
Monday 16 January 2017

Movie Quotes

Remember, Dragon Warrior,
Anything is possible 
when you have inner peace.
-Kung Fu Panda 2 (Film)

Belief itself 
is the body's strongest medicine. 
and if you believe that 
something is going to work 
regardless of what that is -
is going to work for you.
-The Living Matrix (Movie)

if you only had 
one day to live, 
what would you do with it?
-Phil Connors (Groundhog Day film)

Inside most people there's a feeling 
of being separate —
separated from everything.… 
And they're not. 
They're part of 
absolutely everyone, and everything.

Once you connected to someone, 
you can always feel them, 
especially if they are in your family, 
that's not indigo thing.., 
everyone can do that. 
It just means there is a lot of love.
-Indigo (film)

Train yourself to let go of everything
you fear to lose.

Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving
that transcends dimensions of time and space. 
Cooper says, 
“They have access to infinite time and space 
but they are not bound by anything. 
They can find a specific place in time and communicate.” 
Simultaneously, he realizes that communicating 
with Murph, in her specific time and space, 
is actualized through love. 
He realizes that HE is “the bridge” 
with the three-dimensional world. 
Remembering the conversation of virtue, 
Cooper figures out that love is the key 
to bridging the infinite and the finite.
-Interstellar (Movie)

Love is always patient and kind. 
It is never jealous. 
Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish. 
It does not take offense and is not resentful. 
Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, 
but delights in the truth. 
It is always ready to excuse, to trust,
to hope, and to endure whatever comes.
-Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember

Why be afraid of death?
It is the fate of all humans.
The closer one brings oneself to God, the happier one is.
It is the end of our lives, The faster one hurries to meet him. 
One should have no fear of death on the contrary!
The past, the present, these are human. 
In God there is no past, solely the present prevails. 
And when God sees us, he always sees our entire life. 
And because.. He is an infinitely good being.. 
He eternally seeks our well-being. 
Therefore, there is no cause for 
worry in any of the things which happen to us. 
All of his actions are in our best interest.
Everything that happens is God's will, 
and it only happens for the well-being of our soul. 
God is infinitely good, almighty and he helps us. 
This is all one must do, and then one is happy.

-Into Great Silence (Movie) 

All energy is there to serve you.
It seeks to serve you, and 
the master allows energy to serve them.
-Tuning In (Movie)

In this conscious living universe, 
there are no laws of nature, just habits. 
There is nothing external to the universe 
to enforce a law upon it. 
The illusion of a fixed law of nature 
is only the result of there being 
no need for that habit to be broken. 
When habits need to be broken, 
to ensure the survival of the organism, 
we see this event in nature and call it Evolution. 
The Collective Mind shapes our evolution. 

Actually, there's only one instant, 
and it's right now, and it's eternity. 
And it's an instant in which God is posing a question, 
and that question is basically,
'Do you want to, you know, be one with eternity? 
Do you want to be in heaven?' 
And we're all saying, 'No thank you. Not just yet.' 
And so time is actually just this constant saying 'No' 
to God's invitation. I mean that's what time is.
-Waking Life (Movie)

You can't be afraid of hardships
the more the hardship, the more you move forward.
There is this physical hardship
but the mental hardship is most important
If you see a demon.. demons are your mind demons
It's not just any demon
you don't want to grasp hold of it
don't fear it, don't hurt it.
Just sit and don't move
something happens outside.. you let go of it, 
examine yourself.. meditate quietly.
-Amongst White Clouds (Movie)

Once a master sees into his own mind, 
he can see into the mind of the student
understand his barriers, his progress 
and lead him in this way.
Once a master sees into his own true mind,
his true nature, all the wisdom
in the texts, and in the tradition is hidden
and he becomes it, sees through it.
So it seems like asking an enlightened master
is the same as asking Buddha himself.
-Amongst White Clouds (Movie)

Ten thousand things, all in this breath -
Why are people in this world so busy?
For just one breath they say busy busy, mine mine
busy a whole lifetime for "me"
but when this breath is cut off
you let go of the whole universe.
Why not let go from the start?
-Amongst White Clouds (Movie)

In our life we change different things 
in the hope of being happy. 
We change our name, we change our dress, 
we change our food, we change everything
but we realize everytime that
this change has never brought the true happiness.
So the only way to stop all this game is 
Realizing the nature of mind 
which is a buddha 
and which is content and fulfilled and satisfied 
from the beginning.
-The Yogis of Tibet (Documentary)

There are different wind energies inside a human person. In one posture the wind which enables us to excrete waste enters into the central nerve channel eliminating some of negative emotions. 
When you broaden your shoulders and sit upright the nerve or vein related to winds enters and get rid of ignorance. 
when your neck slightly bent downwards at an angle and you touch the tip of your toungue on the palate, then fire related wind enters and dissipate desire. 
When you lower your eye a bit so you almost see the tip of your nose the space related wind enters and gets rid of ego centric pride. 
When you sit cross legged and remain in single pointed concentration then water related wind enters and helps get rid of jealosy. 
These postures are very good method of getting rid of some of negative emotions. 
-The Yogis of Tibet (Documentary)

You know, the ancient Egyptians had 
a beautiful belief about death. 
When their souls got to the entrance to heaven,
the guards asked two questions. 
Their answers determined whether 
they were able to enter or not. 
'Have you found joy in your life?’ 
'Has your life brought joy to others?’”
-Morgan Freeman, The Bucket List

First, be free from desire.
Second,be satisfied.
Third, be tranquil.
Fourth, be diligent.
Fifth, remember the teachings.
Sixth, meditate.
Seventh, practice wisdom.
Eight, avoid pointless talk
- each of Buddha's disciples learned 
these eight means of enlightenment.
-The Life Of Zen Master Dogen (Movie)

What would you do 
if you were stuck in one place 
and every day was exactly the same.
and nothing that you did mattered?
-Bill Murray (Groundhog Day film)

if you go to the past in the future, 
then your future lies in the past. 
This is a picture of you 
in the future - in the past.
-Kate and Leopold (Movie)

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