifts you have received, including family and friends, good health, and economic success.
  • The mindset and income patterns of the rich are totally different to those of the poor and middle class.
  • Alert investors who focus on the fundamentals and do not get swayed by market sentiments can outperform the professionals.
Real Estate
  • Buying rental properties is one of the lowest-risk and best-performing forms of investment.
  • The important point about real-estate investing, in contrast to stocks, is safety of capital. History demonstrates that investing in real estate provides both good cash returns and very good capital appreciation.
  • Mundis defines debt as anything you have used or are obliged to pay but have not yet paid for: credit card balances, store card balances, personal loans, taxes, rent, phone bills, loans from friends, child support, tuition fees, and so on—basically, anything you owe that is not backed by collateral. Home loans are not really debt, in that they are secured against the house.
  • Getting your own home is an important first step on the road to wealth.
If you really want to be a millionaire, Bach says, you need do just three things:

  1. Decide to Pay Yourself First 10 per cent of what you earn, 
  2. Make it Automatic, and 
  3. Buy a home and pay it off early.

  • Give away 10 percent of all money that comes to you: “There is nothing that keeps a person's mind so fearless and so free to receive the good constantly coming to him as the practice of tithing.” Make sure that the organization you are giving money to is officially a charity and you will also get tax benefits on what you contribute.
  • To ensure their financial freedom, women need to have new respect for their relationship to money and defy cultural conditioning.
  • The worlds were formed by the word of God. Things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.
  • If you believe that the nature of God is abundance, you can begin to believe in the possibility of unlimited wealth on earth. We live in a world of plenty, and virtually every problem is solvable if we put our minds to it. God Wants You to Be Rich.
  • If you know the universe to be an abundant place, you won’t fear not having the resources to pursue your purpose or mission in life.
  • Things come to you easily when you live in a state of love and gratitude. Dwelling on thoughts of Spirit, God, and love leads you to everything you need, plus a host of blessings you never even expected or wanted.
  • Mother Teresa, for example, thought only of the work she needed to do, and trusted that the money she needed to keep doing it would come. With the strength of her faith, it always did.
  • Lynne Twist’s meeting with Mother Teresa shocked her, because she was told that part of her life’s work should be to sympathize with the wealthy, many of whom suffer isolation, mistrust, damaged relationships, and “hardening of the heart.”
  • The universe wants to show you abundance, but you have to meet it halfway, as a “co-creator.”
  • The quickest way to get rich quick is not to get rich quick. You can become a millionaire, but over the course of a normal working life, following “the tortoise’s approach to wealth, not the hare’s.”
  • We have healed many of the wounds in our marriage by working on our budget together.
  • The freedom of innovators to do their thing led to “better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific or technological advance.”
  • Make your business a powerful force for social change.
You are in alignment with the spiritual laws of money if you:
  1. Do the life’s work you were born to do, which is always something that helps others and fulfills your talents and interests simultaneously.
  2. Engage in cooperation rather than competition, looking for everyone to win in all situations.
  3. Invest, spend, or make money in a way that causes no harm and is good for the planet.
  • Some think that money will bring them peace, but things such as meditation, stillness, and forgiveness are in fact better routes to peace than money.
  • “Honor your integrity, and you will be repaid many times over with increased prosperity.”
  • Nothing great is ever achieved without people making frightening leaps of faith.
  • Huge enterprises can be built by giving people a small moment of joy in their day.
  • We are more likely to help others, and be in a position to help them, when we have our own needs covered.
  • Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.

The warning signs of a debt problem. They include:
  1. You are constantly juggling payment demands, still dealing with last month’s bills when the new ones arrive.
  2. You regularly miss payment-due demands and find yourself in arrears.
  3. You stop opening your mail because of the fear of what it contains.
  4. You stop wanting to know how much is left in your bank account, always fearing the worst.
  5. You are ignorant of the terms of your various loans and card agreements; all you know is what your limit is and how much you can spend before it is reached.
  6. You rarely pay off more than the minimum due on your credit cards, and when you max out on one card, you turn to the other one/s.
  7. Where once you paid cash for most things, now you use store cards.
  8. When you buy things on credit, you opt for the longest payback terms available.
  9. You use your credit card for cash advances, and often borrow small amounts from friends to get you through to the next paycheck.
  10. You are delighted when a credit card company increases your limit or offers to give you a new card, as it makes you feel like a person of “worth,  accomplishment and responsibility.”
  11. You get a sense of accomplishment out of just meeting basic expenses for food, shelter, and clothing.
  12. You have little or no savings or investments, no back-up if you get unemployed or ill.
  13. You have little idea of your monthly costs and outgoings or how they match up to what you earn.
Your Money or Your Life provides lots of great tips for becoming frugally minded, including:

  1. Never go shopping on the spur of the moment (“He who hesitates saves money”).
  2. Don’t go shopping as a form of leisure (“Needs expand to encompass whatever you want to buy on impulse”).
  3. Use what you have longer. Using everything for 20 percent longer can save you a lot over a year.
  4. Love materials. Learn more about them and what they need to stay in good shape.
  5. Pay with cash. You spend on average 23 percent more if you are using cards.
Seven common denominators of the wealthy:

  1. They live well below their means.
  2. They allocate their time, energy, and money efficiently, in ways conducive to building wealth.
  3. They believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status.
  4. Their parents did not provide money handouts.
  5. Their adult children are economically self-sufficient.
  6. They are proficient in targeting market opportunities.
  7. They chose the right occupation.
Financially educating your children. 
  1. Don’t give monetary gifts to your adult children. Gifts will make them financially dependent on you and will encourage them to be consumers. Instead, teach them your habits of frugality and discipline.
  2. Don’t reveal your wealth to your children, at least not fully, until they are financially established adults. Otherwise, they may start spending more money than they should, in anticipation of receiving a large inheritance, and discussions about inheritance can undermine family relationships.
  3. Teach your children that what matters is achievement, not material symbols of success. Money can be a measure of achievement, but it certainly isn’t the only one.
  • Don’t be afraid to be different. On entering any new field or an industry, aim to really shake it up and provide new value.
  • Be willing to fail in public, and you have jumped the hurdle holding most people back from getting rich.
  • The “rat race” involves working to buy luxuries that you don’t have enough time to enjoy. By living on less, you can actually enjoy life more.
  • Generating, using, and spending money in a way that is consistent with your deepest values has a healing effect not only on you but on the world.
  • A series of workshops helped to steer many people from feeling hopeless to instead formulating a new vision of self-sufficient communities. This vision resulted in building of roads, farms, and fisheries, reduced crime by up to 70 percent in some areas, and in many areas doubled incomes.
  • The spirit of capitalism is not greed and consumption, but the creation of order and the best use of resources.
  • Don’t worry about the state of the economy, as if it is a reason holding you back. Instead, believe that you yourself can alter the economy through what you create.

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