
Sunday 12 July 2015

Story: Turiya Consciousness

In a certain forest there was a great sage. Seeing this extraordinary sage. a hunter approached him and asked him: "O sage, a deer which had been wounded by my arrow came this way. Tell me which way it went." The sage replied: "We are holy men who dwell in the forest and our nature is peace. We are devoid of ego-sense. The ego-sense and the mind which make the activities of the senses possible have come to a rest. I do not know what are known as waking, dream and deep sleep. I remain established in the turiya. In it there is no object to be seen." The hunter could not grasp the meaning of the sage's words. He went his way. 

Rest in nirvana without movement of thought, with the mind greatly 'weakend' and the intelligence at peace; rest in the self as if you are deaf, dumb and blind.

By remaining unaware of pleasure and pain and of even that which lies between the two, you rise above sorrow. Just by this little self-effort you attain the infinite.

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