
Thursday 20 September 2018

The Law of Attraction

The Universal Laws: Defined 

There are three Eternal Universal Laws that we want to assist you in understanding more clearly so that you may apply them intentionally, effectively-, and satisfactorily through your physical expression of life. The Law of Attraction is the first of the Laws that we will offer, tor if you do not understand, and are not able to effectively apply, the Law of Attraction, then the second Law, the Science of Deliberate Creation, and the third, the Art of Allowing, cannot be utilized. You must first understand and effectively utilize tile first Law in order to understand and utilize the second. And you must be able to understand and utilize the second Law before you will be able to understand and utilize the third. 

The first Law, the Law of Attraction, says: 

That which is like unto itself, is drawn

 While this may seem like a rather simple statement, it defines the most powerful Law in the Universe—a Law that affects all things at all times. Nothing exists that is unaffected by this powerful Law. 

The second Law, the Science of Deliberate Creation, says: 

That which I give thought to and that which I believe or expect—is.
in short, you get what you are thinking about, whether you want it or not. A deliberate application of thought is really what the Science of Deliberate Creation is about, for if you do not understand these Laws, and deliberately apply them, then you may very well be creating by default. 

The third Law, the Art of Allowing, says: 

I am that which I am, and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are. 

when you are willing to allow others to be as they are, even in their not allowing of you, then you will be an Allower, but it is not likely that you will reach that point until you first come to understand how it is you get what you get. Only when you understand that another cannot be a part of your experience unless you invite them in through your thought (or through your attention to them), and that circumstances can not be a part of your experience unless you invite through your thought (or through your observation of them), will you be the Allower that you wanted to be when you came forth into this expression of life. 

An understanding of these three powerful Universal laws, and a deliberate application of them, will lead you to the joyous freedom of being able to create your own life experience exactly as you want it to be. Once you understand that all people. circumstances, and events are invited into Your experience through your thought, you will begin to live your life as you intended when you made the decision to come forth into this physical body. And so, an understanding of the powerful Law of Attraction, coupled with an intention to Deliberately Create your own life experience, will ultimately lead you to the unparalleled freedom that can only come from a complete understanding and application of the Art of Allowing.

As you deliberately offer your thoughts by choosing thoughts that feel good, you allow your connection to your inner being, to who-you-really-are. When you are connected to who-you-really-are, anyone you hold as your object of attention benefits. And, of course, in all of that, you feel joy.


Attention to _What-Is_ Only Creates More _What-Is

The Law of Attraction is responding to you, to your point of attraction - and your point of attraction is caused by your thoughts. The way you feel is caused by the thoughts that you are thinking.So the way you feel about yourself is your strong and powerful magnetic point of attraction. When you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity. When you feel fat, you cannot attract thin. When you feel lonely, you cannot attract companionship - it  defies the Law. Many around you want to point out "reality" to you. Then say, "face the facts. Look at what-is." And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is - then, by the Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is ... You must be able to put  your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more.

Your emotional attention to what-is will root you like a tree to this spot, but an emotional (happy) vision of what you would like to begin attracting into your experience will bring you those changes. Much of what you are now living, you want to continue, so keep giving your attention to those things, and you will continue to hold those things in your experience. But anything that you do not want, you must take your attention from.

eg: Mother saving her child by lifting up the automobile.
If your wanting is great enough, beliefs can be overridden. 

My Point of Power is Right Now?

Whether you are thinking about something that is occurring right now or about something that has happened in your past, or about something that you would like to occur in your future - you are doing the thinking right now. You are offering your vibration of thought in your present, and it is this present-thought vibration that the Law of Attraction is always responding to; therefore, your power to create is now.

When you understand that the thought comes first. First there is thought, then thought-form, then manifestation. Your current situation is a platform of experience that inspires the next thought and the next.

Let us say that you see those who are in need of something. Perhaps they have no money, transportation, or food. And as you see them, you feel sad (because you are focused on their lack and activating that within your own vibration), and from your place of sadness you offer them the action of money or food. The vibration that you are transmitting is actually saying to them, I do this for you because I see that you cannot do this for yourself. Your vibration is actually focused upon their lack of well-being and therefore, even though you have offered money or food through your action, your dominant offering is perpetuating their lack.

