
Sunday 29 September 2013

Man's Eternal Quest

"Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from hatred to love. Lead me from limitations to Thine inexhaustible power; lead me from ignorance to wisdom. Lead me from suffering and death to everlasting life and enjoyment in Thee. Above all, lead me from the delusion of human attachment into realisation of Thy love eternal, which plays hide-and-seek with me in all forms of human love."

“Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God, reveal Thyself unto me! Leave me in ignorance no longer. All delusion I cast from the sacred shrine of my soul. Be Thou the only King sitting on the throne of my ambitions, the only Queen in the castle of my love, the only Deity in the temple of my soul. Keep me awake in Thy consciousness, that I may pray and demand unceasingly until Thou dost open all doors into Thy home of wisdom, and there receive me, Thy prodigal child, and entertain me with the fatted calf of immortality and eternal joy."
- Man's Eternal Quest, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda'S%20ETERNAL%20QUEST.pdf

Friday 27 September 2013

Tips:Curing Mental Alcoholics

Mental Alchoholics: Particular psychological extreme, which might be chronic anger, fear, sex, sadism, gambling, stealing, jealousy, hate, greed, moods, craftiness, or stupidity.

When a person displays extraordinary tantrums of anger, fear, jealousy or any other of the aforementioned characteristics- then one may know that he has acquired those abnormal mental habits in a previous existence.

Parents who notice any such evil psychological tendencies in their child, even in its infancy, should get busy and take some steps to prevent the child from becoming a psychological alcoholic; if possible, by placing him in another environment under the good care of spiritual teachers.

If possible, the angry mental alcoholic should be placed with one or more individuals who do not become angry, even under irritating circumstances. The sexual person ought to be surrounded by self-controlled people, the habitual thief needs the society of honest people. The chronically timid can be helped by association with the brave, and by reading stories of men who were heros. Moody or scornful or "sourpuss" types should have the companionship of habitually cheerful people.

An abundance of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet, and each week a one-day fast on fruit juices - with a longer fast occasionally - will greatly help to change the cerebral grooves that entrench the pernicious habits. 

Overindulgence in sex impairs the nervous system and the brain cells, aggravates anger, destroys will power, also. Hence all mental alcoholics should learn control over the sex impulse, that they may practice moderation in marital relations, as nature intended.

Self-control practised daily, even in insignificant matters, will help the mental alcoholic to come out of his drunken indulgences little by little.
Man's Eternal Quest - Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Technique:Sandwich Technique - Positive Critiicism

1. Use sincere praise in a "Compliment Sandwich Technique". When you use the sandwich technique, you sandwich one bad point (as a request not a direct complaint) offset between two good points (compliments). Don't sound unfriendly or too intense, yet not so mushy as to not make the point clearly.

2. Use condiments of smiles; be on the other person's side. Let the other person know that you are empathetic; feel concern, but it's not pity or sympathy. And rather than being antagonistic, you are showing that you recognize several good points, too.

3. Keep it real: know what the issues are. Relax and be personable; don't magnify the facts or descriptions: as if you're some cheap, "B-movie" actor, and faking it with made-up, or silly, slapstick compliments.

4. Start with a slice good characteristic or special gift of the person: be pretty accurate to "not" exaggerate or to be outrageous.

5. Criticize the actions not the person. Put the "meat" with "now ____" or "one thing is ____"
Avoid using "but" because that will even offend children.

6. End it with another good point -- in the critiqued person's favor. So finish with a slice of complimentary remarks. These examples stress the two compliments:  
  1. "You are so good at making those grilled cheese sandwiches. They taste so good. Now, I really wish that you would clean up the kitchen area after you do it. It would help me out a lot. You are so good about helping around the house." Variations include:
  2. "What I liked most was (______). One way you could improve this is (______). One of your greatest strengths is (______)."
  3. "The first thing I observed was that you did (_____) just right. Well done. Now let's talk about this, if we can tweak this one thing. Could you (______)? It’ll be even better. There, you got it just right. You did great. I really like the way you (______)."
  4. "One really good thing about your gardening project is (______). I would really appreciate it if, instead of doing (______), that you do (______). That would make me very happy. By the way, in case I haven’t mentioned it lately, I just want to say that one thing I really admire about you is (______)."
  5. "You make a valid point. One thing I like about how you're thinking is (______). Let me counter your argument by saying... Like I said, you made a good point. One thing that always impresses me about you is (______)."

7. Explain your compliments -- being respectful: make your words real by saying something that sounds reasonable and full of meaning, such as:

  • "And I noticed this because (______). It reminds me of the time that (______)."
  • "I remember the time that you (______). That is the same kind of (______) that you know that I like so much; thank you so much."

Commitment and Excellence in Life

Commitment is the language of the wise; complaint is the language of the fools. Commitment is a responsibility and also includes accountability. In life, one should be responsible as well as accountable. Generally one takes responsibility without accountability; this weakens one’s being.

Our weaknesses result in disappointment. Disappointment should be cremated and not garlanded. People derive a sadistic pleasure from disappointment. This is a primitive pleasure, like a grownup boy sucking his thumb. To cremate disappointment, one should strengthen one’s strengths. The greatest strength comes from the energy of commitment and brings in excellence in all walks of life. Few people traverse the road of success without a puncture or two but it is commitment to excellence that takes them through.

Commitment is not being ‘stuck,’ but it is an integration of one’s being. For example, if you are committed to honour your word, then the ‘lower self’ in you will discourage you to justify the failure in not keeping up your promise. If your energies are low, you will be sucked into its logic and reasoning. But if you follow the ‘higher self,’ the ‘lower self’ will be like a servant serving the master. Slowly the ‘lower self’ will be integrated with the higher. In such a state there will be integrity. Without integrity life is shallow.

We have, both - an actor and a thinker in us. Every time we lie, the thinker warns us that we are lying and the actor asks us to shut up and continue telling lies. In such a state, there is a split in our being – between the actor and the thinker. It is like riding a chariot with two horses, with the horses going in two different directions. Commitment creates integrity. In this state, it is easier to bring forth the excellence in our lives.

Observe Nature and see how other beings are committed. For example, look at an eagle.

