
Friday 20 September 2013

Affirmations For Physical Immortality

Leonard Orr's gift to you - for all our personal health, aliveness, truth, simplicity, and Love.

Write or speak aloud each of the following affirmations three times, and then meditate and share about each of them with your family and friends. You can meditate and think about each of them as long as you like - until they are working to liberate us from self-sabotage and death urge. 
  1. We are living the victorious Life on this planet in the kingdom of God now!
  2. The cause of death is now lifted from my mind and my body. I am death-free.
  3. The death urge is now banished from my friends and me. We have achieved victory over death.
  4. I am no longer a victim of death. Death is my friend and servant. The principle of death is the principle of renewal, change, and regeneration. Death, rightly understood, supports Life. I no longer fear death. Death is optional. I am now free of my family beliefs and traditions around death.
  5. The old enemy of mankind is now dead. The wicked witch is dead. Ding Dong!
  6. Death is powerless when I free myself from my mental belief in it and when I don’t give it Life Energy. Practicing the Presence of God and the simple and pleasurable spiritual purification practices, which God has given us, with Mind, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire gives us victory over death... We now control death. Death does not control us.
  7. It is OK with God if I master Life & death. In fact, She/He recommends it and has done so for millions of years.
  8. I can now trust God. He/She no longer kills people. God no longer kills children, parents, old people, young people, or good or bad people. Everyone is responsible for their own death by their own thoughts and lifestyle.
  9. My family is now free of death. My son is now free of death. My daughter now is free of death. My dear wife/husband now is free of death. My sister/ brother are now free of death. My mother/father are free to choose... We are can be free of death!
  10. It is OK with Jesus if I also conquer death. My victory over death is becoming a practical reality for me!
  11. I am no longer afraid of people because I have totally conquered the death urge in them. I have conquered death for them and in them. I see and know the Truth. Liberating people from death is getting easier & easier.
  12. We live now at the time in history when we are supposed to conquer death and live consciously with our Father within.
  13. Everyone in my circle off influence has conquered death. We enjoy living the victorious Life over our thoughts, feelings and Body!
  14. The unconscious death urge is no longer unconscious and has stopped being the cause of death for me and everyone now.
  15. My Oneness with God - Life - gives me victory over everything, including death.
  16. God in me gives me health, success, Love, Eternal Life, peace, power, happiness, victory over death, and victory over the unconscious death urge in mankind.
  17. Mastering death and the death urge is a piece of cake. I enjoy doing it for myself and others. The Immortal Yoga is possible and simple for anyone who wishes a state of perpetual success and happiness.
  18. Processing the death urge for others is pleasurable in my body. I do it joyfully and fearlessly - without discomfort nor symptoms of any kind.
  19. The Bible teaches that when we conquer death, God will live with us in a physical body. The Bible says that “God is not willing for any to perish, but that all should come to a knowledge of repentance.” Repentance is the science of changing our mind - healing our emotional mind and erroneous thinking.
  20. It is OK to love death and to be free of it.. We are in charge of our death and health. We use death in the regeneration of our body for perpetual Life!
  21. When a large community of people is immersed in immortal mentality, it can expand rapidly, like a nuclear explosion, bringing a state of enlightenment, Love, and happiness.
  22. I can heal death and the death urge in others without any harm to myself. Spiritual purification with mantra, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire makes it easy.
  23. Love has the power to conquer all, even death. Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai.
  24. The death urge no longer bothers me nor drags me down. As I heal my emotional mind, I feel the Joy of Life and continually choose Life.
  25. The good news of salvation is my natural divinity - that I am a Son/Daughter of God. I achieve total salvation of Spirit, Mind, and Body through healing my emotional mind and activating my spiritual power with a good diet, exercises, herbal therapy, massage, daily conscious energy breathing, fire, and water purification, with intuitive love and participation in the community.
  26. God loves it when I am victorious. God loves me for no reason. Loving me is His/Her nature. She/He just loves me always and in all ways.
  27. It doesn’t hurt anything or anybody to heal death. It doesn’t hurt me in any way to heal death.
  28. All my chakras have the power to heal death in myself and in others without any pain or discomfort. Praise God for AUM NAMAHA SHIVAIYA. The Name of God is powerful.
