
Wednesday 15 October 2014


I am the lowest; I am the highest. There is no lowest, no highest with Me. Wherever human eyes fall, there I am. In Jesus I appeared. In Mohammad I revealed myself. The most famous people in the world I am, and the most disreputable, ignominious, the most fallen I am, I am the All, the All.

The Infinite is bliss. There is no bliss in anything finite. So long as you are finite, there is no bliss, no happiness for you. The Infinite is bliss, the Infinite only is bliss.

Within you is the real happiness, within you is the mighty ocean of Nectar Divine. Seek It within you, feel It, feel It, It is here, the Self. It is not the body, the mind, the intellect, the brain; it is not the desires or the desiring; it is not the objects of desire; above all these you are. All these are simply manifestations. You appear as the smiling flower, as the twinkling stars. What is there in the world which can make you desire anything?

The millionth descendant of the original seed has got the same infinite capability and potentiality which the original seed had.

The infinite potentiality, the Infinite Power latent in the finite form or figure, and the real meaning of the word 'seed', is the infinite within and not its outside or outward form, not that.

Blessed is he who is dead drunk in Divine madness.

Happy is he who is drowned in heavenly intoxication.

A man of liberation, a free man, is one who lives in Divinity, in Godhead, in such a way that his body was never born.

Be not astonished or afraid of the Truth and speak from the depth of your heart, "I am God."

The whole universe serves one as his body, when he feels the Universal Soul as his very Self.

It is through realisation of One's Infinity, conquering all sense of difference, feeling our oneness with all, realising the stars, landscapes, rivers, and all as my own, and through love owning all, that temptations lose their power over us.

When viewed from the standpoint of God-Self, the whole world becomes an effusion of beauty, an expression of joy, outpouring of bliss.

Heaven is within you; the paradise, the home of bliss within you, and yet you are searching for pleasures in the objects in the streets, searching for that thing outside, outside, in the objects of the senses. How strange!

The one aim and goal of life is not in wasting energy and accumulating riches, but in cultivating the inner powers, in educating yourself, to free yourself, to become God.

I fret not when fever would pay a visit. I receive it as a friend and spiritual truths flash which could never otherwise be disclosed.

Renounce your desires, rise above them and you find double peace, immediate rest and eventual fruition of desires. Remember that your desires will be realised only when you rise above them into the Supreme Reality. When you consciously or unconsciously lose yourself in the Divinity, then and then only will the time be ripe for the fulfilment of desires.

I am That
I have no scruple of change, nor fear of death,
Nor was I ever born,
Nor had I parents.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I cause no misery, nor am I miserable;
I have no enemy, nor am I enemy.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am without form, without limit,
Beyond space, beyond time,
I am in everything, everything is in me.
I am the bliss of the universe,
Everywhere am I.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am without body or change of the body,
I am neither senses, nor object of the senses,
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That,

I am neither sin, nor virtue,
Nor temple, nor worship
Nor pilgrimage, nor books.
I am Existence Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute,
I am That, I am That.

Practical renunciation means throwing off and casting overboard all anxiety, fear, worry, hurry, trouble of mind by continually keeping before your mental vision the Allness of your real Self.

Renunciation simply enhances your powers, multiplies your energies, strengthens your force, and makes a God of you. It takes away all your anxiety and fear. You become fearless and happy.

Renunciation is giving up egoistic life. Verily, verily, everlasting life lies in losing the congested life of personality.

The only way to escape from all sins, to stand above all temptations, is to realise the true Self.

Assert your Godhead, fling into utter oblivion the little self, as if it had never existed. When the little bubble bursts, it finds itself the whole ocean. You are the Whole, the Infinite, the All.

According to Vedanta, the material world as well as the astral worlds are unreal. You must rise above both, because rest, true peace, happiness can be had only when the Reality – the hard cash – behind the scenes is realised.

There is in fact only the one Self which we are, nothing besides It; and since there is nothing besides the Self, you cannot consistently say that you are apart. But it must follow that you are the entire Self. There is no division in Truth. You are the Truth now.

