
Tuesday 11 September 2018

Moving Up the Emotional Scale

When to Use This Process:

  • When you feel bad and are having a difficult time feeling better.
  • When something has happened to you or someone close to you that has knocked you back on your heels
  • (that is, someone died, your lover left you, your dog got run over, and so on).
  • When it has been necessary for you to deal with a crisis.
  • When you have been diagnosed with a frightening illness.
  • When someone you love has been diagnosed with a frightening illness.
  • When your child, or someone very close to you, is experiencing a trauma or crisis.

This Moving Up the Emotional Scale Process will be of the most value to you when your Emotional Set-Point is ranging somewhere between: (17) Anger and (22) Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness.

So, the contrast of your life experience has helped you identify your preferences and desires. And whether you speak them out loud or not, Source has heard each of your preferences and desires—no matter how large or small they may seem—and has answered them. And the manager, called the Law of Attraction, has lined up circumstances, events, other people, and all manner of things to assist in the fulfillment of your desires. In other words, you have asked, and it is given—but now you must let it in.

Remember, there is no Non-Physical Source of darkness, sickness, confusion, or evil. There is only the Stream of Well-Being, and it is flowing toward you at all times. And unless you are offering resistance of some kind, you are the full receiver of it, and your emotions help you understand to what extent you are allowing or resisting the Stream. In other words, the better you feel, the less you are resisting; the worse you feel, the more you are resisting.

The process of Moving Up the Emotional Scale will assist you, no matter where you stand, no matter what you are creating, and no matter how you feel, to lower your state of resistance and therefore improve your state of allowing—and every feeling of relief will be an indication of your release of resistance.

We want to help you understand that Deliberate Creation is really about deliberately achieving an emotional state. For example:

  • When you do not have enough money, you want more. But we want you to understand that the distance you will be traveling is not the distance between not enough money to enough money, but instead is the distance between a feeling of insecurity to a feeling of security. Once you practice the thought that makes you consistently feel more secure—the money must follow.
  • When you are sick, you want to be well, but the distance you are traveling is not from sickness to wellness—but from fear to confidence. Once you practice the thoughts that make you feel more confident, the physical improvement must follow.
  • When you have no mate and want to find one, the distance you are really traveling is from the feeling of being lonely to the feeling of excitement or satisfaction. Once you practice the thoughts that make you feel excitement or anticipation, the perfect mate must follow. 

You may say, I want a new car, but what the Universe is hearing is:
I am not happy with my current car.
I feel embarrassed by my current car.
I feel disappointed that I don’t have a better car.
I feel jealous that my neighbor has a much better car.
I feel angry that I cannot afford a better car.

You may say, I want to be well, but what the Universe is hearing is:
I’m worried about my body.
I’m disappointed with myself.
I’m worried about my health.
I’m afraid that I will have a bad experience like my mother had.
I’m angry that I didn’t take better care of myself.

You may say, I want to find another job, but what the Universe is hearing is:
I’m angry because my employer doesn’t see my value.
I feel bored.
I feel unhappy with my current salary.
I’m frustrated that I can’t make them understand.
I’m overwhelmed, with too much to do.

There is nothing that you or anyone else has ever wanted that exists for any other reason than you think you will feel better in the achieving of it. Once you consciously identify your current state of emotion, it becomes easier for you to understand whether you are choosing thoughts that move you closer to your desired destination or further from your desired destination. If you will make the improved feeling or emotion be your real destination, then anything and everything that you want will quickly follow.

The following is the basic list of emotions (also found in Chapter 22), beginning with those that hold the least resistance, all the way down to those that hold the greatest resistance. Whenever emotions have very similar vibrations, we have indicated them on the same line. These emotions range from the extremes of strongly allowing of your Source Energy to strongly disallowing of your Source Energy—and they are indicated by the words of Empowerment or Joy, on one end of the scale, all the way down to Depression or Powerlessness on the other end.

The words, or titles, that have been given to these emotions are not absolutely accurate because different people feel different about emotions even when they are using similar words. However, the Universe is not responding to your words; it is responding to your vibrational offering that is accurately and always accompanied by your emotions.

So, finding the perfect word to describe the way you feel is not essential to this process, but feeling the emotion is important—and finding ways to improve the feeling is even more important. In other words, this game is strictly about discovering thoughts that give you feelings of relief.

A scale of your emotions would look something like this:
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation.
2. Passion.
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness.
4. Positive Expectation/Belief.
5. Optimism.
6. Hopefulness.
7. Contentment.
8. Boredom.
9. Pessimism.
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience.
11. Overwhelment.
12. Disappointment.
13. Doubt.
14. Worry.
15. Blame.
16. Discouragement.
17. Anger.
18. Revenge.
19. Hatred/Rage.
20. Jealousy.
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness.
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness.

Here is the way we would apply this powerful process: When you are aware that you are feeling some rather strong negative emotion, try to identify what the emotion is. Consciously think about whatever is bothering you until you can pinpoint the emotions that you are feeling. 

Considering the two extreme ends of this emotional scale, you could ask yourself, Do I feel powerful, or do I feel powerless? While you may not actually be feeling either one of these emotions precisely, you will be able to tell which way your emotional state of being is leaning right now. So, in this example, if your answer is powerless, then shorten the range that you are considering, and ask yourself, Does it feel more like powerlessness or frustration? Still more like powerlessness. Then shorten the range still further. Does this feel more like powerlessness or worry? As you continue (there is no right or wrong approach to this), eventually you will be able to state with accuracy what you are really feeling about the situation you are addressing.