• From a range of 5 km, it focuses on its prey.
   Can we focus on our goals like an eagle?
• An eagle does not eat a dead prey.
   Can we learn not to live on dead information?
• If there is a storm, the eagle can glide on the strong breeze. It tests its wings and enjoys the storm and the challenges associated with it.
   Can we enjoy difficulties and convert them into challenges?
• An eagle does not mix with other birds. It soars high on its own.
   Can we be part of an average crowd and still soar high on our strengths?
• An eagle tests before it trusts. Before mating, a female eagle tests its partner. It picks up a twig, flies high and as the male follows, it flies around to escape and finally drops the twig. Before the twig falls on the ground, the male catches the twig and gives it to the female. It repeats this act. If a male succeeds in catching the twig consistently, then it allows mating to take place.
Similarly, like an eagle, can we test before we trust?
• Eagles lay eggs on a cliff or at the edge of a high peak by making a nest of grass entwined with thorns. When the eggs hatch, the weight of the eaglets makes it uncomfortable as the thorns start pricking. Then the female pushes the eaglets out of the nest. As the eaglets are about to fall, the male picks them and brings them back to the nest. Meanwhile, the female removes the upper layer of grass, so that the eaglets rest directly on the thorns that prick them. The eaglets are yet to test their wings to fly. Now the male pushes the eaglets out of the nest. This process continues till such time that the eaglets are able to foresee the danger in falling and start using theirs wings. Slowly they realise their ability to use their wings and start flying.

Difficulties are like divine surgery. Do not resist difficulties. Nature expects us to use our heart and head to discover new and wiser skills to fly in life.

Observe the commitment of an eagle in bringing out excellence while choosing a partner first and parenting later. Bring similar commitment to all walks of life; be it at family, at work, in society or in your spiritual life.

Excellence happens when there is love to grow and contribute. Heart is like a musical instrument. Use it wisely.

Creativity occurs primarily through the power of intention. Intention is like sowing a seed in existence. Allow it to germinate. Allow the forces of nature to nurture life.

Commitment also involves dropping illusions. We do not see the world as it is. We see the world projected through our verbose minds. Minds are filled with thoughts, which are nothing but mere words. Words represent experiences. Words are also influenced by memory. Memory is of the past. From the past, we see the present. Hence we create illusions created by words, but we must filter them wisely.

The mind creates dreams. The self - awareness in you sees reality. Awareness without the arrogant ‘I’ is the ‘higher self.’ The mind with its illusions is the ‘lower self.’ Have the commitment to operate from the ‘higher self.’

Through commitment, balance all walks of your life... family, work, social and spiritual. Creativity is to balance all walks of life. Creativity is just not creating something new always. Creativity brings excellence in one’s life. It is a state of well-being. Well-being creates completion. When one is complete, one is alive and vibrant in all walks of life.

A teacher advised, ‘Let this not happen to you all.’

First, I was dying to finish high school with an ‘A’ grade.
Then, I was dying to enter the best college.
Then, I was dying to finish college.
Then, I was dying to get a good job.
Then, I was dying to get married.
Then, I was dying to have children.
Then, I was dying to see my children study well.
Then, I was dying to retire.
Then, all of a sudden I got this insight that I have forgotten to live.
-Swami Sukhabodhananda

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Desire That Satisfies All Desires

People try to find happiness in drink, sex, and money, but the pages of history are filled with tales of their disillusionment. The time I have spent in prayer has made my life unimaginably fruitful. A thousand bottles of wine could not produce the joy it has given me. In that joy is the conscious guidance of God's wisdom. When you are attuned with Him in this way, even though you unwittingly do wrong it will be righted by the Lord's omniscient direction; if you make a poor judgement it will be corrected by Him.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." If you sincerely love God you will do only what is based upon truth. Your love will not allow you to err against Him.

All desires should be satisfied in the divine way. When you try to satisfy them in the wordly way, you only multiply your difficulties. If you learn to give every desire to God, He will see to it that your good desires are fulfilled and the harmful ones are overcome. There is no protection greater than your conscience, and the divine quality of your good desires. If you but looked at your soul, the all-perfect reflection of God within you, you would find all your desires satisfied! In that divine consciousness, having which no other gain is greater, you would be unmoved even if the whole world were given to you; neither would praise elate you, nor blame hurt. You would feel only the great joy of God within.
- Man's Eternal Quest, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda'S%20ETERNAL%20QUEST.pdf

Saturday 21 September 2013

Who Will Persist Until God Answers?

Every day undertake something that is difficult for you and try to do it. Though you fail five times, keep on, and as soon as you have succeeded in that direction, apply your concentrated will on something else. You will thus be able to accomplish increasingly greater things. Will is the instrument of the image of God within you. In will lies His limitless power, the power that controls all the forces of nature. As you are made in His image, that power is yours to bring about whatever you desire. You can create prosperity and can change hatred into love. Pray until body and mind are completely subjugated, then you will receive God's response. I constantly find that my slightest wish is answered.

Your greatest necessity is God. He will give you not only your "neccessary neccessities," but your "unnecessary neccessities" as well. He will satisfy your every desire when you are one with Him. Your wildest dreams will come true.

Then Pray to your Father "Lord, this is my need. I am willing to work for it. Please guide me and help me to have the right thoughts and to do the right things to bring about success. I will use my reason and work with determination, but guide Thou my reason, will and activity to the right thing that I should do."
-Man's Eternal Quest, Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda'S%20ETERNAL%20QUEST.pdf

Friday 20 September 2013

Technique:Life Death & Laughter Meditation

Life and death meditations
IN the night before you go to sleep, do this fifteen-minute meditation. It is a death meditation. Lie down and relax your body. Just feel like dying and that you cannot move your body because you are dead. Just create the feeling that you are disappearing from the body. Do it for ten, fifteen minutes, and you will start feeling it within a week. Meditating that way, fall asleep. Don’t break it. Let the meditation turn into sleep, and if sleep overcomes you, go into it. 

In the morning, the moment you feel you are awake – don’t open your eyes – do the life meditation. Feel that you are becoming more wholly alive, that life is coming back and the whole body is full of vitality and energy. Start moving, swaying in the bed with eyes closed. Just feel that life is flowing in you. Feel that the body has a great flowing energy – just the opposite of the death meditation. So do the death meditation in the night before falling asleep and the life meditation just before getting up. 

With the life meditation you can take deep breaths. Just feel full of energy ... life entering with breathing. Feel full and very happy, alive. Then after fifteen minutes, get up.

