
Friday 21 November 2014


Determination is the power that sees us through all frustrations and obstacles. It helps in building the willpower that is the very basis of success within and without. It is said in the scriptures that with the help of sankalpa shakti, the power of determination, nothing is impossible.

You are the architect of your life and you decide your destiny.

If you learn the technique of how to live here and now, then every moment will be filled with happiness.

Those who want to realize the greatest delight should realize themselves in others.

Non-attachment is like a fire that can burn the binding power of past samskaras. Non-attachment does not mean indifference or non-loving. Non-attachment and love are one and the same. Non-attachment gives freedom, but attachment brings bondage.

Love means to appreciate and enjoy the divine essence in another person.

All adversities are here to help you. They can become instruments of your progress.

The final Reality is silence.

Gurus impart the best of their knowledge in silence. When you are in silence, they communicate with you through silence, and in silence. For the student whose mind is in tune, that teaching is the finest of teachings. This silent communication can happen no matter where you are physically, whether you are 10,000 miles away or very close.

The best of knowledge come through revelation, not through the mind. It is a flood of knowledge that overwhelms the whole being.

A time comes when meditation stirs the unconscious mind and brings forward hidden impressions. It quickens the method of analyzing, understanding, and surveying the unconscious.

Careful vigilance and observation lead the student to study the incoming thoughts from the unconscious mind. The yogis recall all their samskaras, watch them, examine, and even select and reject them according to their need. Those thought patterns that are disturbing are rejected by the yogis, and those that are helpful are strengthened. A deep study of these three states-waking, dreaming, and sleeping-reveals that, with the help and practice of yoga nidra, one can go beyond all the levels of the unconscious.

Meditation is actually not a part of any religion. It is exploring yourself, exploring the deeper aspects of your being, and finally leading you to the center of consciousness within.

If you practice, you will experience, and that experience will guide you.

A perfect human being is one who has attained the state of samadhi.

If you learn to go beyond the jabbering of your mind, and can go to the deeper aspects of your consciousness, then body, breath, and mind will not come in your way.

Breath is a barometer to measure one’s inner state. When you observe that your breath is serene, deep, and without any unnecessary pause, you will experience a sense of great comfort and joy.

Proper breathing is the key to good health.

As long as the mind is outward, only ida and pingala remain active. But when the mind is calm and tranquil, sushumna, the central channel, is awakened. The joy derived from the mind traveling through the sushumna channel is unique; it cannot be compared with any sensory pleasure. Because of that inner joy, the mind loses its taste for worldly pleasures. 

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. Instead, let the thoughts come before you and become a sort of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; do not be afraid of your thinking. 

There is only one real book to study and learn from— the greatest of all books— and that is the very manuscript that you, yourself, are. 

Yoga is not a religion. It is not just a system of exercises to keep the body fit or to cure minor physical disorders. Yoga is a discipline for the fullest development of the soul, mind, and body. Yoga is a scientific, holistic approach to life.

The most beautiful person is she who is always filled with joy and moves in that joy. Such movements make one a great dancer. Learn to practice this dance.

Life is a beautiful song. Open your heart and rejoice in its melody.

Learn to identify with the source of light and life.

If you have an aim or purpose in life, you can bring your emotional life under control.

When we are inadequate ourselves but our ego is strong, we tend to blame others.

You can live in the world and yet be spiritual. To be spiritual means to be aware of the Reality all the time.

The purpose of life is to grow, expand, and realize one's true identity.

Prayers are always answered; therefore, pray with all your mind and heart.

Selfless service is the finest of all prayers.

The highest guiding principle in marriage should be the principle of selfless service to one's partner.

Love will completely transform you, for love alone has that power.

Decide that no matter what happens, you will do what you set out to do. If you are determined, possible distractions will still be there, but you will continue on your path and remain undisturbed.

The first principle of learning to be still is regular practice, the second is patience, the third is observation, and the fourth is analysis.

Be confident and self-reliant and say to yourself, 'I will do it. I can do it. I have to do it.'

You should never give up working with yourself.

Once you turn you focus inward, the process of transformation will begin; then you will become aware of the many levels of consciousness.

Happiness is within and the source is the center of consciousness, love, and wisdom.

Fearlessness is very important. One should constantly remain in spiritual delight, so that no fear is entertained. Fearlessness comes from knowing that God is with us, and that we are with God.

Learn to love all the things of the world, just as means but don’t get attached to them. This is the secret—the philosophy of non-attachment.

If you really want to enjoy life and be happy, learn to practice and understand the philosophy of non-attachment.

Those who are not happy internally can never be happy externally; those who are not happy within themselves can never make others happy. Those who do not love themselves can never love others.

Meditation is not sitting and fidgeting, daydreaming, worrying, or fantasizing. It means watching, calmly observing the mind itself. Calm observation makes the mind itself calmer. The calmness of the mind creates power to go deeper and deeper into the beds of samskaras, into all the latent memories and impressions that daily provoke our habits and personalities. However, by calmly and very quietly going to the samskaras and observing them they are burnt away; they bubble to the surface and dissipate. This is the process of purification. It is a very powerful practice, and an essential one. Meditation is the exact method of becoming aware of who you are. It is the fundamental training for knowing your inner world. 

To achieve purity of mind, one should cultivate constant awareness by being mindful all the time. One should remain always aware of one’s thoughts

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. Instead, let the thoughts come before you and become a sort of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; do not be afraid of your thinking.

Contentment is the first and foremost virtue that should be cultivated. It comes only when you have done your duties to your fullest capacity without worrying for the results. It is a virtue that always helps and never disappoints the seeker.

Learn to be spiritual in your daily life by doing selfless action. Learn to meditate every day, a few minutes. 

When you sincerely tread the path, you will meet one who can help you with all setbacks.

Search for the guru within yourself.

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