
Friday 23 May 2014

Technique:Passive Techniques

In a situation where you can’t do active techniques? Here are two simple but effective passive methods. 

1. Watching the Breath
Breath-watching is a method that can be done anywhere, at any time, even if you have only a few minutes available. You can simply watch the rise and fall of your chest or belly as the breath comes in and goes out, or try this version….

Step 1: Watch the In Breath
Close your eyes and start watching your breath. First, the inhalation, from where it enters your nostrils, right down into your lungs.

Step 2: Watch the Gap That Follows
At the end of the inhalation there is gap, before the exhalation starts. It is of immense value. Watch that gap.

Step 3: Watch the Out Breath
Now watch the exhalation.

Step 4: Watch the Gap That Follows
At the end of the exhalation there is a second gap: watch that gap. Do these four steps for two to three times – just watching the breathing cycle, not changing it in anyway, just watching the natural rhythm.

Step 5: Counting In Breaths
Now start counting: Inhalation – count 1 (don’t count the exhalation), inhalation – 2, and so on, up to 10. Then count from 10 back to 1. Sometimes you may forget to watch the breath or you may count beyond 10. Then start again, at 1.

“These two things have to be remembered: watching, and particularly the gaps at the top and the bottom. The experience of that gap is you, your innermost core, your being. And second: go on counting, but not more than up to 10; and come back again to 1; and only count the inhalation.

These things help awareness. You have to be aware, otherwise you will start counting the exhalation, or you will go over 10.

If you enjoy this meditation, continue it. It is of immense value.” Osho

2. Four Levels of Relaxing
This particular method is useful for those time when you are sick because it helps build a loving connection, to create a rapport between yourself and your bodymind. Then you can take an active part in your own healing process.

Step 1: The Body
“Remember as many times as possible to look into the body and see whether you are carrying some tension in the body somewhere – the neck, the head or the legs…. Relax it consciously. Just go to that part of the body, and persuade that part, say to it lovingly ‘Relax!’

You will be surprised that if you approach any part of your body, it listens, it follows you – it is your body! With closed eyes, go inside the body from the toe to the head, searching for any place where there is a tension. And then talk to that part as you talk to a friend; let there be a dialogue between you and your body. Tell it to relax, and tell it, ‘There is nothing to fear. Don´t be afraid. I am here to take care; you can relax.’ Slowly slowly, you will learn the knack of it. Then the body becomes relaxed.”

Step 2: The Mind
“Then take another step, a little deeper; tell the mind to relax. And if the body listens, the mind also listens. But you cannot start with the mind, you have to start from the beginning. You cannot start from the middle. Many people start with the mind and they fail; they fail because they start from a wrong place. Everything should be done in the right order.

If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily. The mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you have become confident that the body listens to you, you will have a new trust in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little longer with the mind, but it happens.”

Step 3: The Heart
“When the mind is relaxed, then start relaxing your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions, which is even more complex, more subtle. But now you will be moving with trust, with great trust in yourself. Now you will know it is possible. If it is possible with the body and possible with the mind, it is possible with the heart too.”

Step 4: Being
“Then only, when you have gone through these three steps, can you take the fourth. Now you can go to the innermost core of your being, which is beyond body, mind and heart: the very center of your existence.

You will be able to relax it, too, and that relaxation certainly brings the greatest joy possible, the ultimate in ecstasy and acceptance. You will be full of bliss and rejoicing. Your life will have the quality of dance to it.”

Osho: The Dhammapada: the Way of the Buddha Vol. 1,#8

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Forgotten Language

Feeling is the language, the forgotten language. If you understand feeling, you understand the whole.

lt is said of Lukman, one of the wisest men ever born — he is the founder of Yunani medicine — that he would go to plants, to bushes and trees, sit there, feel them, and ask them, “What use can you be put to? What disease can you be helpful in?” It is said that he discovered millions of herbs, just by feeling them. The herb would say, “It will be good if you use me in tuberculosis; I can help.”

This looks like a myth, fiction. But scientists have been at a loss: if this is a fiction, then how did Lukman come to know?…because whatsoever he knew has been proved by all scientific experiment to be right. And no laboratories such as exist today existed then; not such refined instruments, not at all! If this is a fiction, then a greater problem arises: How did he come to know? And not one or two or a hundred herbs…millions! If he had been experimenting with crude implements then it would have taken at least ten to twenty thousand years for him to discover all that. That seems to be more fictitious. The first fiction seems to be nearer reality…that he asked.

