
Sunday 27 April 2014

What is That Ringing in My Ears?

Archangel Michael comment: “Oh, do not think that you cannot hear the sound of your collective or of your planet! You are always hearing the sound of the universe, that high-pitched ringing in your ears.”

Many people consider it to be tinnitis, but Paramahansa Yogananda says it’s not. He says it’s the sound of the universal creative vibration that calls all matter into being, holds it in place for a while, and then returns it to the formless, the cosmic motor, the music of the spheres, in the first form in which it manifests itself to us. (1)

Some call it Aum or Amen, others Shakti, Prakriti/Procreatrix, still others the Holy Spirit, Wisdom (Solomon), Sophia, and so on. It’s synonymous with movement and sound. The Father is still and silent. (2)

Everyone is under the authority of the Divine Mother, Mahamaya, the Primal Energy. Even the Incarnations of God accept the help of maya to fulfill their mission on earth. Therefore, they worship the Primal Energy.” - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (3)

Aum of the Vedas became the sacred word Hum of the Tibetans, Amin of the Moslems, and Amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Christians. Its meaning in Hebrew is sure, faithful.” - Paramahansa Yogananda (4)

Aum is called the word because the word signifies cosmic intelligent vibratory sound which is the origin of all sounds and languages. This intelligent cosmic vibration or word is the first manifestation of God in creation. (5)

All vibrating creation is accompanied by the Cosmic Sound of Amen or Om or the Word or Holy Ghost, which is the first vibrating manifestation of God. (6)

The Aum vibration that reverberates throughout the universe [is] the ‘Word’ or ‘voice of many waters’ of the Bible. (7)

Throughout the Bible wherever the word ‘VOICE’ or ‘GOD SAID’ is used, it signifies that God did not speak through a throat but that, whenever God wills to create something definite, His will stirs up and energizes the Cosmic Energy which produces various sounds. Hence, ‘God said’ means God vibrating, and His Voice signifies His Intelligent Cosmic Vibration and Energy. (8)

This entire universe is pervaded by me, in that eternal form of mine which is not manifest to the senses. Although I am not within any creature, all creatures exist within me. I do not mean that they exist within me physically. That is my divine mystery. You must try to understand its nature. My Being sustains all creatures and brings them to birth, but has no physical contact with them.” - Sri Krishna (9)

Aun [sic] or the Holy Ghost, [is] the sole causative force that upholds the cosmos through vibration. (11)

Ghost signifies an intelligent, invisible, conscious force, or intelligent cosmic vibration. It is holy because the emanent (outflowing) consciousness of God the Father, or Christ intelligence, guides it to create all finite matter. The ancients, not versed in the polished language of modern times, used ‘Holy Ghost’ and ‘Word’ for Intelligent Cosmic Vibration, which is the first materialization of God the Father in matter. (12)

The Hindus speak of this ‘Holy Ghost’ as the ‘Aum’. ‘A’ stands for ‘Akar’ or creative vibration; ‘U’ stands for ‘Ukar’ or preservative vibration; and ‘M’ for ‘Makar’ or destructive vibration.” The Aum vibration that reverberates throughout the universe (the ‘Word’ or ‘voice of many waters’ of the Bible) has three manifestations or gunas, those of creation, preservation, and destruction. Each time a man utters a word, he puts into operation one of the three qualities of Aum. This is the lawful reason behind the injunction of all scriptures that man should speak the truth.

Spiritually-sensitive people hear the first manifestation of this Holy Spirit or Divine Mother as a ringing in the ears.  Others have to meditate deeply to have the sound arise within themselves.

The intelligent holy vibration, or the first manifestation of God the Father, … manifests as the cosmic sound of Aum, or Amen, which can be heard in meditation. (14)

Patanjali speaks of God as the actual Cosmic Sound of Aum that is heard in meditation. Aum is the Creative Word, the whir of the Vibratory Motor, the witness of Divine Presence. (15)

‘Behold, I stand at the door, and knock  (sound through Om vibration): If any man hear my voice (listen to Om), and open the door, I will come in to him.’ (Revelation 3:20). Patanjali (a great Hindu Raja Yogi) wrote: ‘Meditate on Om to actually contact [God]. Om is His symbol (manifestation of creation).’” (16)

Yogananda explains what the Yogi does with the sound of Aum, this ringing in our ears:
“[One] hears the sound of Holy Ghost when all bodily and astral sounds cease. Then, by deeper meditation on this sound, by higher processes learned from the Guru, he can be one with the sound and ‘touch’ it. Then, after touching or feeling it, by still higher methods, the spiritual aspirant will find his consciousness vibrating simultaneously in his body and in several continents. As he progresses further by deeper and longer meditation, he will find his consciousness vibrating simultaneously in his body, in the earth, the planets, the universes, and in every particle of matter.” (18)

When the Yogi … listens to cosmic vibration, his mind is diverted from the physical sounds of matter outside his body to the circulatory sounds of the vibrating flesh. Then his consciousness is diverted from the vibrations of the body to the musical vibrations of the astral body. Then his consciousness wanders from the vibrations of the astral body to the vibrations of consciousness in all atoms. Then the consciousness of the Yogi listens to the Holy Ghost or Cosmic Sound emanating from all atoms. This is the way the ordinary consciousness should be baptized or expanded into Christ consciousness through the expanding power of the Holy Ghost, or the all-spreading ‘Aum-vibrating-sound’ heard in meditation. (19)

All human beings find their consciousness hidebound by the body, but by listening to and feeling the ‘Aum’ vibration and intuitive Christ consciousness the Yogi realizes that God the Father’s cosmic consciousness exists inactively in regions where there is no motion or presence of the Holy-Ghost vibration. (20)

By listening to this omnipresent sound the consciousness of the body-caged soul begins gradually to spread itself from the limitations of the body into omnipresence. One listening to the cosmic sound will find his consciousness spreading with it to limitlessness. (21)

After listening to and feeling the cosmic sound in all the Physical, Astral, and Ideational cosmos, or in the Physical, Astral, and Ideational Holy Ghost, his consciousness will vibrate in all creation. Then when his expanded consciousness becomes stable in all creation, it feels the presence of Christ consciousness in all vibration. Then the [Yogi] becomes Christ-like; his consciousness experiences the Second Coming of Christ; he feels in his vehicle the presence of Christ-consciousness as Jesus felt Christ expressed in His body. (22)

A Zen master will probably call it original sound. Concentrating on it is a form of meditation. When [kundalini] becomes active it turns into a roar like a waterfall.

So if you’re hearing the blessed sound of Aum as a ringing in your ears, rejoice. Welcome it. Talk to it. Say, “Hello, Mother. What are your wishes for me today?” or “What are you bringing me today?” Listen to it and allow it to grow within your consciousness. Hearing the sound of the universal motor is a great blessing indeed.

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