Laughing Meditation
EVERY morning upon waking, before opening your eyes, stretch like a cat. Stretch every fibre of your body. After three or four minutes, with eyes still closed, begin to laugh. For five minutes just laugh. At first you will be doing it, but soon the sound of your attempt will cause genuine laughter. Lose yourself in laughter. It may take several days before it really happens, for we are so unaccustomed to the phenomenon. But before long it will be spontaneous and will change the whole nature of your day. 

For those who have difficulty laughing totally or who feel their laughter is false, Osho has suggested this simple technique.

Affirmations For Physical Immortality

Leonard Orr's gift to you - for all our personal health, aliveness, truth, simplicity, and Love.

Write or speak aloud each of the following affirmations three times, and then meditate and share about each of them with your family and friends. You can meditate and think about each of them as long as you like - until they are working to liberate us from self-sabotage and death urge. 
  1. We are living the victorious Life on this planet in the kingdom of God now!
  2. The cause of death is now lifted from my mind and my body. I am death-free.
  3. The death urge is now banished from my friends and me. We have achieved victory over death.
  4. I am no longer a victim of death. Death is my friend and servant. The principle of death is the principle of renewal, change, and regeneration. Death, rightly understood, supports Life. I no longer fear death. Death is optional. I am now free of my family beliefs and traditions around death.
  5. The old enemy of mankind is now dead. The wicked witch is dead. Ding Dong!
  6. Death is powerless when I free myself from my mental belief in it and when I don’t give it Life Energy. Practicing the Presence of God and the simple and pleasurable spiritual purification practices, which God has given us, with Mind, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire gives us victory over death... We now control death. Death does not control us.
  7. It is OK with God if I master Life & death. In fact, She/He recommends it and has done so for millions of years.
  8. I can now trust God. He/She no longer kills people. God no longer kills children, parents, old people, young people, or good or bad people. Everyone is responsible for their own death by their own thoughts and lifestyle.
  9. My family is now free of death. My son is now free of death. My daughter now is free of death. My dear wife/husband now is free of death. My sister/ brother are now free of death. My mother/father are free to choose... We are can be free of death!
  10. It is OK with Jesus if I also conquer death. My victory over death is becoming a practical reality for me!
  11. I am no longer afraid of people because I have totally conquered the death urge in them. I have conquered death for them and in them. I see and know the Truth. Liberating people from death is getting easier & easier.
  12. We live now at the time in history when we are supposed to conquer death and live consciously with our Father within.
  13. Everyone in my circle off influence has conquered death. We enjoy living the victorious Life over our thoughts, feelings and Body!
  14. The unconscious death urge is no longer unconscious and has stopped being the cause of death for me and everyone now.
  15. My Oneness with God - Life - gives me victory over everything, including death.
  16. God in me gives me health, success, Love, Eternal Life, peace, power, happiness, victory over death, and victory over the unconscious death urge in mankind.
  17. Mastering death and the death urge is a piece of cake. I enjoy doing it for myself and others. The Immortal Yoga is possible and simple for anyone who wishes a state of perpetual success and happiness.
  18. Processing the death urge for others is pleasurable in my body. I do it joyfully and fearlessly - without discomfort nor symptoms of any kind.
  19. The Bible teaches that when we conquer death, God will live with us in a physical body. The Bible says that “God is not willing for any to perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of repentance.” Repentance is the science of changing our mind - healing our emotional mind and erroneous thinking.
  20. It is OK to love death and to be free of it.. We are in charge of our death and health. We use death in the regeneration of our body for perpetual Life!
  21. When a large community of people is immersed in immortal mentality, it can expand rapidly, like a nuclear explosion, bringing a state of enlightenment, Love, and happiness.
  22. I can heal death and the death urge in others without any harm to myself. Spiritual purification with mantra, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire makes it easy.
  23. Love has the power to conquer all, even death. Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai.
  24. The death urge no longer bothers me nor drags me down. As I heal my emotional mind, I feel the Joy of Life and continually choose Life.
  25. The good news of salvation is my natural divinity - that I am a Son/Daughter of God. I achieve total salvation of Spirit, Mind, and Body through healing my emotional mind and activating my spiritual power with a good diet, exercises, herbal therapy, massage, daily conscious energy breathing, fire, and water purification, with intuitive love and participation in the community.
  26. God loves it when I am victorious. God loves me for no reason. Loving me is His/Her nature. She/He just loves me always and in all ways.
  27. It doesn’t hurt anything or anybody to heal death. It doesn’t hurt me in any way to heal death.
  28. All my chakras have the power to heal death in myself and in others without any pain or discomfort. Praise God for AUM NAMAHA SHIVAIYA. The Name of God is powerful.
  29. I am highly pleasing to myself without death. I am highly pleasing to others without death. I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of people without death.
  30. I am safe without death. I am safe when I heal the death urge.
  31. Through God, death can no longer touch me.
  32. It is OK to be totally healed and death free.
  33. I give attention to my Body. It is the Holy Temple of God. Symptoms are the sermons of God/Life in this Temple/church. When I meditate on them, I discover the appropriate methods to heal them. I am free to use traditional, new, or alternative methods of healing when I receive an OK from God.
  34. Now that I have healed death, I have time to heal everything else. I am free of all urgency and scarcity.
  35. Rebirthing Breathwork heals the death urge and gives people total liberation.
  36. Healing the death urge makes it easier for me to tune into Infinite Intelligence in a practical way - every day! It is OK for me to be successful in every way.
  37. I am filled with Life. My mind and body are so filled with Eternal Life that they chase away death, failure, and disease everywhere I go.
  38. I am living in the Power of God today - the abundant Life which Jesus and all immortal masters promise by their example. I am now an immortal master and I love to practice yoga - the science of Life.
  39. Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are my eternal friends and support me abundantly.
  40. The Light of God in me is stronger than death and frees other people from death automatically.
  41. God has given us Earth, Water, Air, and Fire to make it easier to be death free.
  42. The purpose of Rebirthing Breathwork is to connect us with God and free us from death through the Holy Breath (Spirit) of Life. The purpose of Jesus was and is to free us from death. The purpose of the Church is to free us from death. The purpose of civilization is to free us from death.
  43. It is OK to use Earth, Air, Water, and Fire in abundance for our good and for the good of others. I love doing the practices and being nourished by them!
  44. The Eternal Lifestyle of spiritual purification is the most wholesome and pleasurable and fulfilling one there is!
  45. God has given us hot water to use and enjoy for pleasure and spiritual liberation. It works!
  46. The Peace of God in me has freed me from death. Now I freely share it to free others.
  47. Physical Immortality is my Birth Right for being a Daughter/Son of God. Physical Immortality is easy and natural!
  48. My healing is happening fast enough for me to benefit and I enjoy healing others. Now I can heal others without harm or discomfort to myself - only the pleasurable sensations of Energy release richer Peace and Bliss, success, and joy.
  49. Victory over death is fun. I am happy, creative, productive, goal-oriented, and a full participant in the physical universe. I love Life!
  50. Living in victory over death is fun.
  51. We are naturally victorious beings.
  52. When we find God within and have achieved victory over death, it is safe for God to have a body in the open and to play with us; and it is safe for us to visit Her/Him whenever we like.
  53. Love in most European languages, “Amour”, means “without death” -- to Live without death!
  54. I am a conscious participant in my community and politics.
  55. I am now improving my diet and getting plenty of water and exercise.
  56. I am mastering my ability to breathe Energy as well as air.
  57. Bathing twice per day cleans and balances my Energy Body, my Soul, Mental Body, Emotional Body, and Physical Body. Thank you God!
  58. Daily worship of God -- the Source of the fire -- through the fire is a healing power as important as food.
  59. I understand Loving service and how easy it is to play and win the money game to support my Living fully! I have a successful and satisfying career.
  60. I am alive now, therefore my Life Urge is stronger than my death urge... As long as I continue strengthening my Life Urge and weakening my death urge, I will go on living in increasing health and youthfulness forever.
  61. Spirit Energy is eternal. I am Spirit Energy! Thinking is eternal... I am The Thinker! I am free to choose Life thoughts every moment!
  62. I am safe and immortal right now!
  63. Death has no power except what I give to it in my own mind.· The power of Life and death is controlled by my Spirit and mind. Everyone has this same power.
  64. Death is optional and voluntary for everyone, but to realize our power over death, we have to learn and practice the basic rules for the health and aliveness of our body and mind.
  65. Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai!
  66. Jai Maha Mriten Jai!
  67. Bhole Baba Ki Jay!
It is good to work with these affirmations daily until we have instant recall of all of them. We can replace our death urge with them. Each one becomes an Angel of God that protects us.

