
Friday 28 November 2014

Technique:Chanting Aum at the Chakras

"Concentrate at the point between the eyebrows, and go up the spine mentally chanting 'Aum' at each of the centers: coccyx, sacral, lumbar, dorsal, cervical, medulla, Christ center. Now mentally go down the spine chanting 'Aum' at each of these centers. Go deeper and deeper in concentration, up and down the spine, mentally feeling the centers and mentally chanting 'Aum'. As you do this, you see that your consciousness is no longer locked in the external awareness of the body, but becomes centered in higher spiritual perceptions in the spine. Relax in God. Don't be tied to the consciousness of the body. Let your mind go deeper and deeper in the thought of God."
--Paramahansa Yogananda (Winter 2002, SRF magazine)

*Chakras (source: :In Yoga, the seven occult centres of life and consciousness in the spine and brain, which enliven the physical and astral bodies of man. These centres are referred to as chakras (“wheels”) because the concentrated energy in each one is like a hub from which radiate rays of life-giving light and energy.

The seven centres are divinely planned exits or “trapdoors” through which the soul has descended into the body and through which it must reascend by a process of meditation. By seven successive steps, the soul escapes into Cosmic Consciousness. In its conscious upward passage through the seven opened or “awakened” cerebrospinal centres, the soul travels the highway to the Infinite, the true path by which the soul must retrace its course to reunite with God. All seven centres, however, are often referred to as lotuses, whose petals open, or turn upward, in spiritual awakening as the life and consciousness travel up the spine.

Story:The Wise Woman And The Traveler

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. 

The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. 

The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. 

But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious: Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.”

Story:The Sanayasin And The Boxer

A Boxing Champion was standing at the edge of a small pit with sewage water just peeping into it. A Sanyasin who was walking along the way all of a sudden just pushed this man forward. He fell into the pit. With rage he came out and thrashed the sanyasin. With all his body bleeding the Sanyasin just smiled and went away. 

The Boxer was confused. He followed the Sanyasin to his home. The deciples stood dumb found when they saw their master is this conditions and started treating him. They wanted to know what actually had happened. The Sanyasin narrated the episode and said ”My dear boys, That poor man did not know that there was a poisonous snake just near his leg ready to spit venom. He did not know that I wanted to Save him and not to subject him to any Suffering.” The Sanyasin was still smiling. 

But……..The Boxer Wept.

Technique:Unwinding the Mind - Mind/Mood Mastery

When: When you are ready to sleep.

Step 1:
Go backwards through the memories of the whole day - backwards. Don't start from the morning, start from where you are, just on the bed the last item, and then go back, step by step - right back to the first experience of morning. Go back and remember continuously that you are not getting involved.

For example if someone offended you, see yourself being insulted but you remain just an observer. Don't get involved, don't get angry; if you do then you are identified, you have missed the point of meditation.

The person is not insulting you but the form that was in the incident - but that form has gone now. You are just like a river flowing: The forms are flowing. In childhood you has one form, now you do not have that form - that form has gone. River- like you are continuously changing.

When you get back to the morning when you were just on your bed, to the first thing in the morning, you will again have the same fresh mind that you had in the morning. And then you can fall asleep like a very small child.

This is a deep catharsis. And if you can do it daily, you will feel a new health, a new freshness coming to you. And if we can teach children to do it daily, they will never be burdened by their past; they will always be here and now. There won't be any hang-ups; nothing will be hovering over them from the past.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Technique:Pummel a Pillow - Working With Negative Emotions

When: Every Morning.

Duration: 20 minutes for two weeks.

Close the room, be alone, and allow anger to surface. Beat a pillow - bite it and throw it. If you are against someone in particular, write their name or put their picture on the pillow.

You may feel foolish, but anger is foolish; you cannot do anything about it. So let it be and enjoy it as an energy phenomenon. If you are not hurting anybody, there is nothing wrong in it.

If you do this as a meditation by and by you will see that the idea of hurting someone disappears. You will also be calmer because the energy that becomes anger was thrown out; the energy that becomes poison is thrown out of the system. "After you do this for the prescribed time you will find that whatever the situation, you are not provoked to anger.

Technique:From Head to Heart to Hara

Man can function from three centers: one is the head, another is the heart and the third one is the navel.

If you function from the head you will go on spinning more and more thoughts. They are very insubstantial, dream-stuff - they promise much, they deliver nothing. The mind is a great cheat but it has tremendous capacities to delude, because it can project. It can give you great utopias, great desires, and it always goes on saving 'Tomorrow it is going to happen' ... and it never happens. Nothing ever happens in the head; the head is not the place for anything to happen.

The second center is the heart. It is the center for feeling, one feels through the heart. You are closer home - not home yet, but closer. When you feel, you are more substantial, you have more solidity; when you feel, there is a possibility that something may happen. There is no possibility with the head; there is a small possibility with the heart.

But the real thing is not even the heart. The real thing is deeper than the heart - which is the navel. It is the center of being.

