
Monday 1 July 2013

Awaken Your Inner Doctor - Dr. Hari Kumar

Facts & Fallacies

Truths & Myths
We, doctors can only treat but, he-the patient heals himself.
Everyone has tremendous innate healing potential and every disease gives this message if you pay attention to it.
Healing potential is the ability within own self to heal your self created disease or a problem.
A True Doctor minimizes the unnecessary external medication and seeks minimal surgical interventions by thorough examination, diagnosis. He facilitates or guides or motivates the patient to awaken patient’s inner doctor –The Healing Potential.
Allopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and even Tirupathi are the Nature’s external gifts to Mankind to obtain health. But Meditation-SriPathi- Anapanasati is seeking internal help and is a permanent solution to the self-created or self-chosen disease / problem.

Mind Creates Matter
Matter – the body can be healed more by positive changes in beliefs, moods, thoughts, emotions, attitude and feelings than medicines.
All diseases without single exception are psychosomatic-i.e., psyche creates soma - Linda Goodman-the author of Star Signs and Sun Signs.
All mental worries are due not realizing about one’s own spiritual energy and self-sustaining healing wisdom within.
Self-love, self-appreciation, forgiveness, gratitude, grounding are the basic doors to sound health.
Guilt, shame, fear, resentment and anger are the major culprits and trivial traps

Finding bitterness very often and not realizing the sweetness of life in this present moment succumbs in Diabetes.
Confusion is cold, jealousy about other’s growth and inability to digest other’s new ideas is Acidity & Indigestion.
Non sharing of whatever we have-knew and excess burden in your heart is heart your Heart attack
Feeling rigid / not being flexible is your joint pains, Perfectionism instead of Totality Attitude is Migraine , Unworthy, undeservability & unfit to live is Asthma, Misusage of words is thyroid, Resistance to change and new learning, tiredness & dullness of senses is Aging Etc.

God Body / Ghost Body
Belly is not burial ground for burying brutal bodies of our younger animals brothers.
Soul nurturing feast is to become vegan, fruitarian and gradually breatherian.
Mundane Mind flourishes in consumption of meat /flesh/ non veg.
Need based, freshly available / hygienly cooked satwik, delicious food is very good for human body.
Divine thoughts dwell in human body by switching over to vegansim and gradually breatherianism

Past –Present-Future
Dwelling either in past guilt and worrying about future will waste our present available energy and creative force in this moment.
Past misdeeds torment us in the form of illnesses & suffering.
Relieving of past in the present though regression technique helps in re-scripting our sufferings.
A Fire of Wisdom burns all our past samskaras (Basis-Law of Karma & Re-incarnation in Kathopanishath)

Doors to Sound Physical and Mental Healths
Welcoming to new avenues,
Willingness to learn & evolve,
Sharing whatever is already there,
Aligning moods-words & deeds with life purpose,
Shift from head to heart & hara consciousness,
Worry to wisdom,
Jealousy to joy,
Wounds to wholeness,
Mundane to magnificent,
Diversity to university,
Confusion to fusion,
Conscious life urge instead of unconscious death urge,
Victory consciousness instead of victim consciousness,
All Is Well like Positive affirmations are nothing but doors to sound physical and mental healths.