  29. I am highly pleasing to myself without death. I am highly pleasing to others without death. I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of people without death.
  30. I am safe without death. I am safe when I heal the death urge.
  31. Through God, death can no longer touch me.
  32. It is OK to be totally healed and death free.
  33. I give attention to my Body. It is the Holy Temple of God. Symptoms are the sermons of God/Life in this Temple/church. When I meditate on them, I discover the appropriate methods to heal them. I am free to use traditional, new, or alternative methods of healing when I receive an OK from God.
  34. Now that I have healed death, I have time to heal everything else. I am free of all urgency and scarcity.
  35. Rebirthing Breathwork heals the death urge and gives people total liberation.
  36. Healing the death urge makes it easier for me to tune into Infinite Intelligence in a practical way - every day! It is OK for me to be successful in every way.
  37. I am filled with Life. My mind and body are so filled with Eternal Life that they chase away death, failure, and disease everywhere I go.
  38. I am living in the Power of God today - the abundant Life which Jesus and all immortal masters promise by their example. I am now an immortal master and I love to practice yoga - the science of Life.
  39. Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are my eternal friends and support me abundantly.
  40. The Light of God in me is stronger than death and frees other people from death automatically.
  41. God has given us Earth, Water, Air, and Fire to make it easier to be death free.
  42. The purpose of Rebirthing Breathwork is to connect us with God and free us from death through the Holy Breath (Spirit) of Life. The purpose of Jesus was and is to free us from death. The purpose of the Church is to free us from death. The purpose of civilization is to free us from death.
  43. It is OK to use Earth, Air, Water, and Fire in abundance for our good and for the good of others. I love doing the practices and being nourished by them!
  44. The Eternal Lifestyle of spiritual purification is the most wholesome and pleasurable and fulfilling one there is!
  45. God has given us hot water to use and enjoy for pleasure and spiritual liberation. It works!
  46. The Peace of God in me has freed me from death. Now I freely share it to free others.
  47. Physical Immortality is my Birth Right for being a Daughter/Son of God. Physical Immortality is easy and natural!
  48. My healing is happening fast enough for me to benefit and I enjoy healing others. Now I can heal others without harm or discomfort to myself - only the pleasurable sensations of Energy release richer Peace and Bliss, success, and joy.
  49. Victory over death is fun. I am happy, creative, productive, goal-oriented, and a full participant in the physical universe. I love Life!
  50. Living in victory over death is fun.
  51. We are naturally victorious beings.
  52. When we find God within and have achieved victory over death, it is safe for God to have a body in the open and to play with us; and it is safe for us to visit Her/Him whenever we like.
  53. Love in most European languages, “Amour”, means “without death” -- to Live without death!
  54. I am a conscious participant in my community and politics.
  55. I am now improving my diet and getting plenty of water and exercise.
  56. I am mastering my ability to breathe Energy as well as air.
  57. Bathing twice per day cleans and balances my Energy Body, my Soul, Mental Body, Emotional Body, and Physical Body. Thank you God!
  58. Daily worship of God -- the Source of the fire -- through the fire is a healing power as important as food.
  59. I understand Loving service and how easy it is to play and win the money game to support my Living fully! I have a successful and satisfying career.
  60. I am alive now, therefore my Life Urge is stronger than my death urge... As long as I continue strengthening my Life Urge and weakening my death urge, I will go on living in increasing health and youthfulness forever.
  61. Spirit Energy is eternal. I am Spirit Energy! Thinking is eternal... I am The Thinker! I am free to choose Life thoughts every moment!
  62. I am safe and immortal right now!
  63. Death has no power except what I give to it in my own mind.· The power of Life and death is controlled by my Spirit and mind. Everyone has this same power.
  64. Death is optional and voluntary for everyone, but to realize our power over death, we have to learn and practice the basic rules for the health and aliveness of our body and mind.
  65. Jai Maha Maya Ki Jai!
  66. Jai Maha Mriten Jai!
  67. Bhole Baba Ki Jay!
It is good to work with these affirmations daily until we have instant recall of all of them. We can replace our death urge with them. Each one becomes an Angel of God that protects us.

Read each one on tape three times in all three persons so that you hear each one nine times as you listen to the tape. You can listen to the tape every day and become the architect and engineer of your Life and own personal aliveness!

Conscious Repetition and Conscious Reasoning are the power of the mind. You are a beautiful, divine being of God and have a beautiful, healthy Life now!
-Leonard Orr


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