
Tuesday 18 June 2013

50 Success Classics Winning Wisdom for Work & Life

Success Classics

  1. Optimism: Optimism is power. This is a secret discovered by all who succeed against great odds.Optimistic people tend to succeed not simply because they believe that everything will turn out right, but because the expectation of success makes them work harder. If you expect little, you will not be motivated even to try.
  2. A definite aim, purpose, or vision: Success requires a concentration of effort. Most people disperse their energies over too many things and so fail to be outstanding in anything.
  3. Willingness to work: With hard work you acquire knowledge about yourself that idleness never reveals.
  4. Discipline: Enduring success is built on discipline. Like compound interest, this subject may be boring, but its results in the long term can be spectacular.
  5. An integrated mind: Successful people trust their intuition, and because intuitions are usually right, they seem to enjoy more luck than others.
  6. Prolific reading: Look into the habits of the successful and you will find that they are usually great readers. If you can read about the accomplishments of those you admire, you cannot help but lift your own sights.
  7. Risk taking: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Be action oriented.
  8. Realizing the power of expectation: Successful people expect the best and they generally get it, because expectations have a way of attracting to you their material equivalent.
  9. Mastery: Advanced beings can turn any situation to their advantage.
  10. Well-roundedness: Achievements mean little if we are not a success as a person. The capacities to love, listen, and learn are vital for our own well-being.

Becoming a leader involves:

  1. Continuous learning and never-dying curiosity.
  2. A compelling vision: leaders first define their reality (what they believe is possible), then set about “managing their dream.”
  3. Developing the ability to communicate that vision and inspire others to follow it.
  4. Tolerating uncertainty and taking on risk: a degree of daring.
  5. Personal integrity: self-knowledge, candor, maturity, welcoming criticism.
  6. Being a one-off, an original: “Leaders learn from others, but are not made by others.”
  7. Reinvention: to create new things sometimes involves recreating yourself. You may be influenced by your genes and environment, but leaders take all their influences and create something unique.
  8. Taking time off to think and reflect, which brings answers and produces resolutions.
  9. Passion for the promises of life: a belief in the best, for yourself and others.
  10. Seeing success in small, everyday increments and joys, not waiting years for the Big Success to arrive.
  11. Using the context of your life, rather than surrendering to it.
Great ideas for Salesperson:

  1. The best salespeople do not “sell”—they find out what the other person wants, then help them find the best way to get it.
  2. When trying to sell something, talk mostly in terms of “you” and “your.” This lets the other person know you are thinking mainly of their interests.
  3. Forget witty conversation—be a good listener instead.
  4. Invest in increasing your knowledge of your own industry. You can’t afford not to.
  5. In contacts with clients, praise your competitors. It shows clients you are even-handed and won’t hide anything from them.
  6. Use “witnesses” (i.e., satisfied clients) to sell your product to new clients. Then you can say, “Don’t listen to me, listen to them.”
  7. Use a magic question to keep yourself in the presence of a potential client. Ask them: “How did you happen to get into this business, Mr/s…?” The history of a person’s career is always of the highest interest to them.
  8. Prepare for an audience of one as you would an audience of a hundred; i.e., prepare properly for every meeting.
  9. Be like Abraham Lincoln with his famous two-minute Gettysburg Address, and remember that the book of Genesis is only 442 words long—become a “master of brevity.”
  10. When you greet someone, say their name.
  11. For 30 days, smile frequently and watch it transform your life.
  12. Don’t ever engage another person in argument. Instead, ask questions whose answers are likely to bring them round to your viewpoint.
  13. To succeed as a salesperson, you require a level of self-discipline, determination, and courage that will serve you well in any other field.

