
Monday 16 January 2017

Seth Quotes

If you examine your thoughts for five minutes
at various times during the day
for several times a month,
you will indeed receive
a correct impression of the kind of life
you have so far arranged for yourself
in the next existence.
If you are not pleased with what you discover,
then you had better begin changing
the nature of your thoughts and feelings.
-Seth Speaks, The Eternal Validity of the Soul (1)

Your eye knows it sees,
though it cannot see itself
except through the use of reflection.
In the same way the world as you see
it is a reflection of what you are,
a reflection not in glass
but in three dimensional reality.
You project your thoughts, feelings, and expectations outward,
then you perceive them as the outside reality.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

Some feelings and thoughts are translated
into structures that you call objects; these exist,
in your terms, in a medium you call space.
Others are translated instead
into psychological structures called events,
that seem to exist in a medium you call time.
Space and time are both root assumptions,
which simply means that man accepts both,
and assumes that his reality is rooted
in a series of moments and a dimension of space.
So your inner experience is translated in those terms.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

You create your own reality.
There is no other rule.
Knowing this is the secret of creativity.
I have spoken of "you," yet this must not be confused with
the "you" that you often think you are — the ego alone,
for the ego is only a portion of You;
it is that expert part of your personality that
deals directly with the contents of your conscious mind,
and is concerned most directly with
the material portions of your experience. The
ego is a very specialized portion of your greater identity.
It is a portion of you that arises to deal directly
with the life that the larger You is living.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

Your bodies exist in other terms than you usally suppose.
You perceive them as objects, with bulk, composed of bone and flesh.
They also have "structures" of sound, light,
and electromagnetic properties that you do not perceive.
These are all connected with the physical image that you know.
Any physical disabilities will show themselves in these other "structures" initially.
The sound, light, and electromagnetic patterns give strength and vitality
 to the physical form that you recognize.
They are more mobile than the physical body,
and even more susceptible to the changing pattern
of your own thought and emotion.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

As most of you know,
the atoms that compose our cells,
as well as the cells themselves,
constantly die and are replaced.
The stuff of the internal organs changes
and yet they always retain their form.
Their identity is intact.
So is your own identity secure
in the midst of all these births and deaths
of which your conscious self is unaware.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

When you believe that you are good,
your body functions well.
I am sure that many of you will say,
"I try constantly to be good,
yet I am in miserable health,
so how can that be?"
If you examine your own beliefs
the answer will be apparent:
You try to be so good precisely because
you believe you are so bad and unworthy.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

In some ways, the rhythm of birth and death
is like a breath taken and exhaled.
Feel your own breath as it comes and goes.
You are not it, yet it comes into you and leaves you,
and without its continuous flow
you could not physically exist.
Just so your lives go in and out of you —
you and yet not you.
So the lives you have lived are not you,
while they are of you.
As your breath leaves you and becomes part of the world,
free, so do your lives leave you
and continue to exist in your terms.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

Practically speaking,
you do indeed form the appearance that reality
takes through your conscious beliefs.
Those beliefs are used as screening and directing agents,
separating certain nonphysical probable events from others,
and bringing them into three-dimensional actuality.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Turn this around
and say, "Love yourself as you love your neighbor,"
for often you will recognize the goodness in another
and ignore it in yourself...
You must first love yourself before you love another.
By accepting yourself and joyfully being what you are,
you fulfill your own abilities,
and your simple presence can make others happy.
You cannot hate yourself and love anyone else.
It is impossible... When you love others,
you grant them their innate freedom
and do not cravenly insist that they always attend you.
There are no divisions to love.
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

There is no magic in hypnosis.
Each of you utilize it constantly...
Hypnosis, again, is merely
a state of concentrated attention,
in which you focus upon beliefs..
Natural hypnosis
is the acquiescence of
the unconscious to conscious belief.
For that time desire and belief will be one.
There will be no conflict..
-Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality (2)

Atoms can move in more directions than one at once. You only perceive scientifically the probable motion you are interested in.

The potentials of the true self are so multidimensional that they cannot be expressed in one space or time. 

"you" are aware of only one small probable portion of yourself - and this portion you protect as your identity.