According to Vedanta, the self-evident Truth is that you are already God, nothing else but God; your Godhead is not to be effected, it is simply to be known and realised or felt.

What is jealousy, what is hatred? It is inverted attachment. When we hate somebody, it is because we are attached to something else.

If the body is sick, you say -O, I am undone, I am sick,‖ just because you identify yourself with the body pr the mind. Vedanta says give up this false identification and you will be alright. Anything wrong with the body or the mind should not disturb you. It is only this false sentimentalism due to this false self which causes all your suffering.

Rama suggests to you the most natural breath control [pranayama]. Breathe, breathe, breathe. In deep breathing the air will fill the lower part of the stomach and will also pass through the entire canal within. This way you will be at once released of depression, and your energies will be put to the best advantage.

Chant OM; and while doing it, begin that search within the lake of your mind. Search out the poisonous snake with its many tongues. These heads, tongues, and fangs of the poisonous snake are the innumerable wants, the worldly tendencies, and the selfish propensities. Crush them one by one, trample them under your feet, single them out, overcome them and destroy them while singing the syllable OM.

The child has no motives, yet it is one of the most active beings on the earth.

"Having nothing to do, be always doing" sums up Vedanta teaching.

When you rise to that height of Divine love; when you rise to such a degree that in your father, in your mother, in everybody, you see nothing but God; when you see, in the wife no wife, but the beloved One, God; then, indeed you do become God, then, indeed are you in the presence of God.

All the attractiveness you see in this world is nothing else but the true Divinity, the same which appears to you in the body of a beloved one, puts on a different dress in trees, in mountains and hills. Realise this, for this is how you can rise above all worldly passions and desires. This is the way to make spiritual use of worldly desires and to make use of them for their own sake.

A man who has never loved can never realize God; that is a fact.

The secret of perfect health and vigorous activity lies in keeping your mind always buoyant and cheerful, never worried, never hurried, never borne down by any fear, thought or anxiety.

Through ignorance you call yourself the body; the body you are not. You are the infinite Power; the Divinity; the constant, immutable, unchangeable One. That you are; know that and you find yourself inhabiting the whole world, inhabiting the whole universe.

The Law is that a man should be at rest, at peace, undisturbed, and the body should always be in motion; the mind to be subjected to the laws of statics, and the body subjected to the laws of dynamics; the body at work and the internal Self always at rest. That is the Law. Be free.

Love is no crying, begging, negative condition. It is an indescribable sense of equality, beaming sweetness and Divine recklessness. It is the seeing of All in all we see. It is seeing your own Self in where your eyes fall. It is to realise that All is beauty, and I am That. Tat Tvam Asi, or That Thou Art.

I am simply the witness of the phenomena, never entangled in them, always above them. All these phenomena are simply harmonic vibrations, the upward and downward motion of the wheel, the raising and bringing down of the step.

In order that you may reach the Truth, that you may realise Divinity, your dearest wants and desires will be pricked through and through, your wants and dearest attachments will have to be severed, all your favourite superstitions will have to be wiped out, to be torn aside – torn off from your body.

If you want to realise an object, if you want to get anything, do not hunt after the shadow. Touch your own head. Go within you. Realise this and you will see that the stars are your handiwork; you will see that all objects of love, all the bewitching and fascinating things are simply your own reflection or shadow.

Everything you meet in this world should be a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block. Convert your stumbling block into a stepping stone.

Where is the sword that can kill me? Where is the weapon that can wound me? Where is the calamity that can mar my cheerfulness? Where is the sorrow that can tamper with my happiness? Everlasting, the same yesterday, today, and forever, pure, and holy of holies, the Master of the universe, That I am, That I am.

Truth is Your Birth Right. Assert it and Be Master of Universe. Truth is "Tattva-Masi" - "That Thou Art"


  1. Very good article about Rama tirtha, Dhanyosmi.

  2. Thank You, Swami Rama Tirtha❤

  3. An excellent collection of quotes that reflect for us the true Ram Tirth , a Muscular Vedantist, Practical Vedantist


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