Thinking, feeling, being - these are the three centers. But certainly feeling is closer to being than thinking, and feeling functions as a method. If you want to come down from the head you will have to pass through the heart - that is the crossroads from where the road separate. You cannot go to being directly; there is no way. You will have to pass through the heart. So the heart has to be used as a method.

Feel more and then you will think less. Don't fight with thinking, because fighting with thinking is again creating other thoughts of fighting. Then the mind is never defeated. If you win, it is the mind that has won; if you are defeated, you are defeated. Either way you are defeated - so never fight with thoughts, it is futile.

Rather than fighting with the thoughts, move your energy into feeling. Sing rather than think, love rather than philosophize, read poetry rather than prose. Dance, look at nature, and whatsoever you do, do it through the heart.

For example, if you touch somebody, touch through the heart, touch feelingly, and let your being vibrated. When you look at somebody, don't just look with stone-dead eyes. Pour out your energy through the eyes, and immediately you will see that something is happening in the heart. It is only a question of trying.

The heart is the neglected center: once you start paying attention to it, it starts functioning. When it starts functioning, the energy that was moving in the mind automatically starts moving through the heart. And the heart is closer to the energy center - the energy center is in the navel - so to pump it to the head is hard work, in fact. That's why all the education systems exist: they teach you how to pump the energy from the center to the head and how to by-pass the heart. So no school, no college, no university, teaches how to feel. They destroy feeling, because they know that if you feel you cannot think. If you feel too much then the energy will be stopped at the heart center, it will never go to the head. It can only go to the head when the heart center is completely denied. It has to go somewhere; it has to find an outlet. If the heart is not the outlet, it will go to the head.

So love is denied, feeling is denied, condemned it is almost a sin to feel. One has to be logical and rational, not emotional. If you are emotional, people will say you are childish. In a way they are literally true, because only a child feels. A grown-up person - educated, cultivated and conditioned - stops feeling. He becomes almost dry, dead wood; no juice flows any more. Hence there is so much misery. Misery is because of the head.

The head cannot celebrate, there is no celebration possible through the head. It can think about celebration - it can think about and about and about, but it cannot celebrate. Celebration happens through the heart.

First, you love - half the journey is complete. And as it is easy to move from the head to the heart, it is even easier to move from the heart to the navel.

In the navel you are simply a being, a pure being - no feeling, no thinking. You are not moving at all. That is the center of the cyclone. Everything else is moving: the head is moving, the heart is moving, and the body is moving. Everything is moving; everything is in a contrast flux. Only the center of your existence, the navel center, is unmoving; it is the hub of the wheel.

Actualizing Joy - Accessing Positive Emotions

When: The whole day.

"Whenever you feel something is beautiful, blissful be aware of it. Usually we are so engaged with the negative we don't take much notice of the positive. So try to find the blissful and be filled with it. In that moment forget everything else and allow it to happen to your whole being.

"Do it for 24 hours as an experiment to give the feel. Then once you have the feel, once you feel that the positive is going to lead you to a new world because you become new, you will never want to leave it."

Even Cowgirls Get Them! - Working with Negative Emotions

"Make it an absolute law that whenever something is wrong, immediately close your eyes and look for the real culprit. And you will be able to see because it is a truth. It is a reality. It is true that you accumulate anger; that's why you become angry. It is true that you accumulate hate; that's why you feel hatred. The other is not a real cause."

When: Whenever you feel miserable.

Step 1:
"Close you eyes and go inside - because that is the right moment to catch the culprit red-handed. Otherwise you will not be able to catch it. When the anger has disappeared, you will close the eyes. You will not find anything there. In a red-hot situation, don't miss the point."

Step 2:
"Once realized that 'This is my own negativity which creates the problem: it falls by itself. And then there is a beauty, when the negative mind falls by itself. If you try to drop it, it will cling - because the very effort to drop it shows that your surrounding is not mature.

"All renunciation is immaturity; you are not ripe for it. That's why effort is needed to drop it. I am carrying rubbish; do I need any effort to drop it, except the understanding that this is rubbish? If I need any effort to drop it, that means I am supplementing my understanding with effort. Understanding itself is not enough - that's why effort is needed. All those who have known, they say effort is needed because your understanding is not there. It may be an intellectual thing, but really you have not felt the situation, otherwise you simply drop it. A snake passes along the path; you simply jump. There is no effort in the jump. You don't decide to jump; you don't make a logical syllogism within you that 'There is a snake, and wherever there is a snake there is a danger; hence, I must jump.' You don't make a logical step-by- step syllogism." 

Story:The Astrologer, the King and the Minister

There is an old story of an astrologer who came to a king and said, 'You are going to die in six months.' The king was frightened out of his wits and was almost about to die then and there from fear. But his minister was a clever man, and this man told the king that these astrologers were fools. The king would not believe him. So the minister saw no other way to make the king see that they were fools but to invite the astrologer to the palace again. There he asked him if his calculations were correct. The astrologer said that there could not be a mistake, but to satisfy him he went through the whole of the calculations again and then said that they were perfectly correct. The king's face became livid. The minister said to the astrologer, 'And when do you think that you will die?' 'In twelve years', was the reply. The minister quickly drew his sword and separated the astrologer's head from the body and said to the king, 'Do you see this liar? He is dead this moment.'