Your greater identity is aware of its probable existences, you are in matter and out of it at the same time - in time and out of it.
-Seth, The "Unknown" Reality Vol I (3)

If you are alert and curious while dreaming,
then you can catch yourself
in act of creating a dream's past and future at once.
-Seth, The "Unknown" Reality Vol II (4)

We will trust that our creativity
will find its own way, and
if there are nightmares we will waken from them.
We will even learn from them.
We will dare to push aside
the dimensions of being into those realms
in which only the gods have gone before – and
through our utter vulnerability to experience,
discover the divinity that
gives our humanity its meaning.
-Seth, The "Unknown" Reality Vol II (4)

Some people structure their lives around their children,
others around a career,
or pleasure, or even pain.
Again, these are simply certain focuses that you choose,
that direct your experience.
You can add other focuses
while still retaining your own identity.
-Seth, The "Unknown" Reality Vol II (4)

You are so a part of the world that
your slightest action contributes to its reality.
Your breath changes the atmosphere.
Your encounters with others alter the fabrics of their lives,
and the lives of those who come in contact with them..
Your own existence is implied therefore in everyone else's
and theirs is implied in yours...
Nature is luxurious and abundant in its expressions.
The greater reality from which nature springs
is even more abundant, and within that multidimensional experience
no individual is ignored, forgotten, dismissed, lost, or forsaken.
-Seth, The Nature of Psyche (5)

On any given day the events of your private lives fit
within the larger pattern of world events, in which they have their context..
You posses a unique kind of consciousness,
in which each individual has a hand in the overall formation of a world reality,
and you are participating at a level of existence
in which you are learning how to transform the imaginative realm of probabilities
into a more or less specific, physically experienced world.
In a way you choose from an infinite, endless, uncomputable number of ideas,
and sculpt these into the physical fragments
that compose normal experience.
You do this in such a way that the timeless events are experienced in time,
and so that they mix and merge to conform to the dimensions of your reality.
-Seth, The Individual and Nature of Mass Events (6)

Impulses are the language of the psyche.
Impulses arise in a natural, spontaneous, constructive re-sponse
to the abilities, potentials, and needs of the personality.
Impulses provide life's guide to action.
Impulses take not only people's best interest into consideration,
but those of all other species.
Your impulses are your closest communication with your inner self.
You were born because you had the impulse to be.
The universe exists because it had the impulse to be.
No consciousness simply reacts to stimuli,
but has its own impulse toward growth and value fulfillment.
You have every right to question your impulses,
 to choose among them, to assess them, but you must be aware of them, acknowledge their existence,
for they will lead you to your own true nature.
Begin to celebrate your own beings,
to look to your own impulses as being
the natural connectors between the physical and the nonphysical self.
Allow your impulses some freedom..
those impulses, again, connect you with the original impulse from
which all life emerges.
-Seth, The Individual and Nature of Mass Events (6)

The inner ego is fully conscious.
It is a portion of you, however, that deals with the formation of events.
Each of you, with your beliefs and intents, tell the inner ego
which of an infinite number of probable events you want to encounter.
The inner ego does the actual work that brings about
the events you have decided upon.
"In very simple terms, if you want to pick up a book,
and then do so, you experience that event consciously,
though you are quite unaware of all of the inner events
that occurred to bring the motion about.
 The inner ego directs those activities."
"An event involving a job change concerns
motion on the part of many people,
and implies a network of communication on
the part of all of the inner egos involved."
The inner ego does not exist in time as you do.
The inner ego has access, again, to a much vaster amount of knowledge.
It is aware not only of its own private position, as you are of yours,
 but it is also familiar with the mass events of its reality.
It is intimately involved in the creation of your own private experience.
-Seth, The Individual and Nature of Mass Events (6)

Consciousness and matter and energy are one, but
consciousness initiates the transformation of energy into matter. 
Units of Consciousness can also operate as "particles" or as "waves."
When CU's operate as particles, in your terms, they build up a continuity in time. They take on the characteristics of particularity. They identify themselves by the establishment of specific boundaries
CU's when it operates as a wave can be in all places at the same time. It becomes beside the point, then to say that when in its purest form a unit of consciousness is precognitive, or clairvoyant, since it has the capacity to be in all places and all times simultaneously.
These CU's can operate as separate entities, 
as identities, or they can flow together in
a vast, harmonious wave of activity, as a force. 
Actually, units of consciousness operate in both ways all of the time.
And that each portion of consciousness carries within
it indelibly the knowledge of the whole.
And each smallest portion of consciousness can uniquely create,
bring into being, eccentric versions of All That Is.
-Seth, Dreams, "Evolution", and Value fulfillment Vol 1 (7)

