
Sunday 12 May 2013

Time And Creation

  • Past, present, and future are concepts you have constructed, realities you have invented.
  • Everything is happening at once. Everything.
  • The "past" that you re-member and the future that you would see, is the "now" that simply IS.
  • It is impossible to see The Present. The Present "happens," then turns into a burst of light, formed by energy dispersing, and that light reaches your receptors, your eyes, and it takes time for it to do that.
  • All the while that light is reaching you, life is going on, moving forward. The next event is happening while the light from the last event is reaching you.
  • Place yourself a few light-years back, and what you are looking at happened very, very long ago, indeed. Yet it did not happen "long ago." It is merely physical distance which has created the illusion of "time," and allowed you to experience your Self as being both "here, now" all the while you are being "there, then"! One day you will see that what you call time and space are the same thing.
  • And you will understand that nothing you see is real. You are seeing the image of what was once an event, yet even that image, that energy burst, is something you are interpreting. Your personal interpretation of that image is called your image-ination.
  • And you can use your imagination to create anything. Because—and here is the greatest secret of all—your image-ination works both ways.
  • You not only interpret energy, you create it. Imagination is a function of your which is one-third of your three-part being. In your mind you image something, and it begins to take physical form. The longer you image it (and the more OF you who image it), the more physical that form becomes, until the increasing energy you have given it literally bursts into light, flashing an image of itself into what you call your reality.
  • This is what God IS. God IS this Process. This is what I have meant when I have said, you are both the Creator and the Created.
  • The only question will be whether you apply it consciously or unconsciously, whether you are at the effect of The Process, or are the cause of it.
  • In everything, be cause.
  • Know that you do not have to create the opposite (hot vs cold, pain vs pleasure) of Who You Are in your personal space or personal experience in order to know and experience Who You Really Are, and Who You Choose To Be.
Thought Power
  • We are all the same energy, coalesced, compressed in different ways to create different forms and different matter
  • What you call the mind is really an energy. It is ... thought. And thought is an energy, not an object.
  • Thought control is the highest form of prayer. Therefore, think only on good things, and righteous.
  • And even in moments when things look bleak—especially in those moments—see only perfection, express only  gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.
  • There is no delay between thought and creation away from the body, because you are also away from the parameter of time
  • In that explosion of delight was created space between the parts of you, and the time it took to move from one part of yourself to another.
  • You may submit to the creations of your uncontrolled thoughts, you may create your experience consciously out of choice, or you may experience the collective consciousness of All That Is. This last experience is called Reunification, or Rejoining the One.
  • Submit yourself to the creations of the collective consciousness, you will move very quickly into total acceptance, total peace, total joy, total awareness, and total love, for that is the consciousness of the collective.
  • Then you will become one with the Oneness, and there will be nothing else except That Which You Are—which is All There Ever Was, until you decide that there should be something else. This is nirvana, the "one with the Oneness" experience.
  • Everything is energy, in motion. In your earthly shorthand, you have called this "E-motion!" You are God's highest emotion.
Psychic Power
  • So the first step in developing psychic "power" is to know you have it, and to use it. Pay attention to every hunch you have, every feeling you feel, every intuitive "hit" you experience. Pay attention.
  • Perhaps without actually knowing what he's doing, a psychic, through the act of intense focusing, is sending out an actual submolecular component of himself. His "thought," if you will, leaves the body, zings out into space, and goes far enough, fast enough, to be able to turn around and "see" from a distance the "now" that you have not yet experienced.
  • Weeks later, if the event pictured or "felt" actually occurs, the psychic is called a clairvoyant—which, of course, is true!
  • Whatever outcome you could anticipate in any situation is already there for you. All you have to do is perceive it. Know it. This is what is meant by "even before you ask, I will have answered." In truth, your prayers are "answered" before the prayer is offered.
  • "Tomorrow" also does not exist. All things are occurring right now. Every occurrence sends off a wave of energy, prints an indelible picture on the cosmic photographic plate. The psychic sees, or feels, the picture of "tomorrow" as if it is happening right now—which it is. That is how some psychics tell the "future."
  • A true psychic—one who has given her life to the development and use of this gift—knows that another's free will is never to be tampered with, and that another's thoughts are never to be invaded, and that another's psychic space is never to be violated.
-Conversations With God Book 3, Neale Donald Walsch

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