It is our encouragement that  you take the time to imagine those people in a better situation. Practice the thought of their success and happiness in your own mind, and once that is the dominant vibration that you hold about them,then offer whatever inspired action you now feel.In that case, because of the  dominant vibration of your being, as you holdem them as your object of attention. you will attract a matching vibration of Well-Being from them. In other words, you will uplift them. You will assist them in finding the vibration that matches their desire for well-being instead of the vibration that matches their current situation. In our view, that is the only kind of giving that has value.


The greatest gift that you could ever give  another is the gift of your expectation of their success.

Thoughts Evoking Great Emotion Manifest Quickly

Although every thought has creative potential, the thoughts  that do not bring great emotion with them are not bringing the  subject of your thought into your experience with any sort of speed. When it comes to thoughts that you feel strong emotion about - whether it is positive emotion or negative emotion - the essence of those thoughts is being quickly manifested into your physical experience. And that emotion that you are feeling is communication from your Inner Being, letting you know that you are now accessing the power of Universe.

You are seeing something that is so vivid that the Universe is now offering power unto it.

Giving thought on the one hand, and expecting or believing, on the other hand, is the balance that brings to you that which you receive.


What If I Want It to Happen More Quickly?

Because of the Law of Attraction, matching thoughts are drawn together, and as they do so, they become more powerful. And as they become more powerful-and therefore closer to manifestation- the emotion that you feel also becomes proportionally larger. When you are focused upon something that you desire, then through the Law of Attraction, more and more thought about what you desire will be drawn, and you will feel greater positive emotion. You can speed the creation of something simply by giving it more attention-the Law of Attraction takes care of the rest and brings to you the essence of the subject of your thought.

We would define the words want or desire as follows: To focus attention, or give thought toward a subject, while at the same time experiencing positive emotion. When you give your attention to a subject and you feel only positive emotion about it as you do so, it will come very quickly into your experience. Sometimes we hear our physical friends speaking the words want or desire while at the same time feeling doubt or fear that their desire cannot be achieved. From our point of view, it is not possible to purely desire something while feeling negative emotion.

Pure desire is always accompanied by positive emotion. Perhaps that is why people disagree with our  use of the words want or desire. They often argue that "wanting" implies a sort of lack and contradicts its own meaning, and we agree. But the problem is not with the word or label itself, but instead, with the state of emotion expressed while using the word.

It is our desire to help you understand that you can get to wherever you want to be from whenever you are, no matter where you are or what your current state of Being. The most important thing to understand is that your mental state of Being, or your attitude, in the moment is the basis from which you will attract more. So, the powerful and consistent Law of Attraction is responding to everything in this vibration Universe - bringing people with matching vibrations together, bringing situations with matching vibrations together, and bringing thoughts with matching vibrations together. Indeed, everything in your life, from the way thoughts roll across your mind, to the people you rendezvous with in traffic, is the way that it is, due to the Law of Attraction.


 The Science of Deliberate Creation = Law of Creation
It goes to work upon whatever you are thinking about.

From your physical perspective, this equation of creation has two important parts: the launching of the thought and the expectation of the thought - the desire for the creation and the allowing of the creation. From our Non-physical perspective, we experience both parts of that equation simultaneously, for there is no gap between where we desire and what we fully expect.

Most humans are unaware of the power of their thoughts, the vibrational nature of their Being, or the powerful Law of Attraction, so they look to their ti( /ion to make everything happen. And while we agree that action is an important component in the physical world in which you are focused, it is not through your action that you are creating your physical experience.

When you understand the power of thought and practice your deliberate offering of it, you will discover the powerful leverage (in creating) that only comes from desiring and allowing.When you prepare, or positively anticipate with your thoughts, the amount of action required is far less, and the action is much more satisfying. If you do not take the time to align your thoughts, far more action is required, without the satisfying results.

Your hospitals are filled to the brim with those who are now taking action to compensate for inappropriate thoughts. They did not create the illness on purpose, but they did create it—through thought and through expectation—and then they went to the hos-pital to take physical action to compensate. We see many people spending their days exchanging their action for money, because the money is essential to the freedom of life in this society. And yet, in most cases, the action is not action in joy. It is an attempt to compensate for misaligned thought. 

