
Thursday 13 April 2017

The "Real" You

Peace that passeth understanding.
Its no-mind. Choiceless Awareness.
Never Conditioned (Unconditional). 
No Decision. Spontaneity. Thoughtless. Effortless.
Eternal. Ever new. Ever Awake. No Light. No Darkness. No Sound. Silence. No Words. No Communication, No Individual, No Doer exists. No Purpose. Yet everything gets done. Actorless Action.
No Bonds. Ultimate Freedom. 
Intimate Unqualified Ineffable Unending Love, Complete Care.
Pure Bliss, Total Play - Fun. Uncaused.
No Body. No You. No Mind. No Identity. No Doubt. 
No Human. Beyond Senses. Divine.
Beyond Experience. (No Experiencer). Time stops.
Deathless. Unborn. No Going. No Coming. 
No source No Creation. No Dissolution. (No Beginning, No Ending in Time) Can't Annihilate. 
Dimensionless. Never Bound. Never Limited (Infinite - No Beginning. No Ending in Space)
Undivided. Just One. Whole (All Encompassing)
Alive, Intense beyond comprehension in its Perfection, Contentment. Harmony. 
Non-dual. Witness. That space is really consciousness.(There is no such thing as space. It is Presence, Bliss, Love, Peace)
and also Beyond all these - Turiyatita
Stillness, Silence - a living entity. you are just a pure Being (No Knower, No Known, No Knowing).
It Just is. It's Real You.
In absolute terms, you are only this. It's Truth.
Materiality, Relativity is delusional. It's Separateness (Duality)
Its a law of cause and effect - pendulum of dualities (rich, poor, good times, bad times, attachment, hatred, happiness, sadness, health, sickness, suffering, right, wrong, male, female, child, youth, old, birth, death, this, that, here, there, now, then, microcosm, macrocosm) appearing real, strong, solid, because your personality believes it to be so.
When you take thew world seriously, you are in bondage.
The world is a crutch for us to lean on. 
You fear to let go of it. Stop fooling yourself.
Yet this relativity has no existence.
Enjoy the relativity as much as you can 
and yet it will lead you nowhere (like boomerang), 
because for it never existed. It's like a dream. Never happened.
You can wake up this moment and it's not there (the idea of body-mind, doer is finished) and you'll forget it. It's utter nonsense.
The ultimate truth (for the ego = subconscious = karma self) is Everything is preconditioned, preordained, predestined, planned before you came here and there are no accidents as long as you believe you are human. It means you have no choice. 
This is your dharma presented by Karma. 
Do not fight it. Do not react. Work on yourself.
Once you understand this, you turn within and 
do the best can and everything will take care of itself.
Some will Give. Something has to give and you will be free.
(If there is no identification with the body, 
there is no need of the feeling to materialize.)
Since time immemorial there has been man's inhumanity to man, there have been riots, wars, destruction, chaos, confusion. 
And there have been people saying we're going to make peace 
and turn this into a peaceful world. 
This is the way of the world. And the world is a mirage. 
So if you identify will all the things you see you will always be confused, you have to because the nature of this world is confusion. 
We give names to all things, but these things just are.
Do not identify with what you see. Identify with reality.
No matter how wealthy you are. 
No matter how much fun you're having. 
No matter what you're doing with you lives. 
Something touches you within and you begin to leave everybody alone. 
You become quiet. 
Liberation can come to the worst murderer, who knows nothing about meditation or spiritual life. 
"Do not try to judge these things. 
Do not try to analyze or figure these things out.
Do not try to come to any conclusions about
who deserves this and who does not." you dont know. 
Rather work on yourself.
Even though you may think you're in a sorry place right now. 
Do not look at it that way. 
Never condemn yourself or believe that you don't know anything 
or feel slighted because you're not making progress. 
Be totally grateful for where you are right now and 
you will be lifted up and you will make fast progress on the path.
Just sitting by yourself, still. 
You realize that you are the all-pervading essence of life, 
the absolute reality and you feel so happy, so peaceful, so loving, 
that there's absolutely nothing you do to achieve these traits. 
Anything you have to do in this world 
to bring you happiness does not last. 
When you look to the world for your happiness, 
for your peace, for your harmony, you're making a mistake. 
Look at this world. Is anything ever the same. 
Things appear, they stay for a while and they go. 
You go up and down looking for happiness,
searching for happiness. You think you find it, 
then it betrays you, and you become miserable, disillusioned.
The whole universe is a reflection of yourself. 
Whatever you think of yourself, you're seeing in others. 
But again if you stare at the Sage deeper and deeper and 
you think of the Sage deeper and deeper you will bypass all that.
You will go deeper inside the Sage and you will become the Sage yourself, you see your Self. There's only one Self.
This can happen with anyone or anything (rock), 
but with sage, the pull of Self is stronger. It's Magnetic.
(It's is an abyss, dark hole).
The outer guru will push you inwards. 
The inner guru (your real Self) will pull you upwards.
When you watch the movement of time things are happening. 
But if you are spontaneous and 
you leave everything alone and 
realize everything just is 
you would be in between the movements of time and space. 
You would be able to see through the mirage. 
Through the so-called magic of life and happenings. And 
you would be able to see the stillness, the oneness, the peace.
At the centre of the hurricane there's total peace,total silence. 
It's the same principle. You have a pain that hurts, 
