
Thursday 8 January 2015

Expressing and Experiencing Divine love in Daily life

I sought love in many lives. I shed bitter tears of separation and repentance to know what love is. I sacrificed everything, all attachment and delusion, to learn at last that I am in love with Love—with God—alone. Then I drank love through all true hearts. I saw that He is the One Cosmic  Lover, the One Fragrance that permeates all the variegated blossoms of love in the garden of life.

Many souls wonder wistfully, helplessly, why love flees from one heart to another,- awakened souls realize that the heart is not fickle in loving different ones, but is loving the one God- Love that is present in all hearts.

The Lord ever silently whispers to you:
I am Love. But to experience the giving and the gift of love, I divided Myself into three: love, lover, and beloved. My love is beautiful, pure, eternally joyous; and I taste it in many ways, through many forms.

As father I drink reverential love from the spring of my child's heart. 
As mother I drink the nectar of unconditional love from the soul-cup of the tiny baby. 
As child I imbibe the protecting love of the father's righteous reason. 
As infant I drink causeless love from the holy grail of maternal attraction. 
As master I drink sympathetic love from the flask of the servant's thoughtfulness. 
As servant I sip respectful love from the goblet of the master's appreciation. 
As guru-preceptor I enjoy purest love from the chalice of the disciple's all-surrendering devotion.
As friend I drink from the self-bubbling fountains of spontaneous love. 
As a divine friend, I quaff crystal waters of cosmic love from the reservoir of God-adoring hearts.

So My love is playing hide-and-seek in all human hearts, that each might learn to discover and worship, not the temporal human receptacles of My love, but My love itself, dancing from one heart to another.

I want them to learn to speak the ultimate truth: "Love the One Love in all of us." 
To tell another, "I love you," is false until you realize the truth: "God as the love in me is in love with His love in you."

Without speaking a word, I have loved you always. I alone can truly say, "I love you"; for I loved you before you were born; My love gives you life and sustains you even at this moment; and I alone can love you after the gates of death imprison you where none, not even your greatest human lover, can reach you. 

I am the love that dances human puppets on strings of emotions and instincts, to play the drama of love on the stage of life. 
My love is beautiful and endlessly enjoyable when you love it alone; but the lifeline of your peace and joy is cut when instead you become entangled in human emotion and attachment. Realize, My children, it is My love for which you yearn!

Those who love Me as only one person, or who imperfectly love Me in one person, do not know what Love is. 
Only they can know Love who love Me wisely, faultlessly, completely, all surrenderingly— who love Me perfectly and equally in all, and who love Me perfectly and equally as all.

- Divine Romance, Paramahansa Yogananda
As you see the sky, know it is the Lord looking at you. 
As you look at the sun, know that the Lord is giving vitality to you. 
As you look at the moon, know the Lord is giving you love. 
As you look at the flowers, know that the Lord is smiling at you. 
As you look at people, know the Lord is asking to be recognised and crying for deliverance. 
As you look at saints, know that the Lord is talking to you.
- From Rajarsi Janakananda, A Great Western Yogi book

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