
Monday 24 February 2014

Your New Relationship with Spirit

Up until now it was not fully possible to understand and to truly know God. At times it seemed like you were placed on Earth, not knowing your purpose, and not knowing your relationship with Spirit. But all of the time, desiring it and longing for it.

  1. That was the old energy, when the veil was thick and strong. You could not so much relate to Spirit. In the New Energy – there is a new relationship with Spirit. It is close, and it is personal. In the New Energy, you are very aware of your relationship with Spirit. 
  2. In the old energy it was difficult to accept all things as they were. The veil was thick and strong, as was the game of duality. But in the New Energy, it will be easy to accept things, because you will see the grander plan.
  3. In the old energy it was difficult to accept your human self. In a sense, you considered this a punishment for leaving Home. In the New Energy, it will be easy to accept your humanness, because you will understand that you are not locked in there. You will understand that it affords you many things, as well. It provides you with many pleasures. It gives you a vehicle for expression of your spirit within.
  4. In the old energy it was difficult to be in the “now,” to be in your Divine Moment. You were thinking of the future and of the past. In your new  relationship with Spirit in the New Energy, you will always be in the “now.”
  5. In the old energy it was difficult to be graceful in your creations. You were clumsy and you were not usually aware of what you were doing or of the outcome of your actions. In the New Energy your creations will be graceful, and they will be flowing. It will be like riding the wave, and when one wave is ready to roll over, a new one will be there for you. 
  6. In the old energy it was difficult to accept changes. You wanted to hold onto the old because you were secure with it. Even if it was difficult and challenging, you were secure with it. In the New Energy you will understand that change is natural and blessed. You will come to appreciate and even anticipate change, for it is nothing more than the continued expression of your creativity.
  7. In the old energy, divine balance was elusive. You had the elements of light and dark, plus the third element that changed back and forth. In the New Energy there is divine balance within you. There is the energy of four that will be stable; it will be secure.
  8. In the old energy you focused on individual creations – small creations. In the New Energy you will create with broad strokes.
  9. In the old energy it was difficult to find your passion. It was difficult to have that deep spiritual passion within. In the New Energy the passion will be with you at all times. It will seek to express itself. It will seek to come forth. It will seek to create with you.
  10. In the old energy, dear friends, you needed to go outside of your spiritual house to create what you needed. In the New Energy, it will come to you. We know this will be difficult for you to understand, to accept, but truly it will come to you. It will come to your front door. Whatever you need will come to you at the appropriate time. Then it is up to you to dance with it. It will be time for you to go to work.
  11. In the old energy you had Free Will, but in a sense, it was very limited. In the New Energy you have Divine Will which is unlimited. It is all-knowing.
  12. In the old energy you gave thanks to a god and to angels for things in your life when good things happened. But dear friends, in the New Energy you are beginning to understand that it truly comes from within you. It truly comes from within. There comes now for you a new relationship with Spirit. It comes from within you. It is the seed that you have carried from the time you left Home.
How do you manifest it into your being? It is really quite simple! It is done through breathing. As you breathe in – consciously breathe in – become aware of your new relationship with Spirit. Breathe deeply now. Breathe in your new relationship with Spirit. This will feed and nurture the divinity already within you.

Breathe deeply. When it is abundance you choose to create in your life, do not be so specific with it, but rather breathe in abundance, and understand that it is not coming from the outside. It is coming from within you. When you breathe it in you are allowing this awakening divinity, this Christ consciousness within, to now come from the outer realms of who you are into your very being. You allow it to manifest in your life. 
When you are paying your bills, breathe in abundance. Breathe in abundance. 
When your body aches and hurts and is in disease, breathe deeply. Breathe in biological balance.
When there are relationship problems in your life, do not be specific about what you want to happen, but rather bring in your own divinity through the breath at that time. Breathe in balanced relationships.
BREATHE in your divinity! It awakens. We can see your vibration come up several notches as you do this. In reality, you are never alone. Spirit has always been with you. Spirit has always loved you and supported you. Spirit has always been you. And so it is.

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