
Thursday 26 December 2013

Technique:Luscious Lifestyles Program

The Love Lifestyle Tool: A Perfect Diet Program for physical, emotional mental and spiritual nourishment - The Luscious Lifestyles Program 

1. Meditation. 
2. Prayer. 
3. Mind Mastery & Conscious Programming. 
4. A vegetarian diet where possible. 
5. Exercise. 
6. Service. 
7. Time in silence in nature. 
8. The use of devotional or sacred music. 

1. Meditation: Basically this means – sit down, shut up and be still and silent for a period of time every morning and if possible also every evening. Meditation is a tool to turn our senses inwards so that we can experience inner plane life and be transformed by it. Meditation on the energy that breathes us for example, floods our bio-system with its frequency of Love and Wisdom.Developing an awareness of our breath allows us to become detached and be in meditation all day, which keeps our brain wave patterns tuned to the alpha field. 

2. Prayer: Prayer is communication with your Divine Essence. The patients did not know they were being prayed for, but the results were that the half being prayed for had a dramatic improvement in their health, compared to the other half who were not being prayed for 

3. Mind Mastery & Conscious Programming: The two aspects of programming are de-programming and re-programming which allow us to review our belief systems to make sure they enhance and serve both ourself and our world. eg: “Perfect Health, Perfect Balance, Perfect Weight and Perfect Image NOW.”

4. A vegetarian diet where possible:  Begin to lighten up your diet. Eat smaller amounts and less often and refine it until you are vegetarian, then you may wish to eliminate dairy products and be a vegan. After this you may then feel to continue on raw food only. Eventually you may feel to live mainly only prana where you are eating only now and then for the pure pleasure of it. 

5. Exercise: Find a combination of exercises from tai chi, yoga, qigong, or even dance and weight training, that allows you to create a strong and fit physical system. Create an exercise program that you like so that you will do it regularly.

6. Service: Do something beneficial for someone every day without the thought of reward. A sincere hearted commitment to service attracts to us a strong wave of Grace so that our service work in the world can unfold with greater ease and joy.Doing some form of selfless service daily keeps us tuned to the kindness and compassion aspect of The Madonna Frequency‘ Field of pure love. 

7. Time in silence in nature: Time in silence allows us to not just absorb more Earth prana but to also become more conscious of our planet in a positive way. Spending time in silence in nature feeds our soul and allows us to appreciate the beauty of creation and become more environmentally aware. Silence is an incredible teacher and when we are still and fully present in each moment so much more can be revealed to us regarding the more subtle energy realms. 

8. The use of devotional or sacred music: A well tuned heart centre that is pure, attracts powerful interdimensional support in the realm of service. The use of sacred music chants and devotional song also keeps us tuned to the Theta – Delta fields as both de-stress our physical, emotional and mental bodies, and allow us to feel and recognize the Divine in its purest form.

The combination of all 8 points brings grace, synchronicity and magic to our lives.also give us more time each day as we will need less sleep because we function better on all levels. Follow the program each day for 21 days in a row, and on the twenty-second day you have formed a new habit.

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