
Friday 7 November 2014

Story:The Musk Deer

The musk deer is a small animal inhabiting central and eastern Asia. Near the navel of the male, there is a special gland which produces a delightful, odorous secretion known as musk, used extensively in perfumes. Though this secretion is designed primarily to attract the female deer, the male himself is also intoxicated by its aroma, but he can’t figure out where it’s coming from. 

He first experiences this intoxication as a fawn, feeding from his mother’s breast, so naturally he assumes that the sublime aroma is coming from his mother. He associates intoxication with maternal care.

Ten as a youngster gamboling through the meadows, he catches whiffs of the divine essence from time to time, when the wind is just right, and he decides that it’s connected somehow with play. 

As an adolescent, he watches his father posturing magnificently on the crest of a hill, and the yearling becomes intoxicated again, this time associating it with power and status. 

While munching meadow flowers or sipping sweet water, the growing deer catches occasional whiffs of the ambrosial scent and concludes that it is also connected with food and drink. 

As he matures, he finds intoxication in the company of female deer, and when he mates, the body-warmth of the sexual act increases the potency of his secretion and sex becomes synonymous with bliss.

He spends his days pursuing all the various activities he has learned to associate with the intoxicating scent he loves so much, but the problem is that none these activities guarantees him an experience of drunken bliss each time; it all depends on which way the wind is blowing. His desires become more and more fragmented, one moment he’s chasing after his food, and the next it’s sex, power or recreation. He runs this way and that, changing directions with the wind, until finally he collapses, exhausted, to the forest floor.

His weary head hangs down until his nose is at his navel, and then, just when he least expects it, he experiences the most powerful, uninterrupted dose of divine aroma that he has ever had. In that incredible instant, he realizes that what he has been seeking frantically in other things for his entire life, has been coming from his very own being all along.

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