Story:Mullah Praying & Guru Nanak

There was a great prophet in India, Guru Nanak, born 400 years ago. Some of you have heard of the Sikhs, the fighting people. He was a follower of the Sikh religion.

One day he went to the Mohammedans' Mosque. These Mohammedans are feared in their own country, just as in a Christiancountry no one dare say anything against their religion. They think they have liberty to kill and criticise everybody who does not agree with them. So this man went in, and there was a big Mosque, and the Mohammedans were standing in prayer. They stand in lines; they kneel down, stand up, and repeat certain words at the same times, and one fellow leads. So Guru Nana went there, and when the mullah was saying "In the name of the most merciful and kind God, Teacher of all teachers", he began to smile. He says "Look at that hypocrite". The mullah got into a passion.

Mullah: "Why do you smile?"

Nanak: "Because you are not praying, my friend, that is why I am smiling".

Mullah: "Not praying?"

Nanak: "Certainly not; there is no prayer in you".

The mullah was very angry, and he went and laid a complaint before a magistrate, and said, "This heathen rascal dares to come to our mosque and smiles at us when we are praying; the only punishment is instant death, kill him".

The man was brought before. the magistrate, and asked why he smiled.

Nanak: "Because he was not praying".

"What was he doing?" the magistrate asked.

Nanak: "I will tell you what he was doing, if you will bring him before me".

The magistrate ordered the mullah to be brought, and when he came he said "Here is the mullah, explain why you laughed when he was praying".

He said, "Give the mullah a piece of the Koran [to swear on]. When he was saying Allah, Allah, he was thinking of some chicken he had left at home".

The poor mullah was confounded. He was a little more sincere than the others, and he confessed he was thinking of the chicken, and so they let the Sikh go.

"But", said the Magistrate, "Don't go to the church again. It is better not to go at all than to commit blasphemy there and hypocrisy. Do not go when you do not feel like praying, do not be like a hypocrite, and do not think of the chicken and say the name of the Most Merciful and Blissful God."

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Technique:Are You There?

When: Whenever you feel sleepy.

Step 1: Ask Yourself
Ask yourself 'Are you here?' Suddenly your thinking will stop."

Step 2: And Respond
Then reply, 'Yes!' That will bring you into focus. When thinking stops you are alert, in the moment."

Step 3: Entering Sleep Too
Going to sleep, suddenly call, 'Are you here?' And answer.

In the darkness you become a flame of awareness. 

It is also a remembrance of your own being, also a respectfulness, a gratitude that one day more is given to you, that again the sun will rise, that again, for one day at least, you will be able to see the roses blossom.

A man of no-mind, a man of meditation, finds himself so grateful for each moment that life gives to him. There is no reason - you don't deserve it, nobody deserves it. It is a sheer gift of life. You cannot ask to extend your life even by a single moment. You cannot say, 'I am worthy, so let me have a few more years; I deserve it.' Nobody deserves it, but life goes on pouring in you out of its abundance.

Technique:Belly Breathing

When: Each night, for 15 nights, make the stomach as tense as possible for two or three minutes, bringing the tension to such a climax that you feel like bursting, and then relax it.

Watch a small child breathing: that's the right and natural way of breathing. The stomach goes up and down and the chest remains completely unaffected by the passage of air. The child is in T'ai chi. His whole chi, his whole energy, is concentrated near his navel.

By and by we lose contact with the navel. We become more and more hung up in the head and the breathing becomes shallow. So whenever you remember during the day, take the breath in as deeply as possible, but let the belly be used.

Everybody breathes rightly in sleep because the interfering mind is not there. The belly goes up and down and it automatically becomes deep; you need not force it to become deep. Simply remain natural and it becomes deep. Depth is a consequence of its being natural, and if you insist for depth, it will never come, and your breathing will remain unnatural.


Reading of Vedas, helping others, practicing yoga, speaking truth, respect to parents, praying to god, peace, self control, good behaviour, knowlege seeking, all these and which makes us and others happy are the real tirth.

When one arya is alone he should do self reading, when two they should discuss and ask question answers within themselves, when more then two then they should do satsang and read any chapter of Vedas.

Till you live you should always do right karma.

One who is having the company of Dharma he is in the company of God.

To keep yourself pure remain alone, never see bad, never hear bad, never stare girls, never learn bad, be punctual and obey rules. By practicing these you can achieve self control and purity.

He who never prays both in morning and evening he should be called as shudra.

Knowledge alone is the inexhaustible treasure; the more you spend it, the more it grows. All other treasures run out by spending, the claimants inherit their shares as well. Thieves cannot steal this treasure, nor, can anyone inherit it.