There is the same story in India also. Ayurveda, the Indian medicine, is based on the same secret. Those secrets were revealed by the plants themselves. But then a language is needed, a language which is universal and not local to humanity.

Feeling is that language. Greek or Arabic or Sanskrit won’t do. No language originating in the mind is divine language. No, the divine language originated in the heart. Feeling is the language.

If you start really feeling, and your heart starts really throbbing with feeling, you can ask a tree, and a tree is always ready to reveal its secret. You can ask a bird, and the bird is ready to reveal its secret. You can ask existence, and existence is ready to reveal its heart.

Osho, Just Like That, Talk #7

Saturday 17 May 2014

The 7 C's of Happiness

What are the critical ingredients for experiencing genuine happiness? Here are seven elements of life that I believe are essential to the attainment of human happiness. I call them the "7 C's in the pursuit of happiness." One is not more important than any of the others.

1. Compassion
In order to evolve into a state of happiness, you must develop your in-born ability to care about life, to value life in all its forms, to engage in loving, kind actions, to cultivate an attitude of what Nobel laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer called "reverence for life," (including your own).

2. Contentment 
Inner calm. Peace of mind and heart does not mean acceptance of everything that happens. It does mean letting go of fear. When you live life fearlessly, you experience a kind of peace that permeates every cell of your body, every thought of your mind, every emotion of your heart, every element of your spirit.

3. Connection
Without effectively connecting to other humans, you become less than human yourself. Connection means involving yourself in relationship to everyone around you, connecting to your own inner life, and becoming aware of the environment in which you live. Learn to create high-quality relationships, and your happiness is almost guaranteed.

4. Communication 
Communication is our primary method for connection. It increases your knowledge, your understanding, and your awareness. Language is precious. Words are the building blocks of all happiness.

5. Commitment
Oprah Winfrey says that what motivates her to get up in the morning is "my commitment to my life and fulfilling my life purpose." If one of your life's purposes is to enhance your happiness, committing your life to the service of others brings more happiness than you can imagine. Happiness requires you commit yourself to something larger than yourself.

6. Consciousness 
Most spiritual teachers believe we are living in a sleep-like or dream state. In order to be happy, one must increase one's awareness of life. And the single awareness that is most conducive to happiness is: the impermanence of everything. Life is in a constant state of flux, of change, of rhythm and of evolution.

7. Creativity 
Creating your life experience by consciously choosing your thoughts, your actions, your decisions and your attitudes will allow you to attain personal happiness regardless of external circumstances.

The pursuit of happiness is not something you search for or attain from outside your skin. Happiness develops from within. You were born to be happy. You were given life to experience happiness. Pursuing it is your right. Sail the 7 C's of happiness and the pursuit of it becomes obvious and being alive becomes the happiest of moments

Friday 16 May 2014

Thursday 15 May 2014

Multidimensional Ka Light

Ka is basically light from the higher dimensions. Above the dimensions of Astral Substance there are many dimensions of light. The light at the highest dimensions has the fastest vibration and is the brightest and as we come down in dimension the light becomes less bright until we reach Astral Substance which is the least bright but much more dense. The main difference between ka and Astral Substance, although they are both essentially light, is that Astral Substance has a density which allows it to crystallize, and crystallized Astral Substance tends to block and distort the light. The ka cannot crystallize like Astral Substance as it is vibrating too fast. Anything in the dimensions of ka is an expression of the consciousness that created it.

We all have Light Bodies which are made of the light from these higher dimensions. While in your light body you are in touch with your true self and most essential nature as it has not been distorted by the lens of the astral body or the physical body. You know who and what you are and are at one with the Universe. You can travel to almost any dimension in your light body.

We all have this Light Body so where is it? It is waiting for you for when you leave your physical body. When you die and your astral body shatters, the consciousness and light that you incarnated during the life will remerge with the rest of your light body. At this point all veils will be gone and you will remember everything. What is important to understand is that there is a Light Body along with many of your higher selves waiting for you after each life and you will remerge with these parts. I say many higher selves because there is more than one level of your Higher Self. While on Earth you could become aware of your Higher Self and even partially incarnate it. You would then realize that there is still another Higher Self than this one and so on. You have higher selves in many dimensions with many different perspectives and views of the Universe and even of your life here on earth.

