
Friday 7 November 2014

Story:St.Francis Of Assisi's Death-Osho Story

Spontaneity is characteristic of an enlightened man. He lives in the moment, without succumbing to the claims of consistency, which, states his authenticity says Osho. A short story on St Francis of Assisi reveals the truth. 

Saint Francis of Assisi was singing as he lay on his death bed. People flocked at his window to get a glance of the saint. Brother Elias, a disciple and a member of the Franciscan order, came closer to Saint Francis and said, “Father there are a lot of people crowded at the window and there is nothing that we can do to refrain them from hearing you sing. It could pull down the esteem that they hold for you, though, you may have transcended the obligation to many who have regarded you as a Saint, forgetting yourself. Would it not be good to die more solemnly?" 

“Please excuse me dear Brother. I feel so much of joy over flowing in my heart that I cannot stop singing" 

Osho explains that Saint Francis in truth was not the individual. He was an enlightened being and songs broke forth from the blissful silence of His being. Further more he transcended his little self, the ego and hence was in tune with the moment with spontaneity. Whereas, his disciple was more concerned with people's criticism over St Francis and the order, which, shows that he was more concerned with what would actually become of him in future if people were to base their opinion on St Francis's way of dying. This clearly depicts the attitude of a person in whom the little self is dominant, as he cared for public opinion.

An enlightened person is not caught in any framework which is why he is spontaneous. Saint Francis was an enlightened soul. 

Osho says that a person reflects the life he led through the way he dies. St Francis simply died a joyful death which reflected a blissful life that he led.

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