The man who resolves, to stick to the truth at all costs, steadily rises in virtues. When his virtues raise his reputation and prestige, he becomes all the more a devotee of truth. This devotion to truth becomes an unerring source of power and greatness.

Always first see bad in your self than in others, you will find many who are always busy in saying others bad and not looking themselves.

The 10 principles of Arya Samaj

God is the efficient cause of all true knowledge and all that is known through knowledge.

God is existent, intelligent and blissful. He is formless, omniscient, just, merciful, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginning-less, unequalled, the support of all, the master of all, omnipresent, immanent, un-aging, immortal, fearless, eternal and holy, and the maker of all. He alone is worthy of being worshiped.

The Vedas are the scriptures of all true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryas to read them, teach them , recite them and to hear them being read.

One should always be ready to accept truth and to renounce untruth.

All acts should be performed in accordance with Dharma that is, after deliberating what is right and wrong.

The prime object of the Arya Samaj is to do good to the world, that is, to promote physical, spiritual and social good of everyone.

Our conduct towards all should be guided by love, righteousness and justice.

We should dispel Avidya (ignorance) and promote Vidya (knowledge).

No one should be content with promoting his/her good only; on the contrary, one should look for his/her good in promoting the good of all.

One should regard oneself under restriction to follow the rules of society calculated to promote the well being of all, while in following the rules of individual welfare all should be free.

Monday 24 November 2014

Aware of the Gap

In your silent moments when you are sitting, or traveling in a train or in a plane, close your eyes and watch your breath. Going in, you go in with it; coming out, you come outward.

As you go in, there is a small fragment of a moment when the breath stops before it starts moving outward. And once it has moved outward, for a split second the breathing stops again. These two points are very significant, because as you become more and more aware, these points will become more and more clear, longer. One breath goes in and then there is a pause, breathing stops. And in that pause there is so much beauty, so much bliss.

Saturday 22 November 2014


One should know oneself to be of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss [Sat-Chit-Ananda].

The company of the good weans one away from false atttachments; when attachment is lost, delusion ends; when delusion ends, the mind becomes unwavering and steady. An unwavering and steady mind is merited for Jeevan Mukti ( liberation even in this life).

Like bubbles in the water, the worlds rise, exist and dissolve in the Supreme Self, which is the material cause and the prop of everything.

One should become aware of oneself, indivisible and perfect like Space itself, when free from identification with such things as one’s body, senses, functions, mind and sense of doership, which are all the products of one’s own ignorance.

Blessed indeed are those virtuous persons who at first have this consciousness of Brahman and then develop it more and more. They are respected everywhere.

Who am I?
I am the Lord, Creator of all the appears & disappears.
I am Ever Free from ignorance, sorrow, attachment & fear.
I am devoid of all opposites & conditions such as time & space.
I am Unchanging, Imperishable, Limitless & Eternal.
I am non-dual, single, I am Complete Oneness Alone.
I am the Consciousness of the Inner Self.
I am full of Knowledge & the Realization of the Self.
I am the Knower, Knowledge & the Known.
I am full of Absolute Compassion.
I am the Living Heart of Love.
I am full of Infinite Bliss.
I am the Supreme Self.

The witness of the three states of consciousness [waking, dream and deep sleep] and of the nature of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss is the Self.

But the jiva [living being] is endowed with ego and his knowledge is limited, whereas Ishwar is without ego and is omniscient. 

Do not look at anybody in terms of friend or foe, brother or cousin; do not fritter away your mental energies in thoughts of friendship or enemity. Seeking the Self everywhere, be amiable and equal-minded towards all, treating all alike.

Liberation is achieved not by observances or by analysis, nor by deeds or learning, but only by the realisation of one's oneness with God, and by no other means. 

Though without riches, yet ever content; though helpless, yet very powerful, though not enjoying sense objects, yet eternally satisfied; though without an exemplar, yet looking upon all with an eye of equality—such is the jivanmukta.

Human birth, the desire for salvation and the company of holy men are rare things on this earth. Those who are blessed with all three are the most favoured of men.

There is sorrow in finitude. The Self is beyond time, space and objects. It is infinite and hence of the nature of absolute happiness.

The Soul appears to be finite because of ignorance. When ignorance is destroyed the Self which does not admit of any multiplicity truly reveals itself by itself: like the Sun when the clouds pass away.

Just as the fire is the direct cause for cooking, so without Knowledge no emancipation can be had. Compared with all other forms of discipline Knowledge of the Self is the one direct means for liberation.

All the manifested world of things and beings are projected by imagination upon the substratum which is the Eternal All-pervading Vishnu, whose nature is Existence-Intelligence; just as the different ornaments are all made out of the same gold.

Though he lives in the conditionings (Upadhis), he, the contemplative one, remains ever unconcerned with anything or he may move about like the wind, perfectly unattached.

