
Saturday 28 January 2017

Robert Kiyosaki Quotes

Don't let the fear of losing be 
greater than the excitement of winning.

Change your focus from making money to 
serving more people makes the money come in.

Fail harder.
You cannot be successful without failure.

If you want to be rich,
think big...
think differently.

In the real world, 
the smartest people are people who make mistakes and learn.
In school, the smartest people don't make mistakes.

When you know you're right,
you're not afraid of fighting back.

Life isn't fair. It never will be.
Quit trying to make it fair.
You don't need it to be fair.
Go make life unfair to your advantages.

The good news for you
is that most people in life quit.
So, staying in the game is half the battle
and puts you light years ahead of others.

Nine out of ten business fail;
so I came up with a foolproof plan -
create ten business.

Successful people don't fear failure,
but understand that it's necessary 
to learn and grow from.

Failure defeats losers,
failure inspires winners.

Face your fears and doubts,
and new worlds will open to you.

My poor dad asked me what job I wanted when I grow up.
My rich dad asked me what quadrant I wanted to be in.

Passion is the beginning of success.

Successful people take big risks know that 
they might fall hard.
But, they might succeed more than 
they ever dreamed, too.

It's more important to grow your income than 
cut your expenses. 
It's more important to grow your spirit 
that cut your dreams.

It's true that money is not the most important thing in life,
but money does affect everything that is important to life.

Your future is created by what you do today,
not tomorrow.

One of the best ways to make changes in your life
is to change your environment. This then changes you.

Successful people never lose 
their sense of wonder and possibility.
Instead they retain a childlike quality 
to see the world of opportunity.

When people are lame,
they love to blame.

A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, 
to say no. 
That's where toughness comes into play.
Toughness is not being a bully. 
It's having backbone.

Knowing you need to make a change isn't enough.
You've got to find the guts to do it.

Rich people buy luxuries last,
while the poor and middle class
tend to buy luxuries first.

The primary difference between rich people and poor people
is how they handle fear.

Face your fears and doubts,
and new worlds will open to you.

Confidence comes from discipline and training.

Afraid of change?
Then fail.

My poor dad said,
'You need to know a lot about one specialty.'
My rich dad said,
'You need to learn a little about a lot of things.'

I use debt to buy assets.
Most people use debt to
buy toys and liabilities.

I can't afford this.
How can I afford this?
Change your words;
change your life.

Watch what the idiots are doing.
And do the opposite.

One of the primary reasons why 
people struggle financially is because 
they cannot control their emotion of fear.

One of the reasons many people are not rich 
is because they are greedy.

F - Follow
O - One
C - Course
U - Until
S - Successful 

It's not the money that makes the success -
the money is simply a sign of success.

If you want to go somewhere,
it is best to find someone 
who has already been there.

The richest people in the world build networks.
Everyone else is trained to look for work.

-Those who build their own dreams
-Those who build someone else's dreams.
Which one are you?

I'd rather welcome change
than cling to the past.

One of the reasons people aren't rich is
because almost everyone has 
more excuses than money.

The richest people in the world 
look for and build networks.
Everyone else looking for job.

Remember, your mind is your greatest asset,
so be careful what you put into it.

Never say you cannot afford something.
That is a poor man's attitude. 
Ask HOW to afford it.

Control over risk is an unfair advantage 
the rich achieve through 
knowledge and education.

A lot of people do not invest in business... 
they invest in busy-ness (they purchase a job).

People respond differently to tough times. 
Some run away from danger. 
Others live in ignorance. 
Intelligent people fight. 
And fighters flourish in tough times.

The problem with this world is
not enough problem solvers. 
So, if you become a problem solver you become rich.

Good Debt is a powerful tool.
But bad debt can kill you.

To be truly rich,
we need to be able to give as well as receive.

It's not what you say out of your mouth 
that determines your life, 
it's what you whisper to yourself 
that has the most power.

Don't do anything for the money you will make,
but instead for the skills you will learn.

A game is like a mirror
that allows you to look at yoruself.

The primary difference between rich people and poor people is how they handle fear.

Don't stop trying, learning, fighting,
experimenting, doing, until the miracle happens.

Getting rich begins with the right mindset,
the right words and the right plan.

I don't believe in giving people money.
In sunday school [you learn] that if you teach a man to fish,
you feed him for life;
but you give him a fish, you feed him for a day.

If you want to change who you are,
begin by changing the size of your dream.
Even if you are broke, 
it does not cost you anything to dream of being rich.
Many poor people are poor because
they have given up on dreaming.

An intelligent person hires people 
who are more intelligent than he is.

There are people who are not wealthy
because they want to be comfortable.

We go to school to learn to work hard for money.
I write books and create products that each people
how to have money work hard for them.

Why in the world would someone say 
'I can't afford it' or
'I can't do it'
to something they want?
Why would someone deny themselves the things they want?
It makes no logcial sense.

Work to learn.
Don't work for money..
Look for jobs that can help you develop the skills,
systems and people rather than just pay you well.

Broke is temporary.
Poor is eternal.

Money only magnifies who you really are.
If you are a happy person, more money will make you happier. 
If you are unhappy person, more money will make you miserable.

To me, a wife should be a life partner 
AND a business partner. 
Just like any good partner, 
her strengths must make up for my weaknesses
and vice versa.

We never save money.
Before we get money
we know where we are going to invest it.

Listen to the advice from the one
who's already acheived your goal.

Failure inspires winners.
Failure defeats losers.

Most people never get wealthy 
simply because they are not trained to recognize 
opportunities right in front of them.

Don't waste a good mistake...
Learn from it.

My poor dad often said,
'I'd rather be happy than rich.'
My rich dad said,
'Why not be both?'

Losers are people
who are afraid of losing.

Money is not the goal.
Money has no value.
The value comes from the dreams
money helps achieve.

Money will never make you happy
if you are an unhappy person.

The most successful people in life
are the ones who ask questions.
They're always learning.
They're always growing.
They're always pushing.

If you want to be rich...
don't allow yourself the luxury of excuses.

Before you can transform your wallet
from poor to rich,
you've got to transform your spirit
from poor to rich.

To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck
is not real living.

The size of your success is measured by the strength
of your desire;
the size of your dream;
and how you handle disappointment along the way

Inside of every problem 
lies an opprotunity.

When I started my last business,
I didn't receive a paycheck for 13 months.
The average person can't handle that pressure.

It's easier to stand on the sidelines,
criticise, and say why you shouldn't do something,
the sidelines are crowded.
Get in the game.

Losers quit when they fail
winners fail until they succeed.

If you've failed,
that means you're doing something.
If you're doing something,
you have a chance.

Complaining about your current position in life is worthless.
Have a spine and do something about it instead.

Winners are not afraid of losing.
But losers are.
Failure is part of the process of success.
People who avoid failure also avoid success.

You're only poor if you give up. 
The most important thing is that you did something.
Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. 
You've done something.

The most life-destroying word 
of all is the word tomorrow.

The world is full of smart, poor people.

Investing is life driving a car.
If you have no drivers education or driving experience,
driving a car is very, very risky.
Get Educated.

Academic qualifications are important
and so is financial education.
They're both important and 
schools are forgetting one of them.

Sonetimes you win,
and sometimes you learn.

When you are young,
work to learn,
not to earn.

The only difference between the rich and the poor
is how they use their time.

Your mentors in life are important,
so choose them wisely.

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