Read each one on tape three times in all three persons so that you hear each one nine times as you listen to the tape. You can listen to the tape every day and become the architect and engineer of your Life and own personal aliveness!

Conscious Repetition and Conscious Reasoning are the power of the mind. You are a beautiful, divine being of God and have a beautiful, healthy Life now!
-Leonard Orr

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Health and Body Consciousness Affirmations

1- I now feel exhilarated and wonderful all the time.  I enjoy spiritual purification.
2- My skin is becoming beautiful and my oil glands function perfectly.  In fact my skin is getting younger.  My earth, air, water, and fire practices are working.
3- Infinite Intelligence is healing my body.
4- My mother and my lovers now like my body.
5- My body is highly pleasurable to men and women.
6- The purpose of my bloodstream is to clean out my body and keep it in perfect health.
7- I don't have to have a headache to make ___________________ wrong.
8- Tension is no longer a problem of mine.  Tension, stress, and pain now serve me.
9- I am now willing to drop my tensions and my feelings of helplessness and live in the glory of my natural divinity.  I can be relaxed and work relaxed.
10- I have the right and ability to live without tension and pain; I am loved by all.
11- I like myself even though I am tense; therefore I have no need to be tense.
12- My body will function perfectly with any amount of sleep.
13- I no longer need pains to get attention.
14- My perfect weight is _______ and all cells in excess will be washed out by my bloodstream and excretory systems.
15- My body is my servant, which is getting me my perfect weight.
16- I am filling my body with pleasure to experience out pain.
17- My body is now bathed in the perfection of my divine being.
18- I rejoice in God's healing power in my body.
19- My body is not one with pain; therefore I can let go of the pain any time I want.
20- My body is a loving servant, which is trying to teach me to give up my false ideas so I can enjoy eternal life and all its pleasures.
21- Perfect vitality is the ground of my being and is manifesting in my physical body.
22- The Intelligence of pure spirit is expanding its perfect order in my mind and my body.
23- As God, I have the ability to substitute health for sickness.
24- My mind is thoroughly permeated with the recognition of it's own life-giving power and thus does the work of substituting health for sickness.
25- My mind is tuned into the mind of _________, and therefore I can assist in healing ___________.  That perfection is being communicated to both of us and enriches us.

Technique:Youthing Affirmations

1- I am alive now, therefore my life urges are stronger than my death urges; as long as I continue strengthening my life urges and weakening my death urges, I will go on living in health and youthfulness.
2- Life is eternal, I am life, my mind is the thinking quality of life itself and is eternal; my physical body, as matter and Energy, is also eternal, therefore my living flesh has a natural tendency to live forever in perfect health and youthfulness.
3- My physical body is a safe and pleasurable place for me to be; the entire universe exists for the purpose of supporting my physical body and providing a pleasurable place for me to express myself.
4- All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of my divine being.
5- I am commissioned by the Infinite One (or God) to assist in the scheme of creation.
6- I am cooperating in the evolution of life, and in so doing my soul and body and their infinite possibilities are progressing in proportion to my desire to use all my powers and possibilities in spirit and in truth. My spiritual purification practices are working.
7- My physical organism is my natural universe, over which I alone rule.  It is my material cloak, or garment, through which I will manifest the powers of divine nature. It is my fundamental servant. Although perishable, it is eternally renewable.
8- I am progressing rapidly towards the conscious subjugation of matter and the complete lordship over all basic elements of life, which exist only by my permission as peaceful and obedient servants.
9- All the cells tissues and organs in my body are now youthing according to my desires.
10- The divine alchemist within is transforming the appearance of my body to express its eternal youthfulness.
11- My body is youthing; it daily expresses more health and strength.
12-  I am now starting the youthing process; each birthday I will become a year younger.
13-  I have eternal life- my body eternally renews itself as long as I like.
14-  I am cooperating in the progressive evolution of creation; the entire universe supports and assists my life and goals. My soul and body with their infinite possibilities are progressing in accordance with my desires.  I now use all of my powers and possibilities in spirit and in truth.
15- My physical body is my most valuable possession.
16-  The more I am good to myself the more I enrich my aliveness.
17-  I do not give my body a chance to self-destruct.
18-  Each one of my cells grows in perfect youth, becoming more alive and energetic every day. Each cell replaces itself with a finer, purer, more perfect cell.
19-  The only germs that can harm me are the germs of bad ideas.
20-  My body is not one with pain; I can therefore let go of pain any time I want.
21-  My body is my loving servant; it is trying to teach me to give up false ideas so I can enjoy eternal life and all its pleasures.
22-  I am naturally Divine.  I have the ability to substitute health for sickness.
23-  The more I am good to myself the more I enrich my own aliveness.