He who renouncing all activities, who is free of all the limitations of time, space and direction, worships his own Atman which is present everywhere, which is the destroyer of heat and cold, which is Bliss-Eternal and stainless, becomes All-knowing and All-pervading and attains thereafter Immortality.

Let my idle chatter be the muttering of prayer, 
my every manual movement the execution of ritual gesture, 
my walking a ceremonial circumambulation, 
my eating and other acts the rite of sacrifice, 
my lying down prostration in worship, 
my every pleasure enjoyed with dedication of myself, 
let whatever activity is mine be some form of worship of you.

Who but the Atman is capable of removing the bonds of ignorance, passion and self-interested action?

Advice for spiritual aspirants: “If, indeed, thou hast a craving for liberation, shun sense-objects from a good distance as thou wouldst do poison, and always cultivate carefully the nectar-like virtues of contentment, compassion, forgiveness, straight-forwardness, calmness and self-control.

Darkness and the mass of evils produced by darkness no longer exist when the sun has risen. Similarly, when one has tasted undifferentiated bliss, no bondage or trace of suffering remains.

He who is enlightened to the Truth achieves liberation from bondage, and he who is truly liberated experiences eternal joy.

Renunciation does not lie in external appearance, but in inward thought, attitude and feeling.

Childhood is busy with playthings; youth is busy with romance and family; old age is busy with sickness and worries: Where is the man who is busy with God?

The pleasures and riches of worldly life are deceptive appearances. Understanding that they are all but a passing-show, be detached and dispassionate, cultivate renunciation and seek Brahman.

In solitude live joyously. Quieten your mind in the Supreme Lord. Realise and see the All-pervading Self every where. Recognise that the finite Universe is a projection of the Self. Conquer the effects of the deeds done in earlier lives by the present right action. Through wisdom become detached from future actions (Agami). Experience and exhaust “Prarabdha” the fruits of past actions. Thereafter, live absorbed in the bhav – “I am Brahman” !

Know that death quickly overtakes the stupid man who walks along the dreadful ways of sense-pleasure; whereas one who walks in accordance with the instructions of a well-wishing and worthy Guru, as also with his own reasoning, achieves his end – know this to be true.

While practicing Samadhi there appear unavoidably many obstacles, such as lack of inquiry, idleness, desire for sense-pleasure, sleep, dullness, distraction, tasting of joy, and the sense of blankness. One desiring the knowledge of Brahman should slowly get rid of such innumerable obstacles.

My soul is your temple, O Lord,
My actions are your handmaids,
My body is your home,
My senses witness only you,
My sleep is pure meditation on you,
These walking feet are your journey,
Whatever falls from my mouth is prayer to you,
Oh Lord, everything I say and do are worship.

When the force of the desire for the Truth blossoms, selfish desires wither away, just like darkness vanishes before the radiance of the light of dawn.

For one who has realised the essence of Brahman, there is no reaching out for sense-objects any more. If there is, then one has not realized Brahman because the senses still have an outgoing tendency.

Purifying your food purifies your memory. When your memory is purified , your consciousness is purified. When the consciousness is purified , all the blessings of life are showered on you.

Just as the person who regards a rope as a snake is overcome by fear, so also one considering oneself as the ego (Jiva) is overcome by fear. The ego-centric individuality in us regains fearlessness by realising that It is not a Jiva but is Itself the Supreme Soul.

I am free from changes such as birth, thinness, senility and death; for I am other than the body. I am unattached to the objects of the senses, such as sound and taste; for I am without sense-organs.

In the dream state, even though there is no contact with the external world, the mind alone projects the entire dream-universe of enjoyer etc. Similarly, the waking-state is no different. All this (world of myriad phenomena), is but a projection of the mind.

I am full of Bliss, Knowledge and the realization of the Self. I am far aloof from any thought of the objective. I am delighted at heart by that which is not objective.

The ignorant long for results and engage in action with the idea of doership and enjoyership. The ignorant are deluded and think, 'I act', 'I cause others to act', 'I enjoy', 'I causes others to enjoy', and so on.

Who is never touched by any danger? He who follows the words of the wise and has his senses under control.

What brings happiness? The friendship of the holy.

What is happiness? Detachment.

Who is Awake? He who practices discrimination.

Who is revered by the wise? He who is humble.

Who is a holy man? He who is forever blissful.

Who is most lovable? The knower of Brahman.

Who is a guru? He who has found the truth of Brahman and is always concerned for the welfare of his disciples.

Surrender yourself to the Lotus Feet of the Teacher; with your senses and mind disciplined, and freed from the shackles of Samsara you will behold the Lord who is seated in your heart. 

What is the tree that fulfills all wishes? The teachings of the Guru.

Wherein lies strength? In patience.

For one who has achieved human birth, what is the most desirable objective? To realize that which is his ultimate good and to be constantly engaged in doing good to others.

When is one established in the ideal of renunciation? When one knows that Atman and Brahman are one.

To have the gift of speaking sweet words with compassion, to be learned without pride, to be heroic and also forgiving, to be rich without attachment to riches - these four are rare.

