
Sunday 12 May 2013

Highly Evolved Beings

Highly Evolved Beings (HEBs)
  • Highly evolved beings share everything. With everyone. Not a being goes without. All the natural resources of their world, of their environment, are divided equally, and distributed to everyone. A HEB feels "enriched" by sharing everything freely, without needing to "profit." Indeed, this feeling is the profit.
  • They realize that when one loses, everyone loses. 
  • No evolved being would attack anyone.Finally, the highly evolved being understands that she and her attackers are One. She sees the attackers as a wounded part of her Self. Her function in that circumstance is to heal all wounds, so that the All In One can again know itself as it really is. Giving away all that she has would be like giving yourself an aspirin.
  • HEBs do not possess, HEBs caress. That is, they hold, embrace, love, and care for things, but they do not own them.
  • A HEB never worries—and wouldn't even understand the human concept of "worry" or "stress." Neither would a HEB "hate," or feel "rage," or "jealousy," or panic. Therefore, the HEB does not produce biochemical reactions within her own body that eat away at it and destroy it.
  • The physical, social, and spiritual needs of the children are met by the entire community, with education and values offered by the elders.
  • HEBs do not honor those who teach or minister because it is "morally right" They do so because it is "what works," given where they choose for their society to go.
  • In what you would call "school" (actually, best translated as "learning time"),offspring set their own "curriculum," choosing which skills they would like to acquire, rather than being told what they are going to have to learn. Motivation is thus at its highest level, and life skills are acquired quickly, easily, and joyfully.
  • HEBs live in the natural environment, and would only stay inside a box if their environment became inhospitable—which it rarely does
  • In highly evolved societies there is neither "marriage" nor "business"—nor, for that matter, any of the artificial social constructions you have created to hold your society together.
  • We are all married. We are married to each other —now, and forever- more. We are united. We are One. Ours is the biggest marriage ceremony ever held. My vow to you is the grandest vow ever made. I will love you forever, and free you for everything. My love will never bind you in any way and because of this you are "bound" to eventually love Me—for freedom to Be Who You Are is your greatest desire, and My greatest gift.
  • Their basic Principles are:
1. We are all One.
2. There's enough.
3. There's Nothing We Have To Do.
  • If you decided that "we are all one," you would cease treating each other the way you do.
  • If you decided that "there's enough," you would share everything with everyone.
  • If you decided that "there's nothing we have to do," you would stop trying to use "doingness" to solve your problems, but rather, move to, and come from, a state of being which would cause your experience of those "problems" to disappear, and the conditions themselves to thus evaporate.
  • You say that you "evolve." Actually, you RE-volve! Just as the Earth revolves around the sun. Just as the galaxy revolves around its center.
  • Everything revolves.
  • Revolution is the basic movement of all of life. Life energy revolves. That is what it does. You are in a truly revolutionary movement.
  • You are always a part OF God, because you are never apart FROM God.
-Conversations With God Book 3, Neale Donald Walsch

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