Affirmations of Aliveness and Enrichment

1- My mind is centered in Infinite Intelligence that knows my good; I am one with the creative power that is materializing all of my desires.
2- All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of my divine being.
3- I now have enough time, energy, wisdom and money to accomplish all of my desires.
4- I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.
5- I now receive assistance and cooperation from people.
6- My days are filled with mental and physical pleasures.
7- I now give and receive love freely.  Spiritual practices renew and purify my Love.
8- The more I win the better I feel about letting others win; the better I feel about letting others win, the more I win; therefore I win all the time.
9- I daily make valuable contributions to the aliveness of myself, of others, and of humanity.
10- I no longer have to ask permission to do the things I know should be done.
11- I now feel exhilarated and wonderful all the time.
12- I do not have to suffer to get happiness.
13- My goodness keeps hanging around. Just because something is good it does not mean that it has to go away.
14- All good things never end, they just keep getting richer.
15- I now enjoy accepting the good so that I can get more.
16- The more satisfied I become with the present situation, the more satisfaction I obtain.
17- I now feel sweet, joyous peace.  I enjoy doing spiritual purification practices.
18- I have the right to indulge in laziness so long as it is pleasurable.
19- I am an ever-flowing spring of aliveness.  God is the ground of my Being.

Sanyas - Union with the Divine

India has offered a most priceless gift to the world, instrumental in the evolution of man's consciousness, and that is sanyas. It is life’s supreme experience, the peak of all experiences. Saints are established in this unparalleled elevation. Their state of being so exalted, their life so noble, that they are enthroned on the highest pinnacle and our heads bow down at their lotus feet, in faith and reverence.

Sanyas means to live a God-centred life and not world-centred life. It means not to get entangled in the seen but to seek the unseen. Sanyas means not to be confined to the form but to unite with the formless. It is a declaration that in truth, life is not restricted to the momentary bubbles that arise in constant flow of time. Life is eternal. It is not bound between birth and death; it existed even before birth and will exist even after death. Thousands of births and deaths may occur but the stream of life flows on, uninterrupted. To know that which is unbroken, eternal and beyond time is sanyas. Transcending all duality and being steadfast in the non-dual is sanyas. Sanyas is an astounding elevation - the zenith.

Unfortunately, the meaning of sanyas has been distorted. The greatness of a sanyasi is considered to be directly proportional to the amount of wealth or status he has renounced, not how much closer he has come to the Self, how loving he has become or the depth of his meditation. People focus on how much he has given up rather than what he has attained.

The world is mistaken - it has given sanyas a negative connotation. Sanyas has become synonymous with giving up - only giving things up. It is true that one lets go of many things in sanyas, but the focus and emphasis is not on that. Let us say you are carrying a stone in your hand thinking it is a diamond and you come across a jeweller. He explains that it is not a diamond but a mere stone. Not only that, he also shows you how to verify the same. He thus gifts you with the correct vision. You too are able to clearly see that it is a stone. Do you then have to renounce the stone or does it simply drop?

In sanyas, things just drop effortlessly; one does not have to give them up. Just as, once a lamp is lit, you need not give up darkness. It simply disappears on its own. In the same way, when the flame of meditation rises, one's grip on all those things that are worthless in life is released. The hands loosen on their own; things drop automatically. Therefore, the emphasis of sanyas is not on giving up but on becoming steady in the Self: on holding on to God.

Sanyas means love for God. It is defined as renouncing the world, but I say sanyas is rising in love with God. In sanyas, it is true that the world is left behind, but that is only secondary.

Sanyas is a leap of love. It should manifest from within. But it is unknown, unfamiliar; therefore, there is some fear. There is the fear that I will no longer remain myself. There is the fear of being separated from the crowd; the fear of leaving behind the path on which the world treads; the fear of not thinking the way people do. There is the fear that the world will disappear, and I will be left alone in my own world with no ‘me’ and ‘mine’.

It will take courage - to change our beliefs, to change our direction, to re-establish our roots in new soil The interim may be difficult. Moreover, people will ridicule, censure and advise. They have been doing this forever. There is a reason behind it: when they laugh at you, they are not really laughing at you; they are only protecting themselves. They are scared that if they do not oppose you, they too will have to demonstrate the courage to tread this path. The reason they laugh, censure or advice is to ensure that they do not develop an attraction towards this path. It is the pain that they do not have such feelings that manifests as laughter, criticism and counsel.

The one who takes this leap will at first be considered insane, ‘How can a person have the courage to turn his back to the world? Under these circumstances, we have not yet got it, and how could he have gotten it?’ But gradually they will understand that this was not madness; it was wisdom. The previous thoughts were madness; this is intelligence.

Do not get scared by what people say. You are not alone in this endeavour. God is within you. Your Sadhguru is with you. While progressing in this direction, your heart will sing, your eyes will be radiant and you will experience an unprecedented peace, you will feel reborn. You will realise the eternity of life. Your relation with the temporary existence between birth and death will be severed. You will become steadfast in that life which was present before birth and remains after death.

Thus sanyas should emerge from wisdom, love for God and not from any other reason. If sanyas becomes love for God, union with the Divine, then it can regain its glory and attain the highest peaks. Its greatness can soar the mighty skies, surpass the clouds, moon and the stars. This is possible; the time has come for it to happen.

May all beings muster the courage for true sanyas through satsang.

May the hold over the worthless loosen through the illumination of meditation.
May all attain union with the Divine through profound love for God and unconditional surrender

Monday 16 September 2013

Krishna is Nitya, Ajanma, Akhanda Brahmachari

- Ref: Bhagavata Purana, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, Vishnu Purana

Krishna had mainly eight wives, he was called Ashtabharya (ashta=eight, bharya=wife) because of that. Different  scriptures list their names differently. According to Bhagavata purana names of the eight wives in order were Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra and Lakshmana.

