
Sunday 2 November 2014


God does not judge you according to your bodies and appearances or your possessions, but He looks into your hearts and observes your deeds.
A good deed is one that brings a smile of joy to the face of another.

A man’s first charity should be to his own family.
A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.

A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe.
A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation.

Acquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armor against enemies.

The example of the five (daily) prayers is like that of a clear-water river flowing in front of your houses in which a person washes himself five times a day – cleansing him from all dirt.
A sincere repenter of faults is like him who hath committed none.

Charity is incumbent on each person every day. Charity is assisting anyone, moving and carrying their wares, saying a good word. Every step one takes walking to prayer is charity; showing the way is charity.
The best of all alms is that which the right hand giveth and the left hand knoweth not of.
Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.

Allah has hated for you three things: 1. Vain talks, (useless talk) that you talk too much or about others. 2. Wasting of wealth (by extravagance) 3. And asking too many questions (in disputed religious matters) or asking others for something (except in great need).
Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to people and other creatures.
A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.
There is a reward for kindness to every living animal or human.

He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.
Happy is the person who finds fault with himself instead of finding fault with others.

It is a fine thing when a believer praises and thanks God if good comes to him, and praises God and shows endurance if smitten by affliction. The believer is rewarded for (every good action), even for the morsel he raises to his wife's mouth.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.
The best among you are those who are best to their wives.

No one eats better food than that which he eats from the work of his hands.
Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.
Indeed, an ignorant man who is generous is dearer to God than a worshipper who is miserly.

He who is not loving to God’s creatures and to his own children, God will not be loving to him.
God helps those who persevere.
True religion is surrender.
The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.
He who knoweth his own self, knoweth God.

It is better for a leader to make a mistake in forgiving than to make a mistake in punishing.

Who are learned? They who practice what they know.
It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad, and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent, but silence is better than idle words.
Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

There are two blessings which most people misuse – health and leisure.

No man is a true believer unless he desireth for his brother that which he desireth for himself.
None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.
Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to claim over another. You are brothers.

Should one tell you that a mountain has changed its place, you are at liberty to doubt it; but if any one tells you that a man has changed his character, do not believe it.

The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.
I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this," ? putting his index and middle fingers together.

Riches are not from an abundance of wordly goods but from a contented mind.
The love of the world is the root of all evil.
Endure evil with patience and forgive, for therein is great and true wisdom.
Patience is the key of content.

It is your own conduct which will lead you to reward or punishment, as if you had been destined therefore.
Refrain from seeing and speaking of the vices of mankind, which you know are in yourself.
Power consists not in being able to strike another, but in being able to control oneself when anger arises.

The (true) servants of (God) the Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, reply with (words of) peace.
From morning until night and from night until morning keep your heart free from malice towards anyone.
They will enter the Garden of Bliss who have a true, pure, and merciful heart.

If anyone removes (one of the) anxieties of this world from a believer, God will remove (one of the) anxieties from him on the Day of Resurrection if one smoothes the way for one who is destitute, God will smooth the way for him in this world and the next and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, God will conceal his faults in this world and the next. God helps a man as long as he helps his brother. If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge God will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise.

Seven kinds of people will be sheltered under the shade of God on the Day of Judgment...They are: a just ruler, a young man who passed his youth in the worship and service of whose heart is attached to the mosque...two people who love each other for the sake of God...a man who is invited to sin...but declines, saying 'I fear God' who spends his charity in secret, without making a show...and one who remembers God in solitude so that his eyes overflow.

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