
Thursday 15 May 2014

Multidimensional Ka Light

Ka is basically light from the higher dimensions. Above the dimensions of Astral Substance there are many dimensions of light. The light at the highest dimensions has the fastest vibration and is the brightest and as we come down in dimension the light becomes less bright until we reach Astral Substance which is the least bright but much more dense. The main difference between ka and Astral Substance, although they are both essentially light, is that Astral Substance has a density which allows it to crystallize, and crystallized Astral Substance tends to block and distort the light. The ka cannot crystallize like Astral Substance as it is vibrating too fast. Anything in the dimensions of ka is an expression of the consciousness that created it.

We all have Light Bodies which are made of the light from these higher dimensions. While in your light body you are in touch with your true self and most essential nature as it has not been distorted by the lens of the astral body or the physical body. You know who and what you are and are at one with the Universe. You can travel to almost any dimension in your light body.

We all have this Light Body so where is it? It is waiting for you for when you leave your physical body. When you die and your astral body shatters, the consciousness and light that you incarnated during the life will remerge with the rest of your light body. At this point all veils will be gone and you will remember everything. What is important to understand is that there is a Light Body along with many of your higher selves waiting for you after each life and you will remerge with these parts. I say many higher selves because there is more than one level of your Higher Self. While on Earth you could become aware of your Higher Self and even partially incarnate it. You would then realize that there is still another Higher Self than this one and so on. You have higher selves in many dimensions with many different perspectives and views of the Universe and even of your life here on earth.

Most people when referring to the Higher Self are talking about the lowest one. I would like to clarify that by higher I do not mean better. All of creation is equal, nothing more holy than anything else. Higher just refers to the dimension where the consciousness resides. The higher the dimension, the more expansive the consciousness, the larger the view and the greater the powers of vision, knowledge, wisdom and love. Your own Higher Self in the very high dimensions is nothing short of a god. It has many parts of itself incarnated all over the Universe, including you. Well if you go high enough you'll probably find that there is only one Higher Self at the top and it is all that is. The point here is that the parts of yourself that you are aware of are only a tiny portion of who you really are.

Quite simply ka is higher-dimensional light. The body of light is somewhat like the astral body in that it contains different types of light which are mixed in together. The mixture is determined by your spirit (higher consciousness) and is put together in accordance with what the spirit wants to do. Just like choosing the astral mixture before incarnating on Earth your spirit chose a mixture of light in the formation of its light body. This Light Body was formed for the spirit's purposes in this Universe. I will talk about spirit further in the next section.

The light body includes the chakras, Column and the MerKaBa along with other structures of light which will be described later. The Light Body is partly here and incarnated but it is very blocked and is not functioning properly which leads to the state of consciousness of the normal individual. Because of the way we have incarnated into such dense matter, the dualistic nature of the 3rd dimension and the purposes for which we have done this, our bodies are all out-of-whack. In a nutshell the goal is to purify the astral layer, clear and raise the vibration of the etheric and physical bodies, incarnate more of the light body and get its structures and energy centers balanced and functioning properly. Through this the spirit is able to incarnate into matter.

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