You have intended action; that is part of the deliciousness of this physical world in which you live. But you did not intend to do your creating through physical action—you intended to use your body to enjoy that which you have created through your thought.

As you set forth your thought in advance, feeling positive emotion, you have then launched your creation, and when you walk through space and time toward that manifestation in the future, expecting that it will be there . . . then, from that joyful creation that you have launched into the future, you will be inspired to the action that is action in joy. 

When you are taking action in your now, and it is not action in joy, it is our absolute promise to you that it will not lead to a happy ending. It cannot; it defies the Law. 

Rather than being so ready to jump into action to get the thing that you want, we say think them into being; see them, visualize them. and expect them—and they will be. And you will be guided, inspired, or led to the perfect action that will bring about the process that will lead you to that which you seek . . . and there is a great difference between that which we have spoken and the way most of the world is going about it. 

This Civilized Society Seems Short on Joy

Most people offer the majority of their vibration in response to what they are observing. And so, when they observe something that makes them feel good, they feel joy, but when they observe something that makes them feel bad, they simply do not feel joy. And most people do not believe that they have any control over the way they feel because they cannot manage to gain control over the conditions to which they are having these feeling responses. It is their belief in the lack of control of their own experience that is most responsible for the absence of joy that you are noticing. And we must remind you that if you continue to notice their lack of joy - yours will be gone as well.


An Exercise to Assist in Deliberate Creation
Take three separate pieces of paper, and at the top of each page write one thing that you want. Now take the first page, and beneath the subject of what you have written, write: "These are the reasons that I want this ...." Write whatever comes to your mind - write whatever flows forth naturally; do not try to force it. And when nothing more comes, you are complete for now.

Now, turn your paper over and write at the top of the second side of the page: "These are the reasons that I believe that I will have  this..."

The first side of your page enhances what you want (the first side of equation of Deliberate Creation). The second side of the page enhances your belief that you will have it (the second side of the equation of Deliberate Creation). And now that you have focused upon and activated within your vibration both sides of the equation, you are now in the state of receiving the manifestation of your desire, for you have successfully accomplished both sides of the Creative Process. All that is necessary now is that you want it - and continue to expect it until you have it - and it will be yours.

There is no limit to the number of things that you can simultaneously create, for it is not difficult to hold a desire and at the same time hold an expectation of achieving  it. But in the beginning, while you are still learning to focus your thoughts, it may be helpful to deliberately concentrate upon only two or three desires at a time, for the longer the list of things you are working on, the greater the potential for doubt to creep in as you look at all the things that you have not yet accomplished. The more you play the game, the better you become at focusing your thoughts, and eventually there will be no reason to limit your list in any way.

Before you can experience something in your physical life experience, you must first give thought to it. Your thought is the invitation, and without it, it will not come. We are encouraging an intentional deciding of what is wanted, and then an intentional giving of thought to those things that you want while you are intentionally not giving thought to those things that you do not want. And, in suggesting this, we encourage that you set some time aside every day when you sit and intentionally bring your thoughts together into a sort of vision of what you want to experience in your life, and we have been referring to this time as your Workshop for Deliberate Creating.

As you are moving through your daily experience, set forth the intention to notice things that you like, Today, no matter what I'm doing and no matter what I'm doing it with, it is my dominant intention to look for things that I like. And as you deliberately gather this data, you will have the  available resources to effectively create when you go to your Creative Workshop.

Is Imagination Not the Same as Visualization?

Imagination is the mixing and massaging of thoughts into various combinations. It is similar to observing a situation. However, in imagination, you are creating the images rather than watching something in your current reality. Some use the word visualization, but we want to offer this subtle distinction: Visualization is often only a memory of something that you have once observed. By imagination we mean deliberately bringing desired components together in your mind to create a desired scenario. In other words, focusing with intention of inducing positive emotion. When we use the term imagination, we are really talking about Deliberately Creating your own reality.