Most people when referring to the Higher Self are talking about the lowest one. I would like to clarify that by higher I do not mean better. All of creation is equal, nothing more holy than anything else. Higher just refers to the dimension where the consciousness resides. The higher the dimension, the more expansive the consciousness, the larger the view and the greater the powers of vision, knowledge, wisdom and love. Your own Higher Self in the very high dimensions is nothing short of a god. It has many parts of itself incarnated all over the Universe, including you. Well if you go high enough you'll probably find that there is only one Higher Self at the top and it is all that is. The point here is that the parts of yourself that you are aware of are only a tiny portion of who you really are.

Quite simply ka is higher-dimensional light. The body of light is somewhat like the astral body in that it contains different types of light which are mixed in together. The mixture is determined by your spirit (higher consciousness) and is put together in accordance with what the spirit wants to do. Just like choosing the astral mixture before incarnating on Earth your spirit chose a mixture of light in the formation of its light body. This Light Body was formed for the spirit's purposes in this Universe. I will talk about spirit further in the next section.

The light body includes the chakras, Column and the MerKaBa along with other structures of light which will be described later. The Light Body is partly here and incarnated but it is very blocked and is not functioning properly which leads to the state of consciousness of the normal individual. Because of the way we have incarnated into such dense matter, the dualistic nature of the 3rd dimension and the purposes for which we have done this, our bodies are all out-of-whack. In a nutshell the goal is to purify the astral layer, clear and raise the vibration of the etheric and physical bodies, incarnate more of the light body and get its structures and energy centers balanced and functioning properly. Through this the spirit is able to incarnate into matter.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

The Seven Cs of Success

Clarity: Eighty percent of success comes from being clear on who you are, what you believe in and what you want. 

Competence: You can't climb to the next rung on the ladder until you are excellent at what you do now. 

Constraints: Eighty percent of all obstacles to success come from within. Find out what is constraining in you or your company and deal with it. 

Concentration: The ability to focus on one thing single-mindedly and see it through until it's done takes more character than anything else. 

Creativity: Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle; if you don't use it you'll lose it. 

Courage: Most in demand and least in supply, courage is the willingness to do the things you know are right. 

Continuous learning: Read, at the very least, one book a week on business to keep you miles ahead of the competition. And just as you eat and bathe, organize your time so you spend 30 minutes a day exploring email, sending messages, going through websites, because like exercise, it's the only way you can keep on top of technology. If you get away from it, you'll lose your edge.
- Brian Tracy

Story:The Darkness Within Seeks Release

This is the story of four Lightworkers who are walking down the road of ascension. They were walking down this road that seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. They were enjoying the beautiful sun on this day. In this group of four humans, there were two men and two women. They were not saying many words to each other. They were simply enjoying the day. They knew, much as you know, there are some beautiful days on this path, and there are some days when it is cold and windy and raining. There are days when you can hardly find the road, much less walk it!

So, the four Lightworkers were walking along, somewhat carefree, their heads in the clouds, partly out of their bodies, which is a tendency for many of Shaumbra! (audience laughter) Suddenly, a snake crawled up from the brush, onto the road, and stopped directly in front of the fourth human, a woman one who was at the back of the group. The snake slithered up to her and cut her off her path.

Now, as you know, Shaumbra, in particular, have a fear of snakes. There is a good reason for this.

The snake coiled its body, reared its head and directed energies of fear straight through its eyes directly into hers. This broke down everything she had ever learned or studied. It broke her down for a moment. She shrieked, and she went running back at amazing speed, back to the village where they came from that morning. She left so quickly that the others in the group could not even catch her and settle her down. She was filled with so much fear! She was so deeply terrified by this snake that she forgot every tool she had ever learned.

The snake was very pleased with his activities and his power, for he did not even need to exert himself. He scared away this human. Be gone with her! He instantly slid back into the underbrush, out of sight, out of the way of the other three Shaumbra who remained. They were confused. They did not know what to do. They were sad that one of their own had run back to the village, and would probably not resume her path on this road to ascension for quite some time. They discussed it briefly, and decided to continue on their path. They gave thanks and blessings that at least no one was harmed.