Deliberate Conscious Creator
BHEL-Be Happy & Enjoy Your Life is possible when we understand that happiness is our choice not a chance.
We Create Our Reality, not a part of, not of some of it but whole of it. We should become A Deliberate Conscious Creator.
We come with empty hand and leave with empty hands. But everything can be created out of nothing though empty mind gained by meditation induced empty mind.
NURSE-should nurture and nurse the wounds of mind and soul in addition to the wounds of the body.
Nursing Homes should become like Temples for Healing as the human body is originally a temple of God / The Soul.
Medical colleges should teach about life force energy, influence of thoughts, methods to release suppressed /repressed emotions, meditation and spiritual health wisdom so that human illness is better understood and holistic health services at Medical Research Labs.
Money earning is a by-product not the main thing in medical profession because God has chosen Doctors to serve humanity at all levels.
Doctors are examples for Physicalisation of God Qualities -compassion, caring, unconditional love, sharing, guidance, patience, perseverance, purity, priority to patient, warm touch.
Prefer more of patient care rather than personal life.
Since GOD can’t take physical form urgently Doctor is sent down.
Killing animal /birds in view of vaccines, hormones, drug experimentation in animal labs for R&D should be minimized or prevented by seeking alternatives.
More Hurry, More Worry and Curry Leads to Early Burry-Ial Grounds.
Walking helps to moving forward consciousness, innovative / creative ideas / insights in addition to stretching muscles and joints.
Dancing alone or with family increases Life Energy Flow and balances the Emotions.
Yoga & Asanas increases flexibility of body and mind.
Meditation helps in taming of mind- makes it more open to receive soul energies.

Doctor-Patient Relationship
Doctor should be like a mentor-motivator, friendly facilitator, guide and guru to awaken the Patient to heal himself with minimal external support of medicines and surgeries.
Caring like a Mother, Friendly Facilitator like Father, Motivation &Intervention like a Guru and Life Energy Support like a God

No need to regret-
No comparison with other professions is necessary where easy money, power and position are also possible

Divine Profession-
Doctor Profession is the single most profession where sharing and service is possible at all levels-physical, mental, intellectual, social, financial and spiritual levels. In no other profession this much of scope for service is available.

Initially with closed eyes, crossed legs and clasped fingers sit in a comfortable posture, or lie down in supine posture and start with 21 cycles of 4:1 breaths, i.e, 4 short breaths plus one long ,deep breath which constitute one cycle. Repeat such cycles for 21 times. This makes your mind less wavering or becomes still.
Later observe your normal in-breath and out-breaths for 20-30 mts. no need to hold breath, or chant any mantra, no visualization of deity or form of a guru... just witness this normal, natural, easy, soft, tranquil breath by which you will land in thoughtless, empty mind, dwelling in this Nirmal, Nirgun state is called “Nirvana Meditation-The Art Of Staying with one’s own self.”
BE A DELIBERATE CREATOR- by Converting Potential Energy Into Kinetic one –visualize yourself as a radiant healthy being of love, happiness, joy and feel all your future wishes are being fulfilled as if you are possessing now in this present moment. Add more colors, feelings to those visions. If visually is not possible at least feel them very positively. Visualize to the extent of activities you are doing when your wishes are being fulfilled.
Visualize what are all the best things you can do / best possible happenings. When Primary mental creation is done it becomes the foundation for secondary physical manifestation if coupled with least effort & smart work.
Pen down what are all you need, desire and create them mentally with more colors, flavours and feelings
The side effects of synthetic medicine, surgical complications can be minimized by patient. This can be achieved by taking self responsibility through staying with ones own self trough meditation.
Ayurveda-the ancient wisdom Indian rishis, homeopathy-dr honeymanns creation of highest diminishes deadly disease. 

HATS off to Medical Research & Inventions
Hail unto all Minimally Invasive Laproscopic surgeries, Transplant Surgeries, Radiological inventions-PET scan, CT, MRI, Sofisticated Cardiac, Brain & Cancer treatments, Robotic Surgeries, Tele-Medicine, Vaccines, Modern Investigations and latest gadgets which saved millions of lives.
Spiritual And Intellectual Healths Are The Roots.
Physical And Mental Healths Are The Fruits.
-Dr.V.Hari Kumar, MS,(M.Ch Plastic)FIAGES
Laproscopic GIT & Endoscopic Colorectal Surgeon,
De-Addiction & Anti-Ageing Specialist,
Hair Transplantation Surgeon & Holistic Motivational Speaker
Asst Professor-Deccan Medical College, Hyderabad-94402 93903


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