In time, you will discover, or remember, that this art of imagination will cause pleasing results to make then way into your experience, but the art of imagination is also very entertaining and fun. As you begin saying "I want to know what I want, you will begin to attract, by Law all sorts of examples. And as you are collecting the data that comes to you, let your dominant intent, in each day, be to look for things that you want.

How does Action, or Work, Fit into Abraham's Recipe?

You did not come into this environment to create through action. Instead, your action is meant to be a way in which you enjoy what you have created through thought. When you take the time to deliberately offer your thought, discovering the power of aligning the thoughts of your desires with matching beliefs and expectations, the Law of Attraction will yield to you the results you are seeking. However, if you do not take the time to line up your thoughts, there is not enough action in the world to compensate for that misalignment.

Action that is inspired from aligned thought is joyful action. Action that is offered from a place of contradicted thought is hard work that is not satisfying and does not yield good results. When you really feel like jumping into action, that is a clear sign that your vibration is pure and you are not offering contradictory thoughts to your own desire. When you are having a hard time making yourself do something, or when the action you offer does not produce the results you are seeking. It is always because you are offering thoughts in opposition to your desire.

You are mostly physical-action Beings at this time because you do not yet understand the power of your thought. When you are better at applying your deliberate thought, there will not be so much action for you to tend to.


If, every morning for the next 30 days, you begin your day by saying I intend to see; I want to see; I expect to see, no matter who I am working with, no matter who I am talking with, no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing... I intend to see that which I want to see, you will change the momentum of your life experience. And all things that now displease you will be gone from your experience and will be replaced by things that do please you. It is absolute. It is Law.


Is the Art of Selfishness Not Immoral?

It is important that you allow yourself to pay attention to what you want. And there are those who call that selfishness, and they do so in a judging or disapproving way. And we say to  you that unless you have a healthy view of self, unless *you are allowing yourself to want, and expecting to receive that which you want*, you will never be deliberate in your creating and you will never have a very satisfying experience.

The not allowing of self is usually where the not allowing of others comes forth. Usually the one who is most disapproving of a quality in himself notices that same quality in others, and disapproves of it there as well. And so, an accepting, an approving, an appreciating, and an allowing of oneself is the first step in the appreciating, approving, or allowing of others. And that does not mean that you must wait until you are, by your standards, perfect, or that they are, by their standards, perfect, for there will never be that perfect ending place - for you are ever-changing, ever-growing Beings. It means looking and intending to see in you what you want to see, or intending to see in others what you want to see.

We are often accused of teaching selfishness, and we agree that we do. Everything that you perceive is from the perspective of self; and if you are not selfish enough to insist on your connection or alignment with your broader, wiser Inner Being, then you have nothing to offer to others. By being selfish enough to care how you feel, you can then utilize your Guidance System to align with the powerful Energy of Source, and then anyone who is fortunate enough to be your object of attention benefits.


 Aren't the Grander Things Harder to Manifest?

_When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create a castle than it is a button. They are equal. It is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions_.


 Action that comes from *the feeling of inspiration* is action that will produce good results, for you are allowing the Laws of the Universe to carry you. If you take action without deliberately prepaving, though, often your action feels like hard work because you are attempting to make more happen in this moment than your action alone can accomplish.

If you will think your creation into being and then follow through with inspired action, you will find your future ready and waiting for you to arrive, and then you can offer your action in order to enjoy the fruit of your true creative power instead of incorrectly trying to see your action to create.

 *How Long Should I Wait for the Manifestation?*

As you have set forth your intent to have something and you are looking expectantly for it, it is now on its way to you, and you will begin to see many signs of it: You will see others who have achieved something like it, which will stimulate your wanting; you will take more notice of aspects of it in many different directions; you will find yourself thinking about it and feeling excited about it often; and you will be feeling very good about that which you want - those will be some of the signs that what you want is on the way.

When you understand that the majority of your creative effort is spent in defining what you want and then aligning your thoughts to that desire, you may then realize that the majority of the creative process is taking place on a vibrational level. Therefore, your creation can be nearly complete, as much as 99 percent complete, before you see physical evidence of it.

If you will remember that the positive emotion you are feeling is anticipation of your creation is also evidence of its progress, then you will be able to move steadily and quickly toward the outcomes your desire.

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