
Wednesday 29 March 2017

Technique:The Invisible World (The Five Prerequisites)

We've had a Jesus, a Buddha, a Krishna, many others, many Bhodhisatvas, who have come back to bring peace to this world. Yet it has never happened. How come? Why can there not be peace in this world? The greatest of souls have tried to bring this peace here, yet for some strange reason they have all missed the point. This world is not a world of peace. There have been periods when there has been peace for a while. They didn't last long, and there were wars again, man's inhumanity to man, strife, confusion.

These great souls, for some strange reason, did not realize that there is another world interpenetrating this world, the real world, the invisible world, where there is total bliss, total love, infinite peace. This true world is called consciousness, for want of a better term. It is the state of absolute reality, yet it is the invisible world. The same thing exists in each one of us. In each being, in each animal, in each plant, in each mineral, in each vegetable, there is an inner force. There is consciousness, the reality of all substance.

Only human beings, so-to-speak, are able to transcend their humanity and rise above the so-called relative world, relative universe. Yet there have been very few who actually were able to see this. These very few beings, these very few people, would be considered selfish by most people, for they exclaimed, leave the world alone. Do not concern yourself with the world. The world is an illusion. Dive deep within yourself. Find yourself. If you discover the world within yourself, the invisible world, that is, which is the Self, then you will see what the rest of this world really is.

But there have been those few people who somehow felt something within them, that there is a reality that knows absolutely nothing about this world. They cannot explain it but they feel it. And they begin to do the work required in order to transcend and transmute the entire universe, becoming free and liberated. They gave a name to these people, Jnanis, Sages, Masters. These beings, just by being themselves, become an asset to the world and to those who are ready to follow those steps.

We can never have real happiness as long as we believe the world is real. It's impossible! Due to the fact everything changes. No thing is ever the same and that is very evident. The whole universe is constantly changing. How can we have faith or believe in something like this, that is never the same? We have to make up our minds. Do we want to find reality or do we want to keep running around the world, becoming enthralled in the beginning, and disappointed in the end?

We begin to see it is the mind that keeps us in bondage. It is the mind that creates the body, the world and the universe. We cannot change other people. We've tried. It doesn't work. We cannot change the world condition. We've tried. It doesn't work. It makes no difference whom we elect president or what happens in the world. The conditions might change but there will never be a harmony and peace in this world.

It is only as we transcend and transmute the mind that we see something else. We actually see something else. We live in a different world. This is the reason I appear strange to some people, to most people, to all the people. I may see an accident, somebody dying. I will render assistance but I will be happy, for I do not see death as it appears. For some reason I look through that into the invisible world where there is joy and laughter, where there is peace and harmony.

What do you see? As you look in this world what do you see? You're seeing the result of your mind. Your mind has been conditioned since you were born. Not only that, but you have a mind that has been through many lives, so it appears. You've had many existences and many worlds as a male, as a female, and you're under the laws of karma.

A Jnani has absolutely nothing to do with this world. The world, the universe, becomes totally meaningless to a Sage. It's not a put on. It's not imagining that, "All is well," until some catastrophe hits you, and then you get upset, become violent, feel sorry for yourself, become depressed. You have to see where your at, where you're coming from, what you're really made of. You can never know the truth, that there is no world, there is no universe, there is no God, as long as you believe the body suffers, mentally or physically. Have you suffered mentally or physically today?

If you really want to become a part of those few people in this world that have transcended the world, you have to do what they did.

The first prerequisite: Shut up. Be quiet. Stop debating. Stop arguing. Stop trying to prove a point. Even if someone knows something that you don't, whether they share it with you or not, makes no difference, for you have to come up with your own truth. There's really no one in this universe that can hand you realization on a silver platter.

Number two: You have to let go. You have to let go so completely that it becomes scary. You have to totally let go mentally. You have to stop depending on person, place or thing for your self-worth. You have to start depending on the infinite invisible, on what you cannot see, taste, touch, or smell or feel.

Number three: You must look at the world but never react to anything. You must watch your feelings and your emotions, observe them, and as they come into contact with you, you must become the witness, realizing that you are not those emotions. You are not your bad temper. You are not the depression. You are nothing that goes on in this world.

Number four: You must develop a tremendous humility, a stupendous humility. This is more important than anything else. If someone tells you something that you don't like to hear you do not become upset. You do not hold it in. You let it go through you and it dissipates, for it has no energy except the energy you give it. You are responsible to yourself. If you fool yourself you're just going to get disgusted in the end and give up all spiritual life, for you'll say you've gotten nowhere, nothing has happened, it doesn't work. It doesn't exist.

I suppose this is the reason I am with you. To tell you, "Yes, there is an invisible realm of perfection beyond this world, interpenetrating this world, that makes this world look like kindergarten." Yet you must be able to see it yourself.

Number five: You have to want it so much that you don't want it. You have to have such a strong desire to be free that all desire stops. When all desire stops there is a quietness, a stillness, that takes place within you. It is only when this stillness, this quietness, comes when you're able to see clearly, not with your physical eyes, but with your spiritual eye, not with your little I, not with the I-thought, but with the I-am. And you will see in all directions. You will see up, you will see down, you will see sideways, you will see backwards. The only thing you will see is total perfection which is another name for pure awareness. You have to take this thing seriously and you're not to be serious about this thing at all. You have to reject everything yet you also have to accept everything. You have to surrender and you have to realize that you are the Self.

There is something inside of you that knows how to do all this. You can help by becoming quiet, by becoming still, by not making a lot of noise, not making a big commotion. Let the world do what it will, yet you become silent and peaceful, compassionate, have humility. Just watch, look, observe, quiet the mind. Be still and know that I am God.
.... Those who have been trying to tell us to go within, and the change must come from within, are the true teachers. But those who try to improve the world and try to improve the world to make this a better world, have not tasted ultimate reality.

Transcending is when you go from step to step. You go higher and higher. But transmuting is when you do it all at once. The brain chemical changes to begin with. The brain chemical changes to begin with. The entire programming of the brain gives up to the mind, lets go. All the programming disappears. The eons of programming, the past, is dead. It becomes totally annihilated.

Many beings have awakened simply by looking at the situation, observing it, intelligently focusing on it, and awakening can occur. You see through the maya.

-Robert Adams, The Collected Works

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