
Friday 7 November 2014

Story:Be Good and See Good

Remembrance of God means elevation to higher consciousness. We must keep this light burning within us always. You know, as soon as the light goes out, we fall into darkness. When our vision is pure, we see only God. If impure, we see evil. 

There was a very good king named Yudhishtira who led a righteous life. In his own time, there was another king named Duryodhana who was evilminded and lived an unrighteous life. One day, Lord Krishna, a great incarnation of God, asked Yudhishtira, the virtuous king, to pick out for him a bad man in the world. The king went about in search of a bad man. 

He returned and told Krishna that he could not find such a one. Krishna called Duryodhana, the vicious king, and asked him to find out for him a good man. Duryodhana went in search of one. He could see only bad men everywhere and not a single good man. He came and reported this to Lord Krishna. 

The moral of this story is that if we are good, the whole world is good for us; if we are bad, the whole world is bad for us. Every man has got some good points in him. We should see only the good points. If we are to see the bad points let us see them in ourselves. If we do so, we shall find in course of time that what is bad in us will disappear. If we see evil in others and good in us, what good we have will disappear and the evil in us will grow. We are condemning, criticising, and thinking ill of so many in the world. By so doing, we are only getting our mind more and more impure. So the way to progress on the spiritual path is to see the good points in others and love everybody. To see good in others is to see God in them, because God alone is good. By seeing God in others we shall realise God in our own heart. So long as we criticise others, we shall never see God in them.

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