Among things conducive to liberation, devotion alone holds the supreme place; (and) the search for one’s real nature is designated as devotion.

As long as you are fit to make an earning, so long will your kith and kin be solicitous about you, but no sooner your limbs become infirm and your earnings cease, none will care for you, not even your own home-folk.

Samsara is full of likes and dislikes and other opposites. Like A dream, it seems real for the time being; but, on waking, it Vanishes because it is unreal.

That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal space around us, fills everything completely from within and without, that Supreme non-dual Brahman — that thou art.

If one doesn’t heed the message “ Be A Master ” that’s one’s own choice. One has to bear the consequence , to be born again and again. The two routes are crystal clear. One can either postpone spirituality and come back again and again, or take up spirituality and make the current birth the final birth. The choice is crystal clear. There is no ambiguity whatsoever ! If we want to be a ‘ Disciple ’ or a ‘ Devotee ’ we have to come back again and again ! But if we choose to be a Master, this would be the last birth ! The two ways are crystal clear !
A master is such a pleasure to see, to hear, to be with ! A master is one with Everybody and Everybody is one with the Master!

Breath Awareness Fall Asleep

Be aware of your breath while you fall asleep. The movement of your belly, the touch of the air in your nose, or the flow of air in your body.

If you meditate and fall into sleep, you will wake up meditating. That means in a subtle way, in your deep unconscious, the method continued. Your whole night became a meditation. Your sleep will be of a different quality - more silent, more relaxed, more rejuvenating.

And for six or eight hours, subliminally the witnessing continues.In the morning when you become aware that you are awake, you will be surprised! You are witnessing your breath.

Friday 21 November 2014

Astral Travel

If you study how to “consciously” astral travel you will be able to see the “real world” and life for what it really is; things are definitely not as they appear whilst within the physical. Many true aspects of life cannot be understood or appreciated until you are “outside” of the physical.

Being within the astral plane you can read any language, regardless of how old or what that language is written in. You can visit any building on this planet and see everything, locks, doors or walls do not pose any obstacles; however, before you think it would be great to see others in their birthday suit; think again! Only those with pure intentions can see everything, but those with idle curiosity or alterative motives cannot, it's a universal law.You may be able to break physical laws whilst on this little planet, but you cannot break universal laws regardless of who you are!

Astral travel is natural as breathing and it is part of every living person's birthright; no matter whether it be an animal, a plant, a fish, a human, or even a bird - every living creature astral travels. How quickly can you do it consciously? Well that depends on you; and you alone. The majority of untrained people fall asleep during the process; which is very annoying indeed, as you must leave the body before it goes to sleep to remember your travels!

You must be open minded and believe you can do it else it's pointless trying to go any further.

Some people have mentioned that when astral traveling; or having an "out of body experience", they find themselves moving though a tunnel with a bright light at the far end. This is most excellent news as that is the way home; back to the real astral world. If you ever get the chance to do this it's strongly advisable to spend some time in the astral home - remember everything you see and do - then when your time on Earth is done, you "Will" know the way home without any delays. Within the astral plane you move by thought alone, which is much, much faster than the speed of light; and all communications are by telepathy.

Astral Travel prayer

On "such-and-such" a day I am going to travel in the astral world, and I am going to remain fully aware of all that which I do, and be fully aware of all that which I see. I shall remember all this and recall it fully when I am again in my body. I shall do this without fail.

"Such-and-such" a day should be a date, say three to six month's into the future, you decide. The prayer should be repeated just before you sleep and clearly repeated three times. Sit with bare feet together with toes and heels touching, then clasp your hands together so that your fingers of each hand interlock, and so that your hands and feet each form a closed circle. Then call your subconscious by its name and then say your prayer, repeating it three times in your normal voice, don't whisper and there is no need to shout. Then one day you will find yourself consciously astral travelling and you will return back to your physical remembering everything.

There are no special secrets to astral travelling, no club to join, no fee's to pay, it just needs your confidence and belief. It just needs the firm knowledge that you are going to do astral travelling whilst you are fully awake. The best way to start about it is not to imagine that you are out of the body, but to visualise that you are out of your body. Visualise yourself leaving your physical body, visualise yourself gradually inching out and floating inches above the recumbent physical body. Actually visualise yourself doing it, actually form the strong thoughts that you are doing it, and sooner or later you will do it. You will find, with the greatest amazement, that you are floating there looking down upon a padded, whitish-green or what ever coloured fleshy body. Probably it will have its mouth open, probably it will be snoring away because when you are out of the physical it doesn't matter at all if your body goes to sleep. Because if you get out while the body is awake you will remember the whole experience.
Get a partner or friend to photograph you as you would normally sleep, it must be as you would normally sleep, either naked or with pyjamas, under the covers or on top. Take the picture from either above the bed, or at the bottom of the bed, to emulate exactly the position you would be in when within the astral. Draw the curtains for ambient lighting and don't use a flash unless it's very defused. Every night before going to sleep spend a few minutes looking at that photograph, keep the image of the photograph firmly in your mind so soon enough you will find yourself floating above your bed as per the photograph, looking down upon your physical body, and then the fun really starts.