Reasoning is the result of mental or psychic processes functioning in a space-time context, and in a particular fashion. 
To some extent, then, reasoning—again, as you are familiar with it is the result of a lack of available knowledge. 
You try to "reason things out," 
because the answer is not in front of you. 
If it were, you would "know," and hence have no need to question.
The reasoning mind is a uniquely human and physical phenomenon. 
It depends upon conscious thinking, problem-solving methods, 
and it is a natural human blossoming, 
a spectacular mental development in its own framework of activity.
Your technology is one of the results of that reasoning mind. That "reasoning" is necessary, however, 
because of the lack of a larger, immediate field of knowledge.
Thoughts are mental activity,
scaled to time and space terms 
so that they are like mental edifices built to certain dimensions only. 
Your thoughts make you human.
-Seth, Dreams, "Evolution" and Value Fulfillment Vol 1 (7)

The k-n-o-w-e-r is instantly aware of all your needs, and 
is the portion of the universe that is 
personally disposed in your direction,
because its energies form your own person. 
That protection always couches your existence.
It means that you live "in a state of grace."
You can be unaware of that state.
You can deny it or refuse it, but you are within it regardless.
It forms the very fabric of your individual beings.
Value fulfillment means that each individual, each entity,
of whatever nature, spontaneously, automatically seeks
those conditions that are suited to its own fulfillment,
and to the fulfillment of others.
-Seth, Dreams, "Evolution", Value Fulfillment Vol II (8)

The natural person is indeed the magical person.
True creativity comes from
enjoying the moments, which then fulfill themselves,
and a part of the creative process is indeed
the art of relaxation, the letting go,
for that triggers magical activity.
The magical approach takes it for granted,.. that
the life of any individual will fulfill itself,
will develop and mature,
that the environment and the individual
are uniquely suited and work together.
The natural person is to be found, now, not in the past or in the present, but beneath layers and layers of official beliefs, so you are dealing with an archaeology of beliefs
to find the person who creates beliefs to begin with.
-Seth, The Magical Approach (9)

Each person is a vital, 
conscious portion of the universe. 
Each person, simply by being, fits into the universe 
and into universal purposes in a way no one else can. 
Each person's existence sends 
its own ripples throughout time.
The universe is conscious
at every conceivable point of itself.
Each being is an individualized segment of the universe; then, in human terms, each person is a beloved individual, formed with infinite care and love,
uniquely gifted with a life like no other.
-Seth, The Way Toward Health (10)

In most cases, even the most severe illnesses
or complicated living conditions and relationships 
are caused by an attempt to grow, develop or expand
in the face of difficulties that appear to be 
unsurmountable to one degree or another.

An individual will often be striving for some goal 
that appears blocked, and hence he or she uses
all available energy and strength
to circumnavigate the blockage. 
The blockage is usually a belief 
which needs to be understood or removed 
rather than bypassed.
-Seth, The Way Toward Health (10)

Spontaneity knows its own order. Nothing is more highly organized than the physical body that spontaneously grows all of its own parts.

The construction of your body and the construction
of a world (pause) are produced with the greatest combination of order and spontaneity.

Your very physical existence itself is dependent upon the smooth functioning of many spontaneous processes. Your thinking, breathing, and motion are all guided by activities that are largely unconscious — at least from the standpoint of what you usually think of as the conscious mind.

As your life is provided for you, so to speak, by these spontaneous processes, the life of the universe is provided in the same fashion. 

Spontaneity, however, represents the spirit of life itself, and it is the basis for the will to live,
and for those impulses that stimulate action, motion, and discovery.

True discipline is the result of true spontaneity.

Value fulfillment of each and every element in life relies upon those spontaneous processes, and at their source is the basic affirmative love and acceptance of the self, the universe, and life's conditions.

If you trust your own spontaneity, then that will
to be is joyfully released and expressed through all of your activities
-Seth, The Way Toward Health (10)

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