
Friday 16 March 2018

Gary Renard Quotes

It is not arrogant to think you are the same as God.
That's simply the truth.
What is arrogant is to think you can be separate from God. 
That is the arrogance of the ego.

You will not break loose 
until you realize that you yourself forge the chains that bind you.

You will identify yourself either as a body or perfect spirit, as either divided or whole, depending upon how you see others. And, once you understand that, you will be careful about how you think about other people.

The world is not being done to you.
It's actually DONE by you.
It's not coming at you,
it's actually from YOU.

Real love forgives everyone and everything without exception.
It knows what people really are. 
They're not real people, they're perfect love,
which is the same way they were created by God.

People shouldn't pretend they're immune to their feelings.
Experience your feelings and practice forgiveness.
In time the feeling will be one of peace.

Your future is being determined by you right now,
depending on the choices you make.

Time heals not all wounds, but 
forgiveness will heal all the time.

The only real power you have here is the power to choose
between the ego and the Holy Spirit -Your Immortal Reality.

The course is a discipline where you quit the ego.
You catch yourself thinking with the ego and quit.
It's like quitting smoking.
You have to quit the cigarettes before you can breathe the fresh air.

This seemingly separate existence is actually a dream.
The teaching that the world and the universe are an illusion
is thousands of years old, but the Course refines that teaching into 
the idea that this world is a dream that you will awaken from, 
and it’s that awakening that is enlightenment. 
This is what Buddha meant when he said, “I am awake.” 
Today, most spiritual students think that when Buddha said, “I am awake,” 
he meant he felt amazingly alert and ready to manifest like hell. 
Indeed, that’s what passes for enlightenment in most of today’s spirituality. 
But Buddha didn’t mean he was more awake in the dream, 
he meant he had awakened from the dream. 
And that’s not just a minor distinction. It’s everything.
Buddha realized that he was not the dream, but the dreamer. 
He was not actually in the dream at all. 
The dream was coming from him, 
and he was not an effect of it, but the cause of it.

Practice True Forgiveness: 
We forgive people not because they’ve really done something, 
which would make us victims. 
We forgive people because 
they haven’t really done anything, 
because we’re the ones who made them up in the first place. 
By overlooking our misperceptions and 
instead thinking of seemingly separate people 
as being what they really are, which is perfect spirit, 
we come to think of and experience ourselves that way. 
As A Course in Miracles says, 
“As you see him you will see yourself.” (Text, page 142) 
That is an irrefutable law of the mind. 
These things work, but only if you do them. 
Good luck and keep on forgiving!

Happiness is all in your head:
If you really want to change what’s on the screen, 
you got to find that projector. 
You have to change what’s in the projector. 
If you change what’s in the the projector,
the screen will take care of itself. 
The way the Course of Miracles puts it is, 
you take care of the cause and the effect will change automatically. 
It’s just that your focus has changed now. 
Now you’re coming from a place of cause, 
because this is your dream. 
Most people don’t know that they’re dreaming,
and if they don’t know that they’re dreaming, 
then they’re at the effect of it.

The Course is teaching that the separation from God never happened. 
So you've never left God and you're having this dream. 
But the only way you can really know the truth of God is 
to experience it—to experience God directly. 
In the experience of that reality, 
which can happen for anybody, very briefly at first, 
there are no questions. There is only the answer. 
There's no doubt or fear. 
Questions come from doubt, but there is no doubt in Spirit. 
So the only answer that will really satisfy you 
when it comes to that kind of a question 
is the experience of your perfect oneness with God.

As A Course in Miracles puts it, 
“A sense of separation from God is the only lack 
you really need correct.”
I’ve said that the ego is the false you, 
but there’s another you: the real you.
The real you is something that has nothing to do 
with this world or the body.
Your body is simply a symbol of separation. 
The real you is something that is immortal, invulnerable, 
constant and unchanging, inseparable and whole;
something that can’t be touched by anything in this world—
something that can’t be threatened in any way.

The Course says, 
Seek not outside yourself. 
For it will fail, and
you will weep each time an idol falls. 
Heaven cannot be found where it is not,
and there can be no peace excepting there.