Determination is the power that sees us through all frustrations and obstacles. It helps in building the willpower that is the very basis of success within and without. It is said in the scriptures that with the help of sankalpa shakti, the power of determination, nothing is impossible.

You are the architect of your life and you decide your destiny.

If you learn the technique of how to live here and now, then every moment will be filled with happiness.

Those who want to realize the greatest delight should realize themselves in others.

Non-attachment is like a fire that can burn the binding power of past samskaras. Non-attachment does not mean indifference or non-loving. Non-attachment and love are one and the same. Non-attachment gives freedom, but attachment brings bondage.

Love means to appreciate and enjoy the divine essence in another person.

All adversities are here to help you. They can become instruments of your progress.

The final Reality is silence.

Gurus impart the best of their knowledge in silence. When you are in silence, they communicate with you through silence, and in silence. For the student whose mind is in tune, that teaching is the finest of teachings. This silent communication can happen no matter where you are physically, whether you are 10,000 miles away or very close.

The best of knowledge come through revelation, not through the mind. It is a flood of knowledge that overwhelms the whole being.

A time comes when meditation stirs the unconscious mind and brings forward hidden impressions. It quickens the method of analyzing, understanding, and surveying the unconscious.

Careful vigilance and observation lead the student to study the incoming thoughts from the unconscious mind. The yogis recall all their samskaras, watch them, examine, and even select and reject them according to their need. Those thought patterns that are disturbing are rejected by the yogis, and those that are helpful are strengthened. A deep study of these three states-waking, dreaming, and sleeping-reveals that, with the help and practice of yoga nidra, one can go beyond all the levels of the unconscious.

Meditation is actually not a part of any religion. It is exploring yourself, exploring the deeper aspects of your being, and finally leading you to the center of consciousness within.

If you practice, you will experience, and that experience will guide you.

A perfect human being is one who has attained the state of samadhi.

If you learn to go beyond the jabbering of your mind, and can go to the deeper aspects of your consciousness, then body, breath, and mind will not come in your way.

Breath is a barometer to measure one’s inner state. When you observe that your breath is serene, deep, and without any unnecessary pause, you will experience a sense of great comfort and joy.

Proper breathing is the key to good health.

As long as the mind is outward, only ida and pingala remain active. But when the mind is calm and tranquil, sushumna, the central channel, is awakened. The joy derived from the mind traveling through the sushumna channel is unique; it cannot be compared with any sensory pleasure. Because of that inner joy, the mind loses its taste for worldly pleasures. 

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. Instead, let the thoughts come before you and become a sort of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; do not be afraid of your thinking. 

There is only one real book to study and learn from— the greatest of all books— and that is the very manuscript that you, yourself, are. 

Yoga is not a religion. It is not just a system of exercises to keep the body fit or to cure minor physical disorders. Yoga is a discipline for the fullest development of the soul, mind, and body. Yoga is a scientific, holistic approach to life.

The most beautiful person is she who is always filled with joy and moves in that joy. Such movements make one a great dancer. Learn to practice this dance.

Life is a beautiful song. Open your heart and rejoice in its melody.

Learn to identify with the source of light and life.

If you have an aim or purpose in life, you can bring your emotional life under control.

When we are inadequate ourselves but our ego is strong, we tend to blame others.

You can live in the world and yet be spiritual. To be spiritual means to be aware of the Reality all the time.

The purpose of life is to grow, expand, and realize one's true identity.

Prayers are always answered; therefore, pray with all your mind and heart.

Selfless service is the finest of all prayers.

The highest guiding principle in marriage should be the principle of selfless service to one's partner.

Love will completely transform you, for love alone has that power.

Decide that no matter what happens, you will do what you set out to do. If you are determined, possible distractions will still be there, but you will continue on your path and remain undisturbed.

The first principle of learning to be still is regular practice, the second is patience, the third is observation, and the fourth is analysis.

Be confident and self-reliant and say to yourself, 'I will do it. I can do it. I have to do it.'

You should never give up working with yourself.

Once you turn you focus inward, the process of transformation will begin; then you will become aware of the many levels of consciousness.

Happiness is within and the source is the center of consciousness, love, and wisdom.

Fearlessness is very important. One should constantly remain in spiritual delight, so that no fear is entertained. Fearlessness comes from knowing that God is with us, and that we are with God.

Learn to love all the things of the world, just as means but don’t get attached to them. This is the secret—the philosophy of non-attachment.

If you really want to enjoy life and be happy, learn to practice and understand the philosophy of non-attachment.

Those who are not happy internally can never be happy externally; those who are not happy within themselves can never make others happy. Those who do not love themselves can never love others.