The three remaining Shaumbra continued on the path, enjoying the day, when once again a snake appeared from the underbrush. It came darting onto the road, in direct contact with one of the males. It coiled up his head and opened his mouth to expose his pointed teeth. The lightworker said, "I will kill you. You make me angry! You chased away one of the others. I'm going to kill you once and for all!" He pulled the knife out of the sheath, held his arm back, and was about to strike a blow, when the snake coiled, released, and bit him in the leg. He died instantly. The anger had arisen within him. He was going to save and protect the others. He was going to kill the snake, but the snake was much more cunning. The snake was much faster. The snake caught him off guard and killed him. The snake quickly escaped back into the underbrush, out of sight of the other two Shaumbra.

The two remaining Shaumbra buried their friend. They did ceremony. They wept. Then they decided to continue on the road, two Shaumbra, one man and one woman. They continued walking and enjoying the day, but now it weighed heavy on them - the events of one Shaumbra who had been scared silly and ran back to the village and the other who had come to what seemed to be an untimely death. They continued walking, and as you already know, the snake once again came from the underbrush, slithered onto the road, and put itself directly in the way of the one woman who remained.

The one woman Lightworker who remained decided to use a different tact this time. Instead of trying to kill the snake, she would talk the snake through its fears and angers. She knelt down, just out of reach of the snake. She said, "Oh, dear snake, you must have had a difficult childhood! (lots of audience laughter) Dear snake, I raise my hands now, not to attack you, but I will send you energy, and I will send you love, and I will heal you and all of the wounds from your very disturbing childhood. Oh, dear snake, I imagine that your father beat you, and that is why you are so angry. (audience laughter) And dear snake, I will sing you a lullaby to make you feel better, to nurture your inner snake." (more audience laughter)

Now, the snake coiled back and had an interesting look on his face, a look that was quite puzzled. Here was a human that was not displaying anger. Here was a human that was trying to change him. Here was a human who was trying to process him. (more audience laughter) The snake looked at her, and a big smile came across his face. And the woman Shaumbra thought, "I am connecting with him, heart-to-heart. Look. He is smiling." Suddenly the snake leapt forward and bit her. She died instantly. (some audience laughter) And the snake retreated back into the underbrush, laughing and laughing and laughing to himself. "Here was a human, trying to change the world and to change me. She was the easiest of all my targets!"

Now, the one remaining Shaumbra is one who we will call Samuel. Now, Samuel buried this lightworker, this former healer. Samuel buried her. And he was quite concerned now. He wondered about this road of ascension, Enlightenment Parkway. This was not such a good thing, for now one of his kind had been chased away in fear and two had been killed. He sat and thought for quite awhile about whether to continue on the path. Finally, he said, "It is so deep within my being and deep within my soul that I must continue."

He continued walking, somewhat more carefully and more cautious than he had before, but he continued walking. And as you already know, after a short period of time, the snake crawled up from the underbrush once again, now feeling more invigorated and more powerful for having chased off three in one way or the other. The snake came directly in the path of Samuel. The snake said, "I will allow you to go no further on the path. Like the others who you used to walk with, I will kill you now."

Now, Samuel was much like each one of you here. Samuel had been so diligent in integrating his inner divinity, in his search for his True Self and staying in his sweet spot. Samuel remembered a few things he had learned, even in this terrifying moment. Samuel looked the snake eye-to-eye, who was coiled and ready to bite. The snake was empowered with the blood of a human dripping from his mouth. He was so delighted with himself.

At that moment Samuel said to himself, "I must take ownership of my divinity. It is not about me anymore. I have been told that. I must take ownership and be in a place of balance. I must breathe in - rather quickly here now. (brief laughter) I must breathe in my divinity, for this is what I have learned to be true."

Unbeknownst to either Samuel or the snake, an eagle had been circling overhead, watching the series of events. At the moment Samuel took in the breath, the eagle swooped down, grabbed the snake with its strong and sturdy claws, flew up hundreds and hundreds of feet into the air, did circles and spins with the snake screaming and slithering its claws. Then the eagle dropped the snake to his death on the ground.

Samuel breathed again, but this time, it was with relief. He continued walking on his path, and thought about the events of this very strange day. He contemplated all that had happened. He thought about the eagle, who had truly been there all of the time, waiting for the appropriate moment to come forth, waiting for the appropriate moment for Samuel to be in his balance and his divinity.