Story of 16,100 wives
Narakasura=Naraka+asura; naraka was his name, naraka also means hell, he is considered the son of mother earth thus called Bhaumasura (son of bhumi, bhumi=earth). Asura means demon.

the demon king Naraka had kidnapped 16,100 (some sources say 16,000 probably for the sake of ease) women and held them in his captivity in his capital Pragjyotisha.

Naraka had stolen the ear-rings of Aditi (daughter of brahma, first nascent being), her sons demigods were unable to fight against Naraka. Upon their request krishna along with his wife Sathyabhama attacked Pragjyotisha on his vehicle Garuda (eagle) and fought a fierce battle against the demons, in that war many powerful demons were slayed by krishna. Most important of those were Mura and Naraka. 

(Narakasura had the curse of being killed by his own mother, Sathyabhama is considered the incarnation of Mother earth, thus she killed Narakasura)

After killing Naraka, krishna released 16,100 women that Narakasura had in captivity. When krishna asked them to return to their houses, they refused. They were aware that the society of that age would not take back those who were taken by another man. So they were left with nowhere to go.

When Krishna asked them what they wanted to do, they all wanted Krishna to marry them.

Krishna married them all at the same auspicious time assuming that many bodies, so they could gain status of married women and live in the society with honor again. Krishna constructed them each a palace with huge gardens ful of colorful flowers, It was impossible to live with each of them so he created 16100 forms of himself so that he could treat them all in the same manner as his 8 wives. Scriptures say that each of them had 10 sons and 1 daughter. All of them equal to their father in the opulences of strength, beauty, wisdom, fame, wealth and renunciation. "Like father like son." 

Note:Some stories say that each of 16,100 women were rishis from the past who wanted to be part of Lord's incarnation on earth. Who wanted to live closer to him and witness his life. Upon their prayer to lord vishnu he granted them the boon to be his wives in his next incarnation on earth.

The Genealogical Table of the Family of Krsna
All the 16,108 wives of Krsna were princesses, and when each saw that Krsna was always present in her respective palace and did not leave home, they considered Krsna to be a henpecked husband who was very much attached to them. Every one of them thought that Krsna was her very obedient husband, but actually Krsna had no attraction for any of them. Although each thought that she was the only wife of Krsna and was very, very dear to Him, Lord Krsna, since He is atmarama, self-sufficient, was neither dear nor inimical to any one of them; He was equal to all the wives and treated them as a perfect husband just to please them. For Him, there was no need for even a single wife. 

8 Principal wives - Senior Disciples
16100 Gopis - Other Disciples
As light travels in multiple directions, so is The Light - Krishna manifests in multiple places at the same time and so he is very much with all of them at any point in time.

Krishna revives Abhimanyu's son:
Uttara delivered a child which was dead. All the women approached lord Krishna to bring the baby back to life who was the only successor of the Pandava dynasty. Krishna poured a few drops of water on his hands and said, "If I have truly followed Dharma/Brahmacharya/Celibacy throughout my life, then let this child come back to life". He sprinkled the water on the child and touched him on his chest, reviving Abhimanyu's son. Later, Abhimanyu's son becomes an ardent devotee of lord Krishna and was named Parikshit (the one who has been tested, when he was in his mother's womb; Lord Krishna rescued him in the womb). The Pandavas ruled for 36 years. After the end of Pandavas, Parikshit ruled Hastinapur for 27 years and was succeeded by Janamejaya.

Brahmacharya comes from the words BRAHMAN, (which means GOD) and  ACHARYA (one who practises). Brahman-Acharya means "practising union with the supreme God".

Brahmacharis are the ones who transmute their sex energy so that the higher chakras are activated. Once the upper chakras are highly activated they can practise union with their higher soul and union with God.

That is why Krishna was a true Bhrahmachari. He is already an illuminated soul. Also the union of Krishna and Gopis were not on the physical level. It was the union of the two souls.The stories say how the Gopi's were at rapture to Krishna's flute.It means that the Gopis were so absorbed and raptured by the Divine energy (music). Krishna with his enchanting melodies of his heavenly flute is calling all the devotees to the bower of divine union in samadhi meditation, so as to bask in the blissful love of God.

For Gopis, it was transmutation of Lower energies (sex energies) to higher energies. Sex energy in the sex chakra when transmuted to heart chakra becomes love, When it comes to Agna chakra becomes Divine will, and it becomes divine spiritual energy at the crown chakra. Gopis were practising this union  with the parabrahman, who was none other than Krishna himself. The 11 kids (10 boys and one girl)refer to the 11 major chakras. The eleventh girl kid symbolises the Basic Chakra also referred to as Kundalini. The Kundalini is also known as the "SLEEPING BEAUTY"

Friday 13 September 2013

Story:The Abusive Brothers

ONCE THERE WAS A BRAHMIN whose wife loved to praise and speak kindly of the Buddha. He did not mind it at first, but soon his wife’s increased fondness for the Buddha caused him to become jealous. 

One day he went to where the Buddha was staying, armed with a question he thought would leave the Buddha baffled and humiliated. In that way, he thought his wife would realize how misplaced her admiration for the Buddha was.

The husband asked the Buddha, “What do we have to kill to be able to live happily and peacefully?” The Buddha’s reply was simple but one that left the angry man appeased and inspired. “To be able to live happily and peacefully,” the Buddha replied, “one has to kill anger, for anger itself kills happiness and peace.” The man reflected on the Buddha’s answer and decided to become a bhikkhu himself. Finally he became an arahat.

When the younger brother heard that his elder brother had become a monk, he in turn became very angry. He went and confronted the Buddha, abusing him badly. When he had finished his string of abusive words, the Buddha asked him, “If you offered some food to a guest who came to your house, and the guest left without eating any of it, who would the food belong to?” The brahmin conceded that the food would belong to him. The Buddha then said, “In the same way, I do not wish to accept your abuse, so the abuse belongs to you.” The man realized his mistake and felt great respect for the Buddha because of the lesson he had taught him. He, too, became a bhikkhu and later also attained arahatship.

The bhikkhus remarked how wonderful it was that the Buddha could make those who came to abuse him realize the Dhamma and take refuge in him. The Buddha replied, “Because I do not answer wrong with wrong, many have come to take refuge in me.

”He who without anger endures abuse, beating and punishment, and whose power of patience is like the strength of an army, him do I call a holy man. - Verse 399, Dhammapada

Who Am I?

