
Friday 21 November 2014

Astral Travel

If you study how to “consciously” astral travel you will be able to see the “real world” and life for what it really is; things are definitely not as they appear whilst within the physical. Many true aspects of life cannot be understood or appreciated until you are “outside” of the physical.

Being within the astral plane you can read any language, regardless of how old or what that language is written in. You can visit any building on this planet and see everything, locks, doors or walls do not pose any obstacles; however, before you think it would be great to see others in their birthday suit; think again! Only those with pure intentions can see everything, but those with idle curiosity or alterative motives cannot, it's a universal law.You may be able to break physical laws whilst on this little planet, but you cannot break universal laws regardless of who you are!

Astral travel is natural as breathing and it is part of every living person's birthright; no matter whether it be an animal, a plant, a fish, a human, or even a bird - every living creature astral travels. How quickly can you do it consciously? Well that depends on you; and you alone. The majority of untrained people fall asleep during the process; which is very annoying indeed, as you must leave the body before it goes to sleep to remember your travels!

You must be open minded and believe you can do it else it's pointless trying to go any further.

Some people have mentioned that when astral traveling; or having an "out of body experience", they find themselves moving though a tunnel with a bright light at the far end. This is most excellent news as that is the way home; back to the real astral world. If you ever get the chance to do this it's strongly advisable to spend some time in the astral home - remember everything you see and do - then when your time on Earth is done, you "Will" know the way home without any delays. Within the astral plane you move by thought alone, which is much, much faster than the speed of light; and all communications are by telepathy.

Astral Travel prayer

On "such-and-such" a day I am going to travel in the astral world, and I am going to remain fully aware of all that which I do, and be fully aware of all that which I see. I shall remember all this and recall it fully when I am again in my body. I shall do this without fail.

"Such-and-such" a day should be a date, say three to six month's into the future, you decide. The prayer should be repeated just before you sleep and clearly repeated three times. Sit with bare feet together with toes and heels touching, then clasp your hands together so that your fingers of each hand interlock, and so that your hands and feet each form a closed circle. Then call your subconscious by its name and then say your prayer, repeating it three times in your normal voice, don't whisper and there is no need to shout. Then one day you will find yourself consciously astral travelling and you will return back to your physical remembering everything.

There are no special secrets to astral travelling, no club to join, no fee's to pay, it just needs your confidence and belief. It just needs the firm knowledge that you are going to do astral travelling whilst you are fully awake. The best way to start about it is not to imagine that you are out of the body, but to visualise that you are out of your body. Visualise yourself leaving your physical body, visualise yourself gradually inching out and floating inches above the recumbent physical body. Actually visualise yourself doing it, actually form the strong thoughts that you are doing it, and sooner or later you will do it. You will find, with the greatest amazement, that you are floating there looking down upon a padded, whitish-green or what ever coloured fleshy body. Probably it will have its mouth open, probably it will be snoring away because when you are out of the physical it doesn't matter at all if your body goes to sleep. Because if you get out while the body is awake you will remember the whole experience.
Get a partner or friend to photograph you as you would normally sleep, it must be as you would normally sleep, either naked or with pyjamas, under the covers or on top. Take the picture from either above the bed, or at the bottom of the bed, to emulate exactly the position you would be in when within the astral. Draw the curtains for ambient lighting and don't use a flash unless it's very defused. Every night before going to sleep spend a few minutes looking at that photograph, keep the image of the photograph firmly in your mind so soon enough you will find yourself floating above your bed as per the photograph, looking down upon your physical body, and then the fun really starts.

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