
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Story:The Benevolence Of Sant Eknath

An incident in his life highlights his broad mind, forbearance and compassionate nature.

Sant Eknath lived in a village called Prathinapura, in Maharastra. He practiced Bhagvath Dharma - singing the names and glories of the Lord. He performed pooja to the idols of Rukmini and Panduranga which was presented to him by his Guru - Sri Janardana Swami. Sant Eknath was particularly famous in his village for his patience; nobody ever saw him angry, and nothing could ever make him lose his temper. Almost all his fellow-villagers paid respects to Eknath for his great virtues.

In the same village, there were a few vagabonds who used to regularly meet for gambling. One morning it so happened that one of them arrived late. When the others looked at him with a questioning look, he said, "I had been to Sant Eknath's residence to pay respects to him. So I could not come here in time."

On hearing this, the others guffawed and with a mocking tone asked him, "So my friend, what is so special about this gentleman, which makes you fall at his feet?"

"Sri Eknath never loses his temper under any circumstance. Isn't this trait unusual?"

They teased him further..."How can he who never gets angry be called a human?" On hearing thus, he immediately answered, "That is the reason why I regard him a saint..." The conversation which started in a light vein, took a serious turn... In the end, one of them challenged, "I shall make Saint Eknath lose his temper, and prove to you all that he is no different from others and I shall accomplish what I just said by tomorrow itself."

The next morning, Sant Eknath went to bathe in the Holy Godavari river early in the morning. While he was returning, the one who threw down the gauntlet, was waiting for Sant Eknath on a rooftop with mouthful of Paan (Betel leaves and Betel nuts, usually taken after meals). While walking back home, Eknath suddenly felt something wet falling on him. Without any signs of surprise, and without losing his composure, he walked back to the river for a holy dip.

The defiler was surprised, but when Sri Eknath returned from his second dip, he again spat on this great saint. Sri Eknath again went back to the river for a dip without losing his calm. But the vagabond was persistent in his efforts to make this saint angry, and he kept on spitting at Saint Eknath. 

Each time he spat on the saint, he could not even detect a faintest frown in Eknath's face. As the twilight of the dawn started to bounce off from the glittering waters of Godavari, the vagabond got tired of spitting at Eknath. 

He was totally bewildered on seeing the patience and forbearance of Eknathji. While his mouth was aching stiff due to repeated spitting, Eknath was looking as composed and as fresh as he was early in the morning!

The vagabond, feeling guilty and ashamed, rushed down to fall at the feet of Saint Eknath. Saint Eknath, with eyes brimming with compassion and love even for this offender, blessed him. 

Now the vagabond was totally perplexed, "Swamiji, how is it possible for you to be like this?" 

Saint Eknath replied, "Brother, if you can stick so stubbornly to this vice of harassing sadhus, it isn't the least surprising that I, on my part, should stick to my virtue of not losing my temper.I am on the way to offer my morning worship to my Lord. The dirt on my body can be easily cleansed by a dip in the river, but if I let anger enter my mind, it defiles the mind, and no amount of bathing in any river cancleanse me of this impurity.Worshipping with an impure mind would not bear fruits."

Remembering Sant Eknath when we get angry would help us to regain our composure without much difficulty.

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