1. Who am I?
The gross body which is composed of the seven humours (dhatus), I am not; the five cognitive sense organs, viz., the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell, their respective objects, viz. sound, touch, colour, taste and odour, I am not; the five cognative sense organs, viz., the organs of speech, locomotion, grasping, excretion and procreation, their respective functions, speaking, moving, grasping, excreting and enjoying, I am not; the five vital airs, prana, etc., the five functions of in-breathing, etc., I am not; even the mind which thinks, I am not; the nescience too, which is endowed only with the residual impressions of objects and in which there are no objects and no functionings, I am not.

2. If I am none of these, then who am I?
After negating all of the above mentioned as ‘not this’, ‘not this’, that Awareness which alone remains – that I am.

3. What is the nature of Awareness?
The nature of Awareness is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.

4. When will the realization of the Self be gained?
When the world which is what-is-seen has been removed, there will be realization of the Self which is the seer.

5. Will there not be realization of the Self even while the world is there (taken as real)?
There will not be.

6. Why?
...Just as the knowledge of the rope which is the substratum will not arise unless the false knowledge of the illusory serpent goes, so the realization of the Self which is the substratum will not be gained unless the belief that the world is real is removed.

7. When will the world which is the object seen be removed?
When the mind, which is the cause of all cognition and of all actions, becomes quiescent, the world will disappear.

8. What is the nature of the mind?
...Apart from thoughts, there is no such thing as mind...When the mind comes out of the Self, the world appears. Therefore, when the world appears (to be real), the Self does not appear; and when the Self appears (shines) the world does not appear...

9. What is the path of inquiry for understanding the nature of the mind?
...Of all the thoughts that arise in the mind, the ‘I’-thought is the first...

10. How will the mind become quiescent?
By the inquiry ‘Who am I?’. I?’. The thought ‘Who am I?’ will destroy all other thoughts, and like the stick used for stirring the burning pyre, it will itself in the end get destroyed. Then, there will arise Self-realization.

11. What is the means for constantly holding on to the thought ‘Who am I?’
...‘To whom has this thought arisen?’. The answer that would emerge would be ‘to me’. Thereupon if one inquires ‘Who am I?’, the mind will go back to its source; and the thought that arose will become quiescent. With repeated practice in this manner, the mind will develop the skill to stay in its source....

12. Are there no other means for making the mind quiescent?
...the exercise of breath control is only an aid for rendering the mind quiescent (manonigraha); it will not destroy the mind (manonasa).... Through meditation on the forms of God and through repetition of mantras, the mind becomes one-pointed, each thought becomes weak;for such a mind Self-inquiry will become easy... taking of sattvic food in moderate quantities is the best; the sattvic quality of mind will increase. and that will be helpful to Self-inquiry.

13. The residual impressions (thoughts) of objects appear unending like the waves of an ocean. When will all of them get destroyed?
As the meditation on the Self rises higher and higher, the thoughts will get destroyed.

14. Is it possible for the residual impressions of objects that come from beginningless time, as it were, to be resolved, and for one to remain as the pure Self?
..concentrate keenly on meditation on the Self; then, one would surely succeed...The mind should not be allowed to wander towards worldly objects and what concerns other people. However bad other people may be, one should bear no hatred for them. Both desire and hatred should be eschewed. All that one gives to others one gives to one’s self. If this truth is understood who will not give to others?..

15. How long should inquiry be practised?
As long as there are impressions of objects in the mind, so long the inquiry ‘Who am I?’ is required....If one resorts to contemplation of the Self unintermittently, until the Self is gained, that alone would do...

16. What is the nature of the Self?
What exists in truth is the Self alone...The Self is that where there is absolutely no ‘I’-thought. That is called ‘Silence’. The Self itself is the world; the Self itself is ‘I’; the Self itself is God; all is Siva, the Self.

17. Is not everything the work of God?
...Just as in the presence of the magnet the needle moves, it is by virtue of the mere presence of God that the souls governed by the three (cosmic) functions or the fivefold divine activity perform their actions and then rest, in accordance with their respective karmas. God has no resolve; no karma attaches itself to Him....

18. Of the devotees, who is the greatest?
...Giving one’s self up to God means remaining constantly in the Self without giving room for the rise of any thoughts other than that of the Self...Whatever burdens are thrown on God, He bears them...We know that the train carries all loads, so after getting on it why should we carry our small luggage on our head to our discomfort, instead of putting it down in the train and feeling at ease?

19. What is non-attachment?
As thoughts arise, destroying them utterly without any residue in the very place of their origin is non-attachment.

20. Is it not possible for God and the Guru to effect the liberation of a soul?
God and the Guru will only show the way to liberation; they will not by themselves take the soul to the state of liberation. In truth, God and the Guru are not those who have come within the ambit of the Guru’s gracious look will be saved by the Guru and will not get lost; yet, each one should, by his own effort pursue the path shown by God or Guru and gain liberation.

21. Is it necessary for one who longs for liberation to inquire into the nature of categories (tattvas)?
...what he has to do is to reject altogether the categories that hide the Self. The world should be considered like a dream.

22. Is there no difference between waking and dream?
Waking is long and dream short; other than this there is no difference...In both waking and dream states thoughts, names and forms occur simultaneously.

23. Is it any use reading books for those who long for liberation?
All the texts say..mind should be rendered quiescent; once this has been understood there is no need for endless reading...The Self is within the five sheaths; but books are outside them. Since the Self has to be inquired into by discarding the five sheaths, it is futile to search for it in books. There will come a time when one will have to forget all that one has learned.

24. What is happiness?
Happiness is the very nature of the Self; happiness and the Self are not different...the mind of the one who knows the truth does not leave Brahman...In fact, what is called the world is only thought. When the world disappears, i.e., when there is no thought, the mind experiences happiness; and when the world appears, it goes through misery.

25. What is wisdom-insight (jnana drishti)?
Remaining quiet is what is called wisdom-insight. To remain quiet is to resolve the mind in the Self. Telepathy, knowing past, present and future happenings and clairvoyance do not constitute wisdom-insight.

26. What is the relation between desirelessness and wisdom?
Desirelessness is wisdom...In other words, not seeking what is other than the Self is detachment or desirelessness; not leaving the Self is wisdom.

27. What is the difference between inquiry and meditation?
Inquiry consists in retaining the mind in the Self. Meditation consists in thinking that one’s self is Brahman, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.