ARTEN: You’re being linear. There’s something you’re forgetting about when it comes to you having that final lifetime as Pursah, and Cindy as me. That lifetime has already happened. Everything happened all at once, and according to the Course, it’s already over. You’re reviewing mentally that which has already gone by, remember? It’s like watching a movie. Now, let’s say you’re watching a movie in a theater with 50 other people, and you get up and walk out. Isn’t the movie still going? Don’t the other people still see it? The fact that you’re not there has no effect on the movie. It’s two different things; apples and oranges. The movie keeps right on going for those who are there to see it. If you wake up from the dream and no longer see it, it has no effect on those who do. They still have to wake up in order to stop seeing the dream movie that they call life and see their real life instead, which is the Life of God.
GARY: But how can they see me if I’m not there?
ARTEN: You don’t have to be there in order for them to see you, because you never were! What they’re seeing is their own projection! And you only thought you were there because you still believed in separation and were making the projection real. You thought you were Thomas, or Gary, or Pursah, until you were enlightened. It doesn’t matter when or where you become enlightened. Whether you’re Pursah or Gary when it happens makes no difference.

The Holy Spirit plays an active role in influencing people to go
to certain places, meet particular people, and learn the things that will help them the most along the path. It’s like the Holy Spirit is gently nudging you in the right direction. Maybe you’ll have a simple thought, that you should read a certain book, or go see a particular movie, or hear someone speak, or be friends with someone, and you think it was your idea. But it was really the Holy Spirit, guiding you from the right part of your mind, putting thoughts in your consciousness that helped speed you along.

As you know from the Course and from our discussions,
all sickness and pain are of the mind,
and all healing is of the mind. 
It’s the mind of the patient that is really the physician.
(1) The body is outside of you, and not your concern.
This removes you from the idea you’re in a body. 
(2) You would not react at all to figures in a dream 
you knew that you were dreaming. You don’t have to react 
to your own body any more than the other dream figures. 
(3) What you really are is totally innocent, at home in God, 
taken care of by Him forever.
So the next time you feel tired, sick, or have any pain, 
remember these three ideas and put them together. 

Jesus knows that the sick person, thinking he or she is guilty, 
has chosen to be sick at the level of the unconscious. 
he could join with the sick person on a deep level, and the sick person 
would get where he was coming from even though nothing was being said.
To them God’s teachers come, to represent another choice which they had forgotten. The simple presence of a teacher of God is a reminder. 
His thoughts ask for the right to question what the patient has accepted as true. 
As God’s messengers, His teachers are the symbols of salvation. 
They ask the patient for forgiveness for God’s Son in his own Name. T
hey stand for the Alternative. With God’s Word in their minds they come in benediction, not to heal the sick but to remind them of the remedy 
God has already given them. It is not their hands that heal.
It is not their voice that speaks the will of God. 
They merely give what has been given them. 
Very gently they call to their brothers to turn away from death: 
“Behold, you Son of God, what life can offer you. 
Would you choose sickness in place of this?”

You love dolphins, you know they use twice 
as much of their brain capacity as humans do: 
20 percent as opposed to 10 percent. 
That’s a function of their superior awareness. 
They communicate by mental telepathy with each other, 
and just as you said, they can read your thoughts 
and know whether you’re peaceful or full of mental conflict. 
They avoid those who are in conflict, unless it’s to help save someone from drowning, knowing it’s the conflict that leads to violence, 
and they gravitate to gentle beings.
Dolphins, not humans, are the most intelligent beings on your planet.
But since they lack thumbs and fingers, they don’t make tools, 
and they wouldn’t make weapons if they could. 
As the centuries go on, however, people will develop the ability to communicate like dolphins. They’ll be able to use mental telepathy.
Of course there are alien races that already do that.
Humans will also acquire that skill. 

We are eternally grateful for the immortal, indestructible nature of our being. Fear cannot enter a mind that is only Spirit. All ancient thoughts slip away, for there is no world to remember, and nothing remaining to forgive. We soar
beyond the limitations of finite thought. The joy is unimaginable. The love unspeakable. There has never been such fullness. Nothing is left out, for everyone and everything that appeared to travel the world of illusions has awakened.

Our home is perfect, for we have never left. Heaven’s song has never stopped. The little gap that was never there has long been healed and has vanished. No opposites exist to hide the truth. We are forever taken care of here. Only abundance, beauty, and life abound. There is no guilt or forgiveness, for neither is needed by the innocent. We have made the decisions that set us in the right direction, where we could not fail to once again be where we belong. Our Father is pleased; He knows that His Own will always be within Him.

God, Christ, Spirit: these are words without meaning here. No distinction remains in perfection. The holiness of our love is all that there is. Time has vanished. We have returned to our rightful place. And so we disappear, into the Heart of God.

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