The five laws of gold

  1. Money comes to those who save.
  2. Money multiplies for those who invest it.
  3. Money stays with the person who entrusts it to wise people.
  4. Money is lost when invested in things with which you are not familiar.
  5. Money is lost at a fast rate by pursuing get-rich-quick schemes.
Individual Success
  1. Make your own luck. Whatever you do, do it to your utmost. Become a reader. Be a saver, but be generous. Never cheat, steal, or lie. Don’t drink or smoke.
  2. 12 words that you must repeat to yourself three times a day so you remember to spend your time productively. This self-instruction reads, “I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.”
  3. Success leaves clues, but they must be acted on.
  4. Be voracious in your learning, and ensure that others benefit from your intellectual and monetary wealth.
  5. The more you read about the lives and actions of successful people, the more likely it is that you will set the bar higher for yourself.
  6. Measuring your life daily against written goals is a fundamental of success.
  7. You don’t need to worry about the details of how the goal will be achieved, however; what is important is to be certain and exact about what you want.
  8. “There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines.” If you fail to make the one you’ve set, don’t conclude that goal setting doesn’t work. 
  9. Instead, seek to increase your knowledge of it. Remember that clear goals provide the strength to keep going; without them it is easy to collapse at the first obstacle. 
  10. “Thinking big” does work in relation to career goals, financial security, and great relationships—but it is more significant than that. You are challenged to see yourself in a brighter light, to have a larger conception of life.
  11. Enlarge your circle: These relationships were not cultivated so that he could name-drop, but so that he could learn directly from their unique knowledge and experience. Always seek out interesting people.
  12. Enlarge your understanding of success to include self-knowledge and greater connection to others. You have everything in you that you need to succeed.
  13. Seek knowledge and value, not money alone: Knowledge gained from reading and study represented real value; a good life was one that truly opened the mind. Money alone was worthless.
  14. Work for your own success, but ensure that your achievements lift up the wider community.
  15. Clarity about goals saves a huge amount of energy that can be deployed productively in other areas.
  16. What you believe about yourself, the world will believe about you.
  17. The best way of developing self-confidence quickly is through speaking to groups. Remember that enthusiasm alone can transform your life and your earnings. Every Saturday morning he sat down and planned the week ahead.
  18. Be master of your mood Young people should know that it can be cultivated; that the mind like the body can be moved from the shade into sunshine.
  19. Dharma is the duty that is yours to fulfill in your lifetime. Adharma is going against your purpose in life, which only gives you and the world misery.
  20. Create a noble aim for your life, then make use of every moment to achieve it.
  21. Whatever you desire is probably close at hand, if you are willing to open your eyes and your mind.
  22. Always imagine the best possible outcome, and the forming of reality will follow this design.
  23. What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
  24. “Expect the best, and get it.” Wiseman, too, found that people’s lives show a remarkable degree of fit with their expectations. Not only do they feel that they deserve good things, but they feel some amount of control over making them materialize.
  25. Through visualization of what you desire on a repetitive basis, the thing will come into being through the organization of existing modes of production. This is the secret shortcut to gaining what you need.
  26. Life will pay whatever price you ask of it.
  27. Winners almost always do what they think is the most productive thing possible at every given moment; losers never do.
  28. The simplest, most uncomplicated way is often the most successful.
  29. Your body is smarter than you think: trust it to achieve the goals you have set.
  30. The burst of energy, creativity, and resolve that comes from existing in the moment is  what the writer Eckhart Tolle calls “the power of now.”
  31. Hard work, continuous self-improvement, and a sense of building for the future create identity. From identity comes focus, from focus, success.
  32. Be the best at what you do and the world will beat a path to your door.
Organizational Success
  1. Think unconventionally Despise the status quo Dell staff are told to think like entrepreneurs or as if they are owners of Set big goals that may just be do-able Love change.
  2. Continually refine your thinking power. Imagine something the world would really need. Make it cheaply as possible and sell it at the lowest price.
  3. Carnegie had two rules for speaking: 1 Talk to people, not at them. 2 Be yourself, don’t try to be an “orator."
  4. Every successful person knows how to sell what they offer. Enthusiasm and organization are the basic elements in selling.
  5. I have found that the best way to get another to acquire a virtue, is to impute it to him. Let a person know you think they can do something, and they will.
  6. Achievers have an ingrained philosophy of “It can be done,” while the rest of the population tend to believe the opposite, focusing on fear rather than faith. Successful people are continually wondering “What if?” and setting difficult goals for themselves. They have a different attitude to failure, which is seen more as feedback than as any permanent comment on themselves.
