
Wednesday 15 October 2014


The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness. So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don't get caught up in small things, and then it will be yours.

"Silence vibrating is Creation.
Silence flowing is Love.
Silence shared is Friendship.
Silence seen is Infinity.
Silence heard is Adoration.
Silence expressed is Beauty.
Silence maintained is Strength.
Silence omitted is Suffering.
Silence allowed is Rest.
Silence recorded is Scripture.
Silence preserved is Our Tradition.
Silence given is Initiating.
Silence received is Joy.
Silence perceived is Knowledge.
Silence stabilized is Fulfillment,
Silence alone is."

The Self of everyone, the Atma of everyone, the transcendental field of reality of everyone, is the same in everyone. Whether the body calls itself an American, German, Indian or Chinese, it doesn't matter.

Enjoy your life and be happy. Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness. More support of nature comes from being happy. Under all circumstances be happy, even if you have to force it a bit to change some long standing habits. Just think of any negativity that comes to you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss. You may not always have an ocean of bliss, but think that way anyway and it will help it come. Doubting is not blissful and does not create happiness. Be happy, healthy, and let all that love flow through your heart.

Know what you want, decide when you want it, figure your plan of action, follow through on it, and never doubt.

"It is the responsibility of the older generation to advise the young, to tell the child what is right and wrong. Even if they do not want to listen to follow our direction, it is right to tell them."

"Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life."

"Everything is an expression of our own intelligence. Through simple, innocent, natural unbounded awareness - fullness of Self, all is accomplished -
Positive influence on the entire universe
Nourishment of nature - thus gain the support of all the laws of nature
Fulfilment of responsibility
Togetherness in dynamism
Revelation of underlying principles of life
Following the routine without rigidity
Elimination of individual's weaknesses.
Only we should not be influenced by the winds.

"The golden gate to peace in life is the experience of bliss, and it is easy for everyone to acquire this great glory and live it throughout life."

"If we think of defeat, that's what we'll get. If we are undecided then nothing will happen for us.
We must just pick something GREAT to do, and then DO it.
Never think of failure at all, for as we think now, that's what we'll get."

Bliss becomes blissful with practice. In our own bliss the desire, desirer and process of desiring are united - they are one. Desire is fulfilled at its source.

Gently resist the temptation to chase your dreams into the world;
pursue them in your heart until they disappear into the Self, and leave them there.

Sleep in the bliss of God. Feel love of God, Lie in the showers of his blessings. Let your heart melt in the love of God. Sleep in the love of God and in Love. Sleep in the warmth of Divine Grace, Without my words -- only in this feeling.

Meditation is the straight flight of the mind to the Kingdom of Heaven present in the heart of everyone.

“Fulfilment is structured in achievement,
Achievement is structured in action,
Action is structured in thinking,
Thinking is structured in knowledge, Knowledge is structured in consciousness”

If we are able to meet these two requirements - regularity in meditation and leading a good life in society, day-to-day a good life - then nothing would be unattainable by us.

“Like the air, God's Grace is available to us. It is permeating every fibre of Being and the Being of the entire universe. When we take our attention to that Being, finer than the finest, then we establish ourselves on the level of God's Grace. Immediately we just enjoy. Life is Bliss!”

Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower, and draws all good things toward you. Allow your love to nourish yourself as well as others. Do not strain after the needs of life. It is sufficient to be quietly alert and aware of them. In this way life proceeds more naturally and effortlessly. Life is here to Enjoy!

"It is the focus on the highest ideal day after day that saves life from being wrapped up in small whirlwinds."

The philosophy of life is this: Life is not a struggle, not a tension... Life is bliss. It is eternal wisdom, eternal existence.

“What makes one luckier is the good that he has done to others. It comes back to him. A man doesn’t become lucky by doing wrong. He becomes lucky because he has done good to others and that good comes back to him. And now he is lucky.”

“Experience shows that Being is the essential, basic nature of the mind; but, since It commonly remains in tune with the senses projecting outwards toward the manifested realms of creation, the mind misses or fails to appreciate its own essential nature, just as the eyes are unable to see themselves. ”

“It is the purity of man’s heart and mind, and his innocent and faithful approach to action with the purpose of all good to everyone, which really succeeds in yielding maximum results with minimum effort.”

If a man is able to submit himself to nature, then nature will react to his needs. Almighty nature is all powerful and all loving, for the laws of nature are for the creation and evolution of all beings and creatures throughout the cosmos. There is no greater kindness than the kindness of nature.

The appeal is, anything that can be done tomorrow should be done today, and anything that can be done today should be done now. One doesn't know what news comes.

Nine rules of life:
Don't analyze
Don't complain
Don't compare yourself to others
Don't expect things to be done for you
Don't expect perfection in the relative
Look to the knowledge aspect daily
Own the movement
Problems are all in your head
Hold yourself together

Like the hollow nothingness within the seed of a tree, which contains the potential of the entire tree, the experience of nothingness in the unmanifest field has within it the lively potential of everything in creation.

"Problems are not solved on the level of problems. Analysing a problem to find its solution is like trying to restore freshness to a leaf by treating the leaf itself, whereas the solution lies in watering the root... When the problem of suffering - physical or mental - has to be tackled, it must be tackled at the root cause in order to produce lasting results. The cause of all causes in life is Being and the different planes of individual life."

"Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness."

'When silence functions, it is beyond any speech. It is beyond any action. It is spontaneous. It is the spontaneous function of silence. Everything comes to our lap. Everything comes to our lap in the waves of thought, in the waves of our understanding, in the waves of realization.'

Responsibility can never be given. It can only be taken. See the job, do the job, stay out of the misery.

"It is right not to harm anyone and wrong to do harm. It is right to see good in others and wrong to see bad in anyone. It is right to love people and wrong to hate them. It is right to admire men for the good in them and wrong to rebuke them for their shortcomings and bad behavior. It is right to give advice to a man if he is doing wrong and wrong not to advise him to do good. It is right to do things which will be helpful to oneself and others and it is wrong to do things which will harm others. It is right to speak the truth but wrong to speak words which will harm others even if they are the truth. It is right to be good to others and wrong to be unpleasant to anyone."

"If we are all strong, stable, we can set our sail with any wind in the world that comes along. We make up our own direction. If we are not strong, we are like a leaf in the wind and the world's winds will take us where they wish, not where we wish. So we meditate, every day, regularly, and gain transcendental being in our everyday life and then we are strong. When we are all infused with Being, we need not think which course is right, we just take the one that is automatically. Being is the wind-resister and the sail-setter..."

"We must take situations as they are. We must only change our mental attitudes towards them

Why should a man suffer having God within himself? And what is the value of oneself if he keeps suffering?
Why waste time in helplessness ...? Why suffer when you can enjoy? . . . let the days of misery and peacelessness be over.

With the practice of deep meditation (Transcendental Meditation) the mind contacts the Bliss Consciousness of the Spirit and becomes more peaceful, happy, creative and powerful. This state of mind enriches all values of material life.

A good teacher will appreciate the good qualities of his students. If one good quality is allowed to emerge, a world of good qualities will emerge from that one.

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