a headache, a migraine, cancer, anger, fear, whatever you've got rather than feel the pain and identify with the pain, 
begin to become very still, very quiet and begin to go deep within the pain. Dive deep, deep, deep within the pain. Deep, Real deep, feel yourself diving deep to the center of the pain. 
At the center there is no pain and you'll be at peace.
Because at the center there is only your Self. 
Pain will disappear, due to the fact that it never existed.
Your life is only a split second in eternity.
Mind is all conditions, limitations (Programming) (It's extra luggage you're carrying around).
Maya appears to present conditions, situations to you. 
It's all Cosmic Joke. 
We're caught in mesmerism. We're hypnotized into believing we have to go through experiences. 
When mind is active and making a lot of noise, you are reacting.
If you drop mind by not reacting to conditions, Karma Stops.
Thoughts are like the body, it's an appearance.
You are giving substance and life to these conditions.
What do you do to stop thoughts? Absolutely nothing.
In reality, there are no thoughts. There's nothing. 
You're are using same nothing to stop your thoughts.
Doing nothing, because you are nothing.
Nothing plus nothing makes nothing. Then you see your real nature. Spontaneity and Choiceless Awareness will come.
Maya will leave you alone and this is what awakening is.
You just see the things as they are. The whole dreaming is gone.
There is a joy beyond the joy of relativity 
that no human being can express.
The finite can never comprehend the Infinite, 
for the finite mind doesn't exist, personal self doesn't exist.
So when the mind is destroyed 
that which is the silent witness of itself, becomes yourself.
Healing comes because no one was ever sick.
IF somebody is sick, and you'd have a lot of work 
to do to heal the person, that is ego.
Do not think you're a healer 
or think you're healing somebody or something, 
feel that there is total absolute consciousness and nothing else. 
Therefore who has to be healed? And who is healing whom? 
There is no healer and there is no one to heal. 
When you look at this way, 
what is supposed to happen will happen by itself. 
Your job is to know the truth. 
Everything else will take care of itself.
When there is a death in the family it is difficult indeed. 
When a person is going through grieving like this words cannot help. Love is the answer. 
But you know the truth within yourself that
no one was ever born and no one can ever die.
Don't tell them this they doesn't understand this. 
Love the person. Hug the person.
And your vibrations will go into this person and make them peaceful. 
In all humility feel this truth in your heart. 
And if you are sincere they will feel this also and have peace.
When a Sage drops the body, you have to understand that 
he is doing this for you. For a Sage never had the body.
The body will do what it came here to do 
and there is mysterious power that 
knows how to grow oranges on an orange tree, 
knows how to grow wheat, 
knows how to grow mangoes and roses and flowers and everything else, 
knows how to take care of what you call your body, without any help from you. 
That power knows where the appearance of your 
body is supposed to be and what work it's supposed to do. 
Trust that power. You will find out one day that the power is none you. That power is your Self. 
But until then trust the power. 
I like to call this power, "The current that knows the way."
It's a beautiful power, it only knows love. 
It wants you to become a living embodiment of love. 
It wants you to merge with itself.
Since your real Self is already awake, 
there is nothing that can keep you back yourself.
By the self I mean your mind, your thoughts.
All these thoughts are a mirage.
Remember, you use your mind to destroy your mind.
When the mind is introverted upon itself, it disappears.
Only choice you have is - Use your energy to react or turn within.
Not reacting to people, situations, places and Dive within and find out your real Self and become totally free OR 
get involved in the world (Maya - the grand Illusion).
The body is an idea of the mind. 
Upon investigation mind doesn't exist.
Your whole universe, problems, joys & sorrows (these are appearances and this is reason they change, and they seem to end when you appear to disappear), sufferings (because it is not the way you wanted it to be, you will get disillusioned) is related to 'I' thought (the concept.. body-mind Phenomena - Drop It), for it never existed. Nothing exists the way it appears.
The screen does not identify with the image at all. 
The screen identifies with itself. 
Consciousness identifies with itself. It's self-contained.
Somehow these images (ego) have appeared and 
they seem to rush in on consciousness 
as they do on the screen. 
But this is only our appearance, mirage, an optical illusion.
You believe through many incarnations you are an image, 
but we are really the screen.
Dive within and find out for yourself.
All the answers are within your Self. 
You can never find them without.
The thing you are seeking in whatsoever is always the real You.
Surrender (to Real you / Self / Guru / Grace / God),
Total Let go (mentally), 
Love Deeper (your Self / Beloved / Guru, for there is only One Self), 
An Open Heart,
Divine Ignorance (I don't know anything, innocence), 
One-pointed Question (Mind in wonder becomes weaker as it begins to see mystery)
Awareness every second - will help you to awaken, realize, remember who you really are. 
-Not Known, Yet you are..
P.S. There are no mistakes. Nobody cause you problems, upset you. There is only one Self and you are that. All is Well, exceedingly well. Everything is unfolding as it should. Everything is on your side. Keep your life simple. Follow your ego or surrender your go. Choice is yours. Turn yourself Inside Out!

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