  7. Contrary to common understanding, a good man’s actions are not always gentle. They may be ruthless, cold and dispassionate.
  8. Willingness to see the benefit in every disappointment may seem a cliché, but it is a mark of successful people.
  9. If you buy goods at a high price, he believed, “you’ve just bought someone else’s inefficiency".
  10. One of the duties of the leader is to lift up those who are not able to advance themselves.
  11. Everyone hungers for appreciation and acceptance. If you can genuinely provide these you will have the key to human influence.
  12. Deliver real stars—and stars build great businesses.
  13. If you treat your people right, they will treat guests right.” If they are stressed, dissatisfied or poorly trained, it is the customers who will feel the effects.
  14. Speak and act well and you will get out of any difficult situation.
  15. Without frequent sharpening you become blunt in a productivity sense and lose the ability to connect with the people you love and influence those you work with.
  16. Make distinctions, look for subtlety and nuance. Success requires fine observation of human nature and refinement of the self.
  17. True leadership arises in the full expression of a person’s unique potential.
  18. Recognize and use your background in the service of attaining your goals, and remember to give something back.
  19. Whatever best expresses your brilliance will inevitably lead you to wealth. It will free you from poverty and give you a mindset that attracts abundance.
  20. Service is the key to success. Don’t just sell things, find out what people really want. This requires greater than normal thought and observation.
  21. Leaders seek results. Many have wishes, but effective leaders act.
  22. The practice of regular smiling creates a feeling of happiness and goodwill. 
  23. Victory comes to those who have developed an ethic of constant refinement and improvement, not those who worry about the competition. People with great character, developed over time, naturally become leaders.
  24. It is not that unsuccessful people never see opportunities; they do. But they differ from people who are called winners in that they rarely have the will or the courage to act on a good idea.
  25. Even if you are not brilliant, it does not matter in the long run, because the law of averages means that if you persist you will reap rewards.
  26. Never underestimate how far you can go by merely being yourself.
  27. Courage is more exhilarating than fear, and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.
  28. Genius, when you look more closely at it, usually turns out to be the result of uncommon dedication to a task.
  29. Seven traits of successful people: passion, belief, strategy, clarity of values, energy, bonding power, and mastery of communication.
  1. Wake up late and you seem to be chasing the day; rise early and you feel in control. “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
  2. Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship… and moreover, fools make Feasts, and wise men eat them.
  3. Those who cannot appreciate time have the most money problems.
  4. “Know your best quality, your outstanding gift.” Discovering your area of superiority is a central task in life; without this effort you will waste your time imitating others.
  5. Wealth comes from increasing your power to think and developing your ability to access the universe’s intelligence.
  6. Consciousness was not confined to the brain; rather, the brain was an element of the great unified mind. Therefore, to be open to this larger mind was to have access to all knowledge, power, and creativity.
  7. Optimism is power.
  8. The ability not only to accept change but to create it is a mark of the dynamic individual.
  9. If you do not change, you can become extinct.
  10. Learn how money could work for you; unlearn the expectation that you must work for money.
  11. Opportunities come from new ideas. Money spent on self-improvement is always a wise investment.
  12. Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance. Realize that you can’t manage time; instead, adopt better ways to use your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.
  13. Spiritual energy, or purpose, enables you to manage your time much better because you know your priorities.
  14. Downtime It is a very good plan every now and then to go away and have a little relaxation… When you come back to the work your judgement will be surer, since to remain constantly at work will cause you to lose the power of judgement.
  15. Unlike most addictions, workaholism is often admired, encouraged and materially well-rewarded.” Yet look at the costs. In research studies, those who describe themselves as workaholics are also much more likely to drink more than the average, have stress-related illness, and get divorced.
  16. Intermittently disengaging is what allows us to passionately reengage.
  17. The longer an employee stays in a particular organization, the more disengaged they are likely to become. Jobs come and go, but what is your real contribution to society, what is your purpose? If you can align your working life with your deepest desires and talents, you will not have to worry about motivation.
  18. If you want to be a real leader, Loehr and Schwartz say, you must become a master of your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.
  19. As you build a bicep or tricep Physically. Emotional flexibility is the ability to handle a range of emotions, even to choose what you will feel, rather than having a small bag of responses that make you rigid and defensive.
  20. You can develop your emotional, mental, and spiritual muscles— such as empathy, creativity, confidence, patience, and kindness—in the same way. 
