
Sunday 17 November 2013


Divine consciousness is omnipresent.  In order to attune one’s consciousness to it, it is necessary first to expand the mind by meditation on some aspect of God's infinite nature.  Visualization is not realisation; but visualization is an effective aid in deepening one's concentration, which is essential for the deep meditation that yields realisation.  The following exercise in visualization and mental expansion given by Paramahansa Yogananda will be found helpful in preparing the mind to practice the scientific techniques of meditation.

"Sit upright.  Focus your gaze and your mind at the Christ Consciousness centre between the eyebrows.  Fill your heart with joy.  Behold! The sphere of darkness that you see with closed eyes is becoming a sphere of light and joy.  This sphere is enlarging. Now it is bigger than your body.  Go on expanding the sphere of joy and light.  Your home and everyone in it are present in the sphere of light that you are beholding.  Go on expanding it until you see your whole city in this sphere of light and joy.  Ever increasing, the sphere of light and joy is encompassing the entire country, and still it is expanding, including Europe, Asia, the world!  See the world bathed in the light of this peaceful sphere of joy.  The earth appears as a little ball moving in the vast sphere of light and joy.  The sphere is becoming even larger; see! Our planetary and stellar system, the Milky Way, and island galaxies, like little bubbles, are floating in it.

Expand the sphere of light and joy within you, in which all things are moving, glimmering like the lights of a city.  Meditate on and try to be one with that joy.  God is joy, and we must find Him through joy.  The scriptures say: 'Thou art That.  ‘Your Self is one with this vast sphere of light that is your Father.  You are this sphere of light and joy!  Meditate on that.  You have no boundaries--eternity above, below, everywhere.  In this eternal sphere of light and joy all things are moving.  Mentally affirm: 'In me worlds are floating like bubbles.  I and my Father are One.'

Now open your eyes.  Look at the body and see how little it is!  Close your eyes and realize again that you are not the body.  You are the eternal sphere of light and joy in which all things have their being.  Go on meditating, mentally affirming: 'I am the cosmic sphere of light, of joy, of love, in which worlds and universes are floating like bubbles.  My Father is this cosmic sphere of light; my Father and I are One.  I am not the body; I am the eternal sphere of light.  Aum.  Aum.  Amen."

These basic instructions on meditation were written by Paramahansa Yogananda and are used daily by all Kriya yogi's if you are interested in learning more about the SRF techniques. Please contact Mother Center or or

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