Once you have found your place on the emotional scale, your work is to try to find thoughts that give you a slight feeling of relief from the emotion you are feeling. A process of talking out loud or writing down your thoughts will give you the best reading of the way you are feeling. As you make statements with the deliberate intention of inducing an emotion that gives you a slight feeling of relief, you will begin to release resistance, and you will be able to move up the vibrational scale to a place of feeling much better. Remember, an improved feeling means a releasing of resistance, and a releasing of resistance means a greater state of allowing what you really want.

So, using the emotional scale, and beginning with where you are, look at the emotion that is just about where you believe you are, and try to fashion some words that lead you more into a slightly less resistant emotional state of being.

For example, a woman found herself in a state of tremendous resistance and pain because of the death of her father. Even though he had been seriously ill and his death was expected, when it happened she found herself in the deepest depression. She felt powerless and grief stricken in response to her focus upon the uncontrollable death of her father.

During the days before her father’s death, this woman had barely left his side, but he slipped into unconsciousness during one of the rare times when she was not with him, and he did not awaken again before he died. As she thought about not being there to have just one last conversation, tremendous thoughts of guilt washed through her. And while she did not consciously recognize the slight improvement in the way the guilt felt, it was a very important vibrational transition for her. And then her thoughts turned to a powerful anger. She focused upon the woman who had been with her father when he had slipped into unconsciousness, and she felt rage that this woman had given her father such a strong dose of medication (for the purpose of making him more comfortable), and then she blamed the woman for having deprived her of her last conversation with her father.

She did not realize it at the time, but the feelings of guilt, rage, anger, and blame were each definite improvements over her grief-stricken vibrational state of resistance. She did feel better in her blame— much better, in fact. At least she could breathe, and she was now able to sleep.

Of course, it is always better when you achieve the improved state of emotion deliberately. But even, as in this case, when the improved emotions were discovered naturally and unconsciously, each improvement now gives you access to something even more improved.

Once you find the relief that anger and blame can offer from those suffocating emotions of powerlessness and grief, you can move even more quickly up the vibrational scale. And while it may even take a day or two to move up even one vibrational level, from (22) Grief’to (21) Guilt to (18) Revenge to (17) Anger to (15) Blame, you can reclaim your connection to your Source and to your feeling of empowerment in a much shorter time than almost anyone realizes.

Here is an example of conscious statements that this woman could have offered to improve the way she felt:

I did everything I could think of doing to help my father, but it wasn’t enough. (Grief)
I miss him so much. I can’t stand him being gone. (Grief)
How will I be able to soothe my mother? (Despair)
Every morning when I awaken, the first awareness that I have is that Daddy is gone. (Grief)
I shouldn’t have gone home to shower. (Guilt)
I should have stayed right there so I could have told him good-bye. (Guilt)
I should have realized how close he was to going. (Guilt)
I was there day and night, day and night, and I still didn’t get to say good-bye. (Rage)
The woman who was with him knew very well what was happening. (Rage)
How would she like it if the shoe was on the other foot and I put her father into a coma? (Revenge)
She has seen many people die, and she should have warned me that it was close. (Anger)
I think she knew and didn’t want me to be there. (Anger)
She gave him more medication than he needed just to make it easier for her. (Blame)
I wish I could have said good-bye. (Disappointment)
There are too many details to attend to, and I don’t really feel like doing anything. (Overwhelment)
I’ve been neglecting so many things in my life; I need to regroup and get organized. (Overwhelment)
The health-care professionals are insensitive to the families of sick and dying people. (Frustration)
They’re more concerned about picking up the oxygen tanks than about how I feel. (Irritation)
It will be good to spend more time with my own family. (Hopefulness)
It will feel good to get back into the swing of things at work. (Positive Expectation)
I know that in time I’ll get to feeling better. (Positive Expectation)
I don’t know if I’ll ever feel the way I felt before, but I know I will feel better in time. (Positive Expectation)
There are so many things to do, and so many things that I want to do. (Positive Expectation)
I’m so looking forward to smiling and meaning it, and laughing and really feeling it. (Positive Expectation)
I appreciate my husband so much. He’s been helpful in so many ways. (Appreciation)
I do appreciate all of those people who have cared for my father and mother. (Appreciation)
I appreciate my sisters. We all love our parents, and we love each other. (Appreciation) (Love)
All things considered, we have lived, and are living, really wonderful lives. (Appreciation) (Love)
Death is a part of life. (Knowledge)
Since we are really Eternal Beings, there really is no such thing as “death.” (Knowledge)
Daddy is not gone, because there’s no such thing as death. (Knowledge)
He’s in a place where sadness doesn’t exist. (Knowledge)
That is truly a wonderful place to be. (Joy)
I love knowing that he’s in a place of utter joy and understanding. (Joy)
I adore this glorious Earth experience. (Joy)
I love knowing how all of this fits together. (Joy)
I loved having this wonderful man as my father. (Joy)
This has all been good. (Joy)
This is all good. (Joy)

Remember, you do not have access to emotions that are far from where you are currently vibrating. Although you may spend an entire day beating the drum of the emotion where you are, on the next day, try to establish a different set-point even if it is only a slight improvement.

If the negative emotion you are feeling is slight, you will quickly move up the emotional scale. If the negative emotion you are feeling has begun only recently, you will quickly move up the emotional scale. If you are experiencing something extremely serious, or it is something that you have been living with for many years, it is conceivable that you could spend 22 days moving up this emotional scale, each day deliberately choosing the improved emotion just above the one you are currently feeling. But 22 days from Powerlessness to Empowerment is not a long time at all when you compare it to people you know who have been in a state of Grief Insecurity, or Powerlessness for many years.

Now that you understand that your goal is to reach a better-feeling emotion, it is our expectation that this process will free you from troubling negative emotions that you have been experiencing for years. And as you gently and gradually release the resistance you have unknowingly gathered, you will begin to experience improvements in your life experiences... in all troubling areas of your life.

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