  21. To attract prosperity, don’t ever think about yourself as poor or say that you can’t afford something. Count your blessings, focus on abundance, look only for opportunities. If you don’t have something that you desire, use the “vacuum law” of prosperity and create room for it by throwing out old goods. Make way for growth.
  22. Prosperity thinking acknowledges the connection between the invisible substance or energy that makes up the universe and your thoughts. By connecting the two, you have greater control over the creation of matter.
  1. Genuine success is never an accident. The prosperous have a culture of progress that combines curiosity and persistent application.
  2. With malice towards none; with charity towards all... let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds
  3. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.
  4. The world does not demand that you be a lawyer, minister, doctor, farmer, scientist, or merchant; it does not dictate what you shall do, but it does require that you be a master in whatever you undertake.
  5. If there were no difficulties there would be no success.
  6. There is something infinitely better than to be a millionaire of money, and that is to be a millionaire of brains, of culture, of helpfulness to one’s fellows, a millionaire of character.
  7. The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
  8. Companies that don’t risk anything will inevitably find themselves falling behind those that do. You can lead change or it can lead you.
  9. Truly great companies maintain a set of core values and a core purpose that remain fixed while their business strategies and practices continually adapt to a changing world.”
  10. If you know who you are, you can be more flexible in what you decide to do, and clearer about what not to do.
  11. There is basically one problem in life: congestion. There is basically one solution: circulation. Systematic giving is, therefore, a powerful practice that blesses every phase of our lives, as it keeps us attuned to the wealth of the universe.
  12. God does not want you to be poor; appreciate the universe’s abundance and your right to prosperity.
  13. Fortune favors the bold. Life does seem to clear a path for those who know what they want. Nature respects purpose. Writing things down clarifies your purpose in a way that idle thought cannot.
  14. Achievement is more meaningful when it springs from a base of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  15. While therapy will focus on your problems, a good life coach will work with you on your possibilities.
  16. Successful people see things less in terms of good or bad, but as results.
  17. Particles do not slowly change and develop over time—they make quantum leaps. Start to think of your brain in an impersonal way; it is your servant to program in order to achieve your highest goals and live by your highest values.
  18. Action drives out thought, whereas leaders set aside time for solitude to tap their supreme thinking power.
  19. Persistence is not a guarantee of success. Combine persistence with experimentation.
  20. Desire and persistence mark you out from the rest.
  21. The true leader brings out the best in people in even the toughest situations.
  22. People are not born with a millionaire mind. It is a set of attitudes and knowledge that anyone can adopt and acquire.
  23. The primary cause of success in life is the ability to set and achieve goals. That’s why the people who do not have goals are doomed forever to work for those who do. You either work to achieve your own goals or you work to achieve someone else’s goals.
  24. The successful person has unusual skill at dealing with conflict and ensuring the best outcome for all.
  25. One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skillful. Subduing the other’s military without battle is the most skillful.
  26. It is natural and logical that you should become rich through the use of your creative powers.
  27. The evolution of the world depended on each of us seeking riches in an honest way.
  28. All the great prosperity writers say that the origin of wealth is thought, rather than things.
  29. You want wealth so that you can pursue your interests and develop your mind, travel, surround yourself with beauty, and be in a position to give generously.
  30. Lucky people see what is there, rather than trying to find what they want to see.
  31. You can have everything in life if you will just help others to get what they want.
  32. A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.
  33. Nine out of ten married millionaires say that their marriage has been a significant factor in their success. A spouse provides on-tap psychological support and advice that is likely to be honest.
  34. Success has more to do with your marital relationship than anything else, but what is the key ingredient to make that a happy relationship? Loyalty.
  35. Success is most likely when it becomes a necessity.
  36. The poor need inspiration more than charity, and so you should endeavor to show them the path to wealth rather than trying to alleviate poverty.
  37. To live soulfully a human being must have love, and it is difficult to love when you are poverty stricken.
  38. Consider changing your way of learning and relating to others, and reap the performance benefits.
  39. Coaching is about optimizing individuality and uniqueness. It is therefore a more positive way of seeing people.
  40. Understand the principles and you understand luck itself. More importantly, these principles can be used to enhance the amount of good luck that you experience in your life.

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