Samuel continued walking on the path of enlightenment, when suddenly another snake appeared. It was a relative of the snake who was killed. This new snake was very, very angry. This new snake darted from the underbrush and stopped directly in front of Samuel. It was almost twice as long as the first snake. It coiled in front of him, and said, "I will surely kill you now, for you have killed my own relative. I will have revenge. I must, for that is the way of our snake god. We revenge all who do us harm."

Now, Samuel had been thinking quite a bit along his walk, ever since the first snake was killed. He knew it was a blessed and sacred moment when the eagle came down. He also knew that it was a divine act, and he knew there was more to be learned from all of this. So while he was walking along down the road, thinking, he came asked questions of himself. "What is it that I should know about the events of the snake? What is it that I should do if this ever would happen again to me?" He listened within for the answers to his questions. He knew that the answers always come from within.

Samuel knew that he couldn’t just close his eyes and wish that the eagle would swoop down once again. He knew it was time to truly take ownership of his divinity. He looked the snake in the eye and said, "Dear snake, what is it you seek? Why are you in my path?" The snake was shocked! No human had ever asked this question. Humans had acted in fear or anger or sometimes stupidity, but they had never displayed this kind of wisdom. They had never asked, "Why are you here in my path? What is that you have for me?"

To his questions, the snake responded, "Dear Samuel, I am you. I am no different from you. I am not some external reptile. I am your darkness, and I come here today to stand in your path because you, Samuel, do not like change. You, Samuel, have issues that need addressing. I am here as a messenger to help you bring your issues to the surface." Samuel thought for a moment and then asked the snake, "But if it is so simple, if it is so simple, then why did the first snake kill and scare the other humans? Why couldn’t you just come to us and explain why you are here?"

And the snake shook what little head it had (audience laughter) and said, "That is not the way the energy works. It is only when we are asked, only when you have enough curiosity, only when you open the door by asking the questions, can we then answer. We do not want to be changed. We do not want to be attacked. But when a human comes to us - the snake that is within - and asks, then we must tell. We must share."

So Samuel now understood his own power, his own balance, and he understood why the snake had been sent there in the first place. They talked for many, many, many hours. Samuel learned much through this experience about himself. He saw the darkness and the fears that were within him, expressed through the snake. When they were done, Samuel said to the snake, "I still do not like you. I still do not like when you show up on my path. I still do not like what you represent. But, now I know that you come bearing a gift. Now I know there is a reason for your being, and now I know how to address you and what to do."

Samuel continued on his path. There was an occasional but rare snake that attempted to stop him. He understood it was just a test of his own being to see if he was still staying in his balance. But now, each time a snake appeared before Samuel, he would smile, and he would say, "Why are you here? What is it that I should know? Why are you here? What is it that you want?"

Sunday 4 May 2014

Technique:Radiating Love Meditation

Practice love. Sitting alone in your room, be loving. Radiate love.
Fill the whole room with your love energy. Feel vibrating with a new frequency, feel swaying as if you are in the ocean of love. Create vibrations of love energy around you. And you will start feeling immediately that something is happening – something in your aura is changing, something around your body is changing; a warmth is arising around your body ... a warmth like deep orgasm. You are becoming more alive. Something like sleep is disappearing.
Something like awareness is arising. Sway into this ocean. Dance,
sing, and let your whole room be filled with love.

In the beginning it feels very weird. When for the first time you
can fill your room with love energy, your own energy, which goes on falling and re-bouncing on you and makes you so happy, one starts feeling, ‘Am I hypnotizing myself? Am I deluded? What is
happening?’ – because you have always thought that love comes from somebody else. A mother is needed to love you, a father, a brother, a husband, a wife, a child – but somebody.

Love that depends on somebody is a poor love. Love that is
created within you, love that you create out of your own being, is real energy. Then move anywhere with that ocean surrounding you and you will feel that everybody who comes close to you is suddenly under a different kind of energy.

People will look at you with more open eyes. You will be passing
them and they will feel that a breeze of some unknown energy has
passed them; they will feel fresher. Hold somebody’s hand and his
whole body will start throbbing. Just be close to somebody and that
man will start feeling very happy for no reason at all. You can watch it. Then you are becoming ready to share. Then find a lover, then find a right receptivity for you