
Friday 5 July 2013

50 Self Help Classics To Transform Your Life

Law of Attraction
  1. We don't attract what we want, but what we are. Only by changing your thoughts will you change your life.
  2. There is an easier way to get what you want from life, involving attunement with nature and the universe.
  3. Achieving happiness does not have to depend on events. Through mental practice we can form the ability to be happy most of the time.
  4. Make sure that you have time in your life just to think.
  5. Cultivation of an optimistic mindset significantly increases your chances of health, wealth, and happiness.
  6. We cultivate the positive - like any good habit you start off small, but the end benefits are great.
  7. Miracles start to happen when we resolve to depend fully on God and decide to love ourselves.
  8. The universe constantly and obediently answers to our conceptions; whether we travel fast or slow, the track is laid for us. Let us spend our lives in conceiving then.
  9. We can never know exactly why things happen, why people act the way they do, but it is not up to us to judge anyway; there is a larger meaning to events and lives that escapes us. This knowledge itself is a comfort.
  10. By understanding how the subconscious mind works, you can learn how dreams become reality.
  11. Ask a quality question and you will get a quality answer.
  12. Continually send out messages of goodwill and blessing to those close to you, to your work colleagues, even to your nation. This not only gives you a feeling of great peace, but you will find yourself “protected” from harm and wrath.
  13. Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him.
  14. Most of us are anxious to improve our circumstances, but are unwilling to improve ourselves—and we therefore remain bound.
  15. A successful person or community, in short, is one who is most efficient at processing failure.
  16. The best path to success is calmness of mind.
  17. People work perfectly. Program in new thoughts, actions, and feelings and you get a new life.
  18. The Gita says that higher even than the peace of meditation is the peace that comes from surrender of the fruit of one’s actions; in this state we are free from the rigidity of set expectations, allowing the unexpected and remarkable emerge.
  19. With perfect meditation comes perfect act,” says The Bhagavad-Gita.
  20. If you only have one way to do something, you’re a robot. If you only have two ways to do something, you’re in a dilemma. You need at least three ways to do something before you have the beginning of some real flexibility.
  21. He whose peace is not shaken by others, and before whom other people find peace, beyond excitement and anger and fear—he is dear to me. - Sri Krishna, Bhagavad Gita
  22. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) - The Bible
  23. You can achieve anything if you have faith. “According to your faith, be it unto you.”
  1. No matter what happens to you, you always have freedom of mind.
  2. It is our duty to free ourselves from hate, disease, and restlessness. This is not to be done by rejecting the world, but by cultivating love, health, and calmness within it. The ideal state is to “feed on joy,” joy that can be self-generated, flowing from an ever-reliable source; one no longer has to rely on the events and conditions of the world for happiness.
  3. Whatever the pressures, be your own person.
  4. The meaning of life is the meaning that you decide to give it. No matter what the circumstances, we can be free.
  5. Business success is the result of passion for a vision or a product, not the organization.
  6. Constant self-improvement and a love of learning form your ticket to unusual success.
  7. If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.
  8. “Leaders are readers”: Read at least a dozen non-fiction books a year and your life will be immeasurably enriched and improved.
  9. James Hillman goes further to point out the poverty of seeing our mothers and fathers as, literally, mum and dad, when nature could be our mother, books our father—whatever connects us to the world and teaches us.
  10. The truly successful person will always have achieved emotional self-mastery.
  11. Make your life easier and more effective by attunement with the natural “flow” of the universe.
  12. By identifying what you’re good at, then doing more of it, success will come easily. You must do something that comes easily to you and that you love, so that you have a tremendous advantage over others and can rise to the top of your field.
  13. The decision to incorporate more challenge into your life brings a feeling of security because you know that you can tackle anything.
  14. Become one of those who get it. Break the code of human nature, and find out what makes other people tick.
  15. Our body/brain is a brilliant self-contained system for achieving goals. Use it.
Your time in limbo:
  1. Make sure that you find time to be alone. Welcome the emptiness. Go somewhere with few distractions where you can do literally nothing, but don’t expect any great revelations. The point is to pay attention to your dreams and thoughts.
  2. Keep a diary or log of your neutral-zone experiences, or write your autobiography. Give yourself the chance to “rewrite” your life story.
  3. Try to discover what you really want, what your purpose for living may be. If your life ended today, what you do feel you should have done by now?
  1. When we are ready to move on, opportunities will appear and it will be an exciting time.
  2. Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said, “Not in his goals but in his transitions man is great.”
  3. He’s a nice boy who pleases not only his mother but also the young woman he is living with.
  4. Warrior (youthful) energy, if not honored or channeled, ends up being expressed as teen gang warfare, wife beating, pedophilia, and feelings of shame. If used rightly, it can become a source of delight to everyone in its refinement.
  5. Feelings are not facts. Always question whether your emotions accurately reflect reality.
  6. Your emotions follow your thoughts just as surely as baby ducks follow their mother.
  7. Appreciate the rich experience of life, despite circumstances. Low expectations make for pleasant surprises.
  8. Always do what you love and appreciate your life as a wonderful journey.
  9. Put your little struggles into perspective; by doing this you can gain more enjoyment of other people and life generally.
  10. We could stop trying to uphold our own importance, we would start to see the grandeur of the universe.
  11. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
  12. heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.
  13. Goals are so enjoyable to pursue: They bring “order in awareness,” irrespective of the feeling one may get in seeing a goal actually achieved.
  14. Better than a hundred years not seeing the Path supreme is one single day of life if one sees the Path supreme.
  15. The key teaching of The Dhammapada is “being in the world but not of the world.”
  16. You can never please everyone! The main thing is to concentrate on your own work, your integrity - to be independent of the good opinion of others.
  17. Nirvana is not obliteration of the world of the senses but being able to live within it in total independence. In Pali, nirvana means “extinction” - of the afflictions of greed, hate, conceit, delusion, doubt, and arbitrary opinion.
  18. When you are aligned with your higher self and your life purpose, miraculous things happen.
  19. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  20. There are no accidents in life. Each experience we have, no matter how painful, eventually leads us to something of higher value. When looking back,
  21. We can see that everything made sense and was part of an unfolding plan.
  22. A political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event raises your spirits, and you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.
  23. The golden key to better relationships is the acceptance of differences.
  24. We should try not to see love in terms of “making relationships work.” Rather, love is an “event of the soul”. Love is relief from the mundane, sanitized nature of modern life, a door into mystery, which is why we seize it with such force.
  25. Fill your emptiness by living soulfully. Let your individuality out by accepting your idiosyncrasies and dark side.
  26. You will only begin to change your life when you learn how to love yourself properly.
  27. If you have the ability to still your mind and invoke feelings of peace by realizing you are not alone, you can never really feel insecure again.
Who or what is a mindful person?
  1. Ability to create new categories.
  2. Openness to new information.
  3. Awareness of more than one perspective.
  4. Attention to process (doing) rather than outcome (results).
  5. Trust of intuition.
Each of us tends to think and act according to patterns or “archetypes.” Become aware of their power and use them to your advantage.

  1. It is time to seize the day and live the life you've imagined. This is your starter kit.
  2. If life is thought of as a game, we are motivated to learn and apply the rules for our own happiness.
  3. History is full of people who achieved amazing things by sheer will and persistence.
  4. Character is power, more than knowledge is power.
  5. By appreciating and expressing your uniqueness, you literally enable the evolution of the world.

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