
Saturday 8 November 2014

Book:Living With The Himalayan Masters - Swami Rama

Living With The Himalayan Masters traces Swami Rama’s spiritual journey, and his experiences with the masters of varied traditions.

Swami Rama was born in a small village in the Himalayas. From an early age, he started living with his Guru. He was not educated in schools, but received knowledge from the sages of the Himalayas. His education was in the Himalayan caves and monasteries. These gentle sages nurtured in him a love for nature, creatures, and the entire universe. Swami Rama tells us about all these Himalayan masters, the yogis, the privilege of whose teachings and company, he enjoyed. In this book, he recalls his years with them, and brings to life those sages who taught him through their experiences, not through books or lectures.

In Living With The Himalayan Masters, he tells us about his master, known as Baba Bengali, who could read young Rama’s mind. It was with him that Swami Rama began his spiritual journey. Gudari Baba is another teacher Swami Rama details in his book. It was this Guru who taught him the value of direct experience. Then, there is Uria Baba, who believed and insisted that every individual has the powers of healing. Through these experiences, Swami Rama tells us about the unknown ascetics and sages, who voluntarily stay away from other people. These tales of sadhus and their siddhis impart knowledge and wisdom, which is otherwise inaccessible to the common man.

Living With The Himalayan Masters has an introduction by Swami Rama’s ardent disciple, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. He tells us, in the introduction, how this book details what we should do to achieve success and happiness.


"Being Free from all fears is the first message of the Himalayan Sages. That Fearlessness is also an essential prerequisite for attaining enlightenment. Great are those who are always fearless. To be completely free from all fears is one step on the path of enlightenment." (page 48)

"It is inner strength that makes one fearless, and it is the fearless one who crosses the individual consciousness and becomes one with the universal consciousness" (page 146)

"When yogis speak of non-attachment they are not teaching indifference, but are teaching how to genuinely and selflessly love others. Non-attachment, properly understood, means love."  (page 146)

No matter where you live, live cheerfully (pg 80)

Whenever any great man speaks to you, you should accept his words as mantras and practise them. (pg 84)

Nothing could be achieved without selfless service. All the rituals and knowledge of scriptures are in vain if actions are performed without selflessness.

"Inner Strength, cheerfulness, and selfless service are the basic principles of life." 

"Life is a rhythm and one who knows this rhythm can live as long as he wishes". 

"The whole search for enlightenment is to seek within, to become aware that you are complete in yourself."

Most people brood on the past and do not know how to live here and now (pg 52)

Dependence on external relationships is ignorance that needs to be dispelled (pg 55)

I am happy with my friend within me (pg 54)

Faith and Determination - These are the two essential rungs on the ladder of enlightenment. Without faith we can attain some degree of intellectual knowledge, but only with faith we can see into the most subtle chambers of our being. Determination is the power that see us through all frustrations and obstacles.It helps in building will power which is the very basis of success within and without. (pg 50)

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