28. What is liberation?
Inquiring into the nature of one’s self that is in bondage, and realising one’s true nature is liberation.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Adi Shankaracharya Question-Answer-Gem-Necklace

Whoever  is  indeed  not  adorned  by  this Question-Answer-Gem-Necklace, memorised for ready reference and which is the foremost means to obtain the seen and the unseen goals (of life)!

Who is the wise (man) ?
One who discriminates. 

Who is the pure (person) here ?
One whose mind is pure.

What is the essence of life ?
This alone is to be reflected on repeatedly.

What is the most desirable for human beings?
Life dedicated for one's and others' welfare.

Who are thieves ?
Objects of sense.

Who is the foe ?
It is but idleness.

Who is brave ?
One who is not shaken by the shafts of amorous glances of women.

What is unintelligence ?
Not repeating what is learnt.

What is sleep ?
The stupidity of the living being.

What is hell ?
Being in another's control.

What is dear for creatures ?

Where is effort ordained ?
In learning, good medicine, charity.

Where is indifference to be shown ?
Towards bad people, another's wife, another's property.

Who is blind ? 
One who enjoys wrongdoing.

Who is deaf ?
One who does not heed the good advice.

Who is dumb ?
One who does not know how to speek the kind words at the right moment.

Who is a friend ?
One who saves from sin.

What do those who have destroyed dark ignorance specially urge repeatedly ?
Charity along with sweet words, knowledge with humility, courage with patience, wealth with renunciation. These four auspicious things are hard to attain.

Who is to be revered by the learned ?
One who by nature is always humble.

In whose control is this world ?
In his, whose speech is sweet and soothing, and who is wedded to righteousness.

What is that which fascinates the hearts of the wise ?
Ennobling poetry and the lady called knowledge.

Whom does disaster not overtake ?
One who follows the advice of the elders and has controlled his senses.

Whom does the Goddess of Wealth love ? 
One who is industrious without lethargy and is just in conduct.

And whom does she (Goddess of Wealth) desert all at once ?
One who slanders the Brahmana, the Preceptor, and the Gods and is lazy besides.

Where is one to live ?
In the nearness to good people or in Kasi.

Which place is to be shunned ?
One abounding in wicked people and ruled by a greedy king.

Who is to be grieved over in this world ?
One who is not a giver even when there is wealth.

What is the foremost place of pilgrimage ?
That which removes the impurities of mind.

What is to be remembered by people ?
Always the Name of Hari; not the jargon of the unregenerate.

What is to be earned by people ?
Knowledge, wealth, strength, fame, merit.

Which is the destroyer of all good qualities ?

What is dearer even than life ?
One's duties followed hereditarily and the company of virtuous.

What is to be well protected ? 
Good name, devoted wife and discernment.

What indeed is strength ?
That which is courage.

What is fearlessness here ? 

What too is fear?
For everyone it is wealth only.

What is rare for people to get ?
Devotion to Hari.

Who, verily, is dear to the Lord? 
One who causes no pain to others and is not lost in worries.

Where is intelligence found?
In the Brahmana.

Whence intelligence ?
By serving intimately the elders.

Who are the elderly ?
Those who know the duty and the truth.

Who will be happy in the world?
The rich person.

And what, indeed, is richness?
By which there is fulfilment of wants.

Who grows?
The humble.

Who degenerates?
The conceited person.

Who is not to be trusted?
One who as a rule utters lies.

On what occasions, is even a lie sinless?
That which is uttered for the sake of protecting righteousness.

What is rigteousness?
That which has been practised by the virtuous elders of the family.

What is the strength of the good?

Who is good? 
One who is always contented.

What is divine?
The good deeds.

Who is the doer of good deeds?
One who is praised by the virtuous.

Who is the friend of a householder?
His wife.

And who is a householder? 
One who performs sacrifices.

What is sacrifice ?
That which is ordained by the scripture and is for the welfare of people.

Who is the refined?
One who has accepted the Vedas as authority.

Who is the one that gets killed?
One who has fallen from his religious duties.

Who is the blessed?
One who i as renounced.

Who is esteemed ?
One who is wise and good.

Who is to be worshipped?
One who gives freely. 

Who is the giver freely ? 
One who gives satisfaction to the needy.

For whom is there no sin ?
For one who recites holy syllables.

Who is the complete person?
One who has progeny.

What is difficult for human beings?
The constant control of the mind.

Who is a Brahmacarin?
One who has sublimated his life-energy instead of wasting it.

Who is the protector of the world?
The Sun.

Who is brave ?
One who protects those in fright.

Whence knowledge ?
Only from Siva.

How can one get release ?
By devotion to Mukunda (Vishnu).

Who is Mukunda ?
One who takes us across ignorance.

And what is ignorance ?
The non-manifestation of the Self.

For whom there is no sorrow ?
For one who has no anger.

What is happiness ?

Who is king ? 
One who makes others happy.

Who is a dog ?
One who serves the lowly.

Who wields Maya ?
The Supreme Lord.

What is the divine Magic ? 
This world.

What resembles a dream ?
The activities of our waking life.

And what is real ?

What is indeterminable as either real or unreal?

What is it that is superimposed (imagined) ?

What is ultimately real ?

And what is the sustainer of the body ?
The actions that have started yielding results.

Who is to be contemplated by the Brahmanas?
Siva who is seen in the Gayatri, Sun and fire.

What is there in the Gayatri, Sun, fire and Siva? 
That is the Reality.

Who is the perceptible Goddess ?

And who is the Preceptor to be honoured ?

What is the cause of the decadence of a family? 
That which one does to produce heartburn in good people.

Whose words never fail ?
Those, of course, who observe truthfulness, silence and control of the mind.

What is birth ?
Attachment to sense-objects.

What is unavoidable ?

Where is the foot to be placed ? 
Where purity is perceived.

Who is the fit recipient of the gift of food ?
The hungry.

Indeed who is to be worshipped ?
Incarnation of God. 

Who is the Lord ?
The Supreme Lord who is both Narayana and Sankara.

And what is the result of devotion to the Lord?
The immediate realization of His Abode and one's own Nature.

And what is release ?
Indeed, it is the setting of ignorance.

What is the origin of the Vedas ?
And then, Om.

Those for whom the Question-Answer-Gem necklace is ready to quote from memory shine in the assembly of noble people like the necklace of pearls by dint of their purity.