Meditation is not sitting and fidgeting, daydreaming, worrying, or fantasizing. It means watching, calmly observing the mind itself. Calm observation makes the mind itself calmer. The calmness of the mind creates power to go deeper and deeper into the beds of samskaras, into all the latent memories and impressions that daily provoke our habits and personalities. However, by calmly and very quietly going to the samskaras and observing them they are burnt away; they bubble to the surface and dissipate. This is the process of purification. It is a very powerful practice, and an essential one. Meditation is the exact method of becoming aware of who you are. It is the fundamental training for knowing your inner world. 

To achieve purity of mind, one should cultivate constant awareness by being mindful all the time. One should remain always aware of one’s thoughts

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. Instead, let the thoughts come before you and become a sort of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; do not be afraid of your thinking.

Contentment is the first and foremost virtue that should be cultivated. It comes only when you have done your duties to your fullest capacity without worrying for the results. It is a virtue that always helps and never disappoints the seeker.

Learn to be spiritual in your daily life by doing selfless action. Learn to meditate every day, a few minutes. 

When you sincerely tread the path, you will meet one who can help you with all setbacks.

Search for the guru within yourself.

Tuesday 18 November 2014


When you are Inspired by a Great Purpose, Everything will Begin to Work for You.

No limit people are so in charge that theycan trust their instincts, be childlike, be creative and do anything that makes sense to them.

If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be!

Make an Effort to Go Beyond your Own Comfort Zones on a Regular Basis.

Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.

Begin with the end in mind. Start with the end outcome and work backwards to make your dream possible.

It's never crowded along the extra mile.

Creativity means Believing you have Greatness!

You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.

You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.

Everything you are Against - Weakens you. Everything you are For - Empowers you.

There is No Actual Stress or Anxiety in the World. It's your Thoughts that Create these False Belief.

Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you.

You create your thoughts your thoughts create your intentions and your intentions create your reality.

You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

Miracles Come in Moments. Be Ready & Willing.

So Many People are Expecting a Miracle - Instead of Being a Miracle.

I am realistic – I expect miracles.

Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.

It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.

Simply put, you believer that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.

Don't Die with your Music Still in You. Find your Passion!

Be a busy person. People who are active are often much more at peace with themselves than those who are inactive and inert.

Say YES to Yourself, to your Family, your Children, your Coworkers, & your Business...

Be at Peace with Everyone. No One is Capable of Making you Upset Without your Consent.

Radiate an Energy of Serenity & Peace so that u have an Uplifting Effect on those u Come into Contact with.

It's the Mantra of the Higher Self - 'How May I Serve' rather than 'What's in it for Me?'

Refuse to Allow Yourself to have Low Expectations about What you're Capable of Creating.

What you think and do affects all other people.

Our Purpose will Only be Found in Service to Others.

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

Anytime you Get Hate, Send out Love. Then Love will Come Back & You'll be Free.

The Purpose of the Dance is to Enjoy Every Step Along the Way.

Feeling Good is What you Should be Doing Every Day of your Life.

The Person Looking Back at You in the Mirror is the One You have to Answer to Every Day.

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.

Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

There are Only Two Emotions - Fear and Love. Go with Love.

Hate Converts to Love when the Energy of Love is in its Presence.

Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.

Your children will see what you're all about by what you live rather than what you say.

You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with.

It Takes Much More Courage ... to Forgive than it Does to Hang On to Low-Energy Feelings.

You can Either Feel Sorry for Yourself or Treat What has Happened as a Gift.

Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.

What Other People Think of Me is - None of my Business.

One of the Most Responsible Things you can Do as an Adult is to Become More of a Child.

Practice Keeping your Life Simple & Uncomplicated.

It is through Selfless Action that I Experience my Own Fulfillment.

Live in the Moment & Enjoy it Without Feeling Guilty or Judgmental about Any Other Time.

Look Upon Every Experience You've Ever Had ... as Having Been Sent to You for Your Benefit.

Procrastination is the Art of Keeping Up with Yesterday & Avoiding Today.

Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.

With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.

What the Tao has taught me is that No Storm Lasts Forever no Matter What it is.

You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy. 

When the choice is to be right or to be kind, always make the choice that brings peace.

You Can't Solve a Problem with the Same Mind that Created it.

Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.

People Really Do Respect Those who are Willing to Speak their Truth.

Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.

The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about.

You don't need to be better than any one else you just need to be better than you used to be.

When you're at peace with yourself and love your self, it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive.

Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.

I will Consult with God and Know that I will be Guided to Do What is Needed.

If I could define Enlightenment briefly I would say it is 'the Quiet Acceptance of What is.'

Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others.

A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe.

Meditation Gives you the Opportunity to Come to Know your Invisible Self.

Go Within & Know that you Don't Need another Penny to have a Fulfilled & Happy Life!

See the beauty in everything. As you awaken to your divine nature, you'll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.

The only limits you have are the limits you believe.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.

There is no way to prosperity, prosperity is the way.

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.

Without Exception, Begin Every Day of your Life with Gratitude.

Live One Day at a Time.

Good morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help. So have a miraculous day.